Blood Fury and Love

Tom moaned tangling his fingers in the boy's hair, sighing softly.Trying not to think of what it meant that he wanted to touch the other so much. Whmpering softly in need as he squirmed."More.."

Asher wnced loosing his grip a little."Sorry."He muttered kissing him hard, tangling his fingers in the other's hair as he edged him bakc towardsd the bed, tripping him and pinning the blond to the bed. Kissing him again, fangs nibbling at his skin.
Harry smirked a little and sucked harder before pulling away and sighing as he snuggled into the pillows again. "mmm sleepy." he muttered softly, well aware that Tom would no doubt pounce on him and hump them both into perfect orgasmic bliss, Harry had always supposed to have been in slytherin after all.

Draco growled as he found himself pushed back into the bed, groaning at the neck nibbling before grabbing two strong handholds of the others hair and yanking his head back, panting hard. "oh no, your MY bitch tonight." he growled rolling them over so that he was on top instead. "all mine." he growled, smirking as he kissed the marks he had left on Asher's skin, they would be gone by morning most probably but Draco didn't mind. he'd just have to make a more lasting one, a hickie always healed much more slowly
Tom growled softly as he pounced on the other, pinning him to the bed as he rubbed his erection against the other's leg, sighing softly in pleasure as he wrapped a hand around the vampire's cock stroking him hard as he had every intention of making sure the other stayed awake for this.

Asher moaned softly laughing softly as he squirmed, wrapping his hands in draco's hair pulling him back for a kiss. He didn't mind bottoming, but he was going to make the man work for it."All yours."he smiled gently stroking his hair. Amused that the usual submissive got dominate when he was feeling possessive.
Harry gasped as he was pounced on and moaned eagerly as he arched into the others hand, bucking his hips eagerly into the attention as his own hand struggled to unbutton Tom's pants, finally slipping the button free and dragging he others cock out, stroking it just as hard as Tom was stroking his.

Draco growled as he kissed the other, thrusting his tongue hard into the others mouth with an eager moan, squirming against him as he thrust their groins together, draggign his nails down Asher's chest, leaving long red marks behind as he kissed Asher harder, one hand tangling into the others hair, yanking his head back and breaking the kiss, the other hand reaching for his wand. "if you don't behave, i'll have to restrain you."
Tom moaned thrusting hard into the others hand, fingers tightening around harry's cock, rubbing against him harder."Hmm harry..."He moaned softly shivering as he stroked him.Wishing the other was more awake for this.

Asher moaned moaning as he leaned back,following the yank of his hair to keep his head from hurting."Wimp."He growled wrapping his fingers in draco's hair pulling him down for a kiss.
Harry moaned eagerly, bucking into the hand as he panted hard. "nnng, T..Tom, yes Tom! so close!" Harry mewled, moving his hand along Tom's cock more firmly, quicker, almost desperate now as he bucked wildly into the hand on his cock. "G..Gonna cum! your,, a..aah Gonna make me cum!" he whined, letting out small submissive moans and whines, squirming on the bed for Tom's own pleasure. "TOM!!!" Harry cried out, arching as he Came, spilling his seed all over the place as he moaned, and groaned, and continued to jerk the other off.

Draco smirk and locked his back and neck, straining against Asher's hold as he narrowed his eyes at his lover, smirking as he shook his head. "such a naughty" he purred adopting Gabriel's playful nickname for the Lestrange brothers. they where the only ones Gabe called pet, he didn't even call Asher pet. Draco just thought it was a vampire thing, it probably was, he didn't care, it felt good to call Asher pet, like he was saying 'i love you' and 'i own you' all at the same time. "i'm going to have to tie you up aren't i? you just can't seem to behave."
Tom moaned as he came, trembling as he thrust into the others hand harder, slumping down onto the other as he buried his face against his chest, muttering in pleasure as he settled close. "Oh damn...amazing..."He muttered.

Asher moaned softly shivering at being called pet, laughing softly as he settled back on the bed, letting go of the other's hair, gently stroking it out of his face.I can behave,master."He muttered the word master sounding odd for him, but it was I love you all the same.
Harry panted softly and nodded, letting out a small little groan as he squirmed on the bed. "yeah, amazing." Harry whispered with a smug little tone of voice, yawning again as he rubbed his eyes. "fucking Draco....he drugged me." Harry complained slowly sitting up and leaning against Tom, struggling to stay awake. "Tom...go get the antidote...i don't want to sleep no more..." he complained softly, already slipping back towards sleep. "and Shadow is bored...he won't stop complaining and he's ANNOYING."

