Blood Fury and Love

Asher snickered a little thrusting into the oher, holding him down on the table, but taking his time thrusting into him. Teasing because he wanted the other mindless with wanting him to go faster.And of course he wanted to see more tears, it made him believe that he was doing a really good job if he could get the other to cry."Of course we're not leaving the table.He'll just have to deal with eating on it."

Tom grumbled laughing softly at the other's expression, sititng down at the desk in the room,sighing as he hitting his head on the table."Asher.Is. A. Dead.Man."He whined,"Dead, dead, dead."He said before realizing he was interrupting work."Do you want me to leave?"

Rabastan smirked thrusting shallowly into his brother, following instructions to see how long it'd take, smirking as he looked at the vampire."if you ever give into the need to wank,I want to be there to watch."He whined laughing softly as he bent his head to press a kiss to rudys skin, before biting down lightly.
Draco moaned as he was thrust into again, laying out on the table once more with an eager little groan, lifting his hips. "ye.esss." he moaned panting eagerly squirming against the wood...both of them. "please, Ash...don't tease, fuck me hard." he pleaded pouting at the other, well aware it wouldn't work. but Asher loved seeing him pout and Draco knew things would happen if he pouted just the right way. "please, Asher, harder."

Harry blinked, relaxing when he realized Tom wasn't angry with him and blinked. "why? whats he done?" he asked lifting an eyebrow before shaking his head. "no, don't leave." he stated a little too quickly. "i'm getting a headache from staring at al these weird words anyway." he stated calmly blinking at the other, admiring Tom's fine features.

Gabriel smirked as he panted softly, watching eagerly, moving in front of Rudolphus who strained, trying to reach the dripping cock barley out of reach of his mouth, and tongue. there was nothing Rudolphus loved more than sucking a thick hard dick, and now Gabriel was holding one just out of reach, it was SO cruel. "AH!" he moaned at the bite, arching against his brother, muttering something unintelligible, mindless with need and want as he squirmed, whimpering with need, going mindless, and actually beginning to make noise. that was how you knew you had him. when he stated making more noise, at that point, Rudy would agree to anything, if only to get MORE.
Asher smirked thrusting a little harder into him, shivering as he looked down at the man pouting at him, kissing him again."Oh that pout wont work this time little pretty."He teased hands tightening on his hips to keep him still not about to let draco get what he wanted without tears.

Tom whimpered raising his head, a slightly red mark on his forehead from hitting the table, not that he was aware of it otherwise he'd been cursing about it,even if it was his own fault."Bastard's fucking little pretty on my table.Gonna need a new table."

Rabastan smirked watching his brother, smirking because it was truly nice to watch his brother losing control. Thrusting into him harder he bit down on his shoulder, truly setting about to make the other lestrange mindless."I think he wants you gabe."He snickered hands tight on rudy's hips holding him still so he couldnt try to get to gabriel.
Draco whined when his plan was foiled, tipping his head back as he struggled, wanting to buck, wanting it harder. it didn't take long for pleads to fall from his lips, squirming as he begged for more, panting hard as his cock and balls ached, tears finally springing to life as he gabbled nonsense at the other, arching and wriggling, wanting more, wanting HARDER.

Harry blinked a little and then went bright red as he imagined it, unable to help it, his mouth going dry and his cock flaring to life under the table, and unfortunately for Harry Tom probably knew exactly what had happened. "o...oh." Harry managed to stutter, shifting rather obviously in his chair, trying to relieve pressure. "that'" he tried to hide his growing arousal as he considered what it would be like if it where him on the table, and tom fucking him. he swallowed hard.

"uuh..." Rudy protested the hip hold, mewling as the thrusting went harder, a shudder falling down the poor man's spine as he moaned and groaned, struggling against his brother, straining for Gabe, still trying to shift his hips so Rabby would get his prostate, making small frustrated noises as he failed on all three counts, Gabe snickering a little as he watched. "mm he's so cute when he wants my dick though." he purred licking his lips. "and he makes the prettiest noises."
Asher smirked against draco's skin as he gave into demands, gently kissing the tears away before thrusting into him harder as he lowered his head, nuzzling the blond's neck before sinking fangs into his skin, feeling deprieved having had to skip dinner.Though this was a better way of getting what he wanted.

Tom raised a eyebrow, smirking a little as he studied the shifting man in front of him, "Uh-huh.Only if you consider eating off the table. otherwise...hmmm they are rather pretty to fantasize about."He purred, he couldnt help but tease him.

"He does."Rabby smirked thrusting into him harder, sighing softly as he gave into the elder, sighing softly as he presed against his prostate, snarling as he fucked him harder,wanting to hear even more pretty noises.
Draco moaned and mewled arching as the other fucked him so perfectly, clinging tightly to him as he arched hard and spilled his seed across himself, and all over the table as he squirmed and moaned and cried out in pleasure, no doubt alerting the entire world as to what they where doing on the dining table.

