Blood Fury and Love

"Ele poderia. Sim, realmente combino.Хотя, если бы это был летучий дракон, он был бы уже согнут кое по чему.Ich bin alt, alt genug, um zu sehen, dass Rom erhebt und, und meinen Haus- geworden nichts als ein Gedächtnis fällt"Asher said softly, sadly as he tilted his head.From portugese, to russian, to german. Smiling sligthyl be sighed getting up."I should go check on Gabriel."He said running his fingers through his hair.

(He might. Yes, really I go together.Though, if it was draco, it would be already bent which on whatever was lose.I am old to see old enough, in order that Rome raises and, and mine home-become nothing but falls a memory.)
"Ég líka hef fylgst heimili mitt crumble í ryk og hverfa úr minni. Ég veit sársauki bróður þinn, og ég óska ​​ykkur vel í langt ferðalag lífsins framundan." Tsuru stated calmly, watching Asher with Curious eyes. "please tell him i am sorry i stabbed him with a poisoned blade..but he WAS trying to kill me first." he pointed out looking amused. "we, Stain and i, shall be very careful not to upset your household." he promised bowing low to the other before looking over at Lucius. "you are Drago's true parent yes?...may we speak?"

Translation: i too have watched my home crumble into dust and fade from memory. i know your pain Brother, and i wish you well in the long journey of life ahead.
Lucius looked startled before nodding."WE'll go to my office.Its more comfortable then the ktichen."He smiled a little as he left the room, heading for the room, sitting down in the chair by the fire. Waiting for the other to speak.

Asher tilted his head looking curious making a mental note to talk to tsuru later, before heading for gabriel's room,smiling slightly when he walked in, amusement in his eyes as he looked at his lover, and friend."Draco.Must you play doctor for Gabe?"He said wrinkling his nose as he wathed the blond poke and prod the sore spot on gabe's arm.
Tsuru nodded and followed Lucius calmly settling into the spare chair. "Drago has explained many things to me through the night. about the kidnapping, and his 'death'... so you do not need fear me for complaining about you abandoning him." he promised smiling at Lucius. "by the time you could have gone back to look for little Drago, we had already taken him away." he admitted. "the man who kidnapped him, was on our list, though we did not know at the time that he had kidnapped two little boys. i am not from this land, and Stain knows little of the Wizarding world." he admitted softly. "we should have looked for Drago's parents, but instead we assumed they where dead, and took him for our own." he paused, staring into the fire. "i have always wanted a son, you see...someone to raise and love, and now.. he is with his real parents and i an interloper, barging on in a play he is not supposed to be in." he admitted, swallowing hard as he looked at Lucius. "i do not know, how you feel about this situation, nor can i guess how Drago feels... he has always been closed off to me, perhaps i have teased him too much..."

really, Drago was just worried about worrying Tsuru and Stain, and just never told them of his fears. "Drago is becoming happier here, and i fear that soon he will have no need for me and Stain." he admitted softly. "and i.... my greatest fear, is that he will stop loving me, stop wanting me altogether." he admitted softly, looking over at Lucius. "but, i know if that happens, you will be there for him... will you promise me to protect him? just as you would protect his brother who you have loved all his life? will you... will you promise to love Drago just as much as you love Draco?..." Tsuru was staring at Lucius with as much pleading as a mother begging someone to take care of their child because she was dying... and honestly Tsuru was dying a little inside. he was loosing his only child, and that was death enough for any parent.

Draco smirked as he looked up at Asher. "of course i don't, i just find it amusing." he admitted poking Gabe's shoulder again, making the man groan piteously. "Asher... make him stop... i can't move." Gabe whined forcing his eyes open. "that blade had numbing effects... i can't feel any of my body." he admitted. "it will fade in time but it means i can't kick Draco out when he starts poking me." he complained glaring at Draco who snickered a little and calmly started spreading smelly goo on Gabe's back again.
Lucius looked thoughtful, biting his lips as he stared at the fire to. ""You were on this play, before I ever arrived."He said softly, pain filling those usually cold grey eyes. "Drago loves you. Just because he's closed of...doesn't mean he doesn't. And wanted to go back....Asher knocked his feet out from under him, and refused to let him go.Since we wanted him here."He sighed a little."I love my son, but I do not know him.And that hurts....but you, you saw everything that a father are who he needs."It pained him so much, to admit that he might not be the father his son needed."But should he turn away from you, I will take care of him as much as I try to take care of draco."He said closing his eyes.

