Blood Fury and Love

Tom cursed softly as he crossed to where the boy was sitting down on the bed, pulling the brunette up to his throat."Go find a healer."He snarled closing his eyes. Aser winced before getting up, looking at draco then lucius."Where's severus?He'll know where and who to get."He demanded, effortlessly taking charge, tilting his head as Lucius went to get severus, before looking at tsuru."Any ideas on what else we need?I'm going out it seems. Potions, people...anything?"He said locking away his fear as easily as he had done his past. Forcing himself to think around it
Harry panted softly against Tom's neck, but didn't bite, Gabe grimacing as he realized Harry was too out of it to feed on his own, grabbing Tom' before the other could protest and slicing his neck carefully, Harry stirring at the smell of blood, and latching onto the wound, sucking greedily though he still didn't bite, as if he had forgotten how to, forgotten that he was a vampire, Gabe swallowing thickly as Tsuru turned to Lucius with pain in his eyes. "i don't know." he admitted softly, swallowing hard. "i..i not know..." and for some reason, that seamed the most frightening thing of all.
Lucius cursed quietly.That was the truly disturbing thing. If tsuru and asher were lost....the rest of them stood no chance. Cursing as he left the room he went to find snape, wrapping a hadn around his arm."Harry's dying.And I need your help getting a healer we can trust."

Asher cursed quietly before looking at Draco."My journal...the one I was reading last night. Go get it."He growled the order ,about to give gabe something else to concentrate on besides being completely helpless.Knowing the other man had always been curious about the past he hadn't told. So he'd sacerfice a little privacy, if it helped the other concentrate.
Tsuru stared at the boy laying on the bed, sucking on Tom's neck, Gabe trembling with terror as he finally gripped Harry and pulled him away. "that's enough now Harry... you'll drain him dry if you keep dr...AH!" he yelped as sharp fangs sank into his wrist, making him grimace as Harry started drinking from him as well, making Gabriel grimace in distaste, but he didn't pull away. it wouldn't hurt him like it would hurt Tom. "Asher." Gabe stated quietly. "i need you to go and get everyone who's willing to spare a little blood." he stated calmly. "Vampires only...Harry's switched to his Vampire Glans, i don't want to change anyone by accident." Draco had already left to go and get the journal. as soon as Harry released Gabe, Tsuru was there with his own wrist to Harry who struck before Gabe could even try to stop him, Tsuru wincing but shaking his head. "i cannot be turned into a Vampire...i am not human." he explained to the shell shocked Gabriel.
Asehr sighed softly going to find the others, slightly amazed when most of their clan plus fenrir turned out. Seeing as the werewolf couldn't be changed...but he wondered if the young vampire would be willing to smell wolf to feed. Raising a eyebrow at Gabriel he sighed."He cant feed from just vampires.Its sustaining as human. You know that."He said biting his lip as he looked at draco, wondering if he was willing to risk it. He wanted the other forever, but he wasn't suer if the raco wanted eternity, or just a lifetime with him.
Gabe nodded a little. "i know that, but Tom can't handle getting that much blood taken from him, and i don't want to risk Harry accidentally turning someone into a vampire." he admitted shaking his head as Harry grabbed Fenrir by the throat and sunk his fangs in, the wolf yelping, but still under Harry's feeding. after that Harry seamed sated and curled up on the bed and went back to sleep, resting like the angel the world knew he should have been, but never would be. "i'm afraid Asher." Gabe whispered softly, gently stroking Harry's hair. "i'm afraid that i'm going to loose him, when i only just found him." he admitted looking up at Asher with the young look he rarely showed. that youthful innocent look that showed, even though he was ancient, he was still so very young at the same time. like a small child asking their older brother why mommy was sick.
Asher growled softly under his breath, hating that he couldn't make it go away. That he couldn't make this easier for gabriel, or save harry with a wave of his hand. Stepping closer he wrapped his arms around the younger vampire, pressing a kiss to his head."I wont let anything hurt you.And that includes letting death have him. He's mine, and I wont share."He growled holding him tighter, raising a eyebrow as he looked over at Draco."Now.Sine there is nothing we can do now,except worry while the others research, we are going to sit down and I'm going to read you a story."he said, much like a older brother would, reaching for the book draco was holding.
Draco nodded and handed it to Asher, Gabe sniffing a little as he wiped his eyes, Draco looking stunned. he had not known Gabe long, but he'd known him long enough to know that no one had ever seen Gabe cry. "i should help with the studying..." he whispered hoarsely, though everyone knew Gabe was notoriously bad with books that had words more complicated than the traditional English language in them. he had been american, and then British all of his life, he had never bothered to learn other languages or try and study anything other than psychology. now he was regretting it. he sat down though when Draco nudged him and he leaned against the blond, Draco hesitating before wrapping his arms around Gabe, comforting him while the Lestrange Brothers where trying to find a cure for Harry. they where notoriously smart, though you wouldn't have expected it.
"You're bad at it. Leave it to the others."Asher said amused as he got comfortable, shifting so gabriel was laying between his legs, draco cudled against his side. Wrapping his arms around the smaller vampire, he rested his chin on the other's head as he opened the book."So.You've bugged me for centuries to tell you how I ended up in america, homeless and barefoot. Well.Where else do you start a story but the beginning?"He sighed absently stroking his fingers over the leather."The story of Cleopatra an Caesar's romance is a old one, one of ramance and love so deep it past all other bonds. Even the ones he felt for his country, his home. By the time he came to egypt he was lord master of the roman empire, and m..cleopatra was a queen the likes he had never seen. She was headstrong, stubborn, and beyond anything else, beautiful. Yet when he took her to rome, the roman people hated her, for being egyptian. For being a heathen in their civilized society. Yet, he wouldn't let her go. ForCaesar, cleopatra was his aphrodite, his goddess.

