Blood Fury and Love

Drago perked up excitedly and nodded eagerly racing out into the hall and into Lucius's room. "oops, wait, knocking.. right knocking." he stuttered when he realized he'd run in rather rudely, darting back out and snapping the door closed before polity knocking on Lucius';s door and waiting for the go okay to go in, Narcissa dissolving into giggles while Snape tried to keep a straight face by hiding behind his book.

Draco smiled as he was pulled into Asher's lap. "mm and i love you." he purred nuzzling Asher before pausing. "i thought Drago smelled like a grave?" he asked looking baffled. "Asher? are you alright? whats bad about black orchids and sunshine?" he asked looking confused. "Asher whats wrong?" Draco demanded stroking the others cheek. "won't you tell me?"
Lucius snickered a little looking at his son, swallowing hard as he studied him from where he was leaning back against the headboard reading."Its good to see someone teaches you manners. Even if they dont kick in till to late,and your already in the door."he said smirking a little, before laughing. He just couldn't be serious with this boy.

asher sighed softly."He does smell like the grave, thats his scent. But overtop of sunshine and orchids."He swallowe hard, trembling a little."I...I knew someone once, who smelled of orchids and sunshine."He said struggling to think clearly enough to explain.
Drago went bright red and coughed softly. "sorry, Manners don't matter much when your usually running into a room to kill everyone." he admitted sheepishly sitting down on the chair, Snape bursting into laughter as Narcissa giggled even more. the blush on Drago's face just got to them somehow. "oh, oh he's so cute." Narcissa chirped pulling her sin into her lap, Drago yelping in Terror, thinking he was being attacked, having never really been hugged before. "i.. i..." he wasn't sure what to do when Narcissa suddenly broke down into sobs again, clutching Drago tightly. "my baby boy... my precious baby boy..."

Draco frowned a little his head tilted a little. "this person is bad aren't they?" Draco asked softly, kissing Asher's forehead. "please, love you have to calm down and tell me what's going on... do you need me to get a calming drought? i can..."
Lucius sighed softly, swallowing around the lump in his throat. It hurt to see narcissa so upset.Moving over, he wrapped his arms around her gently, kissing her head, stroking drago's hair hesitantly."Shhh cissy, he's not going anywhere love. We'll protect him now.And asher will protect him.And gabriel and everyone.We'll take care of them both."

Asher swallowed hard forcing himself to be calm as he rested his forehed on draco's shoulder."Not...bad.Just insane."He sighed softly."Kaleo was... a lover of mine. That I loved enough to want to share enterinty.Or I thought I loved him.Really he was a warrior who held my interest for a few years...and when I grew bored we parted ways.And he didn't accept it. Didn't realize I was moving away because he liked violence, was insane with it more then I could handle.And now....I think he's choosing to side with dumbledore."He said his heart aching.Because he could predict this much."He wants to prove hes better then gabe cause he thinks I left him for gabe. SO he's chosen a different side then gabriel, to fight."he said his voie shaking slightly.Pain in the words making him tremble.
Drago looked relieved when she finally let him go, slumping back into his chair to take a deep breath, she'd only been suffocating him a little but it was still more than Drago really liked. "i'm...i'm sorry?" he finally managed to ask, looking worried that Narcissa was so upset as Sev handed Cissy another calming drought. "it's nothing you did." Snape promised Drago. "after we thought you died she was distraught for months... kept checking your crib to see if you where really gone.. she's just so relieved to have you back that she keeps tossing herself into hysterics." for some reason that...made Drago feel better. "she was really that sad i was gone?" he asked startled and Snape nodded, Drago bit his lip, hesitated and then crawled into the bed, wrapping his arms around Narcissa. "it's ok.. i won't leave you again." that only sent her into more hysterics, bawling into her son's chest now, but this time Drago put up with it instead of trying to squirm away.

Draco looked startled, and shocked and he bit his lip a little, pondering the situation before kissing Asher gently. "and he used Drago to try and kidnap me, not realizing that we where twins." he muttered softly. "Drago told me earlier that he was supposed to take my place for as long as he could manage to kill gabe." he admitted softly. "that's why he was chosen so specifically was because he looked like me." he hesitated a little and then. "does Gabe know? you did tell him right? this war is about to get really messy isn't it?...don't worry." Draco muttered kissing Asher again. "i'll protect you."
Lucius swallowed his laughter as he wrapped his arms around them both, pressing a kiss to narcissa's head."Love, your making him uncomfortable."He said, amused that no matter how different they were, his twins couldn't stand to put up with their mother's hysterics.

