Blood Fury and Love

Gabe snorted a little and rolled his eyes as he kissed Rabastan, Rudolphus laughing as he was dragged down for a kiss as well. "come on, lets go see what everyone is up to." he decided. "i want to check on Harry too." he admitted biting his lip a little. "where IS Asher?" "he's with Tsuru, he went to some library to find books that might help Harry." Gabe grimaced, but he knew Asher would be fine, pausing when a house elf appeared in front of Draco. "Maser Asher is asking me to inform you not to touch the old things in his room now. they is being very fragile and very emotional for him." she stated her eyes narrowing at Draco. "and Twist has been placing very heavy protections on them so it is only being your own fault if you gets stingded." she stated shaking her finger at him before vanishing, Draco looking stunned. "i just got yelled at by a house elf!"

Tsuru nodded. "Collecting passion." he admitted looking around. "peoples lives long dead, are all stored here. important people.. Sampson, and Jesus, Leonardo and people who where important, but people have no record of existing." he sighed a little. "time has forgotten them, but they are all here nonetheless." he admitted softly smiling at Tsuru. "it is only right that they be returned to you, as you are not yet dead." he explained chuckling a little. "i do not know my real name, i do not know my real age... i do not know what manner of creature i am... but... for a long time, collecting was the only thing, that i felt pleasure in. remembering people, and their loves gives me a great sense of accomplishment." he admitted.

"i feel great pleasure in being able to share this with someone, who might understand." he admitted smiling at Asher. "you may, of course, come here anytime that you please." he paused. "if you try to leave with anything though the house elves will eat you." he admitted. "unless you have my permission so be sure to ask before you try to remove anything from th library." he paused. "they even attacked me once." he looked amused. "they thought i was an intruder, because they hadn't realized i'd come home early." he chuckled a little and set his hands on a small stack of books. "these... should be able to help us." he admitted softly. "if not... then we will have to figure things out on our own."
Rabastan snickered shaking his head as they headed into the hall."You just got yelled at for new things.I say we go see this old things that are in the room."He said interested, wondering what asher could have gotten that he'd cared enough to send a house elf to scold draco about.

Asher smiled tilting his head."Ah, I've known a few elves like that."He smield stroking his fingers over the book, wanting to read it. because he knew his mother had written in the margins, love notes to his fahter who had given it to her. Before biting his lip a little, sighing softly. "Well.We better get back, gabriel can help us look through your books to see if we can find a answer for harry."He said, like always, putting business before pleasure.
Draco shook his head. "we are leaving Asher's things alone." he growled glaring at the brothers, Rudoplphus pouting. "but draco..." "no, if he cares about it enough to ask ME of all people not to touch then YOU don't even need to look." he stated with a sniff, heading to the room to lock it. it wouldn't keep Asher out, nothing could keep Asher out, but it would keep everyone aside from Gabe out at least. Draco could ask Asher about it later.

Tsuru sighed a little as he stroked the books, hesitating a moment. "i do not know, if there is anything that can actually help the young vampire." he admitted softly. "it is not like anything i have ever seen before." he admitted. "it is not one mind devouring the other... it is mind is dying and the other is not..." he scowled a little and picked up one stack of books, dumping them into the others arms before grabbing the other stack for himself. "Gabriel does not like me all that much." he stated calmly. "i do not know if he would be comfortable in a room with me." but if it would save Harry Gabriel would be willing to do anything really.
Rabastan pouted, following draco to the room, wanting to try and peek to see what it was. Doing it more to annoy draco then anything else. knowing the blond was worried about harry, and willing to bear the brunt of his temper if he had to.

Asher smiled slightly, tilting his head."Gabriel...does not know what you are. Frankly, I dont know either, but I know you wont want to fight me, and I trust you with draco_Or I should say I trust your love of drago.Because if you hurt draco,you'll hurt drago."He said biting his lip, "....would you mind working alone for a few hours?"He asked softly, staring longingly at the book in his hands.
Draco glared at the other furiously. "i'll turn you into a mouse like Tsuru did to Stain!" he warned a growl in his voice as he added a few stinging protections to the door as well, just to be safe before stalking off to check on Harry, who was still sleeping thanks to a sleeping potion. the more he stayed asleep the less damage his mind took, so Sev had given Harry a steady supply of non addictive sleeping potions.