And rome went to war with itself, over a foreign queen, and it's lord master. Amazingly, they reached a stale mate, caesar livign in egypt while his nephew ruled over rome. For 20 years, things were peaceful, and egypt pospered under the attention of a military genius. But like most things, it changed. Octavian, Caesar's nephew, finally grew tired of not having the crown that he thought was rightfully his, so...he went to war with his uncle. And when the battle turned on caesar, he got devasting news, carried by his men. Cleopatra had killed herself."

"He fell on his sword.Because he couldnt imagine a world without cleopatra in it. Yet, the message had been garbled. She'd been taken to her tomb as a safe haven, because no one would raid a final resting place. But with her savior dead, her son sent into exile, and octivan standing victor, he did the unthinkable. He took Egypt's queen as his prisoner, and had every intention of parading her through the streets as a slave, a war prize that would bear his sons." Asher shuddered a little."Yet, when he went to retrieve her to take her to rome, he found her dying, posioned by her own hand by a asp's bite. Looking at her he smiled as she died, watching her. Because he knew what she was. She was the daughter of kings, an chose to be a queen, even in death."He sighed shuddering closing his eyes."In loving the most powerful man in rome, she'd made a enemy of the second. And it had broguht her world and mine, crashing down."
Draco listened with amazement and Gabriel listened in awe as he looked up at Asher, bafflement in his eyes., "i don't understand..." "i KNEW it!" Draco finally squealed. "your Caesar aren't you!?" he demanded grinning brightly at him, eyes gleaming with pride at having figured it out. "...Draco Caesar died..." "Tom was dead for eleven years yet here he is!" Draco pointed out Gabriel pausing then shaking his head. "no, i don't think Asher is Caesar...Caesar is supposed to be short." he pointed out Draco pausing then sucking. "yeah your right." he agreed nuzzling Asher. "keep going?"
"No. Not caesar."Asher smirked a little tilting his head. "So.I returned to Rome, became what I should have been all along. A heir of rome. A immortal one at that. For the next 6 centuries I watched over caesar's descendants, and their children, as they drove rome into the ground. As a advisor, secon, a all around 'bastard who had nothing better to do' with eternity."He snickered."By the time the empire fell, I'd grown bored with being at home, and seeing the empire become nothing but dust. So I traveled. For centuries, through most of the dark ages actually, I lived, worked and loved as a warriror, someone who protected those who couldn't help themselves. By the time I got to america, I was bored again.Bored annoyed, and tired of having kings trying to use me.