Asher snickered a little nodding."Of course gabe knows. Gabe knew before I did."He winced, knowing it was only because he hadn't been willing to admit to it as fast as gabe had. "It'll be messy,but now that we know kaleo's playing a game, we can screw with him."HE sighed raising a eyebrow kissing him back."YOU are going to protect ME?"He asked sounding amazed.
Narcissa sniffled and nodded as Drago sighed softly in relief, rubbing the back of his head as Snape rolled his eyes and force fed Narcissa yet another calming drought, the woman hiccuping now but no longer sobbing all over everyone. "i'm sorry.. i'm alright now.. honest." she stated wiping her eyes and hiccuping again as Drago eyed her closely before leaning over to Snape. "is she...mad?" "mad?" "you know...crazy, coo coo, round the bend..." Snape stared at Drago for a moment and then burst into laughter again, shaking his head as he left the room so no one would see him laughing anymore than they already had. "...maybe it's him that's round the bend?" Drago mused making Narcissa giggle. "oh we're...we're not mad we're just... i'm just overly emotional that's all..." she admitted, calmed down properly now that the calming droughts where kicking in. "i'm terribly sorry about that..." "er...yeah..uhm, no problem..."

Draco smiled as he gently stroked Asher's face. "should we tell Drago?" Draco asked softly. "should we tell anyone else at all really?" Draco wanted to know his head tilted tot he side a little. "i mean... is it a secrete? and yes ME protect YOU. admit it! without me you'd be useless." he teased smirking a little. "i'm bigger." he was three inches shorter. "i'm smarter." "Asher read smart people books that Draco didn't understand. "i'm more powerful." now that was just a bold faced lie! "AND i'm prettier!" ...that one MAY have been the truth,....maybe. "so it stands to reason that i be the one to protect you right?" Draco's eyes where glimmering with mischief, trying to make his lover feel better by teasing usually worked.
Lucius laughed softly watching them both, leaning back in the bed, wincing a little. Despite the potions, getting beaten up by harry still made his ribs ache."We've mourned you for years, it is odd to have you with us again."He smiled slightly."We are usually more in control, but it has been a stressful few days around here."

Asher laughed smirking as he looked at him."Okay, little pretty, you may be better looking."He smiled stealing another kiss."Of course I'll let you protect me.And we should probably tell drago.He might be able to tell us more about kaleo, because unfortunately, both me and gabe are losing the ability to predict what he'll do."
Drago nodded. "i can understand that i think." he admitted. "we thought Stain was dead once, it was the only time i ever saw Tsuru cry... but when Stain came back, just fine, Tsuru was very it like that?" he asked curiously. "or different?" he paused before shrugging. "i'm never really in control." he admitted with an impish grin making Narcissa giggle at the honestly. "i think Shadow would like him if he hadn't kidnapped Draco." she admitted smiling at Lucius. "their both imps." "why thank you!" Drago preened, grinning at them again.

Draco nodded a little. "i think he's still talking to father...we should wait a little bit, Father and mother are probably still crying all over Drago for still being alive... i remember the time i broke my leg, mother was in hysterics for WEEKS! i can't imagine what she'll be like with Drago back from the dead!"
Lucius snickered,"Probably. Though tom might kill them both for it.It's bad enough he's getting....with shadow."He said blushing lightly not about to talk about sex with drago. It was bad enough he knew what asher and draco got up to. HE didnt want to think about what tom and harry were doing.

Asher nodded laughing softly."good thing she knews better then to cry on me."He said smiling kissing draco slowly."Though if we have time, there's always things we could do"He smirked kissing him slowly.
Drago lifted an eyebrow. "getting knackered? getting laid? getting fucked?" he supplied looking amused as Narcissa gasped. "Drago!" Snape, who had finally gotten himself under enough control to come back out, burst into laughter again and vanished once more into the bedroom, Narcissa looking devastated. "i don't know who these people are that raised you but we are certainly having WORDS!" she complained Drago snorting a little. "yeah, good luck with that one." he stated, looking FAR to amused again. "besides i took it upon myself to figure everything out. after walking in on Stain and Tsuru that many times i just HAD to know! Narcissa's eye was twitching. "...what!?"