Asher laughed softly walking over, and sitting on the edge of the bed, gently nudging Draco away from the younger vampire."How are you feeling?"He said wrapping his arms around draco to keep him from poking Gabe."An tsuru sends his regrets. And his punishment was he had to listen to little pretty."
Tsuru looked startled before he smiled a little. "you might be right." he admitted softly. "but then, you could also be wrong." he admitted softly. "Drago has always held onto the hope that his parents where alive... that's why he never called me or Stain Father." he admitted softly. "but, perhaps, if things turn out right, he might choose to keep us both." he mused smiling a little. "he is selfish enough to do so... but the question is, would you and your wife be willing to share your son...with a couple of old freaks like us?" he asked patting his pocket, causing the little blue mouse to poke his head out.

Draco pouted a little before snorting a little. "that';s a lie and you know it. Tsuru just sat there and read a book while i took out my rage on the blue haired idiot." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "and then Tsuru changed the blue haired idiot into a mouse FOR being an idiot. something about insulting asher." he admitted shrugging his shoulder. "since it was Tsuru who hurt you i figured his punishment would be left up to you." he admitted shaking his head. "i wonder if Tsuru has an antidote?" "oh a few feedings from my boys will fix me up... i'm more worried about Harry right now." Gabe admitted trying to shift on the bed. "his headache is so bad it almost makes ME want to cry, and i'm only gettign a rebound." Draco grimaced and shook his head. "in every instance i have come across about duel personalities, one personality always overtakes the other... i think Harry is the one who's dying, he's the weaker personality and even worse when Shadow takes over he only has a small headache, while Harry is rolling in the back of his mind with agonizing pain..." "i know." Gave admitted softly. "Shadows terrified, he's trying to do everything he can to make himself weaker, make himself the submissive so Harry won't die but..." "it's not working." draco finished softly.
Lucius smiled slightly not looking at them."We live in a house full of freaks. And we already share with Severus...and now, Fenrir.And asher. And gabriel. My boys have so many parents to mother them its not even funny."He said laughing softly.

Asher bit his lip, "It wont. Shadow's to dominate. And even if he manages to be submissive, he'll kill them both."he said frowning a little as a question teased his mind, wanting answered but the harder he tried to focus on it, the more elusive it became. "I'll talk to Tsuru. He's old.Old enough maybe he'll have something for me."He said getting up, looking slightly put out.He didn't understand what was bothering him but he had a idea that if he could figure it out, he'd have a answer.
Tsuru sighed and nodded. "it is a relief to me." he admitted. "to hear my son..." he paused. "...our...your son to laugh with such joy." he admitted hearing Drago and Fenrir laughing about something as they walked past the door. "in so many years as i have had him, i rarely heard him laugh... he is a social creature, yet because of our lifestyle he could make only one or two freinds, who usually died quickly... it is a good place for him here. this place full of happy people, and welcoming faces." he grinned a little at Lucius. "would you like to hear about Drago?" he asked his head tilted a little. "i would like for you to have some of his childhood as well... to know him a little more." he just wanted to brag about Drago actually.

Gabe made a noise in the back of his throat and closed his eyes. "i do not want my son to die." he admitted softly. "yet all i can do is stand by and watch." Draco swallowed hard and gently set his hand on Gabe's uninjured shoulder. "it will be alright." he promised softly. "we haven't researched vampirism and multiple personalities yet." he admitted. "there might be hope yet..."
Asher tilted his head looking at him,ducking his head."I wont let him die. I wont."He growled as if by sheer force of will,he could stop this from killing Harry. Rubbing his eyes as he walked out of the room, he went looking for Tsuru.

