Blood Fury and Love

"You smell different."Asher grumbled getting to his feet, studying the two."You smell like tiger, a silent predator in the dark,he smells like the grave, and...."He stopped. Paling a little.No.No.No.He was not going there."And daisies."He said making it up, because he wasn't ready to accept what his mind told him. Smiling as he stood he snickered."Your father's going to have a heart attack."He said getting to his feet, wrapping a arm around draco's waist, and grabbing drago's wrist without warning him, taking that side step through shadows and smirking as he stepped into the room.

Lucius stared at all three of them before smirking."Asher, are you planning a orgy?" "Shut up pretty.I'm not happy with you."Asher sulked as he slid into the seat next to gabriel, looking as sulky as a child as he studied the twins are their father.
Draco smirked a little. "a tiger? don't tigers stink?" he teased his head tilted as Drago blinked and sniffed at his own armpit. "i don't smell anything.. in any case i do live in a graveyard." he paused tapping his lips. "i don't know why i would smell like Daisy's though, i...HEY!" he protested as he was grabbed and pulled into shadows, outright bitching and cussing when they stepped through to the other side about personal space and giving a guy a warning when Snape suddenly appeared, shoving a vial into everyone's hands, and Lucius's again and ordering them to drink, Drago looking at it suspiciously before silently pouring it out onto the floor. "as it stands father, i'm not very happy either." Draco admitted shooting Lucius a dark scowl. "you see, i have always believed myself to be an only child, and yet here this person is, an exact replica of myself with the Malfoy birthmark mocking me. so some answers would be nice." he growled setting the calming drought off to the side.
"Tigers smell good."Asher grumbled, not at all happy with any of them. Lucius sighed softly sipping his potion before giving his sons a look."Drink the potion draco."he said before shuddering a little."You...Drago is your twin. You two did everything together, "He sighed stroking narcissa's hair as she slept, shifting her slghtly, hoping he'd get through this fast enough none of them went to beat his head in."You were kidnapped when you were seven.And the men who took you....hurt Drago. When we got you back, you believed firmly that he was dead, and we had no way of proving he was alive....after that, you snapped. You had no memory of having a brother, or being taken. Except for your fear of being left alone.You cling to a vampire, because he wont leave you through death, not like you believed Drago did."He said softly, proving once again, he was smarter then some people gave him credit for.
Draco scowled at Lucius all through the story and Drago looked confused. "kidnapped?" he asked softly. "i was dead?... i don;t get it." he admitted sitting down before he collapsed. "i..." he blinked and bit his lip, chewing on it like no Malfoy ever would, making Draco cringe a little. it was a habit Drago had always had, and all of a sudden everything came rushing back to the blond, who cried out in pain at the sudden migraine he got for it. "oh,..oh my god... i...i remember!" Draco whispered eyes wide. "me...and Drago... the man who smelled like death... and the... the silence... always the silence and always alone..." he sobbed as Drago looked started and hesitantly patted his brothers back, trying to comfort him, but the blond moved away wanting comfort from Asher instead. "you had better take him to bed." Snape said softly to Asher. "this has been a very stressful day." "Drago will stay with me until Draco calms down." Gabe decided. "or until we decide he can be trusted." "i don;t want to leave!" Drago protested, looking wide eyed at Lucius as he realized that this man and the sleeping woman must be his parents, the parents he had always been told had died.
Asher smiled softly ashe kissed his lover's head, shifting the boy in his arms as he got up, snagging a calming and sleeping potion as he left. Smiling as he headed towards their room, settling him in bed before holding out the potion."Drink."He ordered gently stroking the boy's hair.

Luius smiled a little before shifting, "Gabe, if you must.Stay here. Dragos going no where, and severus is going to be busy brewing, so it would be nice to not be the only one here."He said smiling as shifted making room for them both."Anyways, we don't want drago in your room, otherwise your boys might get the wrong idea, and wonder what happened to asher."He snickered a little at the idea of how confused the lestranges would be to find gabe in bed with a draco look alike.
Gabe paused and then a wicked little smirk spread across his lips. "now THERE'S a fun idea." he mused Drago looking baffled by the vampire before focusing all of his attention on the man. "are you really my father?" he asked softly, touching his head. "i can't remember anything from...since i was eight i think." he admitted softly. "that's how old everyone assumed i was anyway, they found me, wandering in this big ol abandoned house with blood all over me." he admitted. "coming from my head." he paused then. "i guess i must have looked dead, because the people that found me, Tsuru and Stain... they where amazed that i was still alive... they don't talk much..." he admitted. "but, they always told me that my parents must have been dead for me to be in such a place, apparently some man eating monster frequented there.. they must have thought my parents had been eaten." he paused again, staring at Lucius and then glancing at Snape then looking at Narcissa and then shaking his head. "will you tell me what it was like?...before?"

