Blood Fury and Love

"Of course vampires existed."He teased sighing softly, smiling a little."It was...different. I lived much like I do now. Except I was a wizard."He smiled slightly."I was a prince in a empire that loved children and conquered those around them.I was...a spoiled child who hadn't realized how bad things could be until I was sent away."He sighed kissing draco's shoulder."I love you."He said smiling as he watched the picture.
he nodded. "you where like me." he decided. "i was a spoiled brat though, and you where a spoiled prince, but it's about the same thing.. i never knew that the world could be bad until the war started." he admitted swallowing hard. "my entire life existed around being the best, and making sure that everyone loved me... making sure no one ever left me, even if i had to threaten or bribe them...the only person it never worked on was Harry, so i made him my enemy so he would always pay attention to me." he chuckled a little. "i almost would have rather...lived in your childhood." he admitted smiling at Asher. "i love you too." he promised, leaning up to Kiss Asher properly.
Asher grinned kissing him harder, before leaning back. leaning back against the bed with a sigh, holding him close."We probably should go see the others. Show them that we didn't lose ourselves in the past."He smiled kissing him again, tangling his fingers in his hair. Feeling better, more relaxed then he had in years
Draco chuckled a little hesitating before reaching over and picking up a small ring, his head tilted. "but i want to learn more about you." Draco admitted looking up at Asher, pausing when he heard the sounds of a dog barking. "...that's not Drago..." he muttered frowning as he gently set the ring down and got to his feet. "that sounds like an actual Dog..." Draco had always wanted a dog. "come on Asher! let's go see!" Draco ordered grinning at the other. "i love dogs."
Asher laughed."We'll take the learning slowly."He said before sliding his father's ring on Draco's finger before walking out into the hall, tilting his head slightly as he followed the sounds of the dog barking. "What...?"He started trailing off as he stared. Feeling like he'd been kicked, but not in a bad way.This was so weird...
the puppy turned and looked at them, head tilted and tongue hanging out, long legs spread out all over the place as it examined Asher before bounding to his feet and rushing over to them, Draco squealing like a child as Tsuru chuckled. "PUPPY!" Draco yelled gathering the thing into his arms and snuggling the hell out of it, laughing as it licked his face all over, Tsuru chuckling. "it is for you, Asher. it will be good for you to reconnect with the childhood you tried to forget, and the rest of it that you never got to experience." Tsuru smiled a little. "i got Fenrir a Kitten." "TSURU!!!!" Fenrir roared, Drago laughing his ass off. "ah, i do beleive that is my cue to, as you say, tuck my tail and run." Tsuru teased, smiling as Fenrir came barreling down the hallway, adorably fluffy kitten in hand, Tsuru vanishing into the wall as Fenrir snarled. "he gave me a CAT! i HATE cats! i EAT cats for fucks sake! what the hell does he expect me to do with this!?" "be careful Fenrir you'll hurt the poor thing." Drago complained taking the kitten away from the werewolf and snuggling it. "aaaw it's sooo cute!" Draco stuttered, sputtered and stammered before scowling. "i hate my life."
Asher snickered as he took the puppy, looking awkward standing there holding the wiggling beast."He got me a dog."He said looking amused a little. Rabastan snickered walking around the corner, having come to investigate all the noise."What is this?Are we opening a zoo?"He asked before snickering again."tom's going to be pissed he didn't get anything.And its not kind to eat fluffy things Fenrir."