Lucius smiled tilting his head nodding."I would li-Asher?"He stopped looking at the vampire stepping through the door. Asher tilted his head."Am I interrupting?"He asked studying the two. Despite the urgency of the moment, he could go research something while the two fathers came to terms with each other's existance.
Tsuru blinked over at Asher and stood bowing to Lucius. "please forgive me, i will brag about Drago later, i feel that this is very important." he admitted turning back to Asher. "please, lead the way." he stated making an elegant motion with his hand, one that had not been used in centuries, one that meant that Tsuru viewed Asher as his better and his Lord and that Tsuru would do almost anything asked of him. "this is about the one who is in pain." he stated calmly as he walked a step or two behind Asher. "this is about the one with two minds." Tsuru could feel the agonizing pressure building in the poor newborn vampires head. "i do not know how much i can help in this instance, i know little about vampirism and the effects on the mind." he admitted. "but, i have seen a great many personality potions in my days." he admitted softly. "i was there when it first became available to the public, purebloods only of course, to control their children." he scowled. "a disgusting practice."
Asher nodded slightly as he headed towards tom's room, looking slightly shocked at the hand motion before hiding it. Rubbing the bridge of his nose he sighed."It was. And now it's destroying him.His...his headmaster kept im under it for years. It's to much."He sighed."I...I think I can find the key to the puzzle, but I can't see the puzzle because it hurts to much to think about losing him."He said biting his lip a little. Hurting because in a short time he'd come to think of the young vampire as a son, and he was gabriel's, and gabriel's life was not something he wanted screwed with."I-we can't find a way to make the two halves fit together easily.It's killing him."He said pausing outside the door."Would you look at him?Maybe a opinion from another near immortal can give me a clue where to look."
Tsuru nodded slightly. "it is difficult to think calmly, when someone you care deeply about is in trouble." he admitted softly. "i will do my best." he promised stopping just outside of the room. "i will need silence, in order to look inside." he admitted softly before stepping into the room, watching Harry sleeping fitfully, small whimpers falling from his lips, glancing at Tom, bowing to him a little. "i have come to try and assist the young man." he explained softly, Harry's eyes fluttering open as Tsuru sat next to harry. "shh little one." Tsuru murmured. "it will be alright." he promised, reaching forward and pressing his fingers to Harry's forehead, closing his eyes, both falling still and silent before Harry groaned softly, the pain washing away like cold water dumped over a fire. he relaxed and allowed Tsuru to root through his mind, not that he could have stopped the man anyway, it was not Legilimency that the red head was using. "... i have never come across something like this." Tsuru finally said. "in all my many years... never... they fit together perfectly, one personality the opposite of the other, yet similar and affectionate to each other like old freinds...and yet one is dying and the other is not." he frowned. "i do not understand..."
Asher nodded a little sitting on the bed, ignoring the look the dark lord gave him for crowding into his space."Neither do we. But if we don't...."He sighed softly. Knowing that tom had already figured it out, but he couldn't come out and tell him that his lover way dying. "It's to much.And we can't figure out how to make it be beter."He sighed gently stroking tom's hair, wincing when the other man slapped his hand away."Dont touch me."Tom glared from beneth the fall of his hair rolling on his side, wrapping his arms around harry. So very afraid for the young vampire.
Tsuru sighed softly. "do not take out your fear on the Lord Asher young man." Tsuru scolded tom. "you have barley been alive for a breath compared to how old Asher and i are." he stated calmly, gently stroking Harry's forehead. "i have Taken away the pain for now." he explained. "but a solution must still be found..." Shadow's eyes fluttered open and he grabbed Tsuru's wrist, baring his fangs softly. "i don't like people in my head." he hissed his eyes narrowed as he examined the other, looking surprised. "your not a vampire.... what are you?" he demanded, shocked when all Tsuru did was smile. "that, young one... is a very good question. one i do not even know the answer to myself." he admitted moving to the door. "i will find a solution, for now, it is best if you sleep." he stated calmly to Shadow. "your minds do not fight while you sleep. it will slow the process." Shadow nodded and laid back down, closing his eyes as he snuggled back into Tom, Tsuru closing his eyes as he sighed looking at Asher. "if it comes down to it, i can put their minds in stasis until a solution can be found."
Asher nodded glaring at tom before he gave in and went to sleep himself. Looking at tsuru he smiled slightly."I would like it not to, but if it does, I would be grateful for it."He said before letting them out of the room, leaning back against the wall with a sigh.Feeling tired and worn out. More then he'd let anyone else see. At least anyone he cared about. Tsuru was safe...he didn't care what tsuru thought about him."I need to take care of kaleo."He sighed running his hand through his hair as he straightened again.
Tsuru shook his head, his hand hovering over Asher's shoulder, not actually touching. Tsuru did not touch without permission, because he could never help but to 'see' so this was all the comfort he could give. "Exsisto procul Pacis , Filius of Caesar. pro ego mos nunquam permissum talis a parvulus intereo. non ut is has iam sino sic. quod vos postulo non fatigo , pro ego mos nunquam spill vestri specialis. they es vestri , quod tantum vestri ut dico." he stated calmly, offering him a smile before heading to the library so that he could study on some things. he doubted the Malfoy would have a book he didn't already own, but he did not have access to his own library just yet, he would just have to wait.

