Blood Fury and Love

Draco smirked. "oh yes, ON top, laying directly, on top, of Tom." he stated with a little snicker. "he's stuck, can't even get up to go pee if he ends up having to. Harry is small, but he can be DAMN heavy when he wants to be." Draco admitted with a laugh shaking his head as he knocked on the door to Gabriel's room, Gabriel muttering something, which Draco took as a cue to open the door. Gabriel was sitting up, rubbing his eyes, looking confused. no one had realized that Draco had slipped the vampire Lord a sleeping potion as well. "how are we feeling Gabriel?" Draco teased, the Vampire scowling at him. "if you weren't Asher's lover i'd hate you." he complained sluggishly. "hows Lucius?"
Asher swallowed hard to keep from laughing at his friend's sleepy reaction. knowing instantly what the man had done."Lucius is fine. We were just on our way to see him if you want to come."He smirked a little."OF course you want to come.You always do."He teased looking over the sleep mussed vampire lord.
Gabriel glared at Asher. "if you weren't my best friend id hate you too." he complained, slipping out of bed, Careful not to disturb the Lestrange brothers, gently kissing each one on the head and leaving a note to inform them where he was and why he wasn't in bed before getting properly dressed, sighing a little. "and how is harry?" "sleeping still, on top of Tom." Draco admitted smirking as Gabe paused. ", ON tom?" he asked lifting an Eyebrow as Draco smirked and nodded. "yes, ON tom, poor man can't even get up to pee." Gabriel couldn't help but find that terribly funny, snickering quietly as he headed out of the room, Draco smirking, very pleased with spreading the word that Harry was on top of Tom.
Asher snickered quietly, wincing as rabastan snuggled closer into his twin as if to try and keep sleeping. Smirking as the three of them walked into the hall."Draco, he's going to kill you when he finds out your telling everyone."He pointed out, wrapping a arm around draco's waist.
Rudolphus whined a little but snuggled into his brother, sighing softly as he too continued to sleep, Gabe smiling at them, "god do i love them." he muttered softly, sighing a little. "if only i could be sure they felt the same..." the mortals wouldn't be able to hear, but Asher would, not that Gabe noticed. "that's half the fun!" Draco chirped, smirking a little. "wait until i tell Father and Uncle! and Mother! oh did you know mother is back? she came in last night." he admitted smiling. "she is VERY upset with father and Tom for not telling her that Harry was here." he admitted snickering a little as he shook his head. "she's laying in bed with father right now, thankfully she has all her clothes on." he snickered a little as he knocked on the door and opened it to see Narcissa sitting up in bed on the left side of Lucius, reading a book about multiple personalities, Snape on Lucius's right also reading a book on Personality potions. "morning." they both stated calmly.
Asher gave gabriel a look, snorting a little. IF the older vampire was blind to what anyone could see, he was a moron who'd eventually have a rude awaking. Smiling as he walked into the room, he smirked slightly."Good morning pretty." Lucius whined softly as he looked over the edge of his book."it's to early in the morning to harass me.Cissy, tell hm to stop."He whined, knowing the vampire loved his wife dearly, and she was one of the few people who could continuously get good results in ordering him about.
Narcissa smirked a little. "well you ARE pretty." she stated simply flipping a page in her book as Snape chuckled. "i agree." "aaw it's national 'pick on Pretty' Day!" Gabriel chirped happily clapping his hands. "how wonderful!" "how's harry?" Snape interrupted Draco smirking. "asleep. on Tom." both Narcissa and Tom looked up, Narcissa a great deal more startled than Snape was. "ON him? really? fully clothed or Naked?" Narcissa asked curiously. "Fully Clothed, but only because of the sleeping Potion." Draco admitted smirking a little, Narcissa laughing in delight. "Asher be a darling and try not to annoy Lucius TOO much this morning? we where able to heal his ribs but their still sore and he's a bit grumpy this morning."
Asher smiled kissing her cheek as he sat down in a cair next to her."Anything for you cissy." Lucius rolled his ees, looking at the two."I am not grumpy. Malfoy's do not do grumpy."He said with a sniff, going back to reading his book.
Narcissa giggled and beamed at Asher while Draco rolled his eyes and planted himself in Asher's lap. no he was NOT jealous of his own mother! "of course they don't." Snape stated calmly, gently patting Lucius's knee. "but really Luc, you should have known better." he stated simply turning a page in his book. "do you need another pain potion?" "no but i think Harry's going to need one for his guilty consciousness." Draco admitted looking amused. "but he won't be up anytime soon."
