Blood Fury and Love

they paled a little. "i KNEW IT!" Stain shreiked. "i TOLD you these people where holding Drago captive!!!" "we're not holding the pansy ass captive damn you!" Shadow snarled glaring at the two who cringed and begane to follow, Tsuru sighing as he shed his boxers and handed them to Stain, letting him wear them instead. Tsuru didn't seam to have any problems walking around Naked at all as he followed Tom, Shadow behind them, staring at Tsuru's ass. "you can look." Stain growled. "but touching is going to cost you you Bank Vaults and both your hands." Shadow smirked. "it would almost be worth it if i knew Tom wouldn't punish Harry for it." "not you?" Tsuru asked, sounding amused as Shadow snorted. "please, as if he could do anything to me i didn't want him to do." "...valid point." Tsuru agreed Stain groaning a little. "stop being friendly with the enemy!" "why? i might as well, at least this way we're not going to get hit for causing trouble." "....point." "oh just get in the damn room." he ordered shoving the two in there, Drago and Fenrir already in there, Shadow reaching in and Dragging Rabastan out as Drago yelped in joy and crashed into the two assassins with glee. "i missed you guys so much! i thought i was never going to see you again!" "Fenrir, make sure they don't leave the room alright?" Shadow ordered watching the werewolf. "they might try to take off with Drago." Fenrir snarled at the thought and immediately sat down in front of the door and glared at the two as Shadow shut the door. "come on Rab, let's go check on Gabe, he was hurt pretty bad."
RAbastan nodded stupidly biting his lip in pain as he followed the younger vampire into the other room, sighing in relief at the sight of asher feeding. that was a welcome sight. "Gabe?"he said softly walking towards the elder man, hands fisting at his sides as he strugged to keep from touching him. He loved the other man but his brother wanted him....he couldn't touch him.

"Oh for gods sakes, stop being a drama queen."Asher snarled as he held Draco against him, sighing softly."And gabe for my sake feed. You're driving me insane."he snarled his body aching. Because he' made gabriel, he could feel the other's hurts, like gabriel could feel harry. He didn't take advantage of it alot, but at the moment he was trying to make sure the other would be fine.
Gabe was laying on his back, shirt off letting Rudolphus smear some smelly looking ointment on his back. "i don't want to feed." Gabe growled. "Rabastan hates me! how am i supposed to tell him i love him when he won't even look at me!" Gabe complained Rudolphus chuckling a little as he glanced at his brother and winked at him, motioning for him to be silent, Shadow smirking as he caught on. "well.. he must have taken it personally when i said i didn't want to share." Rudolphus stated, staring at his brother. "of course i don't mind sharing with him, when we both love you." "good luck telling HIM that! he;s so STUBBORN!.... i thought i was going to have a heart attack when he held that blade to Rabby's throat..." he muttered softly, struggling to ignore Asher's command as Draco snorted. "i feel the most sorry about Drago." Draco admitted sighing a little. "he trusts Asher with his life and loves...what did he say that mans name was? Tsuru? like a father and yet their rolling around on the floor trying to kill each other!" "shut up Draco no one cares about your twin right now." Gabe growled, testy and in pain. "why are we smearing smelly stuff on my back? it stinks..." "because the blade was poisoned and we want to get the poison out before you get sick and even MORE grumpy." Draco stated with a roll of his eyes. "has he ALWAYS been like this?" Draco complained to Asher. "it was simpler when he wasn't in love with my uncles." "...i've always been in love with your uncles. thats why i stopped sleeping with everyone but Asher...." well THAT was news! even to Asher!
Asher twisted, wincing as he twisted his body, staring in shock."Goddamit gabe."He whined "You better be glad I cant die of sh-"He yelped lunging forward and catching Rabastan as he fainted. Snickering as he settled the man on the bed next to Gabe before laying down next to draco again.Feelign testy himself, wrapping his arms around Draco's waist."Now. Gabe. Stop being a ass and tell him."He growled the order.

Rabastan bit his lip looking at the two smiling shyly, wincing as Tom's snicker sounded through the room."Shut up.You're one to talk.You're getting topped by a man decades younger then you."He said testily, angry at himself.