The witch hunts were devastating, for both america and europe. And I saved those I could. Amazingly, Cleopatra's tomb still stood at that time. And being who I was meant I was treated like a prince when I went, I hid muggles who'd been hurt by the witch hunts there, and let them enjoy what they could. Then I came to america. And met gabriel.And kaleo.And I contented myself in helping Gabriel do what he wanted."
Gabriel nodded. "at that time, what i wanted was not so good." he admitted grinning a little. "i wanted to amass an Army, and gain all power. i begged Asher for years to change me, so that i could raise an army and take over the world." he admitted swallowing hard. "my goals changed when i fell in love." it had been devastating. an army of over forty thousand people vanished in a night, all because of one little woman who was frail and pretty, and ever so innocent of the cruelty of life. "Asher didn't change me until he found me dying next to her bed, stabbed... i forget how many times." he admitted. "she had been taken away to another room and raped to death." he admitted softly. "so he changed me. and some days, i almost even regret living when she died." he admitted. "but i see my boys...and o forget my sorrows." he admitted softly. "Harry looks so much like Rachael Evelyn Potter... it's almost cruel really..." he admitted Draco looking astonished, history's winding together like a weave or a web. it was all so fascinating. "you where Caesarson weren't you Asher?...the son of Cleopatra and Caesar..." Draco gasped, amazed before nodding. "it makes sense!" he paused. "i almost forgot to ask! why in the world did Tsuru have your things?!" "he what now?" Gabe asked looking baffled. "speaking of which, Asher how in the world is it that you trust that man when he is so STRANGE!? no one can guess what he is, yet he claims to be even older than you! nothing can live that long! nothing but a vampire and maybe a few species of undead!" Draco frowned a little. "you know, it almost feels as if you two KNOW each other somehow..."
"I think we do."Asher said smiling slightly, raising the book in his hand."This is my father's journal. Caesar had a insatiable fascination with books, and learning things. He used to take me to the library all the time, and listen to stories while I played and reinacted what I was listening to. The librarian was...fascinating. And knew things. his name was sevirus.And he collected things. And kept them."He looked amused."And so does Tsuru.I think...I think he might be the historian, the keeper of world's history."
Gabe looked stunned, amazed. "Tsuru is....." "i was wondering if you wouldn't realize." Tsuru admitted stepping into the room, a young woman next to him. "Severus has said that this young woman is the best healer available." he admitted the woman rushing forward and checking Harry's eyes, running her wand over his head, checking his vitals as Tsuru watched. "i am indeed who you say." he admitted looking at Gabriel, Asher, and Draco. "i would appreciate it however if you refrained from telling anyone however." he admitted shaking his head a little. "it would everyone's best interest." he admitted watching the healer closley, the woman scowling. "he's bleeding in the brain." she explained softly. "i can fix it, but it might lead to some mental damage..." she hesitated. "he might...not wake up either." she finally admitted, the color draining from Gabriel's face. "you mean.... Coma? he's in a coma!? but he was just awake! he was feeding! he was... he was..." "and that's probably the only reason why he's still alive. the sheer amount of blood he ingested shrunk the bleed enough to save his life." the healer explained softly closing her eyes. "i'm sorry... but i don't know that i can save him, his condition is getting worse, and i can't find a cause."
Asher frowned looking at the blankets biting his lip. He couldn't...didnt know how to make this better."Tsuru.What happens to someone should they try to channel to much power through their body?It hurts doesnt it?"He said.Itd been to long since he'd used wizard's magic to know."What if....he's changing.He might be over doing his body to much."he wallowed."If we heal him, and he continues damaging himself, how much would it hurt him?"He asked looking at the healer.
Tsuru paused then. "it would hurt a great deal. a Wizard, when he turns seventeen, usually comes into his 'family magic' and increases power and maturity, which is why the coming of age for wizards is seventeen. they will often experience headaches, and sometimes a fever, body aches as well like a growth spurt... but i do not think it works in this case, as Harry and Shadow are not available to Wizarding magic anymore." he stated blinking at Asher. "what are you thinking?" the healer hesitated then. "in the long run, too many Brain bleeds could cause permanent brain damage. he might loose his sight, the function of his limbs, the ability to function on his own or any numerous things. the brain is a very important part of the body after all." she admitted looking around at them. "but this is, of course, only if he continues bleeding in the brain. the other damages that this could cause are rather pale in all honesty. debilitating migraines are the worst of it, really. i'm assuming he's been having those."
Asher nodded looking thoughtful, going quiet for awhile before looking up at the other.GAbe, you suffered for days as yourbody adjusted to being powerful. I was down for weeks cause I was in pain."He said slowly."Its because ur powre comes from our minds...but Harry basically has TWO instead of one...its overloading his system."He swallowed. "If...if we can put him under,feed him enough to keep it from killing him, we might have to just let t go.Because if his body stablizes the power,and it will as long as he's alive, he'll be fine."
Tsuru and Gabe both took simultaneous gasps of amazement. "of course!" Tsuru stated looking amazed. "it is not one mind over taking another it is another cause entirely!" he scowled a little. "i really should have known that...." he complained Gabe snorting a little. "you!? i was the most powerful Vampire born in centuries! i had migraines so bad i could only curl up and whimper like a baby for almost three days straight!...i'm a vampire i should have known this!" he complained. but he looked relieved, so damn relieved as he nuzzled Harry. "he's going to live... my boy is going to live..." he whispered holding Harry tightly, yelping when Harry suddenly sank his fangs into Gabe's neck, feeding again the man grimacing. "he hit a nerve this time... my whole left sides gone numb." he complained Tsuru chuckling a little as he shook his head. "someone go get Tom, give him a blood replenishing potion, and bring him back here." he ordered softly smirking a little.
Asher snickered wrapping his fingers around the youngest vampire's chin gently, pulling him away from gabriel slowly,carefully. before drawing him to his own neck. Smirking a little when tom came in. "What?Whats wrong?"tom said, looking a little drunk,and he was. Having started drinking because it hurt to think that his lover was going to die. Looking tired as he sipped the replishing potion.
Harry growled when he felt his meal being Taken away, Gabe flexing his fingers, trying to bring the feeling back as he watched Harry sink his fangs into Asher's neck instead. Tsuru scowling at Tom. "you are drunk! we cannot feed an underage boy a drunk man!" he complained looking Tom over. "Harry will be fine so long as he get's enough blood, but we cannot have him getting drunk! not when the risk of another brain Bleed is immanent! you go sleep! right now! sleep out the alcohol!" Tsuru demanded shoving Tom back out of the room and into the bedroom next door, making Tom lay down and sleep, coming back in with Stain, the man looking put out but obediently guiding Harry away from Asher's neck and onto his own, grimacing. "i will say it again." Stain grumbled. "i hate you all." "tis a pixies way." Tsuru admitted with a small grin.
"Ah well we all hate you to."Asher said snidely back, wrinkling his nose as he looked at the two before sighing looking at draco,"Come on. You need to eat and so do I."He said not about to give in and feed on his lover surrounded by people. before glaring at gabriel."You to. Go feed. Now."He growled, sounding more like a parent then a older brother then.
Stain glared at them all and grimaced when Harry bit into him even harder. "oooow! Tsuru i hate you!" Stain whimpered as Harry released him and went for Tsuru instead, the ancient being offering the boy his arm, Harry latching on eagerly, the nurse smiling a little as she shook her head. "he's greedy isn't he?" she teased as she flicked her wand at stain who snorted a little and shook his head. "not usually. it looks like he's reacting instead of acting. he's hungry, so he's feeding. subconscious you know? even as a fresh transformed he has a remarkable sense of control this little Bloodhaven, he admitted smirking a little as Tsuru winced. "serves you right!" "i will be tying you down and owning your ass tonight Stain." "bring it old man!" Stain purred happily Tsuru chuckling a little as Harry finally curled up and went back to sleep.