"And even if he is, he wont be doing anything besides rutting against tom."Lucius sniffed looking amused. Asher smirked shifting to talk to narcissa. really, he liked winding up his lover, it was so amusing to watch draco fuss when he flirted with his mother and just look on amused when he did it to his father."Lovely Narcissa, did you get your house redecorated?Maybe I should come see it."
Gabriel laughed a little and nodded. "oh dear, poor Tom." he purred smirking a little. "i shall have to mock him for hours on end." Draco huffed and scowled, crossing his arms as Narcissa giggled and fluttered her eyelashes at him. "oh my, you will certainly have to. i even have name plates for everyone's door. everyone has their own room now." she admitted giggling. "yours is right next to mine." a lie, it was actually joined to Draco's, but Draco didn't need to know that yet.
Asher smiled so widely there was a flash of fang. He doubted that, but leave it to narcissa to know what to say."Oh. Doeos this mean your husband has been exiled to another room permantantly then?" "No. Just that I get to join in."Lucius said with a smile that would have done a shark proud. Amused at the byplay between the two.
Draco growled as Lucius joined in and before any of them could react Draco leaned up and Bit Asher on the neck, HARD,. hard enough to draw drops of blood that dripped down Draco's chin. Marking Asher, yet again as Draco was prone to do when he was jealous, Snape bursting into laughter as Gabriel lifted an amused eyebrow. "is Draco a vampire now?" "no, but that's about the only way Draco can claim Asher." Narcissa giggled a little as Draco pulled away with another growl, glaring around the room. "he's MINE damn you! MINE!"
Asher yelped a little slapping a hand over the bite mark, whimpering with a pout as he looked up at the blond. Lucius snickered a little trying not to devolve into full laughter since he knew itd hurt."WE know he's yours Draco."
Draco growled a little. "well tell ASHER that!" he snarled glaring at the vampire. "your MINE!" he hissed before he tossed his nose in the air and flounced out of the room, Narcissa dissolving into laughter, falling back into the bed because she was laughing so hard. "you can only push my son so far before he snaps." she admitted with a smirk. "unfortunately he never really gives any warnings..." Gabriel snickered a little and shook his head. "i think Asher might have a round or two of bottoming in store for him in the near future." he admitted smirking at Asher. "you do know WHY Draco get's so worked up when you flirt with Narcissa don't you?" Snape asked lifting an eyebrow at the bleeding Vampire.
Asher loked confused biting his lip shrugging."No...I just...I just like him topping sometimes.I dont want him to be angry with me..."He said a telling tremble to his lower lip as he stared at the floor. Lucius swallowed hard, not quite sure if he should believe what he was seeing. Asher, senstivie, kind, dominating asher, was being driven to tears by his son?No, surely not. And yet the glimmer of tears was there.
Narcissa sighed and set her hand on his knee. "it is because i am a woman." she explained softly. "Draco knows he is better than any man alive, any man he might come into competition with he knows that he will win. but when you flirt with me he feels insecure because i have things that he can never have." "namely tits and a vag." Gabriel chirped unhelpfully causing most of the room to glare at him, only causing him to grin. "that's why Draco always tops you when you've been flirting with me, because he's desperate to remind you that a woman can't do that, and that you need him. he's not REALLY upset, he's just afraid your going to leave him." "terrified actually." Snape stated calmly. "he has abandonment issues. he was traumatized as a child and now he clings desperately to the people he loves without even realizing it. or even remembering what happened."
Lucius studied the vampire who looked even more upset at the revelations. Before sighing."Oh for gods sake, go find him.AND silence the door this time."He ordered smiling slightly as the vampire scampered out of the room to go find draco. "He's so easy to please something."The blond laughed softly before looking at gabriel."And you, no guilt. I should have known better then doing what I did, and you werent aware of how badly he'd take yelling. So now.Go cuddle with your boys and have soem amazing sex, then we'll see what we have to do next."
Gabriel looked started at Lucius, opening his mouth to protest before sighing a little and shaking his head. "that's the problem Luc, i should have known how he'd take the yelling." but he smiled, looking relieved. "i know better for next time." he decided heading out to check on Harry for himself, snickering as he spotted the Vampire still laying on top of Tom. "alright there Riddle?" Gabriel asked, laughter in his voice as he studied the trapped dark lord.
Tom lifted a eyebrow as he opened a eye to look at him,"You dont have to find it so damned amusing."he whined a little, sighing softly.