Harry went even more red as he swallowed harder. "nope...their not pretty..." Harry stuttered, trying to deny it as he pressed a hand down on his crotch, his breath hitching as he only stimulated himself further, unable to help but press down again, stroking himself without really doing so, swallowing hard as he pondered the idea of jerking off in front of tom, his blush growing as he let out a small frustrated noise of need.

Rudolphus moaned hard, arching violently as his prostate was suddenly struck, a long array of noises now falling from his lips as he squirmed and wriggled, Gabe moaning as he watched, slipping his cock into Rudolphus's mouth, moaning eagerly as he thrust in to the hilt, Rudy eagerly taking it all and sucking hard, fast, eager and willing and wanting as he continued to voice his pleasure even from around Gabe's well sized cock.
Asher growled as he came, swalowing the blood oozing across the blond's skin he pulling out collapsing onto the table next to him, panting as he looked over at him.Smirking at the blond's state."Hmmm its a good thing I cant die little pretty, I'm sure you would have just killed me."

Tom smirked wider, leaning back in his chair, watching him, wondering what he'd just thought about. Glad that the desk was between him and harry as his body responded to the image of laying him out on the desk."Whatever did you think of?"He teased.

RAbby smirked moaning as he came, hands tightening brusiing hard on rudy's hips, burying his face against the other's neck as he screamed, shivering in the force of his orgasm.
Draco was panting hard as he laid limp and prone on the Table, too tired to do anything but offer a small nod and a small satisfied noise as he closed his eyes and prepared to go to sleep right then and there, uncaring about the fact that he was naked on a public table.

Harry shook his head, swallowing harder as he squeezed his eyes shut, stroking himself now, unable to stop. "i need...bathroom." Harry finally managed to stutter, staggering to his feet and turning to bolt out of the room, though if tom wanted to, he would have easily been able to grab Harry's wrist before Harry managed to escape.

Rudolphus moaned eagerly, moans turning into shrill squeals of pleasure as he was filled, and then came himself, shooting the long awaited load onto the bed as he sucked hard, Gabe moaning as he filled his little pets mouth, panting hard. "aaah yesss." Gabe growled, head tipped back as he stroked Rudolphus's hair, smirking as he leaned forward and kissed Rabastan intently. "mmm you two are the best." he purred. "no one else can make me cum so hard." "uuuhn..." it was all the noise that poor exhausted Rudy could manage.
Asher smiled pleased with himself before shifting, cuddling against his lover, going to sleep himself.Ha. He'd teach tom for yelling at him for having sex on the table.

Tom smirked getting up, stopping the other fro leaving, "And why's that?"He smirked shifting his hold on him, pulling him against him, sighing softly as the other pressed against his cock, it was...pleasant. And it'd been so long since he'd actually had sex with someone.

Rabastan panted softly pulling away from the kiss collapsing to the side as he pulled gabriel down between the two, cuddling the vampire."Shh. Sleepin'"He slurred, nuzzling his neck. More childlike and unaware of his actions when he was tired, it was one of the few times he let the love he felt for the vampire show through.
Harry squeaked, startled when he was pulled into the other, gasping as he felt the others hod cock pressed against his ass and before he could stop himself he moaned and leaned into the other, grinding into him. Harry's sexual encounters where few, but vampires where natural a sex oriented species, harry didn't need to know much to work on instinct. "Tom." Harry moaned softly, his eyes fluttering closed as he gripped the others wrist and dragged his hand down, pressing Tom's hand against his crotch, letting out a low keen of pleasure before going bright red. "o..oh! oh...s..s..sorry i...i...." so shy, so cute.

