Blood Fury and Love

Drago smirked a little. "i assume it's mostly doggy style." "yes, and we can even do it during the full moon because we have similar anatomy." he teased Drago licking his lips. "mmm i don't think i've ever had sex in Wolf form before." he admitted laughing a little as Fenrir snorted and shook his head. "besides i prefer you pressed against a wall or over a table." "oooh kinky, asserting your dominance hmm?" "of course, it's even better when people are around to see." "that's REALLY kinky right there!" "really? you think so?"

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "of course your not." he teased rolling his eyes as he pressed his neck to the others mouth. "feed, then sleep." he ordered sounding rather tired himself. "and no arguing."
Lucius groaned getting up."No!Dont tell me. I'm leaving now."He said walking out of the room mumbling about inapproiate discussions to be had with someone's father.

Asher smiled a little closing his eyes and feeding, before pullng away, wrapping his arms aroun him,snuggling close as he started going to sleep."Love you."he muttered nuzzling his neck,drifting to sleep.
the days passed slowly, Harry only moving to feed or to cry out in agony and claw at his own head. the healer fixed two more Brain Bleeds, and harry suffered four more seizures which the Healer helped harry through. four days had passed since harry had fallen into his 'coma' and Tsuru was starting to get worried again. and so where the Malfoy twins, Gabe was frantic and hid it from no one that he wasn't to be disturbed when his office door was closed. only the Lestrange men where allowed in to watch Gabe cry, even Asher had been banned from this sight. but finally, finally Harry fell still on the bed. no more screaming, no more feeding, no more seizures and the Healer proudly declared that it was all over, and that Harry had survived without any brain damage. green eyes fluttered open, and a breath rasp, sore from all the screaming, asked for some water.
Asher smiled slightly as he handed the other a glass of water, looking slightly worried as he studied the other.Having forbidden anyone but draco from coming in. Having kicked gabe out to get some bed rest, giving the lestrange boys permisson to tie him do if he didn't willingly get some sleep."How are you feeling?"He said helping the boy sit up enough to sip some water.
Harry winced a little as he was sat up, sipping at the water. "don't know." Harry murmured softly. "sore... tired..." he muttered draining the glass quickly. "like... my brain was pulled out through my nose and mashed with a hammer and then shoved back in." he admitted swallowing thickly. "what happened? i thought i was dying." he admitted. "Shadow kept yelling, begging me not to go... felt like i was floating blood."
"You were."He sighed softly,"And you nearly did.But between a outrageous amount of feedings, and taking care of you, you survived. Though you probably owe tom a apology, he's somewhere sleeping off a bloo hangover."He snickered before growing serious again."It... when a vampire is made, our powers are all mental, its magic forcing our brains to rewire itself. Me, gabriel, were on the floor for days in pain because of it. But because you are TWO people instead of one, it was overloading your system.Nearly killed you,but now that it's settled you will be fine"
Harry nodded closing his eyes. "poor Tom... i can't remember feeding on him... will he be alright?" he asked hopefully. "and Gabe too? i know i fed on him... he has a funny taste to his blood." he admitted softly. "like.. like.." he frowned a little unable to place the word. "it doesn't matter." he decided. "i'm tired Asher." he mumbled softly. "i'm letting Shadow out...he's more awake." and with that Shadow slipped out and blinked, carefully sitting up, sighing softly. "that was so fucking bad... i thought we where going to die... i really did..." he admitted rubbing his face with his hand looking over at Asher. "thank you, for saving us." he snorted a little. "even when he's sore, and tired and recovering Harry still focuses more on other people the little idiot..." he complained shaking his head. "you better be sure to bring Tom and Gabe in next time Harry comes out or he's going to fret."