Asher ducked into their bedroom smiling hesitantly at the blond,"Draco?"He muttered walking closer.
Gabriel snickered brightly as he nodded. "yes i do." he stated simply running a mental scan over harry, both personalities and the body shifting slightly before going back to sleep. "Damn, Draco wasn't kidding, Harry's drugged up to his eyeteeth. he probably won't wake up for another five or six hours." he smirked a little. "good luck with that." he chirped waving at Tom before leaving, just to piss the man off.

Draco turned to look at Asher, looking incredibly guilty. "i'm sorry." he muttered softly slipping out of his chair and gently touching the marred flesh. "i.. i don't even know." he admitted softly shaking his head as he leaned into Asher. but if you think me feeling guilty about hurting you is going to stop me from owning your tight little ass you have another thing coming."
"Gabriel!Get back here!"Tom cursed softly wanting him back, really needing to go to the bathroom.Cursing as he settled back to try and sleep until harry woke up.Hopefully sooner then what the vampire thought.

Asher laughed softly leaning into the other "Oh you think you can do you?"He teased kissing the other's head,holding him tighter."You could have just told me flirting with narcissa bothered you. I would have stopped if I knew it really upset you.."He said sounding a little distressed.
Gabriel just laughed and shook his head as he sent a gentle nudge to Harry, the boy groaning and rolling over, off of Tom and snuggling into a pillow instead, breathing softly, looking adorably innocent as he began to hump the poor white cotton filled pillow. the sleeping potion often made Vampires horny, and Harry it seamed, was no exception.

Draco hesitated a little then. "but... i.." he sighed a little. "i don't have what she does... she's pretty, and powerful...and has boobs and i'm just a kid with a wanna be power complex...." he sighed a little. "and... and i don't know...why it bothers me so much that you might leave me." he admitted softly, closing his eyes. "'s like someones ripping out my heart and throwing it into a fire." he admitted softly, a few tears leaking out. "i don't mean to be" he shook his head and fell silent, because he had run out of words.
Tom swllowed hard running to the bathroom before returning, tugging the pillow out of his arms, wondering how to get him back on him.Because dammit he wanted more from the man. And he knew if shadow was awake he was so going to get it.

Asher winced a little, pressing a kiss to his head, holdign him tighter. "I've lived almost 200 hundred years draco,and I have never been with a woman. Or found someone I stayed with as long as you. I want you.For now. For ever.As long as you'll have me."He growled possesively holding him almost to tightly.
Harry whined when he pillow was pulled away, his eyes fluttering open. "noo..mine." he complained, his tongue attaching itself to Tom's crotch, licking along it as he suckled and stroked and groaned softly, enjoying the others hardness against his mouth. "mm... need." Harry whined, humping the bed now his fingers gripping Tom's hips hard. "want."

Draco sniffled and pressed himself tighter to Asher, sighing in relief at the promise that the other wasn't going to leave him for his mother, looking up at Asher with a small smirk. "i can't breath." he stated calmly, swallowing thickly as he studied the others face before leaning onto his tiptoes to kiss him, need and want in that eager kiss.
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