Tsuru smiled a little at the other his head tilted a little. "i do not want to fight you." he agreed. "but if i did, i wonder if i could beat you?" he admitted. "it is a strange thing, power." he admitted shaking his head. "i work my best when i am alone." he admitted smiling at Asher. "please, go and sort through your things." he ordered stepping through the shadows and into the Malfoy Library once more, where Drago was snoring at the table, Fenrir watching with amusement. "The Wolf should be taking Drago to bed." he stated calmly, Fenrir nodding. "and when he wakes up, he can play with this." he stated handing the little blue mouse to Fenrir. "don't hurt it, it is Drago's Father so be very careful with it." the little blue mouse chattered violently, probably annoyed about being called an 'it.'
Asher laughed softly as he followed him through, tilting his head."Yes, be careful with IT.Wouldnt want someone to find a mouse trap."He said snickering as he headed down the hall smiling to himself before growling softly at the sight of rabastan and draco standing in front of the door.Anger showing in his face,"I thought I told you to not touh anything."he growled, for once angry with draco. Even if the man hadn't done anything, he was still nervous and anxious about his things
Draco turned and blinked at Asher, looking hurt. "i didn't!" he complained glaring at Asher. "i was laying spells on the door so no one could get in!..." he glared harder. "but since you don't trust me you can lay down your own Damn protection spells." he raked his fingers through the air, tearing down the protective spells before stalking away, Rudolphus grimacing. "hey...Draco that was..." "shut up Rab." Draco snapped, worry for Harry and feeling hurt by Asher's assumptions as he stalked off. Asher knew Draco better than That, Draco would never touch something that Asher had asked him not to. never!
Asher winced a little watching him go, his shoulders slumping a little as he waved off the looks he was getting from the lestrange brothers."Go bother Gabriel."he said before walking into the room and settling in to go over his things. Not even noticing as the hours past, as day slipped into night, not even noticing draco not coming to consumed with a past that never completely left him.
but Draco never went to bed, he slept in Drago's room, curled up with his Twin, Drago snuggling into him as they comforted each other through the lonely night. and in the morning, it was the sound of laughter that would hopefully rouse everyone from slumber. Tsuru and Draco's laughter...and Harry's. and for anyone looking that would see a large pure while wolf stalking the hall, head held high with a little blue mouse hanging from it's mouth by the tail. "damn he's fast!" Harry chirped, grinning as he watched, Tsuru hovering nearby in case Harry needed another dose of 'pain reliever' Gabe scowling at Tsuru, edgy and nervous as Tsuru got the mouse from the white wolf and set it on the floor, watching it scurry away. "...go." and the white wolf raced after the squealing rodent, scooping it up in it's jaws and tossing it into the air again, making Harry laugh even more, Draco following suit. "Man! Asher would love this!" Harry chirped grinning as Tsuru chuckled and nodded, though Draco fell silent, looking rather worried.
Lucius laughed softly watching the mouse and wolf before running a hand through his hair."He would."e studied the younger twin, shaking his head."Draco.Would you go see if he's managed to hurt himself? He never misses breakfast."He said. Though that was because draco dragged him to the breakfast table, not that asher needed to eat. Rabastan smirked a little watching the show, shaking his head."I think we should make this the household punishment. That's just to amusing."
Tsuru chuckled a little. "this is often a practice in our home. it allows Drago to get a good feel for his animagus body, and hone his eyesight as well as his hearing a smell, both senses rarely used when in a human form." he admitted stroking the wolfs fur as it panted at him, eyes focused on the half dead Stain who panted hard, Tsuru chuckling a little as he changed Stain back into a human, finally the man groaning as he leaned against the wall. "so tired... too much running...nap." he whined Drago shifting out of his wolf form Fenrir clapping. "that's impressive, i knew there was a reason i liked you." he teased Drago who laughed a little and smiled at Draco. "would you like to learn too? Tsuru is an amazing teacher!" "sure...maybe later, i need to go check on Asher." he admitted, a little worried himself as he looked down the hall towards the others bedroom. he hesitated when he reached the door though, uncertain of what to do before he finally reached up and knocked. "Asher?" Draco had never knocked before, even when he'd only just met Asher he had always just barged right in. but now... he was uncertain.
"Yes?"Was the distracted answer, for the first time, the centuries gone accent of a long dead race came through. As if it was the child who'd run wild in cleopatra's palace, the beloved child of a country's queen was waiting on the other side of the door instead of the vampire he'd become. Stroking his fingers over the books edges in his lap, smiling sadly as he looked at the words she'd written, silent tears sliding down his face as he read.
Draco swallowed hard as he peeked in. "Asher? are you alright?" he asked softly, slipping into the room nervously. "did you even..." he paused, not wanting to accuse Asher of not realizing he had not come to bed that night...did Asher even realize it was morning? "did you even sleep last night?...your..crying?" he asked startled as he hesitantly reached out and stroked the others cheek free of Tears. "Asher?... are you alright?" he was overly careful not to touch the many new things that littered the room, fearful of upsetting Asher again, even though it was Draco who had been hurt, it was Draco who was struggling to reconnect with his lover. he needed Asher, still so terrified of being left alone, of being abandoned.
sher looked startled raising his head to look at the ther, leaning his cheek into the touch."Crying?"He sai slightly stunned before rubbing his face."Oh..."He stopped. Processed what else the blond had said, looking hurt himself."You didn't come to bed last night."He muttered, looking confused." didn't have to stay away.I would have moved everything...I dont want them if your going to go away..."He muttered looking down at the book in his hands, not able to process past the shock and fear, nd amazement at what he was holding. Not even realizing tears were dropping onto the ancient leather.
Draco frowned a little. "i...i didn't want to disturb you." he admitted softly."i...i was...scared." he admitted stroking the others cheek. "your getting the book wet Asher, you should put it down..." he warned, reaching out to take it gently out of the others fingers, moving the picture of him and his family out of the way and setting it on the 'honorary' place on the headboard where it would be safest before moving back to Asher, wiping his cheeks again. "you didn't come to breakfast...and then you didn't come to lunch... so i got worried." Draco admitted softly gently pushing Asher down onto the bed. "you need to sleep... your tired..." at least, Draco needed to cuddle, make sure Asher wasn't going to leave him for the strange things now littering the room.
"Oh."He smiled a little letting the other manhandle him into bed, cuddling against him as he yawned, snuggling against him, resting his head on the other's chest."Love you.Have things to tell you."He said sleepily. Now that he wasn't going through things, he really was tired."So many things.found my things...tsuru had them."He added before falling all the way to sleep.
Draco blinked, looking startled. "...why did Tsuru...Asher? oh hell." Draco stated with a chuckle. "you fell asleep already." he muttered gently nuzzling the other before slipping off to sleep as well, unaware of the pain Harry had fallen into again, pain that even Tsuru couldn't quell, making the poor boy go back to bed with sleeping potions once more. "he is gettign worse far too quickly." Tsuru stated softly looking at Gabriel. "i do not understand..." "...neither do i." Gabriel whispered softly, swallowing hard as he looked at Lucius. "come with us, we're going to study the books that Tsuru brought back. "but you don't like Tsuru." Rudolphus whispered, Drago pausing, blinking at them all. "i don't...but he's our best chance at saving Harry." "Shadow will survive, if Harry should die.' Tsuru admitted softly. "but he might kill himself soon after." answering an unasked question, from only Tsuru knew who.
Rabastan sighed. This was going to be ugly. Lucius swallowed hard, brushing his hand roughly through his hair, lookin annoyed that he couldn't be doing more. heading for the library with the others he grabbed a book, starting to work."We should wake the other two."He said absently."Asher's good at reading.And he understands what he reads quickly."
Gabe nodded but Tsuru shook his head. "the Little Pretty needs Asher right now...hurt has been done to his heart." he explained Gabe looking startled. "what!? when did this happen?!" "...i don't know." he admitted. "when we passed the bedroom i could feel the little one's heart bleeding." he admitted simply. "i feel a great many things." he admitted sitting down and opening a book. "i know a great many things...but i cannot help the one person who deserves it most." he complained scowling softly. "it is as if the gods are laughing at us...mocking me..." he shook his head a little and opened the book to the specified page in the index and began to read. "give Lord Asher and his little one an hour before we bother them. that should be enough time."
Lucius smiled a little, still looking woried as they settled in to working.