Draco laughed a little and nodded. "unfortunately that doesn't save me from getting cried on." he admitted with an impish grin before smirking at Asher. "yes, there are things that we could do." he agreed looking the other over and licking his lips. "but i don't think we will have that much time." he smirked. "how bout i suck you off instead and we save the rest for tonight?"
lucius snickered before dissolving into laughter at his wife's obvious distress."She's....she's angry over the idea her precious little baby had to learn the facts of life...that way."He gasped between fits, snickering harder when snape came back in."Come here.If we're having the discussion of sex, you need to be here professor."He said laughing.

Asher laughed softly leaning back in his hair.Hmmm that would be nice. Relaxing."He said already feeling relaxed at the idea. He needed something to relax him into being able to think. And draco's mouth around his cock, really was totally relaxing.
Snape coughed a little and shook his head. "i do beleive Drago knows all about sex." Snape stated simply Drago nodding in affirmation. "hell i've probably had more sex than the three of you combined." Narcissa sputtered in horror at that. "you!!! you!! you where SAFE right!?" she demanded voice nearly a screech as Drago blinked. "oh you mean used a slicker? course i did. i'm not about to go around catching the nasties off anyone." "...slicker?" Narcissa asked looking baffled. "a muggle contraceptive. a condom." Snape explained looking so close to laughing his ass off again.

Draco smirked as he leaned down, working Asher's pants out of the way, sliding his cock out and licking it all over, nibbling at the tip with a small giggle. "mmm yummy." he teased winking at his lover a little. "i'm going to take you all the way down." he purred, sucking on the head and working his way slowly, so slowly, torturously slowly downwards.
Lucius swallowed his laughter, knowing his wife would beat him up for laughing to hard.And refuse to have sex with him.Which wouldn't be kind at all. Smiling a little he tilted his head."Maybe drago should tell draco about these condoms. I am sure Asher would appericiate not chancing pregnancy. Or disease."he said giggling a little. HA!That conversation would teach the man to keep clling him pretty.

Asher sighed softly running his hand through the blond's hair, shifting a little as he relaxed."Ah little pretty, no one is better at this then you."He groaned closing his eyes."Ah love, your beautiful."
Narcissa turned to Lucius, her lips pursed and a terrifying look in her eyes. she was going to SLAUGHTER Lucius if the man didn't shut himself up soon. "we are NOT telling Draco about no Dondoms!" she snarled Drago whistling a little. "oooh you got 'the look!' you better watch out, next step is no sex and you know what THAT means!" "it means i won't be able to screw him either." Snape complained taking a drink of tea, Narcissa going nearly purple as Drago laughed. "exactly!"

Draco smirked a little as he licked and sucked and stroked, moving lower and lower, simply pleased to be pleasing as he slipped the last inch of Asher into his mouth he even swallowed, his throat convulsing around the others cock like a well practiced whore.
Lucius swallowed hard pouting a little as he looked at his wife, kissing her softly."Come on love, you know I'm just teasing. I really wouldn't embarass him by bringing it up to asher. Asher'd just come up with something WORSE then pretty."He reasoned.

Asher sighed softly trembling a little as anger and fear funnelled his lust, sighing softly as he thrust up against him. Sighing as he came within moments, to stressed out to last long."Dray..."He moaned fisting blond hair as he held the other on his cock though he made sure not to hurt him.
she sniffed a little and glared at Drago who gulped and cowered under his mothers gaze. "and YOU! i never want to hear those sorts of things come out of your mouth again you hear me!?" "yes ma'am." Drago muttered meekly. "and YOU Severus!" she snarled, Snape simply lifting an eyebrow at her. "don't ENCOURAGE them for Merlin's sake!" " you need another calming drought?" Sev asked instead of responding to her order, the woman shrieking in fury and stomping from the room, Drago laughing again. "man i LIKE you guys!" Drago admitted grinning happily. "i haven't laughed this hard since Stain accidentally dyed his hair pink!"