Draco just shook his head and turned away from the potions, whimpering a little. "i don't want to" he complained softly. "i don';t want to sleep... i don't want to be calm! they just let me forget! they let me forget my own brother!" not that anyone could have stopped that from happening but they could have tried! tried to help Draco instead of letting him suffer in silence and develop those nasty habits, like seeking out company when he was alone, and being terrified of being abandoned. they where such a nuisance to everyone, and they'd all nearly had a heart attack when Draco, a child then, had found Fenrir and cuddled up to the violent werewolf because no one else was around. though Fenrir had been smart enough to know now to hurt any Malfoy...ever.
Lucus smiled slightly watching the boy, his heart hurting at the idea of his son being abndoned. Hating that they hadn't looked for him harder, remembering how devasted they'd all been when they realized drago wouldn't be coming home."In the morning, yes I'll tell you.And your mother will.And asher.And Gabriel.Everyone will tell you."He said smiling a little closing his eyes, teh calming draught starting to make him go to sleep.

Asher growled a little."Draco, drink dammit."He said, angry because there wasn't anything he could do to make this better.Sitting down next to him he sighed softly, wrapping his arms around the man."Love, I am sure they tried to not let you...but it would have been more damging to force you to remember when it was evident you had no idea then to let you pretend."
Drago nodded watching Lucius closely before looking up at Gabe. "is he ok?" "sleeping potion." was Gabriel's only response sighing a little. "come on little one, i have a spare bed in my room that you can use. tomorrow will bring new answers for you, and heal some old hurts." he explained Drago hesitating as he looked over at Lucius. "honestly... i don't think i'm the one hurting." he admitted, hesitating before leaning forward, pressing a kiss to Lucius;s temple and then one to Narcissa's cheek, smiling softly. "goodnight..." Drago muttered softly glancing at the potion's professor who looked like he was about to burst into tears at the sight as he turned and followed Gabe out of the room, and into the spare bed Gabe had waiting, falling asleep almost instantly. the poor Lestrange Brothers would have no idea when they finally came home.

Draco shook his head again, refusing the potion once more before sobbing at Asher's reasoning. Draco didn't want to be reasonable, he didn't want to be calm, and he didn't want to forgive, but he opened his mouth and took the potions and drifted off to sleep without another word, clinging desperately to Asher as if the man was a lifeline even in sleep.
Asher smiled snuggling the other, willing to be a lifeline anytime.

In the morning asher groaned a little, shifting."Draco,you're holding to tight."He grumbled, shifting trying to loosen the blond's hold around his chest. Knowing he was going to have bruises, however brief they'd be there, when he was finally left go."Love, time to get up."

Rabastan yawned as he stepped into the room, running his hand through his hair tiredly. After a whole night of searching for some trace of the missing malfoy heirs he was exhausted.And all he wanted to do was fall into bed with gabe and sleep. But he paused in the doorway, yelping when rudy walked into his back, but didn't move.Not believing what he was seeing."Uhh....gabe, why is draco sleeping in here?Did asher die or something?"he asked fear in the words. Because he could only think of one reason the blond vamprei wouldn't be attatched at the hip with his blond lover now that he was back.
Draco whined and gripped tighter, his eyes fluttering open. "huh?" was his ever so articulate response as he finally let his lover go. "sorry... sleepy." Draco complained snuggling his pillow to death instead as he got ready to fall back asleep, sighing a little before he shot straight up in bed, suddenly remembering the happenings of last night. "Drago..."

Gabe shifted and groaned a little as he rubbed his eyes, sitting up. "huh? Draco?" he asked sleepily looking down at the blond sleeping. "oh, no that's not Draco. it's his missing twin brother Drago. he didn't have anywhere else to stay last night." he admitted holding his arms out for the bothers. "i tried to contact you but you where out of range." he admitted. "you two must be completely exhausted, come lay down." he ordered shaking his head a little. "i'd make you feel better but i don't want to scar poor Drago." "wouldn't be the first time someone's fucked int he same room i was sleeping in." Drago mumbled. "go ahead, i don't care." Gabe and Rudolphus just stared at Drago who yawned, rolled over, and by all appearances went back to sleep.
Asher watched him, biting his lip. Wondering how the other was feeling.Wrapping his arms around him as he kissed his head."We can go see how he's doing this morning.I'm sure gabe took care of him."He said with a snicker, wondering how draco would take the words.He couldnt help it, he really couldnt help teasing him.