Draco smirked at being called master, moaning a little himself as he licked his lips, looking the other over intently. "that's right pet." he murmured softly, stroking Asher's inner thigh. "you can behave, or i'll have to punish you won't i?" he teased smirking as his fingers ghosted along Asher's crotch, carefully avoiding any contact with the mans cock, tickling the others belly. "i do beleive your wearing too many clothes Love." he admitted with an eager little smirk. "why don't you strip for me hmm?"
Tom laughed softly as he got out of bed, heading for the other's room. Knowing asher was in trouble, so he'd be with draco somewhere. Opening the door he snickered a little."Pet?Pet?"He asked amused looking at the vampire and ignoring the embarassed look he got from the elder man as asher pressed his face against his shoulder."Draco, harry wants the antidote."He said averting his eyes from the two in front of him. As much as he might tease them, he didnt want to see them in the middle of sex.
Draco smirked a little as he glanced over at Tom lifting an eyebrow. "Harry should really sleep the potion off you know, his body needs the rest." he stated flicking his hand to the dresser, where a single vial of dark blue potion had appeared. "take it and get out, i have an ass to own and i can't do that with you standing there." he smirked viciously. "unless you want to watch?" he pressed his groin hard into Asher's and moaned softly, licking his lips at Tom, well aware that it would only make the man scamper off even faster.
Tom whined softly scampering for the dresser and leaving with the antidote, for once acting like the teen he'd been instead of the man he'd become. Wrinkling his nose he made a mental note to tease Asher later as he headed back to harry's room,gently shaking his shoulder when he climbed back in bed with him.

Asher whined softly in pleasure and embrassment, biting draco softly as he cuddled close to him."Cruel."He whined flushed as he leaned back to look at him.
Harry groaned as he was woken again, his eyes fluttering open, looking disgruntled and grumpy and tired as he obediently drank the antidote, grimacing at the taste before perking up not a moment later. "damn, that worked fast." Harry stated blinking a little before grinning. "thanks tom. i hate sleeping so much... i have such terrible nightmares." he admitted snuggling into the man. "but you usually chase them away so it's ok."

Draco snickered, moaning at the bite. "he's the one who interrupted." he growled smirking as he ground there hips together again. "now i do beleive that you still have FAR too many clothes on." he growled, tugging his own shirt off, and waiting for the other to do the same, licking his lips eagerly as he watched the other, his head tilted.
Tom smiled a little kissing his head."Well,I guess I can live with being the teddy bear that chases away nightmares."He said amused, "And you so owe me for making me go see draco."he said making a face.

Asher whined softly undressing himself, sighing softly as he leaned back into the bed, completely naked as he studied him. Amused and pleased the other was so eager.
Harry snorted and smirked a little as he rolled his eyes. "i do do i?" he teased smirking a little. "well then." he purred climbing into Tom's lap. "now that we can be sure that there won't be any interruptions." he purred, slipping his own shirt off before pressing their groins together and rubbing gently. "how about you take your revenge on my, mmm slender, innocent body?"

Draco smirked as he looked the other over, naked himself as well as he licked his lips, groaning eagerly as his mouth watered, settling himself onto the bed and grabbing Asher's hair, yanking the man over and down so that Draco's cock touched the others lips. "mmm yeah, suck me, get me all nice and wet for your pretty ass."
"innocent are you?"Tom snickered moaning softly as he turned them over, pinning the other to the bed as he shifted to tug his pants off, pulling harry's off to, smirking a little, as he slid a hand over Harry's cock."Yes you so owe me, because seeing asher getting topped is not something Iwanted to see."He whined.

Asher growled softly looking up through his bangs at the other, raising a eyebrow, taking his time to slide his mouth over draco's cock, swallowing around him, fangs scrapping over the sensitive skin teasingly.
Harry moaned as he was pinned to the bed, arching against the other as he blushed a little, smiling. "yeah, innocent so you have to be careful." he ordered looking a little nervous, but more than willing and far too eager, squirming under Tom at the thought of Asher getting topped. "oh fuck yeah that's hot." he groaned closing his eyes. "i bet Draco is a damn Sexy Dom." he teased watching Tom. "not as sexy as you, but certainly a good second place."

Draco smirked at his lover and licked his lips, moaning eagerly as the vampire swallowed his cock, arching slightly as he moaned again, trembling as he felt the fangs scraping his most sensitive body area, which only made him all the hotter, his cock twitching in the others mouth. "mmm fuck yeah that feels amazing." he moaned, panting softly. "christ it's been forever since you've sucked me off." usually Draco sucked Asher, and usually it was so slow and teasing that Asher lost control before either of them thought about getting Draco one. not that Dray really cared, he didn't care for blow jobs most of the time, he'd rather have a cock up his ass, but every once and a while he got into a mood, like now, and decided he needed to be in charge.
Tom groaned resting his head on the other's shoulder."Dont think about it. I dont want to."He whined biting down gently on the other's neck, running his hands over the other's body, smirking as he slowly slid a finger into him.

Asher winced a little at the thought, flinching thinking he'd been neglecting his lover. biting down slightly he sighed closing his eyes as he sucked him off, shifting his hold, smirking as he held the back of draco's thighs, slipping a finger into him, to press against his prostate, wanting to make sure the other was enjoying this as much as he was. Squirming a little because he loved to hear the sounds of his blond in bliss
Harry snickered a little moaning at the bite to his neck, arching against the other with a sultry little purr, licking his lips eagerly. "mm Tom." he moaned, gasping at the finger so suddenly inside of him, letting out a small squeak of surprise and pain, tight, so tight as if proving his virginal status. "that...feels so strange." he moaned softly, a flush spreading across his face.