A hour later Asher yawned, stretching as he nuzzled the blond in his hold."Little asleep?"He said sounding more like himself, nuzzling him. Wondering if the boy was angry at him for snapping out when he'd been worked up over finding his things again."Draco?"
Draco was breathing softly when Asher woke, groaning a little when the other asked if he was asleep, doing what he always did when the other asked that question, he gently smacked Asher on the hip. "not now." Draco whined sulking a little. "i was having the most wonderful dream." he admitted yawning a little. "we where getting married." he muttered, still mostly asleep. "and we had a pretty puppy, and an amazing little boy... i'm not sure where we got it from though, the little boy i mean." he yawned and snuggled into Asher. "can we get a little boy Asher?"
Asher laughed softly nuzzling the other, absently running his hands along the other's body. Amused and relieved to get the usual response."Whatever you want love."He said pullign the other up, tangling his fingers in the other's hair, kissing him slowly, sofly."ome on love, wake up."He smiled tugging the other closer.
Draco whined a little and then gasped when someone pounded on the door. "OI! Lord Jackass and Pretty Boi! Get up! We're having a SERIOUS Malfunction out here!" Stain, of course. "Harry's Dying!" Draco was up in an instant, leaping for the door, carefully avoiding the stuff on the floor as he yanked the door open. "he's what!?" "Gabe's got im pinned down right now but he's convulsin like a madman!" Stain admitted, looking pale. "Gabe told me to come get you."
"I'll bother with killing you later."Asher snarled looking at the man before shadow walking into the other room, to anxious to get to gabe and harry to walk. Crouching down he winced as he caught harry's hand as he nearly hit him, looking at tsuru, panic in those eyes. For once, losing his cool."What can we do?"
Harry had mostly calmed down, blood running out of his nose and bits of foam clinging to the corners of his lips from his seizure, Draco swallowing hard as Tsuru shook his head. "i don't know..." he whispered softly. "he's dying faster than i anticipated... there is nothing wrong with his mind, Harry is not dying any faster than before but his body... " "we need a healer, a proper one." Gabe whispered, hoarse with terror as he gently dabbed the blood away from Harry's nose. "Tom? Harry will need some blood.." Gabe admitted blinking at the Dark lord. "but he won't be able to control which Venom he releases... you could feel pleasure, or pain but he... he could also turn you into a vampire." he admitted staring at the man. "there are others i can bring in, other Vampires who could let Harry feed on them..." but it wouldn't be as good for Harry as Tom's blood would. Tom was Harry's Chosen, the one Harry had fallen in love with. no other blood would be as good for Harry.
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