(Translation: Be at Peace, Son of Caesar. for i will never let such a child die. not when he has already suffered so. and you need not worry, for i will never spill your secretes. they are yours, and only yours to tell.)
Asher looked startled watching him go, tilting his head as he watched the other before sighing.needing draco.Smiling a little as he headed back to gabriel's room he smiled as he stepped in,wrapping his arms around his blond."I love you."He muttered nuzzling him. Rbastan smiled a litte as he walked into the room, carrying a tray of food."Feeling any better gabe?"
Draco smiled as he looked up at the other, snuggling into him. "mmm i love you too." he purred happily kissing Asher's neck. "i feel terrible, but Harry's pain has stopped at least." Gabriel admitted sighing softly. "Rabby i need blood." he whined reaching for the other. "feed me!" he pleaded pouting at the other. "pleeease?" "gosh you whine a lot when your not feeling well." Rudy teased rolling his eyes as he settled onto the bed and muttered another healing spell, watching the wound shrink a little more. "you know, has any of us considered asking Tsuru to fix this for us? he probably has the antidote." "he probably assumes we've fixed it already since we haven't asked him." Draco pointed out. "and he's worried about Drago so he wouldn't think to ask us about Gabe's well being."
Asher laughed softly as rabastan moved closer so the vampire could feed."And he's researaching harry's problem."he smiled standing though.Pulling draco up with him."Come on, lets go get tsuru and ask. He's going to think I'm a idiot for not asking earlier."He whined but pulled the blodn with him, heading for the library.
Gabe latched onto Rabastan as best as he could with limp limbs and fed, Rudolphus helping Gabe hold his brother still, just in case. sometimes they jerked a bit from teh pleasure and if not held down properly it could lead to neck tearing, none of them wanted that. Gabe swallowed his mouthfuls and released Rabastan with a small smirk as he licked the wounds clean. "you know.. i think i would like it.. if you stayed away from Tsuru." he admitted softly, scowling a little. "he's not all, but... i don't know what he IS... he's strange, and sets my nerves on edge..."

Tsuru was sitting in the library next to Drago and Fenrir, all three of them studying on Vampirism and personality potions, all three of them looking up at Draco and Asher when the entered, Tsuru blinking at Asher. "these books are doing no good." the ancient one admitted softly. "i would like permission to return to my home, so i might collect better ones." "better ones!? Tsuru i barley understand THESE!" "then you will study those, and i will study the better ones." "... did you just say i'm stupid?" Drago asked looking baffled Tsuru chuckling a little. "no Darling i am saying that you are young and you will learn with time." "you DID say i was stupid!" "...why must you pick fights Drago?" "because my brain hurts from studying." Tsuru sighed and shook his head lookign amused.
Rabastan laughed softly as he shifted,settling against the other as he kissed his head."Whatever you wish love.But you do know the most protective of us, is letting Draco,DRACO, of all people, near him?"He said, it was a long standing joke on just how overprotective asher was over the blond.

Asher smiled a little."Go.And bring back what you need.But first."He said blushing a little."Well, we got so there a antidote for the poison you gave gabriel?He's feeding, and its healing.Slowly. Is there a way to fix it?"He asked having the grace to look embarassed about not asking before.
Gabriel scowled a little. "Asher... seams to understand Tsuru." he admitted simply. "Asher understands many things that i don't... but i... i do not understand him, i do not like the way he smells... please, avoid him if you can?...please?" he pleaded softly. "don't forget what he does for a living.. he kills..." that was what assassin's did after all. but still... Tsuru was just...strange.