Draco laughed a little and nodded. "i bet you anything Tom got a Rat or something." he admitted grinning, shrieking in fear when Harry appeared behind him. "close." he stated eyes shining with mirth as he set something in Draco's hands, a gleaming white Ferret. "i was thinking of naming him after you." "...potter..." "yes Draco?" "...i'm going to kill you..." Harry laughed brightly as he took the Ferret back before draco could do it damage, Fenrir's eye twitching as Drago continued to lavish affection onto the purring kitten, Gabriel walking out, smiling as he held up a small finch. "did anyone loose a bird?" "no i think Tsuru left that for you." "really? so i should be thanking him for THIS!?" was Severus's highly annoyed voice as he held out a gleaming Ball Python that had sunk it's fangs into Snapes hand and had wrapped around his wrist. "oh look Sev, we have a ferret we can feed to your new pet snake!" "don't touch Draconis! he never did nothing to you!" Harry wailed protecting the Ferret with his body. "DON'T YOU DARE NAME THAT THING AFTER ME!"
Lucius's jaw dropped as he walked around the corner holding his own pet. The lioness leaning against his leg looked small and oddity for the slytherin prince."You named it draconis?" Asher snickered grabbing draco before he could injure the other, holding him close."Leave the pretty ferret alone."He said cuddling both his lover and pet smirking a little as Narcissa walked around the corner leading a sevral, followed by Rabastan who had a cloud panther following after him. Narcissa smirked as she looked at everyone, raising a eyebrow as she petted her cat."Is it just me, or is it odd that most of the slytherins got cats?"
Rudolphus nodded holding an itty bitty tiny little tiger cub in his arms. "tell me about it." he complained smiling as he tickled his pets nose, watching as Draco pouted. "hey! i didn't get my own pet! that's not Fair!" he complained sulking a little and crossing his arms as Harry snickered. "you could share Draconis with me?" "damn you Po...." there was a pause then. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED!? where's Tom!?" "hmm? oh, Shadow tied him to the bed again so he wouldn't stop us from getting up. bed is boring." Gabe snorted, clapping a hand to his mouth to keep from actually bursting into laughter. "hey Draco look!" Drago chirped grinning as he held up his own pet, a small little red fox that kept trying to swat at Fenrir's kitten.Draco sulking even more before blinking as out of nowhere a small Falcon appeared on Draco's shoulder, letting out a shrill scream that made Draco jump and stare at it before smirking. "my pet is better than ALL of yours!"
Lucius smirked a little."At least you didn't get a cat."He said sulking a little even as he cuddled his lion cub. Asher laughed softly pointing at harry."Back to bed, and put a tied up dark lord to good use if you must."He growled.Rabastan snickered."I think since he's the eldest here you should probably listen."He snickered petting his kitten as he looked at the others.
Draco smirked a little as Rudolphus laughed a little at the 'old man joke' as Tsuru stepped through again, holding a book in his hands. "actually i do beleive that i am the eldest here. i am old enough to be Asher's great great great great great great great...." "Tsuru...shut up." Stain ordered holding something out to the other. "and this is NOT funny." he complained glaring at the little white mouse in his palm Fenrir pointing and laughing at Stain, Drago and Drago sniggering as Harry smirked. "aaaaw it's sooo cute Stain!" "your supposed to be in bed you little brat!" Stain stated glaring at him. "what are you doing up?" "...apparently i';m up to get yelled at." Harry whined sulking as Tsuru chuckled, Gabe rolling his eyes as he grabbed the back of Harry's shirt and frog marched him back to bed personally, Harry whining the entire time Draco shaking his head. "he always did recover faster than anyone i've ever known. even after he regrew all the bones in his left arm he was up and hopping the next day."
Asher turned to look at his blond staring before shaking his head."No. Nevermind. I dont want to know."He said looking amused though. Looking at the mouse he smirked,"Stain, you look better as a mouse. I say we change him back and let the cats chase him."He said smirking. Rabastan laughed looking amused an disturbed."What in the world was he doing regrowing bones?"He asked looking at his nephew.