Gabe smirked a little at Asher and rolled his yees. "yes Father." he stated shaking his head as he left and headed for the library. "you guys can stop studying." he promised, Draco, Drago, both Lestrange brothers and Fenrir in the room. "Harry's going to be fine... well he's not out of danger yet but he's not going to DIE at any rate. he's just experiencing a lot more power than most vampires do, being that he has two minds. he's going to be the strongest Vampire in history." Drago and Drago looked relieved and tried to hide it, Fenrir sagged with relief and Rudolphus sighed softly, closing his eyes. "thank god.. i was honestly worried for a moment there." "only a moment?" Drago and Draco chorused with amused looks in their eyes.
"Yes only a moment."Rabastan said snickering a little as he looked over at his lover, looking at him."You're not looking to good yourself."He said amused. Asher smirked dipping his head to kiss Draco's neck he looked at the other vampire, not looking all that amused himself."Feed. Go now."He said not amused at the idea of being someone's father. Lucius breathed a sigh of relief, laughing softly, relief gripping him."Well, he's always been a odd one. It seems he's just getitng stranger."
Gabe grimaced a little. "gave too much blood to Harry that's all. he's sleeping right now." he explained nodding a little. "Tsuru and Stain are watching him right now." he admitted hesitating a little. "i'm still not sure i like him but... he's no threat at least." he admitted softly as he grabbed both the Lestrange's and started dragging them off to the bedroom, he needed blood, and he needed sex. this had been very emotionally trying as of late.

Draco just snickered as he leaned into Asher with a small sigh, humming lightly. "you too, you need to eat, AND sleep." he ordered to Asher, gently kissing him. "come on, let's go to my room, i don't want my cum to get all over your things." her teased just for Lucius's benefit Drago laughing as he winked at Fenrir. "what say you big boy? think you can handle a Malfoy?" "your not ready yet." Fenrir stated simply, Drago looking confused. "i've had sex plenty of times!" "but you've never bottomed." "...who the hell says i'm bottom!?" "says the guy that's bigger, stronger, faster, and older than you." "...dammit..."
Lucius laughed softly, tilting his head as he studied the werewolf and his son."I dont want to know this. I'm scarred enough by draco's sex life I ont want to know about how werewolf's do it."He whined looking at the two.

Asher smiled as he followed the other man to their room tiredly, crawling into bed with a smile."I'm not tired."He said cuddling the other. Even as he stiffled a yawn.
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