Tsuru blinked looking startled. "oh! i am terribly sorry forgot." he admitted shaking his head. "they are in my old clothing that you got rid of last night." he explained. "i thought you had found the vial in them. it is blue, with the wings etched down the sides." he explained looking embarrassed himself. "i assumed that you had found it already." "i know where his clothes are, i'll go get it." he promised kissing Asher's lips. "and i'll get it to Gabriel." "i will return to my home." he smiled at Asher. "would you care to join me? you might find it...nostalgic." there where many books in Tsuru's library, from the Palace of Cleopatra and Caesar, stolen, saved, or even bartered for. though Tsuru had not been in Rome at the time, he still owned a great many books that Asher might find pleasing.
Rabastan smiled a little kissing him softly."I willl, dont worry.I trust your judgement."He said leaning back,gently stroking the other's hair.

Asher raised a eyebrow smiling slightly before looking at Drago."You'll let draco know where I went?"He questioned though it really wasnt a question.Before looking at Tsuru."Let us go then."He said bracing himself because he had a feeling of why the man had invited him home. Knowing tsuru had been alive long enoough to have thngs he'd missed, things he hadnt been able to save when his mother had sent him to india, to escape the slaughter, and he hadn't been able to save what he held most ear.
Gabe relaxed a little and nodded. "i don't know what he is... he might be harmless.. i could be wrong... but i don't want to take that chance." he admitted softly, nuzzling Rabastan when Draco came in holding the vial with the angels wings etched onto the side. "your antidote." draco explained smiling a little as he pushed Gabe onto his back and removed the bandages and poured some of the clear liquid onto the wound, Gabriel yelping in surprise when the wound, and the numbness vanished in an instant, Draco gaping in astonishment. ", that was amazing." he muttered looking at the vial. "hmm..." he pocketed it when no one was looking and smirked when Gabe stretched. "ooooh that feels SOOO much better."

he smiled and nodded, turning to the wall, Drago yawning, bored as Tsuru stepped through the shadows as if he where a vampire, leaving the doorway open for Asher to follow. when Asher stepped through he arrived into a huge library, almost as big as a city itself, a house elf apearing as soon as they arrived. "Master Tsuru! a pleasure to see you! you have more treasures?" "no, not this time, but i do need you to fetch some things for me." "really!?" the house elf squealed excitedly clapping her hands happily. "yes, really. i need all the books i have on vampirism and Personality Potions." he explained. "sent Twist over as well, i want her to take Asher to a specific part of the library while i look through the books." the house elf bowed and vanished, and moments later another appeared. "welcome to Subaki Mansion Master Asher." she squeaked. "please follow me. Master Tsuru says you may have the items if you wish." she admitted smiling at him as she led him through isles of books into a small area that was filled with things from his home.

In fact they had passed many area's that where filled with items, dolls and books, some burned, some water damaged, others dirty but all of them looking as if they belonged to a family from another time. and here where things from his home. some burned, some water damaged, some still covered in sand and dust, most of them books, but there was a little train set from his childhood, and there was a book Cleopatra had loved. "Master Tsuru says that these items was all yours once, and that if you wishes it, Twist will be taking them to your room in Riddle Manor."
Rabastan smiled laughing softly."Now at least he'll stop whining Though it was kind of cute to see."He said kissing the other softly before leaning back. raising a eyebrow as he looked at draco."You're here without your keeper."HE teased.

Asher swallowed hard, tears choking him as he nodded,stroking his fingers over the book."All but this. I will keep this with me."He said running a hand over his eyes swallowing hard."Take them to my room, and let lord malfoy know that he is not to touch anything until I get back."He said before gong in search of the other ancient, smiling slightly as he found him."Thank you.It...I was devastated when I came home, and found that my life had been ransacked.There'd been nothing left when I returned from the orient."He smiled a little, stroking his fingers over the well worn cover of his mother's book
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