Blood Fury and Love

Harry smiled at Ron. "it's ok, really it is." he promised shaking his head."besides, Dumbledore is mine to kill." he stated calmly before glaring at Draco and Asher. "shadow can to behave!" "can not." "Can to!" Harry protested before closing his eyes, and when he opened them they where streaked with silver once more, and the man smirked. "aaaw, draco, i can behave." he licked his lips. "if i want to." he purred leaning towards Draco. "it's a shame you have such a possessive owner, or i'd maybe bend you over a table or two, just to put you in your place." he teased snickering as he looked ron and Hermione over, sniffing at them. "humph... i don't really like red heads." he complained, watching Ron almost intently, looking amused. "Harry might be an idiot, but i'm not." he stated calmly. "you can come clean you know, it's not like anyone here will care."
Ron blushed.Squirmed."Oh.Well.It never seemed to be the right time to say anything you know?He keeps being in life threatening moments."he said with a smile. Asher smirked glaring at shadow over his lover's shoulder."Shad, not only will I turn you over MY knee and punish you if you think about it, I'll tell tom."He smirked a little wrapping his arms around draco's waist possessively. He hated sharing, and gabe would be the only one. And even then, he hated to. So there was no way shadow was going to get his hands anywhere near his blond.
Shadow snickered a little. "nah, Tom couldn't do shit to ME...Harry maybe...well, ok yeah always Harry, but never to me, i'm too kick ass to bottom to a bottom." Draco was startled into laughter. "so does that mean Harry's like, a super sub or something?" "hell yeah, he's always been submissive!" Shadow stated with a snort. "he just didn't realize it!" he smirked a little as he looked at Ron. "well, you should tell him." he snorted. "he's still wondering what the hell we're talking about." "oh don't be cruel shadow just tell Harry so Ron can stop BLUSHING." Drago ordered a smirk on his lips.
Ron whined softly."No!I'll tell him.Later."he said avoiding looking at the beautiful couple sitting across from him, before looking at drago."Draco, since when hve you had a twin?It's very disturbing to see two ferrets." "He's not a ferret. He's a wolf."Asher said smugly, smirking as he rested his head back against the back of the chair.
Draco chuckled a little. "it's a long story actually." Draco admitted Drago rolling his eyes. "no it's not. when we where kids we where kidnapped, Draco thought i'd died and decided i wasn't worth remembering..." "hey!" "..Stain and Tsuru raised me and when my lover...well i thought he was my lover, asked me a favor to kidnap Draco and take his place at the Manor i realized we where twins. there, done, not long at all see?" shadow was laughing. "aaw Drago, your so cute." Shadow teased. "if you weren't mated with Fenrir i'd totally seduce you." "Tom, remember?" "hey Tom is Harry's fellow not mine." Shadow complained with a sniff. "i don't do monogamous." there was a pause then. "shut up Harry! no one needs you being right all the time."
Hermione gaped a little, rubbing her eyes."This is very very weird."She announced laughing a little."Of course it is, it's potter."Asher said with a sniff before looking at shadow."And keep your hands away from drago I'm liable to be sick thinking your playing with draco."He whined hugging his lover closer.Ron snickered a little."Possessive,issn't he?"
Shadow snickered a little. "that's alright, if Tom was here i'd be just the same way. Gabe says that Vampires are very possessive of their loved ones, because their blood is the sweetest and most nourishing." he snickered again. "but i think it's more like a little kid, getting jealous about a pet that only wants to explore." he teased smirking at Asher Drago snickering as he shook his head. "that's why i'm with a werewolf." he chirped, pleased with himself. "but you WHERE with a vampire." "...that's true." "so which is better?" Draco asked, intending to make Asher a little jealous. "a werewolf or a vampire?" "i dunno, i think i like the werewolf better. bigger dick, tighter ass." Draco laughed and Shadow snickered a little shaking his head. "that's just wrong."
Asher snarled softly, wrapping his fingers in blond hair, jerking his hea back before throwing him away."Then go find yourself a werewolf."He snarled as he pushed out of his seat, before pausing to look at the humans watching him nervously."It was good meeting you."He said tilting his head before he stepped over draco's body heading for the door. Ron cleared his throat looking at them, looking amused."...its probably not a good idea to tease the man who's visiting tom.Or your father Draco."He said tilting his head.
Draco yelped as he was thrown away, groaning a little. "damn Asher...that hurt." he complained, rubbing his scalp where Asher had accidentally pulled out a few hairs. "wait! Ash! oh dammit..." he complained when the other left, guilt on his face. "i didn't think he'd get that upset over it..." he muttered softly, pain in his eyes as he realized he'd hurt his lover looking at everyone. "sorry i...i have to go." he stated racing after Asher, Shadow sighing a little. "their both so fucked up it isn't funny..." he admitted softly. "their good for each other, when they don't over react anyway." he admitted looking a little upset himself. "anyway, now that you know the truth." he muttered softly to Hermione and Ron. "about me, about Harry...about Dumbledore...what do you intend to do?"