Rabastan yawned collapsing on the bed next to gabe, snuggling close."I'm scared.Oh gods, we have another draco."He smirked."The boy's going to be the death of asher."He snickered at the idea, poor asher just wouldn't know what to do."IT was a long night.Though we did find some interesting things...we need sleep first."He whined nuzzling the vampire.
Draco snorted a little. "i doubt Gabe touched him, he loves my uncles way to much." he stated simply shaking his head a little. "come on, i want to go see him." he admitted getting up and redressing with a small shudder. "what if he's not like i remember? what if he hates me? what if i hate him!?" he demanded suddenly worried. "what if father doesn't let him stay!?" he fidgeted and bit his lip, squirming a little.

Gabe chuckled a little and shook his head. "no. Drago is much more excitable and hyper than Draco is." he stated calmly. "but if Drago where to cut his hair then Drago and Draco could really fuck with Asher's head." he admitted smirking a bit. "of course Draco's still too jealous for that sort of thing yet." he admitted kissing both Boy's foreheads. "you go to sleep." he ordered gently. "i'm going to go check on Draco and Harry."
Rabastan smiled a little, cuddling into rudy, yawning as he fell asleep.

Asher frowned a little shifting to hold the other in his arms, meeting his eyes."Draco, he wont be like what you remember. There's been a lifetime put into a few short years.He wont be the same, but you will know him. YOur heart recognizes him, now just get out of your own way and try to know him again."He ordered softly, before snickering."If pretty makes him live, I'll let you top for a month."He said, knowing the idea of lucius letting his son go willingly was utterly riddiculous.Blushing softly when he realized Gabe had walked in for the announcement."Shut up."He scowled, stopping the snickers he was sure to come.
Draco swallowed hard and then nodded. " right" he finally stated, biting his lip a little. "i would like to top for a month." he admitted just to screw with Asher as Gabe started laughing. "you know! you and Drago are more alike than i thought! this morning Drago told me it was ok to screw the twins while he was in there!" he admitted looking amused. "and that he didn't care so long as he could go back to sleep." Draco snorted a little and nodded. "yeah that sounds like something i'd say." he admitted looking a little relieved. "how's harry doing?" "i haven't looked yet." Gabe admitted shaking his head. "he's probably pissed off about Drago kidnapping Draco." he admitted sighing a little. "Harry might hate Draco but he still thinks of Draco as a part of the family unit he's built up, so he's pretty pissed about someone taking him." he admitted Draco looking surprised. "Harry actually hates me?" "no he's just trying to convince himself that he does to save himself from emotional disturbances." "...
Asher snikered a little as he got up, tugging his pants on before looking at the blond."Come on then.Let's go see harry.And I need to talk to gabriel anyways."He said avoiding looking at the vampire for once, because he knew what he guessed, what he'd smelled on drago was going to hurt.And he didn't want to confront it yet."Lets go reassure the young one, and I want to see if Tom got tied up."He said with a snicker heading out the door without waiting for the other two to catch up
Gabe smiled a little and nodded, because he recognized that smell on the younger Malfoy, he knew that smell all too well. "come on then, Draco if you want Drago is in the bedroom with your uncles." Draco nodded and got to his feet, running down the hall to meet up with Drago, who was looking bored now that he was awake.