Draco moaned around the other as he was held in place and obediently swallowed every drop of his lovers cum, squirming after a moment from the lack of air and taking a deep breath once he was finally let up, looking very pleased with himself. "feel better?" he asked his head tilted as he smiled at Asher. "i think that Mother has probably finished with her hysterics by now."
Lucius snickered watching her go, before looking at his son."If you really want to hear something, go poke your head in harry's room.Shadow was tying tom up asleep at last count. Or go down to asher's room, I'm sure draco's woken him up by now."He snickered a little.

Asher laughed leaning back in his chair looking content and at ease for the moment."Very.Thank you."He smiled stealing a kiss before getting up."Lets go talk to pretty then."he said heading for the door, looking around for narcissa, just in case she was still in hysterics.
Drago smirked a little and shook his head. "at last count Harry and Shadow wanted to kill me for kidnapping Draco, and Asher too for that matter." he admitted smirking a little before turning to blink at Draco and Asher, smirking brighter. "your just in time! we're discussing sex!" "really? in front of mother? brave men." Draco teased looking around. "where is mother?" "throwing a temper tantrum in the bedroom." snape stated calmly. "by the way, we're supposed to be bringing up the subject of condoms with you two." "really?...what are condoms?" Draco asked looking baffled, Drago stuffing his fist into his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
"Oh no. I blame you for this. This is ALL your fault drago. No.Absolutely not."Asher growled shocking lucius before smirking. So the vampire had had more contact with the muggle world then he let on."I am NOT wearing rubber on my cock!It feels wierd!"asher whined, proving yes, he had experimented.
Drago smirked a little./ "actually i do beleive it is all..." he paused foe a moment and hesitated, indecision written across his face as he glanced at the door where Narcissa was still stewing, clearly uncertain as to what to call her. Snape felt a moment of pain as he realized how frightened Drago really was of the entire situation. parents he thought he'd never have... Draco swallowed watching his brother for a moment before turning to Asher. "rubber? on your cock? what on earth for?" "protection mostly." Drago explained. "it's this little sleeve that you put on your dick and it keeps the flesh from touching so you can't pass on any nasties. it also prevents pregnancies as it keeps the cum inside of the sleeve.." Draco looked horrified. "but i LIKE the skin on skin contact! and i LIKE it when Asher spills inside of he and the cum slips down in..." he paused and clapped a hand over his mouth as Snape choked on his morning coffee from laughing so hard. Drago just fell off his chair because he was laughing so hard.
Lucius fell out of bed as he was laughing so hard.Really.The look on his son's face was so horrifed. If he didnt know Asher'd hit him for suggesting it,he'd tell him to use a condom. Snickering as he looked over the edge at the bed to look at the blushing vampire he cracked up even more."I think we've shocked asher."He said laughing all the harder.
Drago laughed and laughed, and snape sputtered and coughed and Narcissa ignored then all as Draco went bright red with horror at what he had said. "you all SUCK!" Draco complained sulking a little as he crossed his arms. "we came in here to talk about something very serious dammit! stop laughing at me!" that only made Drago laugh harder, and then squeal as a stinging hex landed on his arm, one landing on Lucius as well. Draco hated to be laughed at.
Lucius yelped growling softly."Draco Lucien Malfoy!You just stung me with a hex!"He protested getting off the floor before turning on ahser."Punish him." "No pretty." "Yes!Its your fault we're laughing at him." "So?We come here to talk to you, and we probably should wake tom and harry to."He said looking slightly amused
Draco bared his teeth at Lucius, he'd clearly been hanging around Vampires for too long, and sulked himself crossing his arms and pouting. "i will be punishing Asher myself later." Draco growled shooting the other a scowl. "and you my dear long lost brother, will be suffering most of all!" "why me!?" "because YOU started all this!" Draco snarled Drago pouting. "Snape! go get Harry and Tom." Draco demanded, the Potions master rolling his eyes but going to do as ordered. "and Get Gabe and My Uncles too while your at it!" "Draco i am not a manservant!" Snape complained, glaring at Draco who scowled back until Snape tossed his hands in the air and went to do as told as only Draco could make him do.
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