Blood Fury and Love

Harry smiled a little. "we can learn together." he decided before pausing, his lip curling in disgust as he caught a smell of something, sitting up as he stared at the door. "i smell... something...icky." he stated slipping out of bed, sniffing at the air again growling a little as he inched towards the door, peeking out and sniffing at it again, licking his lips a little. "i smell... werewolf." he decided sniffing again as he looked back at Tom. "i should be worried?" he wasn't sure if werewolves where supposed to be in the manor or not.

Fenrir looked confused. "mix who up?" he asked his head tilted, Draco gasping a little. "oh! i forgot to tell you! i have a twin!" " have a what!?"" "a Twin! a copy of myself, an identical brother. his name is Drago, he kidnapped me and..." "he WHAT!?" "oh calm down! nothing happened. anyway he was being used anyway so it's not really his fault. i was hoping you might look after him for a while, he's kind of heartbroken because the person who was using him he thought loved him so..." ".. yeah i can look after him." Fenrir decided glancing at Asher. "and i'm more worried about YOU mixen em up."
Tom shook his head laughing softly."NO.that'll be fenrir.Draco said he was going to contact him and see if he'd stay with drago,as a body guard I think he said."He smirked a little."personally, I think he just wants to make asher uncomfortable."

asher wrinkled his nose shaking his head."can't.He smells like the grave and vanila.He smells like the man who used him."he shrugged a little."anyways,draco smells more appealling anyways."He said blushing a little."And he has a bite mark scar on his neck.I'm not about to mistake that."
Harry relaxed a little and crawled back into bed, snickering a little as he shook his head a little. "probably, but if the werewolves and the vampires can get along long enough to help with the war against Dumbledore that's certainly good enough for us." he admitted smiling a little as he snuggled into Tom. "will you hold me?" he asked hesitantly. "i like to be held..."

Fenrir smirked a little. "you do realize, that the longer the two stick together, the more they will begin to smell alike?" he teased grinning a little. "i have an unfair advantage, mu soul tugs towards the other, it doesn't tug towards Draco, even if they where exact clones of each other i could tell them apart." he admitted nodding a little. "now then, where is this kid? Draco you have to introduce me."
"of course."Tom smiled wrapping his arms around the other, kissing his head."now rest.I dont want you worrying about anything right now.Gabe and asher are perfectly capable of taking care of things without you."

sher glare at the werewolf.Disliking the idea he'd ever mistake one for the other.Pain and uncertainy showing in his eyes.The possiblity made him question himself, and just how deeply he loved the blond...maybe he wasn't...maybe their bond wasn't as special as he thought it was. Walking some inner pain before he glared, snapping back to attention before either could say anything."No you don't.Drago's had a eventful day, and I do not think narcissa will let you see him."
Harry smiled and nodded, snuggling into Tom before closing his eyes. "mm no they can't." he mumbled smirking a little. "it's amazing they managed without me for so many centuries." he teased, slipping into a light doze, breathing softly.

Fen smiled at Asher and relaxed a little. "i didn't mean that." he muttered softly. "i'm sorry, i'm so used to hating Vampires i said thing's that i shouldn't have.." Draco's mouth dropped open, shocked that Fenrir would ever apologize to ANYONE. "i will visit...Drago? in the morning then." he decided glancing at Draco and ruffling the boy's hair. "it's nice to see you so happy." he admitted smiling. "i'm going to go visit your father then." he decided heading down the hall to visit Lucius. "... alright?" Draco asked softly, worried about his lover.
Asher sighed softly pulling the other into his arms,burying his face in his neck,breathing deepily, holding him close."I would never mistake you.Never."He said holding him tightly, desperate to reassure himself more then raoc."Never."He muttered.

Lucius looked up startled as the werewolf walked into the room his hand hovering over drago's hair,still settled in bed next to his son, keeping him calm.Raising a eyebrow at the werewolf."Whats going your fur ruffled?"He said studying the man.Amused he looked disturbed about something
Draco smiled a little. "i know." he murmured nuzzling Asher. "fen was just being Cruel, he's cruel to everyone." he promised shaking his head a little stroking the others hair. "i know you would never mistake me, because Fenrir is probably never going to leave Drago's side so you never even have to worry about mistaking us." he teased chuckling a little. "we might start to smell similar, but we will always have different smells." he promised. "Fenrir knows better than to think we'll ever truly smell the same."

Fenrir growled a little. "Asher." he grumbled sitting on the bed and scowling a little before freezing as still as stone when he saw Drago his eyes widening as he sucked in a breath. "...this is him?" he asked softly. "Draco's twin brother..." he muttered softly reaching out hesitantly and stroking the boy's cheek, Drago mumbling something as he turned towards Fenrir's hand, giving it a small nuzzle before drifting back into proper sleep. Fen looked practically mesmerized by the pretty Drago. "he's so pretty..."
Asher swallowed hard,holding onto the other like a lifelne, burying his face against his neck,before nipping at the skin. still worried but willing to put it aside for now.Sighing softly he bit him softly."Come on, lets lay down.Need to feed."He brumbled,more like wanting just a taste of his lover,to make sure he knew what he smelled like, what he tasted like.

