Blood Fury and Love

Asher snarled as he stepped over the downed blond, leaving draco to take care of his father before confronting the enraged brunette, gold hair fluttering slightly around him as he got closer, bodily holding the young vampire, and broad enough,and strong enough to keep him from injuring him to."Potter, he's fine."He snarled hearing the heartbeat of the man on the floor. While in pain, dudley wasn't life threateningly hurt, and the man had been right. It would look odd without a cruitias curse."Stop. It had to be done.and better lucius then tom."He growled mentally sending a call for gabriel, glad that he and draco had already been on their way in after lucius otherwise this could have gotten messy.
Draco snarled viciously as he struggled against Asher, still trying to get at the writhing blond, Lucius wasn't screaming yet, harry and shadow BOTH wanted to make him SCREAM for hurting Dudley, freezing when Gabriel stepped in. "That, is enough Potter." Gabriel ordered his tone firm, a small whimper falling from Harry's lips as he cringed against the mental pressure of his Patriarch forcing him to calm down. "the little fat one is fine." he promised, Dudley groaning again. "don't CALL me THAT!" that had harry relaxed in an instant, leaping over to Ashed t =o gently check Dudley over, Draco gently pressing on his fathers neck would before healing it. there was nothing they could do about the venom, it had to run it's course, it would only last a few minutes.
Lucius trembled keeping from screaming. Dammit he had his pride, he would not scream.Wincing as he saw the golden blondhair of asher waving in front of his face, "Pretty.You are a ass.And a jerk.And a bas-"Asher laughed dancing back as lucius went to punch him.Realizing when the other moved without hurting. Brushing a hand out of his face lucius winced standing slowly. "I want to lay down..."He muttered leaning against draco. Asher laughed softly shaking his head,"Draco,put him in bed, and go get severus to make sure he's okay."
Harry was cowering in a corner, Gabriel leaning over him as he silently yelled at his new son, Harry trembling as he was told what he had done wrong and how he was going to be punished for it, Dudley watching with Horror, Grabbing Gabriel. "stop!...your frightening him...." Dudley ordered, still trembling from the Cruciatus. "Harry used to do that when Pa had a go at him,..." Gabriel looked horrified at that statement and before anyone could say anything Gabriel had his son in his arms, holding him close to comfort the boy, harry Flinching as if expecting a good firm slap, only the silver in his eyes showed that it was shadow, and not harry who was trembling in terror, waiting for the pain. Dudley just shook his head and moved over to the Lestrange Brothers, letting them know it was alright to take him to the abandoned warehouse that Draco had turned into his own private hideaway, Draco leading Lucius carefully to Severus, who took one look at the two and immediately started gathering up pain potions.
Lucius smiled slightly at severus as draco helped him into bed, laying back."You make such a good caretaker."He teased closing his eyes. Yawning a little as he settled down, trying not to hurt.

Asher winced a little as the twins apparated out with dudley, moving over towards the other two vampire, resting a hand on gabriel's shoulder."Lets get him in bed.I'll go get tom."He muttered softly.
Snape scowled at Lucius and then at Draco, demanding an answer to with Draco only shrugged. "Harry was upset." Snape rolled his eyes and helped Lucius sit up and take the potion, practically forcing it down his throat. "Drink it all and then sleep!" he ordered sternly. "no doubt Gabriel chastised the boy and he panicked. i'll have to get a calming drought for Harry and Gabriel, Asher too no doubt they just can't help themselves." he complained gathering the necessary potions. "Lucius if i come back and you are not sleeping i will punish you quite severely, WITH Naricssa's assistance!" and with that he vanished Draco snickering a little.

Gabriel nodded as Harry trembled but allowed his father to pick him up, limp and pliable, he probably would have simply laid there and taken whatever Gabriel had wanted to dish out. Shadow probably would have just laid there and taken it had Gabriel actually meant to cause pain. he shivered when he was laid on the bed, and flinched when Asher and Tom walked in. he knew how much Tom liked Lucius, Tom would hurt him, Shadow knew it even if Harry said differently.
Lucius laughed softly,"Narcissa wouldnt help."He growled, knwoing it was a lie before he settled back to go to sleep. yawning as he drifted off, knowing that everyone would be okay.

Tom smiled slightly as he walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed gently stroking harry's hair."Shadow?Are you okay?"He said softly, worried about what the yelling had done to him. More worried about him then lucius at the moment. He knew between draco and severus lucius would be battered into being fine, so he concentrated on the young vampire in front of him. Asher smiled slightly looking at severus as he came in, looking a little shaken but steady."hello severus."He muttered strangely subdued.
Shadow whimpered, cringing away from Tom. "i didn't mean to...i swear... i didn't mean was an accident...please don't hurt me, i'll be a good boy." he promised, curled up into a ball and nearly in tears as he trembled underneath Tom Gabriel looking very guilty as he heard this, swallowing thickly as he looked over at Lucius, gratefully accepting the calming drought, as harry flinched away from Severus. "it's alright Shadow." Snape promised. "Lucius isn't hurt, none of us are angry. here, drink this it will make you feel better alright? see, Gabe is drinking one..." the boy necessitated and then took the vial in trembling hands, fearful of the punishment he might get if he refused and hesitantly swallowed it down, swallowing hard as he felt himself relaxing, his eyes fluttering closed as he fell asleep. "i may have laced his with a sleeping potion." Snape admitted. "i'm sure he'll be fine." he promised. "he just needs rest and reassurance that we're not mad." being the head of slytherin, Snape had dealt with a great deal of abuse victims.
Tom nodded laying down next to the boy, though he was careful not to touch him except to gently stroke his hair."We're not. And the only one who probably would be, is drugged to."He muttered looking at severus."How is lucius anyways?" Asher sighed softly as he took his offered calming draught, swallowing it before poking gabriel."Now off to bed. The boys will be home soon enough, and you know you dont sleep well without them."He teased, just because sometimes he got nervous about draco running off with gabriel didn't mean he missed what was between the vampire and the lestranges.
Harry leaned into the touch, sleeping peacefully now that he was drugged up to his ears, breathing softly as he set his hand on the others knee, wanting to be close to tom, even if he was afraid of the other. "nn....please...uncle." he whimpered softly, fidgeting before he relaxed again as the dreamless sleep potion wiped out the nightmare before it even really began, whimpering as he shivered, somehow Harry's shirt had gone missing again, probably when he struggled against Asher, and the room was chilly. Harry was getting cold again.
tom smiled wrpping his arms around the other, cuddling as he went to sleep.