Stain glared furiously at Asher. "you'd look better as a cockroa..." "Stain, behave." Asher ordered with a growl making Stain grimace and sulk as Draco snickered. "oh, that idiot Professor Lockhart." he complained rolling his eyes. "Harry broke his arm in second year falling from his broom in quidditch, something about a rouge Bludger." he shrugged. "instead of healing the arm the moron banished all the bones in Harry's arm. Madam Pomfry had to regrow them all." he admitted Stain scowling a little as he glared at his little white mouse and glanced at the snake in Severus's hands. "don't even think about it Stain." Tsuru warned, Fenrir scowling a little. "you know i was wondering... Stain, he's an annoying little shit that no one likes, not even you Tsuru...yet you two are a couple..." "...well... he's.. actually more.." Stain hesitated and glanced at Tsuru who smiled. "Stain is someone i rescued from a life of slavery." he explained. "three hundred years from now slavery is brought back for people of inhuman qualities." "half bloods in other words." Rudolphus whispered sounding horrified when Tsuru nodded. "i bought Stain and have kept him with me, he is good company." Stain shrugged a little. "Pixies are naturally hard to get along with, but he is so used to everyone immediately mistreating him that he lashes out at everyone before they have a chance to lash at him. he has recovered a little, but he is still struggling to be calm inside of himself, let alone calm towards other people."
Asher tilted his head thinking about it before wrinkling his nose. "Dont even think about it pixie. I dont like you enough to be kind even if you were a slave."He stated, knowing that if he prtentded, if he was nice when he really couldn't stand the man, that he'd do more harm then good. Rabastan looked sick, and startled."That's....that's just disturbing."He said looking disturbed at the idea of slavery coming back.
Stain bared his teath at the vampire and huffed a little and glared at everyone, as if daring them to make a comment, Rudolphus shaking his head. "it's already happening. people are selling magical creatures right now, it's only to be expected that halflings follow." Halfling was actually a very kind term for half bloods. "oh stop GLARING Stain!" Tsuru ordered shaking his head a little. "if your going to be in a mood go to bed." "i will!" Stain snarled glaring at Tsuru before turning on his heal and vanishing down the hall Tsuru sighing a little. "i probably should not have told you about him being a slave, he seams to have taken it personally..." he shrugged. "he will get over it." "he'll have to." Draco stated with a shrug. "Harry will beat him up of he doesn't. that's one thing he can't stand is someone in self pity."
Asher smiled a little, rubbing his face, yelping when the puppy licked his face to."Stain's a problem for another day. We have thiings to decide."He said looking at Gabriel."Harry's settled faster then we did. It took a month before we even considered being bored on bed rest.
so.Do we move up lucius' 'finding' of him?I'd hate to do it, but the sononer he goes back, the sooner dumbledore's out of our hair."
Gabe shook his head. "well, with how early it is that might be a good idea." Gabe admitted. "Dumbledore will think Harry is still recovering from being changed. Harry still needs to feed every day, sometimes twice a day depending...Dumbledore won't realize that Harry is in perfect control of all of his powers. it will give Harry the advantage." "right." Draco agreed. "but we should run it by Harry first you know. he's the one who has to do this." "that's ok i completely agree." Harry stated from behind draco who squealed in Terror before glaring at harry. "your supposed to be in bed!" "but Tom's mad at me and i'm not tired!" "sleep and rest are..." "different things...still...boring!" Harry complained crossing his arms and glaring at them all, daring them to try and MAKE him stay in bed.
Asher swallowed his laughter ewaving a had."He'll get more worked up if we try to force him to staay in bed then if he's up and about."He said amused tilting his head as he looked around the room."At school, didn't they once hire a werewolf?" "Yes..."Lucius frowned wondering where the man was going with it. "Well, we have the world's best historian with us.Send him to school. Harry can have a regular feed without risking everything."He said sounding slightly amused. Rabastan rolled his eyes, leave it up to asher to volunteer someone for a job."An how do you suggest we keep a eye on things?" "well, I'll go visit of course.And gabriel to.Affter all,we're going to be his saviors. It stands to reason he'd want to see us."