Lucisu stare the the werewolf,snickering a little at his reaction."Well he IS draco's twin."he teased sighing softly.Knowing what was going on, and knowing that his son was about to get more attention from anyone else had ever given him.He just hoped drago could handle it.
Draco held Asher tightly before moaning softly, licking his lips. "bedroom." Draco ordered softly. "not in the hall, bedroom." he pleaded softly. "i refuse to let you fuck me in the hallway." but, Draco wasn't putting up much of a fight, so if Asher really felt the need he could very well easily claim Draco right there in the hall in front of anyone who happened to pass by.

Fen nodded, still staring at Drago intently. "would explain why i like you n dray so much." Fenrir muttered Snape nodding. "you and Draco have direct blood ties to his mate, so your scent is pleasant to Fenrir, and doesn't make him feel the need to chase you off like he does other males." "being how Dominant i am, i pick fights with other men without even realizing it." he admitted shrugging. "but i never felt threatened by you or Dray." he paused. "or you actually." he admitted blinking at Snape. "i can't figure that one out.." "it's because i'm slightly magical creature of a different species, so you knew i would never be a threat to you." Snape admitted smirking a little. "good luck guessing what i am though." Draco and Lucius knew Snape wasn't entirely wizard, but no one had been able to guess what Snape was.
Asher smirked shifting, pinning the younger man against the wall, sighing softly as he lowered his hea."Not fight all that much."He teased lowering his mouth and biting down. Sighing in pleasure as blood filled her mouth, wondering how far he could push him, wondering if draco really would make him stop.

Lucius snickered a little, amused. Having spent years trying to guess. Amused because it was forever going to be a secret. "Well at least draco'll get to spend time with his twin without having to worry about a overly protective werewolf."He snickered a little tilting his head. Life was going to be so very interesting around here. Sighing in frustration, because he just wanted a quiet few days...but it was going to be awhile before he could have that.
Draco moaned as he was pinned to the wall, his breath hitching eagerly as he felt the fangs sliding into his skin, moaning as the pleasure took away all of his thoughts, panting eagerly as he arched against his lover. Draco wouldn't make Asher stop, not unless someone actually showed up, and even then only if it was someone Draco felt embarrassed by, like Harry, or Tom, or his parents. anyone else he could just ignore. "a..aah Asher... mmm." so aroused, so pleasured, wanting more.

Fen smirked a little as he sniffed at Snape before pausing and frowning his head tilted. "huh...well your not a veela, not a vampire, not a banshee, or a siren...." he scowled a little. "i know that smell i just...can't quite place it..." he muttered Snape smirking a little as he watched Fenrir try to puzzle it out. "i KNOW i've smelled it before...."
Asher moaned softly groping the blon in his arms, hands running over his skin, sucking harder. Before raising his head, smiling slightly at the panting blond in his arms."So eager."He teased gently nuzzling him.

Lucius laughed softly sliding out of the bed."Well, while you're thinking on it. Lets get something to eat.It's been eventful morning with every inclination its going to get busier. Time to eat."He said before walking out, not waiting for the other two agree with him
Draco moaned and squirmed against the other, panting hard. "please, Asher, don't tease." he whined arching against him, panting softly. "please." he whimpered shivering in need. "pleeease..."

Fenrir didn't move, he just sat there next to Drago while the poor boy slept and gently took over the hair stroking, Snape snickering a little as he shook his head and followed Lucius out, licking his lips. "hmm, i wonder when Dumbledore is going to call off the search, i miss terrorizing the first years." he admitted shaking his head. "i can't beleive i said that, i must be loosing my mind..."
Asher smirked holding him in one arm, undoing his pants with a flick of his wrist, before pausing, tensing when he heard the others coming down the hall.Freezing because it was so...out of the realm of what he was doing, he didnt know what to do.

"oh you know you love them."He smiled laughing softly."Anyways, he'll probably keep searching for a few days, just to appear that he was looking for the body, if his pawn really is g-Draco?"Lucius stopped. Snickering at the sight of his son.
Draco moaned as his pants slithered to the ground and froze when he heard his fathers voice. "f..father?" he asked going bright scarlet, reaching down to try and yank his pants back up. "" "...come on Lucius, we'll go this way." Snape decided, clearly fighting back laughter again as he grabbed Lucius's arm and hauled him down the hall, Draco groaning in misery. "this is why i wanted a bedroom." he whined, pouting at Asher, freezing when Harry popped up, minus a Tom, "hey have you guys seen Snape? i have questions for him about this." he admitted showing the two the book on personality potions, Draco going even more red though harry didn't seem to notice their compromised position at all.
Asher snickered a little resting his head on Draco's shoulder, "He just went to the kitchen."He smiled a little before setting Draco on his feet ,turning to look at the younger vampire."Come on then.Lets get you something to eat sweetheart."He said herding them both towards the kitchen, figuring draco could use some food.