Tom smirked a little wrapping his arms around shadow's waist, resting his hin on his shoulder."Gabriel, just let them help.You know if he was helping, asher'd be sitting on you by now and smearing it everywhere you didn't need it."
Gabe stuck his tongue out and froze when he realized Rabastan was there. "you all did that on PURPOSE!" he complained sounding like a petulant child... compared to Asher he was come to think of it. he smiled a little at Rabastan and leaned over kissing him. "i love you, and i love your brother... i see no reason to choose between you and him, when you both seam perfectly content to share me with one ano....aaaaOOOOOWWWW!" Gabe shrieked turning to glare at Rudolphus. "what the hell!?" "you stopped sleeping around and didn't TELL ME!? after i smacked Asher and yelled at him!? you ass!" "that HURT!" "you deserved it!" "Rabby tell him that hurt!" "don't make Rabastan fight against his own brother! that's just mean!" Shadow complained, smirking a little. "why won't someone be on MY side!" "oh shut up and feed on your boys already! your starting to sound like Harry when he has a headache!" and Harry whined a LOT, and Gabe found it VERY annoying. he said Gabriel just sulked and nuzzled Rabastan's neck while Rudolphus continued with the medicinal help, sinking his fangs into his lovers neck and groaning softly as he felt his wound starting to heal as he drank, slowly, from Rabastan.
Rabastan sighed softly wrapping his arms around the other, resting his cheek on his shoulder."Love you to."He mutered closing his eyes. Starting to fall asleep now that the stress and pain was starting to fall asleep.

Asher laughe a little smirking a little, nuzzling draco."He sounds like me."He whined, raising his head to look at the elder lestrange."Sorry. I would have told you if I'd known."He stated tilting his head.

Tom laughed shaking his head, poking Shadow."come on. Lets go."He said nudging the other towards the door.
Shadow snorted a little and shook his head. "people here are stupid." he complained allowing Tom to bully him out of the room pausing to glance at Asher. "since it was you who was the most badly damaged, i think it is up to you who decides on how to deal with the intruders correct?" he asked his head tilted. "just remember, whatever you do to them will upset Drago, and what upsets Drago will upset Fenrir, and Draco, and Lucius, and Narcissa, and Snape, and Narcissa. and what upsets most of them will upset Tom, myself and the brothers there. and what upset me, and tom, and the Lestrange brothers upset Gabe. and you don't want to upset Gabe now do you?" he demanded flashing the other a smirk before he vanished after Tom, snuggling into him as Gabe snickered a little. "you know, in some weird roundabout way Shadow has made some sort of point." he admitted. "but i'm just not smart enough to follow it."
Asher graned rolling on his stomach, pulling the blanket over his head, sounding like a whiney child as he snuggled into Draco,"Shut up Gabriel.I bent you over my knee once, I have no issue punishing you again." Rabastan swallowed his snicker looking at draco an the cuddling vampire."You know, I think pretty has a point. Pretty thinks your getting old.Adopting helpless kids as your own..." "I am NOT old!"Asher whined,"Just because I was there to see caesar killed, does not mean I'm old!"He growled, not even realizing what he'd admitted to.
Gabe snickered a little as Draco laughed. "mm i DO love older men." he admitted smirking a little as Rudolphus laughed. "well as long as your not the one who killed him i suppose." "wait, what came first? Caesar or the Egyptian empire?" "i don't know, you think i know?" Draco demanded shrugging. "i'm not even sure who Caesar is." "he's a muggle of some sort i think." Rudolphus agreed. "he was pretty popular a long time ago." "really?" Gabe asked choking on his laughter. "well you just beleive that then. Asher i think you should just stop talking now before you dig yourself a deeper hole. we all need sleep right now, you can deal with the intruders in the morning. just don't upset Gabe, their the only family he has left and technically we DID attack them first..."
Asher whined softly cuddling draco, to sleepy to properly limit himself on what he'd say."Okayokay."He smiled sleepily."Caeser is te first roman emperor...killed by Marcus Brutus, and his own was a interesting day in rome. So...bloody.And rome came after egypt. Caesar loved it's queen.Had a son with her to."he smiled a little. ha, let them think on that. if he'd been more awake he'd been worried about someone figuring everything out, but asleep...yea he wasn't that concerned over a secret he'd kept for centuries, Rabastan snickered cuddling into Gabriel, amused."time to sleep."He yawned drifting to sleep as asher did.
Gabe smirked a little and sighed softly as he closed his eyes and went to sleep, Draco pausing his head tilted. "hmm..." he would ask the other later, for now... it was time to sleep.