"Asher dammit wait!" draco ordered grabbing Asher tight from behind. "please..i didn't mean know i didn't...i don't ever want anyone but you." he promised, holding him tighter. "please don't go away and leave me.."
Ron looked thoughtful before smirking."I want to help.Whatever you need me to do. Just don't leave me out of things." Hermione noded."Me to.And we'll be the perfect spies.Really, who expects gryffindors to turn on dumbledore?"she smiled looking at the oorway, biting her lip worried about the other two before getting up, smacking harry on the shoulder."You'll apologize later for encouraging draco."

Asher was tense and still in his arms. Even after centuries, some things cut as deep as they ha before. Even if he hadn't been in love with the woman he'd loved as a mortal, not like he loved draco, he had cared for her. And to be tossed away from a werewolf..had done some irreparable damage."I'm not going anywhere."he said tightly, refusing to be calmed, or turn around.
Shadow chuckled a little and nodded. "harry is trying to make me tell you not to risk yourselves, but i know better. you'll do it anyway." he sighed a little and nodded. "i will. i never thought Asher would get upset. Draco just wanted to get laid again.... annoying prick...get's to have sex while i can't...bastard." he complained.

Draco shook his head, gripping harder. "your going away now!" he complained. "maybe your not leaving me physically but your pulling away from me emotionally!... it's the same thing! please...ash tell me whats wrong so i can fix it... i didn't mean to hurt you, i was only trying to play a little...make you jealous so you'd really pound my ass... but instead you just..." h shook his head. "i don't understand what i did wrong.... i would never leave you, not for anyone...Merlin himself, God himself couldn't make me choose someone other than you..."
Hermione laughed patting his head."Aww poor baby."She smirked a little, amazed she was about to suggest this."Wait. Don't you and tom share a mind link?Wouldn't that make...things..." "She means wanking."Ron supplied helpfully just to make her blush."Ron!But...yes.. wouldn't that make things like you were there?"

Asher shuered a little leaning back into the shorter man, bowing his head. Refusing to be turned around to look at him." egypt... I was young, and foolish, and in love with my nurse.And she...she left me for a werewolf when I was older and she just wanted someone to be with until her lover returned from rome."
Shadow grimaced. "it would, if it didn't feel like someone was splitting my head open with an Ax every time our minds connected." he explained smiling a little. "i just have to suffer until the weekends." he decided sighing a little shaking his head. "until then i guess my lover is gonna just have to be my hand." he smirked at them. "unless you'd like to help?" he teased smirking a little. "i've never had a pretty lass." he teased chuckling as he headed for the door, already well aware Hermione was gonna beat him over the head for even suggesting it.

Draco gasped, horrified before he grabbed his lover and flipped him around, slamming him into the wall and pressing his lips against the others hard, wanting, needy. "i will never, ever leave you." Draco promised, his eyes fixed on Asher's. "never, Ash i..." he squealed in terror when Drago grabbed him from behind. "oh, sorry Dray, i didn't mean to scare you... i just wanted to apologize to Asher, i didn't mean to upset him." "oh.. no i'm the one who upset him..." " two should go have some really nice sex! sex makes everyone better!" he paused and then smirked a little. "hey, don't tell Fen this but honestly? Vampires are definitely the better pick." he teased Draco rolling his eyes. "duh."
Asher smirked perking up a little."Oh well, you're going to have to bribe me not to say anything."He smirked a little wrapping his arms around draco,holding him close."Come on."He muttered kissing him softly beffore pulling away."Forgiven.I...just forgiven."he shrugged not about to go into it with the other.

Ron snickered as he watched hermione stomp after their friend, grinning at the resounding smack of her hand against his shoulder."Harry James Potter!I cant believe you suggested that!"She said blushing hard.
Draco smirked a little. "i could always use Impirio on you and MAKE you stay with me." he teased smiling as he kissed the other. "or i could get some silk ties a cock ring and a few other toys and i could let you use my body as you please?" he offered smirking a little. "hows that sound?"

Shadow yelped and then laughed. "dammit woman! i'm not Harry!" he complained smirking. "i am Shadow Darth Potter. you could call me Harry's twin." he paused. "or maybe his opposite if that works better." he shrugged. "either way. Harry's trying to kick my ass for that comment too." he admitted with a chipper little laugh.
Asher smirked kissing him lightly."Ahhh I do like the sound of that. Come along then."he said grinning as he picked hte blon up,and ignoring any looks they got headed downstairs,shutting the dorm door as he crawled in bed with the blond, cuddlgn him."Love you."