Lucius looked up from his glass,snickering as he looke at the three walking in."Hello boys."He smirked a little, tilting his head.
Draco was still beat red when they walked into the kitchen, Harry pouncing immediately on Snape and demanding the man be nice and explain this part or he was going to tell Tom on him, Snape looking disgruntled but obediently explaining what it meant, Draco silently filling up his plate when Harry scowled and looked around. " there a Dementor around?" he demanded sniffing at the air and cringing. "there's a Dementor around! Asher get rid of it!" Snape was gaping at the boy who lived before a slow, almost sadistic smirk curled his lips. "people have been guessing since i was eleven years old and your the only one to actually realize i'm part Dementor." Draco paused, fork halfway to his mouth, eyes wide. " is that even POSSIBLE!?" the poor blond demanded, looking down right shocked harry just looked freaked out. "i KNEW there was a reason why i always hated you!" he complained sticking his tongue out at the potion's master and fleeing, the man snickering a little.
Asher and lucius both stared at the potions master, before asher smirked."I dont want to consider how desperate your mother had to be..."He shuddered just thinking about it. Lucius frowned a little thoughtful."Thats just mean. you knew we'd never guess cause in their right mind gets close to them."He whined softly string at his lover. Shivering a little at the idea.
he smirked a little. "actually it was my Father who was desperate." he admitted simply. "or more raped than anything else." he admitted. "Female Dementors feed on lust, like a succubus." he explained. "but their very rare, when i was born she died." he admitted shaking his head. "they can't give birth to human off spring without giving up their lives in the process, thats why there are so few of them." he scowled a little. "Father never did like me for it though." he admitted. "Dumbledore doesn't realize either... i'm shocked Harry was able to sense me, i knew he was overly sensitive to Dementors but i didn't realize he was THAT sensitive..."
Asher's mouth quirked a little."Even knowing what horrors he faced, what brought him to this moment, to us?That kind of misery builds up...and with shadow playing somewhere in his mind, is it any wonder that he knew?"He asked shrugging a little. Already turning over the politics of having a dementor on their side...this could be good. So good for things.
Snape snorted a little and then shook his head. "you know...harry never did say what those muggles did yo him... not really." he admitted softly. "we only know what we saw they did to him..." he admitted softly. "not to mention the trauma of his parents death at such a young age, all the pains he went through in school... it's no wonder the Dementors affect him so much...why I affect him so much." he admitted sighing a little before smirking at Asher. "i'm shocked you never guessed, Gabe knew within a week of meeting me." he teased Draco's lover, Draco choking on his food. "he DID!? and he never TOLD anyone!? that BASTARD!"
Asher sputtered choking on the bloodwhiskey he was drinking, staring at the man."That...what...Dammit. GABRIEL!"He yelled jumping off his seat to go find the other vampire. Lucius snickered looking at snape."You got gabe in trouble with his dad."he snickered, even if the man wasn't in the room, he couldn't help but poke fun at asher for being old....or draco for sleeping with someone so old.
Draco snickered a little and shook his head as he drank his tea, watching as Snape snorted a little. "it's revenge for him always calling you 'pretty'." he stated simply, Draco laughing as he shook his head. "Sev, sometimes you are just too cruel." Draco teased smiling a little. "besides, Asher knows things, he can do things with his tongue that..." "...i don't want to hear that." Sev complained, Draco laughing as he skipped out of the room, nearly running into Drago who was walking to the kitchen to get some food. he looked terrible, eyes red from crying and Fenrir following behind him, looking worried about the poor blond. "have you seen Asher?...i think it was Asher... the vampire who used to be lovers with Kaleo..." Drago muttered hesitantly. "i.. i wanted to... talk to him..." he admitted softly, fidgeting a little as Fenrir bit his lip hard to keep from saying anything.
lucius nodded a little."That's asher.And he just ran out to go yell at Gabriel.Something about gabe not taking care of his toys."He smirked a little, poor asher.There were just so many dad jokes.smiling as he grew serious."Draco, go with them, don't let them get lost finding gabe's room."He said smiling a little.

Asher walked into gabe's room,barely pausing at the sight of the threesome going on in the bed."Knock it off. I have a bone to pick with gabe." "I have a BONER to pick with gabe."Rabastan whined pulling away from gabe's cock, sighing as he gave up on giving head. Knowing the vampire wouldn't go away.
Drago cracked a small grin, enjoying the joke before shaking his head as he looked back at Fenrir, almost nervously as he leaned towards Lucius. "whats with him? i woke up and he was there and all he said was that he was a body guard and then just stares at me... it's kinda freaking me out." he admitted Fenrir grimacing, superior werewolf hearing baby. Draco nearly doubled over in laughter at Drago's admittance and Fenrir's expression.

Gabe let out a low keening whine when his boy stopped sucking, panting softly as he looked up at the other, Rudolphus had somehow managed to get the vampires arms tied above his head, letting the poor humans have the advantage for once. not that anyone but Asher would know that even magically enhanced, it would have been easy for Gabe to break the ropes if he had wanted to. and that he would have for anyone aside from Asher, and for his boys. "what do you want Asher my Boys finally grew some balls!" he complained. "They where putting me in my place and i was thoroughly enjoying it."
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