In the morning Tom frowned slightly as he tried to figure out how the hell he got himself into predictions like this.He blamed potter.After all, itwas the bra who was sleeping on top of him.Swallowing a moan he poked the smaller vampire who was currently rubbing against him as he laid chest to chest with him, pinning him easily."Potter I swear if you dont wake this instant..."He grumbled, sounding grumpy, not angry.
Harry moaned softly as he shifted and bucked more firmly into Tom, determined to ride his dream out into a blissful orgasm as he panted softly against Tom. "uuh..Tom...Harder...please." Harry mumbled. "need you... inside..." he pleaded, arching as he spilled his seed against Toms crotch, settling back down onto the other panting softly as emerald green eyes fluttered open. "mmm?"
Tom swallowed compuslively,staring up at him, "If you would so please move, I need to go to the bathroom."He whined softly, squirming slightly. Trying very,very hard to not react to the feel of the man laying on him. Dammit he was almost 70 years old, he did not have the libido of a teenager.
Harry blinked at him and then smiled, rubbing his crotch into Tom's again. "why?" he asked simply. "i'm much better than what your hand would be." he admitted nuzzling Tom's neck. "besides, i'm hungry." he purred softly licking along the others neck. "and your so delicious." he purred, nibbling at the others flesh, sighing softly. "i'm sorry Shadow freaked out last night." he murmured softly. "and thank you for laying with me last helped a lot."
Tom smiled a little,blushing softly."Hmmm well draco wasnt about to give up his pillow and rabastan has gotten possessive of you got my boney skinny ass to cuddle with instead of their muscles."He whined softly, more offput that he couldn't seem to gain muscles despite how he worked out."But I'm glad it helped."He sighed thrusting back a little against the other.
Harry snorted a little. "i don't like muscles." he stated simply, his fangs scraping the others neck. "i like slender people." he admitted sinking his fangs into Toms neck, letting out a spray of pleasure venom, grinding more firmly into Tom's cock, humming with pleasure as he fed, taking his time drinking, feeling slow and lazy and not very willing to do really anything but eat, bring tom off, and then go back to sleep.
Tom moaned at the pleasure that twisted him,wrapping his arms around him,holding him close as he thrust against him. Whimpering as he came, fingers digging hard into the other's hips."har...ohh..."He moaned softly as he was robbed of the ability to think clearly.
Harry smirked, pleased with himself as he finished feeding and licked the other clean before laying his head down and sighing as he went back to sleep, mumbling about nonsensical things as he started to drift back to sleep. and then.. "mmm love you Tom." Harry slurred softly, snuggling into the other more intently. "cold..."
Tom loked starled before laughing,hlding him tighter as he pulled the blankets up around them going back to sleep.

Down the hall asher grumbled a little as he stretched,nuzzling the blond in his arms."Hows your dad?"He muttered kissing his head. Worried about pretty, not liking the idea of the man being seriously hurt. Because not only did he like the elder malfoy, but he loved his son, and looked like him. Despising the idea of draco being hurt. And lucius being hurt would hurt draco
Draco smiled as he looked over at his lover, having been in the process of getting dressed. "he's good. neck is completely healed and the venom is completely out of his system. he won't even have the shakes like the little fat one has." he stated calmly. "i never realized Harry could be so protective of someone.... i think next time we'll all listen when harry says 'no'." he admitted with a small chuckled as he crawled into bed, clad in nothing but Pants and a smirk. "so how are YOU feeling this morning?"
Asher smiled a little as he studied his lover, wrapping his arms around his waist, "Hmmm I'm fine."He said trying not to be upset because he knew gabriel was upset with himself,and seeing asher was the only one he'd really really talk to...they couldn't both be upset about it."And why are you dressed already?"He whined.
Draco snorted a little. "no your not." he stated calmly kissing Asher's neck. "your upset because Father was hurt...but really it's fathers own fault. Harry has always had a hot Temper, Father should have known better than to do something to Dudley without calming Harry down first." he admitted shaking his head. "besides Gabriel is already blaming himself for not being there to moderate Harry, you don't need to feel guilty too, specially when it's no one's fault. not really."
Asher sighed softly, relaxing under the other's attentions."I lnow its not. And your father has always been least where harry's concerned."He sighed softly."I should go talk to gabriel."
Draco smiled and nodded a little. "i was actually just about to go do that." he admitted softly. "come on, lets get dressed and then we'll go see how Gabe is doing, and then we can all go check on Father together. i already checked on Harry, he's sleeping on tom." he admitted. "and he fed already so Harry is in good shape, and still doped up on sleeping potion so he won't be up for a while either."
Asher grinned getting up and dressed before draco's words registered."When you say on tom, you mean on on tom don't you?"He said snickering at the idea of the dark lord being pinned. Smirking a little as he left the room with draco he went in search of the older vampire.
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