Hermione smiled slightly shaking her head."Ah well shadow, I guess you need to learn some manners."She said smacking his shoulder again before looking at him closely."You need to sleep." Ron laughed softly as he walked out with her."Shadow, you might as well say you will, she'll nag you if you dont."
Draco squeaked as he was picked up, laughing a little as he grinned at his lover as he was tossed onto the bed, running his hand through his lovers hair, pulling him down for a kiss, flicking his wand at the floor, summoning a small box which held an assortment of toys inside of it. "mmm there you go." he purred smirking a little.

Shadow snorted a little and smiled at her. "Hermione i'm a vampire...we can't sleep." he lied shrugging a little. "and people have been trying to beat some manners into me since i came along." he admitted smirking a little. "Tom even tried fucking it into me, but i ended up on top instead." he admitted with a snicker. "it was really very amusing."
Asher smirked as he laid back,wrapping a arm around the other as he sorted through the box, smirking as he pulled out the scarf, tying the other's hands to the bed before moving away."I'm sleeping over here."he said with a playful grin,settling on harry's bed with a smile.

hermione frowned at him before laughing."Yes well, that would be amusing.But if you dont sleep, you at least need rest."She said looking at him, gently ruffling his hair."You're looking tired."
Draco squirmed, smirking a little before he gaped at Asher as the other moved away. "Asher!!!" Draco squealed before scowling and sulking. well, no doubt Asher wanted Draco to whine and complain and beg. "well fine then." he stated with a yawn. "i guess your still tired from me owning your ass this morning." he stated offhandedly, trying to tease Asher into doing something.

Shadow snickered a little as he shook his head. "i'll rest." he promised smiling at her, kissing her forehead. "harry and i...both of us...we really appreciate this you guys." he admitted smiling at Hermione and Ron. "i don't think there are any freinds more loyal than you two."
Asher grinned as he laid on the bed, resting on his side as he closed his eyes."No, not so tired.Its been a stressful few days."He said yawning as he settled down into the soft bed closing his eyes. Amused, and knowing what draco was trying to do.

Ron grinned."There better not be.I'd hate to have to argue with them over who gets to be your loyalist fan."He teased before sliing a arm through hermione's."Go.We have house mates to spy on."He grinned leading her away, leaving shadow to his own devices.
Draco glared at him for a moment before sighing and adopting his most impressive submissive begging face yet. "Asher?...Asher your not gonna just...leave me here are you?" he asked, trying to sound as apologetic and sad as he could. damn he was a good actor. "please? Asher? i'll never do it again...i promise..."

Shadow laughed a little. "no, you two are my most loyal freinds, Draco is my most loyal Fan." he teased winking at Ron before he laughed and skipped away to find something to do to amuse himself since he was pretty sure that Draco and Asher where humping it like rabbits, deciding to take Hermione's advice he crashed on the couch to take a nap.
Asher grinned a little, shifting,laying on his stomach as he pulled the pillow over his head, looking amused."OOh I know you'll never do it again little pretty, but I'm enjoying being here.His beds more comfortable then yours."He teased closing his eyes.Settling in, looking like he really was going to sleep
Draco whined a little but decided to give up and just sighed and closed his eyes. "well... i guess i could use a nap." he decided with a small yawn snuggling into the pillows. and by all appearance, looked like he was going to go to sleep right then and there, feeling rather smug with himself, he really could fall asleep with his hands tied over his head, he'd done it before. who would break first? him or Asher?
Asher smiled closing his eyes.Starting to go to sleep before whimpering getting up he walked back to draco's bed,settlign down into the bed next to him,cudling close. Resting his head on the blond's chest he sighed,actually settling in to go to sleep, even if he was leaving the man tied up.
Draco smirked victoriously as Asher joined him, sighing softly as he slept peacefully now next to his lover. though when Asher woke up Draco was mysteriously not tied up anymore, though Harry and Drago laying in the other bed was a good indication of how that had happened. "classes today." Harry stated with a small sigh turning to look at Draco who groaned a little. "shit." he complained softly, sighing a little as an owl dropped in, a letter dropping on Asher's face. a letter from Gabriel.


seeing as how Harry was injured so soon, and the pixie nearly died because of it i have decided to talk to Dumbledore about hiring you as the year long Teacher of Defense Against The Dark Arts. he has agreed, congratulations, your a teacher and will be staying at Hogwarts. i'm sure this will please you. i have also baught the Shreiking Shack and am in the process of remodeling i have permission from dumbledore for harry and Draco to stay with us during the holidays in order to protect them. please pass on the news.

Gabriel Bloodhaven Vampire Lord Marquis.
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