Morning came quickly for everyone, Drago had already gotten up and gotten food for himself, Fenrir and his adoptive parents. Narcissa had already gone in there to scold them on their parenting and had left looking rather flattered and baffled at the same time, Fenrir roaring with laughter as she left. Gabe had also gone in there to give them some clothes, because Narcissa complained about nudity, all that was left was for Asher to decide what to do with them. they had calmed down once they realized that Drago was in fact not being held captive, and were not even trying to make a fuss anymore. which was a good thing because poor Harry was trapped in bed with a very painful headache, that even the strongest pain potion wouldn't touch, no doubt worrying Tom to death.
Asher snarled as he looked at the man pacing around his bed, dressing slowly."Riddle. if you do not stop pacing, and get back into bed I am going to break you."he growled to rabastan's amusement as he dressed. Tom whined a little."But-but Asher!He's sick!something should help." Asher sighed, holding onto his temper and patience as he looked at the other."Lucius and snape are researching.We'll find what he needs.We'll find something.Now go back to bed."He ordered watching him until the dark lord went back to cuddle harry, smiling slghtly as he went in search of drago and his adoptive parents.
as soon as Tom was back in Bed, Harry latched onto him, his teath sinking into the others neck, holding him tightly so that he could drink without Tom jerking around, whimpering in pain as he struggled to be free of the pain. drinking blood helped with other why not this one? it did help, a little but not enough. harry whimpered again and closed his eyes, struggling to fight off the pain. "lights..." Harry croaked, begging Tom to turn them off. to make it Dark so his eyes wouldn't send bolts of Agony through his skull anymore.

Drago was sitting on Fenrir's lap, explaining the situation that he had fallen into, Stain and Tsuru's faces stern and worried as they listened. "this Kaleo... he hurt you physically?" Tsuru demanded Drago shaking his head. "no... it just hurts that he used me like that, but Asher helped me." he promised gripping his heart. "it still hurts here... but.. i feel better knowing i'm not the only one that Kaleo has left behind with a broken heart." Drago admitted. "even if Asher didn't say it with his words, i saw it in his eyes." "i feel sorry for Asher." Stain admitted sighing a little. "i sliced his back up pretty bad and the only thing he ever did was try to protect you." "he did not know who we where. it was our fault. we should have been calm like the lake, but we came in turmoil like the rapids. we made mistakes we should not have made." "....Tsuru, i love you, but if you don't start speaking plain English i'm going to hit you." Drago complained Tsuru laughing a little.
Tom moane softly raising a hand, casting the darkness spell, even with the lights still on, it wrapped them in darkness. Blocking out everything so much that it made it so he could barely see the vampire holding him."Better?"He asked softly,afraid of making it worse, gently stroking harry's hair.

Asher whince wrinkling his nose."I left china because of bullshit like that."He said stepping into the room,"An it wasn't drago I wanted to protect.He was a byproduct. I wanted to protect draco."He stated before smirking a little. Rolling his eyes at the sight of drago sitting in fenrir's lap."Wolf, don't you have better things to do then be a seat?"He said, avoiding the thought of his broken heart. He wasn't even thinking about that.
Harry whimpered and tried to nod, but only managed to grimace as the pain of moving swamped his head in pain. "better." he whispered softly, swallowing hard. "cold." Harry complained softly. "hold me?" he pleaded, leaning into Tom's hand. "you make the pain hurt less..."

Fenrir smirked a little. "nope." he stated simply examining his nails. "besides Drago likes sitting there, and i like Drago sitting there, so we both win." "i don't like that my Son has to..." "your son." Drago interrupted. "doesn't HAVE to do anything with this werewolf. yous Son does this because your son WANTS to." "....because saying that your our son will immediately make everything alright?" Stain asked lifting an eyebrow, Tsuru chuckling a little. "it always has in the past." "dammit, yes your right. it's like the time we agreed to let him go off to that concert unsupervised just because he called us Father." "you mean you agreed to let him go. i followed him from the shadows." "you did!? Dammit Tsuru why didn't you let me go with you!?" "because i would have gotten distracted and fucked you instead of watching over Drago." "...good point." the two men looked at Asher and tsuru stood and bowed to Asher. "we will take our punishment with much humility." he promised, Stain scowling. "he will take his punishment with humility, i will not be taking it at all." "..."Tsuru leveled his lover with a glare who just huffed and sulked.
Tom smiled slightly wrapping his arms around the other,holing him close as he tucked the blnket tightly around them both. Sighing softly, feeling to warm, but knowing Harry needed it. Kissing his head he smile a little."There. Now try and get some rest love."