Draco moaned loudly, bucking lightly into the others grip panting hard, wailing in pleasure as he felt the fingers slid into him, pressing against his prostate, and before he could stop himself he'd grabbed the Vampire by the hair and thrust a few times, hard into his mouth, squealing as he came, spilling himself into the others mouth with a tremble and a grin. "mmm FUCK that feels good!" he moaned squirming into the fingers. "yess. mmm...wait a second! i'm on top!" he protested glaring at Asher. "who gave you permission to put your fingers up my arse!?" no matter how good it felt Draco intended to punish Asher for it, just because he liked seeing Asher's ass all red.
Tom laughed softly, muttering another lubing spell, biting the other again."You get used to it."He said smirking a little as he curled his finger pressing against the man's prostate the same time as he stroked his cock. Amused at the virgin.

Aser blushed a little wilting under the other's glare, fangs nibbling at his lip. For once, taking the other more serious then he normally would. Having already upset the man once that day, he wasn't sure wht he was feeling, he was just feeling unbalanced."Hmmm but you enjoyed it."He said with a small smile.
Harry blushed harder and moaned, arching into the bite before squealing at the fingers on his prostate, jerking against the other with a loud, startled gasp. "a..aah f..fuck! what the hell was THAT!?" Harry demanded, sounding more startled than anything as he squirmed in Tom's lap. " it again!" he ordered, bucking into the fingers on his cock. "feels good, oh god Tom it feels good, i want more...please!"

Draco paused at the others accusation before smirking a little. "of course i liked it, i loved it." he admitted. "i just want another excuse to spank you." he teased stroking Asher's cheek. "lover, what's wrong? your not normally so tense when i dominate usually enjoy it more...what's wrong?" he asked, worried about his vampire master. "did i do something wrong?"
Tom laughed softly, smirking as he pressed his finger against the other's prostate, "that's your prostate."He said shifting the other, sighing softly, it felt so good to have the other squirming against him.

Asher smiled a little, resting his cheek against Draco's hand, turning his head to nibble at his skin,before pulling the other into his lap,holding him close, cuddling him, because for once, he was the one who needed it."No. I...I dont know. I feel bad for teasing you about Narcissa.And... flirting and just...everything."He shrugged a little.
Harry mewled arching against the other again tossing his head back as he squirmed even more. "please! oh god Tom!" he groaned bucking into the fingers pressing so perfectly inside of him. "please! for the love of Merlin Tom! please!" he was so needy, so aroused and so EMPTY.

Draco blinked looking startled at Asher before smiling a little as he gently tugged on Asher's hair. "oh don't feel bad." he ordered softly cuddling his lover, holding him close and kissing his neck. "Flirting just comes naturally to you, i'm the one who shouldn't take everything so seriously." he murmured softly. "i just get so worried that your going to leave me." he admitted softly. "and i know that's stupid... but i can't help myself."
Tom moaned softly shifting stretching the other as quick as he dared, before pulling his fingers out, setling the man back against the bed he kissed him hard, sliding into him slowly.Swallowing hard as he struggled to not move to much to nt hrt him,but it felt so amazing.

Asher smiled holding him close, moaning softly as the other tugged his hair."And you wind me up when you get upset. Even knowing you wont leave, I cant help thinking maybe...I pissed you off enough you'llwanttogostaywithgabriel."He said, his voice dropping so long the words ran together,blushing hard.
Harry moaned, and groaned and mewled as he was stretched and worked, arching and wiggling against him as he gasped, and panted, and cried out in pleasure and pain and more pleasure. he squealed when Tom started pushing into him, gritting his teeth against the pain as tears formed in his eyes, but didn't fall, panting hard once Tom was all the way inside, causing Harry to tremble as he slowly got used to the girth inside of him. "move." harry finally moaned. "Tom...move.... feels good..."

Draco stared at Asher for a long moment, his eyes wide and his mouth open before he smiled. "well, Gabriel is pretty cute..." he admitted. "but, then again your much cuter... and Gabe is nice but he's got an emotional complex, and i HAVE to hear that someone loves me at least once a day or i get worried, it would never work. sure he's a good fuck but your cock fits better in my ass AND you let me fuck you sometimes." he nodded. "now why would i leave you for Gabe when your clearly better?"
Tom moaned shifting a little stealing a kiss as he rocked a little pulling out slowly before moving back, hands gripping the smaller man's hips as he shuddered angling his thrust to hit against his prostate, pressing a kiss to the other's eyes, nuzzling him as he wiped the tears away.

Asher blushed smiling shyly, that rare shy smile that said something had really touched his heart when so many things didn't. The smile that was just draco's. "Oh.Well its gabe.But I am better, and he is in love with your uncles."He muttered sounding amused as he groped the blond in his lap.
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