Asher snickered before nodding."I ordered them both to bed for now. But I'll make sure they come in."He sighed watching him."And I didn't do anything besides making sure you didn't bite Draco."He said slightly amused."Now.Rest.I'll go get the others."He said smiling slightly.Gabe?Your boy's awake down here. He said gently giving the other vampire a mental shake
Shadow nodded and laid back down, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, not ready to sleep yet but more than willing to rest. his body was tired and his head still ached slightly. he knew the danger was over, but he still hurt all over. Gabe nearly fell out of bed at the announcement, gasping as his nightmare was interrupted by the mental shake, scrubbing his face with his hands and muttering a small sorry to Rudolphus, who he had just rolled over. he rushed down to Tom's room, not bothering to knock at all, shaking the man awake. "Harry's awake, i'm sure he's going to want to see you." he explained, excited to see Harry up and about again, yelling when two silver wolves ran him over, both of them racing after a little blue mouse as Gabe rushed into Harry's room, panting hard. "Shadow..." Gabe whispered, unable to sound anything but purely relieved. "Father." Shadow murmured softly. "i'm alive."
Tom groaned rubbing his face as he stumbled into the room, before looking at the two woves an mouse laughing softly as he walked into Harry's room, sitting on the edge of the bed."How are you?"He asked gently stroking his hair.

Asher smiled a little nudging gabe a little."I told you I'd save him."He stated snickering a litte
Shadow smiled as he leaned into Tom. "i'm alright, Tired, and very sore, but alright." he admitted softly inhaling Tom's smell. "i thought i was going to die...thank you for giving me so much blood.. it really helped." he admitted wrapping his arms tightly around Tom. "only you blood will satisfy us." he admitted gently nuzzling the others bruised neck, where Harry lad latched on and refused to let go. it had taken Tsuru, Stain, Asher and Gabe to remove the boy from Tom's neck. "Harry's worried about you." he admitted. "he doesn't remember, but he's certain he hurt you and Gabe." he admitted looking over his father. "but you both look mostly alright..."
"We ARE alright.Gabriel's not being taking care of himself because he was so worried, and I was just lost lot of blood, so I was tired alot. But besides that, we're fine."He promised gently stroking his hair. Wincing a little as the vampire nuzzled his bruised skin
Shadow smiled a little and gently licked the bruised area, sighing softly as he watched the bruises fade slowly away. "there." he murmured softly. "that's better." he mumbled. "i can't let my Chosen be damaged." he teased smiling a little as he gently nuzzled the others chin. "you should rest." he murmured. "i'm tired." he admitted releasing Tom so he could curl up on the bed and fall back asleep Gabe chuckling a little. "all of his vampire instincts are intact. sorry Tom you've been Claimed." he stated simply. "i doubt Harry or Shadow will ever really want to take blood from anyone else unless it's an emergency, like Asher does to poor Draco." "poor my ass i enjoy every minute of it." Draco stated simply coming in with trays of food. "you all need to rest, Gabe your not even supposed to be out of bed, and neither is Tom for that matter!" Draco scolded glaring at Asher. "didn't the healer tell them to stay in bed!? she TOLD them, to stay in BED." nerves had turned Draco into a spoiled brat into a mother hen.
Asher glared a little at him, though he was amused by his lover's fretting, he was tired of being yelled at."They ARE in bed.see?This thing they're sitting on?"He scowled a little getting up smirking a little as Tom cuddled down into harry to go to sleep."And gabriel is going to go back to bed now. Now that he's seen harry and shadow are okay, he will."He said tilting his head as he stood, taking the tray from draco and setting it on the nightstand.
Draco grimaced at Asher's tone and sighed a little. "sorry." he muttered shaking his head. "i get so worried... everyone's doing too much again." he admitted letting Asher take the tray away as he leaned into the other. "and i hate feeling to useless... Tsuru says that my grandfather was the same way." he paused. "i'm not sure how he knows.. but apparently he knows almost everything... it's kind of creepy actually." he admitted looking up at the other. "by the way, your room is still covered in stuff, i wasn't sure what to do with any of it so i just closed the door and put some protection spells on it. you should probably go through that and find places for it all."