Asher tilted his head a little sitting down in a chair examining his nails."You think you can escape punishment from ME?Arrogance will get you killed wizard."he sneered a little. The perfect vampire lording... of course anyone who really knew him would know he was just taking a piss in the wind and winding stain up because hte man annoyed him."I should let you deal with little pretty. He's in a foul mood."He said sounding thoughtful raising a eyebrow at fenrir."Think dealing with little pretty would be suitable punishment?"
Harry whimpered, trembling against the other before slowly drifting off to sleep, motionless save for the rise and fall of his breath, pale despite the new feeding and clearly still in pain as he rested, Draco and snape never ceasing in their studies. but everything they read, led to more and more bad news.

Stain glared at him. "i don't take punishment from anyone!" "you take it from me." Tsuru warned. "and if you don't start minding not only will you suffer any punishment that Asher so pleases to give you, you will also suffer MY punishment. and it will not be the one that involves the paddle." that made stain grimace and sulk as he scowled at Asher. "i don't like you." he growled, yelping when Tsuru slapped Stain upside the head, and not very lightly either. "you will apologize to him this instant Mattias Stain!" Tsuru ordered his voice a snarl making Stain grimace and stand, bowing to Asher. "i.....apologize for my behavior." he grumbled through gritted teeth, Drago watching silently. he knew he had no place or right to get in-between his fathers punishments...oh but how he was worried. "i don't know, i think you better let Pretty have a whack at them. Little poretty might go soft since he's Drago's brother." there was a pause then. 'Drago has a brother?" Stain demanded, startled. "well... someone forgot to mention THAT little detail." he complained scowling at Drago who just shrugged.
Asher smirked a little."Did you even look at the man you wanted to kidnap?"he raised a eyebrow,"Draco malfoy is mine, in all the ways taht drago's twin."he smirked slightly."And if you think he'll go soft...ahh well then let him.It'll be amusing to watch stain get scolded by someone who's smaller then him."He said whistling softly as he left the room, returning in a few minute wiht Draco smirking at Stain."Now. Little pretty, you will give them the speech you made me sit through on getting hurt."He said leaning back in his seat to watch the show. Having suffered a hour on waking to listen to draco yell at him for daring to get hurt....he was willign to inflict draco's bad mood on someone else.
Tsuru and Stain blinked. "kidnap? we only wanted Drago, we thought ..." "uhm, Stain and Tsuru weren't part of me trying to kidnap Draco." he informed Asher. "i'd sort of told them to fuck off and ran off with Kaleo about a month before he convinced me to kidnap draco." "that's why we where so worried." stain admitted, "he just stopped contacting us all together! we thought that...THING had done something to Drago." they paused and Stain scowled a little. "and who the HELL is this Little Pretty!? i've heard some strange names before but..." "it's a nickname Stain you'll understand when he gets here." and Draco did get there, vengeful mood and all as he instantly tore into Stain about thinking before he acted and about hurting other peoples lovers. Tsuru got a little bit of it, but the red head was smart and agreed with everything Draco said, compared to Stain who tried to defend his actions and got ripped into for almost an hour and a half until the man just nodded stupidly under Draco's assault, looking stunned and horrified that someone so small and looked so much like Drago could scream that much.Fenrir was struggling to hold in his snickers and Drago was just smirking as he watched Stain get his verbal ass handed to him. Tsuru had gotten bored and had started reading a book at some point, not even trying to help his lover. "little pretty my ass." Stain managed once draco had finished. "little Banshee maybe..."
"I'll have to tell his mother you have such a high opinion of her."Lucius smirked as he stepped into the room, raising a eyebrow. Since being part banshee usually came from the mothers sie. Asher snickered tilting his head."Pretty, Draco was just informing this kind gentlemen what is proper when they come to other people's houses." Asher informed the elder malfoy, amused because he was just a older drago. Lucius swallowed hard to not laugh at the look on his son's face before looking at stain."I'd be quiet about his yelling.It's better then doing what asher's been ranting about for the last hour.You made him suffer through a speech of his own.He's not happy with you."
Tsuru growled a little as he watched his lover grimacing under the wicked tongue of Draco., "i am not happy with him." Tsuru stated his eyes narrowed as Draco finally grounded to a halt to glare at his father. "Drago Darling would you let me borrow your wand?" Tsuru asked hopefully, Drago snickering as Stain paled. "wait! NO! Drago don't! he's going to!..." "and it's no more than you deserve disrespecting Lord Asher AND myself! if you are going to act like a pest then you shall BE a pest!" Tsuru snapped, flicking Drago's wand at Stain, the man squealing, and then squeaking as he was turned into a little blue mouse. "and if you flee from me, or try to bite me Mattias Stain i shall leave you in this form for a MONTH, feed you nothing but cheese, and let the local cats chase you." the little blue mouse froze in it's tracks and seamed to pout at Tsuru who reached down, and with perfectly manicured fingernails picked it up by the tail and deposited it into his pocket as he handed Drago his wand back before bowing to Asher. "i hope that Stains punishment will suffice?" he looked amused, it was apparently not the first time that Stain had been turned into a mouse either from the way Drago had dissolved into giggles. "your so cruel to him Tsuru." Drago finally managed, wiping his eyes. "can i practice my hunting with him later?" "of course you can. with the master of the houses permission."
Asher looked amused tilting his head."Of course you can practice.Though you might warn tom before you do so.He's in a bad enough mood he's liable to hex your ass for running around." Lucius snickered a little looking at the mouse, raising a eyebrow."I think. Next time snape-" "Snape'd kill you if you did that."Rabastan said as he walked in, smiling as he started making breakfast. In an extremely good mood because of his and gabe's working out.
Drago smirked eagerly and the little blue mouse in Tsuru's pocket seamed to groan in horror as Tsuru shook his head. "i do beleive i must apologize for Stain's behavior. it is in his nature to be disrespectful and annoying." he shrugged a shoulder. "i am trying to beat it out of him, but a whip to the horse won't make it change to a donkey." he stated simply Drago rolling his eyes as he slid off Fenrir's lap and punched Tsuru in the arm, the man didn't even twitch., "i TOLD you i'd hit you if you didn't start speaking plain English!"