Harry nodded. "and if Fenrir brings in his pack, and starts ordering them to follow Tom's orders it stands to reason that everyone will assume that the Vampires will join Dumbledore's side, if only to get rid of the werewolves." Fenrir nodded. "no one will suspect the vampires of being Voldemort's pawns, when Voldemort has the werewolves on his side." he pointed out. "the lestrange brothers already attacked several Vampire colonies, one or two even died." Gabe lifted an eyebrow and Rudolphus shrugged. "WE didn't kill them, they committed suicide, but it LOOKS like we killed them..." Gabe nodded. "it must have been the Elders, even Vampires get tired of living sometimes." he admitted Harry grimacing as he looked at Tom. "i suppose i'll have to pretend to hate you now won't i?" he asked softly looking a little upset as Tsuru gently patted Harry's shoulder. "i will send Stain with Harry and visit Harry myself. Dumbledore will be pleased when he learns that the Historian has taken an interest in Harry's life."
Tom winced nodding a little."He will be, and yes you will."He smirked a little though his heart hurt at the idea."Just think about it this way. Let shadow be in control. He wants to own my ass enough, no one will find it odd when he's angry about not being able to find me."He said with a sigh. Asher noddedlooking amused before looking at tsuru."And drago?He's going to have to stay out of sight...or if he does go out pretend to be draco."Lucius added looking concerned. Worried about what would happen should anyone realize the twin was still alive
Harry paused then. "Drago can come with me as my Familiar." harry decided. "or Draco's Familiar. the school can't keep out Bonded creatures." sometimes, a witch or a wizard would bond with an animal, making them more powerful. a Familiar could store magic for their masters to draw on later, and a Familiar was always unnaturally intelligent, just as smart as any human. so no one would think it strange if Harry or Draco showed up with a White wolf at their side. "i think i should be Harry's Familiar." Drago decided. "people will question where Draco found me, but no one knows where Harry's been, he could have come across me in the woods where he was abandoned." "that's not a bad idea." Gabe agreed. "i can use some of my shadow magic to make him impervious to the Reveal Animagus curse." "we can even say that the wolf was a gift from me." Tsuru decided. "that way Harry is never alone and has someone to stay with him, and Drago can actually get in some schooling." "aaaw maaan i HATE school." "you can practice your wandless magic." "...true." "you can do wandless magic in an animagus form!?" "of course." Harry stated blinking at Draco as if he was stupid. "how do you think they turn back into human?"
Lucius smiled a little at the stunned look on harry's face, amused before shaking his head."Fine. We'll set it in motion soon, but I would like a few hours at least to set the right mood in the ministry." "Fine. Me and gabriel can lose ourselves for awhile."He said waggling his eyebrows at gabriel amused at hte possessive growl coming from both rabastan and the cat standing at the lestrange's side.
Harry nodded as he grinned at Drago who smirked and vanished into his enormous white wolf form, licking Harry's hand, the boy laughing as he scratched Drago behind the ears, Tsuru gently stroking a finger from the Wolf's nose to the tip of his tail. "there, he is protected from the animagus spells, Harry please come here." Tsuru ordered, running a finger from harry's nose tot eh back of harry's neck, harry shuddering at the feeling as he grimaced a little. "what was that for?" "i erased all traces of Tom and the others from your mind, you can still see them, but anyone strong enough to root around in your mind will not." he explained smiling at Harry. "Calm down Rabastan, Rudolphus." Gabe ordered with a small smile. "i promised i would remain loyal to you and i will, i won't let Asher fuck me anymore." "really?" Draco asked looking startled, and maybe even a little relieved? because they all knew Draco fancied himself better than everyone else in the for Gabriel.
Asher smirked a little, shifting wrapping a arm around draco's waist dripping his head to nuzzle the man's neck."Better?"He muttered holing him closer. Rabastan smiled relaxing as he looked at his lover, feeling more at ease at the idea of gabriel admitting it in front of everyone. "Well, now that we have that sorted out. Might I suggest we go set things in motion that need to be done?"tom said sighing softly, resisting the urge to touch harry. Already feeling the loss of the man like a blow.
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