Asher looked startled at the change of subject before laughing, nodding slightly. "Let's go do that.Me and you,since it's your room to."he said kissing him before tugging him out of the room and leaving gabriel to take care of himself heading for his bedroom.For the first time in centuries excited to show someone else his things
Draco laughed a little looking hesitant all the same. "are you sure your alright with me seeing them?" he was still stinging a little about being told not to touch, and then accused of touching Asher's things. being forgotten for a whole night, Draco just wanted to make sure Asher wasn't going to get angry in the middle of this.
Asher winced a little looking at him, tilting his head.Not understanding the hesitance, so overwealmed with harry being sick, and taking care of the other two, he'd not realized he'd hurt draco badly enough to let it still sting." dont want to?"He asked softly pausing in the doorway, biting his lip.
Draco hesitated a little. " i want to." he promised taking the others hand. "i just...i'm not sure if YOU want to." he explained softly his silver eyes fixed on the floor as his hand tightened on the others hand. " i don't... understand sometimes." he admitted softly. "and i might touch something i'm not supposed to..."
Asher frowned a little looking at him, before wrapping his arms around him, holding him close."Draco...touch what you want to.I only...I wanted to be the first to touch them...after so many others had taken them from the palace."he muttered swallowing hard."I'm sorry. I had not meant to hurt you. I know you knew better but I...I'm sorry."he whimpered a little, upset with himself that he'd managed to hurt him.
Draco leaned into him, feeling relieved that the other wasn't angry with him for being so upset over something so silly, hugging him tightly. "no i'm sorry." he said softly. "i'm just over reacting again... i can't help it." he admitted softly. "you spent all night in there alone with those things and i was afraid... that you'd forgotten me, and it hurt so much." he admitted gently nuzzling the other. "but it's ok now... it doesn't hurt now." he promised, or perhaps lied? smiling at Asher. "will you show me? your childhood?"
Asher frowned a little watching him, before nodding,stepping into the room and pulling the blond in after him. Looking concerned about what to do. Not understanding if he'd hurt the blond more then he'd said. Biting his lip as he tugged the other man over to the things piled around the room, sitting down in the center and pulling the other into his lap,resting his cheek on his shoulder as he picked up a few things, gently laying them in draco's hands."This was mine. This train set was mine.That necklace, was my mother's. She wore it all the time.Didn't take it off cause she was worried she' lose it, or I'd wear it."He said with a laugh.
Draco smiled as he sat down in Asher's lap, feeling strangely excited as he examined the make shift train set his head tilted. "neat." he mumbled looking amazed. "did ancient Egyptians have trains?" no, but Tsuru was not any normal person, he could travel at will through time. he was old enough that he knew how to flit through time without affecting the time stream. he had actually been the one to give that train set to Caesar after the man's interest while in the library. Draco looked amazed by the ancient necklace, smiling at the jade and the gold. "she must have been beautiful, your mother." he admitted softly. "do you have pictures?" one, very old taken in the library, Tsuru, back then Sevirus, standing behind Caesar and Cleopatra, who where both smiling as they held a tiny baby Caesarson, now Asher.
'no we didn't have trains, but Tsuru gave it to me."He smiled resting his cheek on the other's shoulder, leaning back to get the picture from the journal, wrapping his arms around the other's waist, holding it in front of them."She was beautiful.And my father was so strong and demanding."He smiled stroking his finger over the fragile edges.
Draco gasped a little as he noticed Tsuru. "this is how you knew who he was?" he asked gently touching Tsuru's chest, the man's face almost smiling as Cleopatra beamed at the strange device, Caesar fussing with little baby Caesarson when the picture was taken. "she's gorgeous... just like you, and your handsome." he murmured smiling. "good breading does amazing things." he teased kissing Asher's chin. "what was it like back then? was it hard to live? did witches and wizards exist back then? Vampires too?"
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