"それも傷つけることはなかった。あなたはもっと練習が必要だ。" was Tsuru's only reply, causing an outraged shriek to fall from Drago's lips. "ENGLISH! ENGLISH DAMN YOU!" "gibt es keine Unterhaltung in Englisch zu sprechen" Tsuru stated simply, Drago's eye twitching. "That wasn't English either!!!! "bhfuil tú ag ligean do ardú fearg, ba chóir duit iarracht i ndáiríre go calma síos." Tsuru stated calmly, turning a page in his book Drago stomping his foot on the ground. "Irish!? it's IRISH now!?" "préférez-vous français?" "no! no i would not prefer French!!!" Drago complained glaring at his calm adopted Father, Rudolphus laughing as he witnessed this Fenrir holding a hand over his mouth so he WOULDN'T Laugh.

Translations: That did not hurt at all, you need more practice. / there is no amusement in speaking English. / your anger is rising, you should really calm down. / would you prefer french?
"Tamen vero should vos perceptum si nos operor non narro?"Asher smirked as he spoke, shifting effortlessly through languages, from latin, to romanian, to bulgarian."A face nu whine asemănător un copil , acesta este uncivil. мисля ние рамо говоря in lagunages до той уча се." Lucius rolled his eyes looking at the vampire."Just because you're old, does not mean you have to show off." "yes it does. It's how asher gets his kicks."Rabastan snickered

(Shall we speak until he learns?Do not whine child, it is uncivil. and he will learn, if we keep talking.)
Tsuru Snickered a little and shook his head. "Nevím, on by mohl aneurysma, než se dostaneme tak daleko." he stated speaking in Czech now. "ومن ذلك مسلية للغاية لرؤيته تغضب جدا رغم ذلك ، لا توافقون على ذلك؟ " and then it was Arabic. nó là thú vị để tìm một người có thể nói rất nhiều ngôn ngữ khác nhau, tuy nhiên. i am gần như sẵn sàng để tin rằng bạn là như cũ như tôi. " and now Vietnamese...what was WRONG with these people!? Rudolphus was just standing there with a baffled look on his face and Fenrir was shaking with the effort of containing himself when Drago finally clapped a hand over his father and Asher's mouth. "ENOUGH! My Brain just can't handle it! you all SUCK!" "no, Stain sucks, i blow." all Tsuru got for the effort was a stern glare and then a door slammed in his face, Fenrir snickering as he rushed after Draco, probably to try and calm the boy down.

Translations: i don't know, he might have an Aneurysm before we get that far./ it is so very amusing to see him get so angry though, don't you agree? / it is interesting to find someone who speaks so many different languages however. i am almost willing to beleive that you are as old as i am."
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