Harry, or Shadow rather, was actually in the process of tying the sleeping Tom up when Asher and Gabe walked in, looking up and blinking at them his head tilted. "go away, i'm busy." he growled smirking a little at them as he gave the rope a tug, closing it over Tom's wrists. "he's going to look so pretty wrapped up in ropes." silk rope, but strong rope, and with Tom's wand aaaaaall the way on the other side of the room, the man probably wasn't getting free anytime soon.
Asher snickered staring before smiling as he watched the dark lord trying to keep asleep.He was so not a morning person."We just wanted you to know that Draco is back, along with his twin."He said before elbowing gabe."He's lets go discuss what we need to so I can get back to draco."He said already feelng anxious to get to the blond
Shadow blinked a little, looking surprised before relaxing a little. "good." he decided nodding. "now i can slaughter the kidnapper." he paused. "of course Draco wouldn't appreciate that would he?" he mused before shrugging as he worked on removing Tom's pants before the other woke up, Gabe smirking a little. "have fun then then little one." he purred turning to Asher and nodding. "let's go tomy office then, i'll close the door, no one will bother us if i lock it." he promised shaking his head as he led the way to the room. "... i don't know really, how to tell you this." he admitted softly, running a hand through his hair as he locked the door with shadows as well as with the lock. "it was Him...Asher...that you smelled on the young Drago... and there are signs that he's been fed on as well..." he admitted. "Drago's nothing more than a pawn in some game, the poor boy doesn't even realize it..."
"Fucking hell."Asher cursed as he collasped into one of the chairs, looking at the other vampire."I'd hoped I was wrong."He bit his lip."You know Kaleo's playing this game because we're involved. No...he would, but he's not the only one."He sighed frustrated."Kaleo wants nothing more then to keep me as his. I cant...I used to be able to predict what he'd done. Its been to long gabe, I have no idea what chess game he's playing,but we're all just pawns."
Gabe sighed and looked over at Asher. "you need to tell Draco." he stated softly. "Kaleo might get him involved just because he views little pretty as a threat. or even just because he's prettier.... i've been keeping as many tabs on the man as i can but...Kaleo is slipping further into madness, andi can't keep a good focus on him any longer... he is slipping out of my reach." he looked down at his hand, the long fingers tipped with sharp nails. "i might have to kill him after all Asher..." he admitted softly. "i know i promised, but he is becoming a very great threat, and not just to vampires." he looked over at his oldest friend. "i can't even predict what he will do, i never saw this coming..." he sighed a little and shook his head. "something must be done..."
Pain filled asher's face before it faded, resting his head back on the chair as he closed his eyes."If I'd known this was coming, I would have killed him myself."He swallowed hard."I wont let you do something I should have done centuries ago."he sighed, knowing he should have killed kaleo, given him a warrior's death when he'd first showed signs of madess. But he hadn't been able to destroy his warrior, because it was part of his fault that kaleo had been given the immortality that had driven him insane. Draco had been the only one, the one who hadn't made a living out of being a warrior in the strictest sense, that Asher had taken to bed. And he was the only one he loved."He lives by the sword, let him die by it."He said, his heart aching at the idea of telling draco.
Gabe nodded. "i will let you kill Kaleo." he promised softly moving over to Asher, lifting the others chin so that they where looking face to face. "but if you fail, Asher, or simply cannot do it...i will have no choice." he admitted softly, eyes stern and serious before he sighed, his glowing blue eyes filling with pain instead. "what i wouldn't give to free you from this pain." he murmured softly. "how could any of us have known?" he sighed a little. "you must tell Draco Asher... the boy will not leave you, not for something like this... and he might be the only one you can go to comfort in the coming days." he admitted softly watching his oldest friend closley before kissing him on the cheek. "i must go and speak to those i left in charge in the Vampire Realms." he murmured softly. "i will be back within a day." he promised softly.
Asher nodded slightly though he pulled his face away from the other's hand. Not wanting the comfort, he was hurting to much to be able to accept it from anyone but draco."Go.I'll take care of things here."HE said before leaving them room, heading for Gabriel's room, sighing softly as he paused in the doorway, unable to make himself cross the room to the two blonds sitting in the chairs by the window. Amused that the lestranges were still past out,despite the noise the twins were making. Sighing he settled for watching them for a few minutes, until they noticed him anyways.
Draco was laughing as he listened to a story Drago was telling about the two men who had taken him in, Tsuru and Stain, both where wizards but preferred the muggle style killing. someone like Asher would know them by reputation for taking out criminals in both worlds and even the vampire. sometimes a vampire went mad and the two assassins would take them out before the vampires even got there. they where definitely formidable people, which meant that Drago was just as formidable. as he proved by noticing the second that Asher walked in, shifting in his seat so he could dive out of the way in an instant should Asher attack. "so then of course Stain is completely freaking out, i mean, who wouldn't be he ATE a COCKROACH!" Drago continued as if he hadn't noticed Asher at all Draco just laughed away, not yet noticing Asher. "and Tsuru is just cussing out the foreigner who fed us, apparently it was a delicacy." Drago got a sadistic little smirk on his face.

"i rather like them actually. ""GROOOOSSS!" Draco squealed, nearly crying he was laughing so hard. "oh yeah! their delicious covered in chocolate, and they have so much protein! their like a meal in and of themselves." "Drago that's SO nasty!" Draco complained giggling furiously before noticing Asher in the doorway, beaming at his lover. "Asher!" he chirped abandoning Drago. "Asher what's wrong?" he demanded, noticing the look on his lovers face, Drago looking startled as he looked the vampire over, Asher did look bad. "hey Draco! i'm going to go take a shower!" Drago chirped, Draco looking relieved. Drago was polity giving Draco a reason to split, letting Draco take care of Asher.
Asher smiled a little wrapping his arms around draco, knowing why Drago was giving them a reason to leave."Pretty's up if you want to visit him after your shower."he said before pulling draco out of the room,heading for their rooms. Collapsing into a seat without saying anything, wrapping his arms around the other tightly burying his face against his neck."I love you."He smiled softly, holding him close. Needing the warm living reminder that he had something to fight for now."Drago smells of black orchids and sunshine."He muttered shuddering, because there was only one person who claimed black orchids as a scent.And he...didn't want to confront him.Not when he had draco to take care of.
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