Gabriel smiled a little as he wrapped his arms around the two, holding them close. Gabriel only cuddled with two people after sex, though they didn't know that. he sighed softly and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep himself, though had they been anyone else he would have slipped away and left them with a cooling spot on the bed. "good night my pets." he murmured softly, once he was certain they where completely asleep. "i love you." because they could never know. he would not share feelings with people who did not love him back, his heart couldn't take the pain.
Tom moaned softly pressing his lips against the other's neck to keep from laughing though a smile curled his lips. Pressing his hand against harry's cock he smiled stroking him slowly."Hmm its okay.seeing as its my fault in the first place."he purred rocking against him a little.
Harry gasped again and arched against Tom again, blushing harder. "ah...a..aah that...feels good." Harry whimpered, bucking into the hand and grinding back into tom, letting go of his worries and just letting himself feel. Harry had always been well known for jumping into things without thought and this was just another one of them. "T..Tom, hah...nnng." he moaned, nuzzling the others neck, panting softly. "more...please..."
Tom smirked as he picked up the slighter vampire, falling back into his chair with a soft groan as the boy settled into his lap, wrapping a arm around his waist to keep him still as he held undid his pants,sliding slender fingers in, slowly stroking the other's cock, resting his cheek on the other's shoudler as he concentrated on wanking the other off.
Harry gasped as he was picked up, he looked a lot better, but there was only so much one could do to fix being starved for that long, harry was always going to be slim and small. he arched against the other when he felt the fingers on his cock, letting out a strangled noise as he bucked and wiggled like was Harry really a virgin? considering the life he'd had, probably, every wiggle however, every jerk and buck and squirm pressed his well sized, firm ass against Tom's cock, no doubt pleasuring the Dark lord as well. "a..aah ye.. yes... good... please, a..aah." Harry wasn't sure what he was begging for, but he could feel the tell tale signs of his own oncoming orgasm.
Tom moaned softly in the brunette's ear, shivering as he fisted the other's erection harder, smrking as he knew the other was getting close. Watching and feeling him wiggle in his lap was to much for the sex starved dark lord, tightening his grip on the wiggling boy as he came, his hand tightening around the cock in his grip, moaning loudly.
Harry moaned hard as he felt wetness bloom across his ass, shuddering with lust as he arched and lost himself, shooting his load across the others hand panting hard. "a..aaah t..Tom! nnng!!!" he groaned, bucking and jerking as he came before falling slightly limp in the others lap, panting hard. "nnn, good...again." he muttered softly, still bucking lightly into the others hand, wanting to go again, but not sure he could. "sleepy..."
Tom laughed softly raising his wand and transfiguring the chair they were in from a desk chair to a recliner, leaning it back and cuddling into the vampire."Me to.Sleep harry."He muttered letting the younger man rest on his chest as he closed his eyes.
Draco was the first to wake, and he whined as he shook Asher awake. "come on, we need to get out of here before Tom comes in and castrates us." he ordered, nibbling gently at the others ear. "come on Ash, we have to go." he ordered smirking a little. "i bet if your lucky, Father will still be here, WITH Snape, and you three can have a threesome." he teased smirking a little, well aware that Asher found both men very sexy. Draco didn't mind, he knew even if Asher did sleep with them, the vampire would always come back to Draco in the end.

Gabriel jerked awake with a gasp, blinking as he tried to remember what had woken him, a small scowl in place as he blinked a little, turning to rudolphus and shaking him awake. "Rudolphus...where is your wife?" he demanded, remembering the one little detail he had forgotten about. Bellatrix was not known for her sanity, and being that she had an intense crush on Tom, her finding out that Harry and Tom where wanking each other off in the library was not going to end well. "humm?? Bella?" Rudolphus asked sleepily. "she's n France." he mumbled. "collecting things for Tom."

when Tom woke, it was to hands exploring his body, slowly stripping off small articles of clothing, removing the buttons of his shirt so that a hot tongue could play with the revealed flesh. "mm good morning Tom.", Shadow, the eyes had streaks of silver in them. "i do hope you don't mind, but i took the liberty of tying your hands." he smirked. "so you wouldn't get in the way." Tom's hands WHERE tied, held above his head, attached to the top of the recliner. "mmm your going to look so handsome all naked and at my mercy."
Asher whined shifting efore wrinkling his nose as he dressed sleepily."They're hot. But I dont want to sleep with pretty. I have my own pretty."He muttered, not realizing it. Hell, if you could get him talking when he was still sleepily, he'd say whatever came to him first, not whatever he thought someone wanted to hear.Though in truth he was a truthful person but sometimes he did temper the words.

Rabastan whined stirring, "She shoul be home soon though."He growled softly, rubbing his cheek against gabriel's shoulder as he tried to wake up more."WhyDo you want her?"He frowned at the vampire.

Tom shuddered staring at the vampire in front of him, raising a eyebrow at the bonds."Oh and I don't look handsome anyways?"He said studying the other. It was...discoerning to wake up like this.
Draco blinked at Asher, looking startled before he smiled at the other and kissed him on the cheek. "aaw your so sweet." he purred, love in every word as he snuggled into the other. "now, what shall we do then?" he asked smirking a little as he pondered what to so with the rest of their time, flicking his wand at the table to clear away the mess they had left behind.

he sighed a little. "i don't want ehr." he complained shuddering. "she's a horrible little thing." Rudolphus just smirked at that, they all knew it was true. "i was just worried that she might take offense to Harry being here.... i think we should inform the other death eaters that Harry is on our side now, and that anyone who touches him will face MY personal wrath." he decided. "i doubt that will stop Bellatrix. but it might be enough to get the other death eaters to help Harry out if she attacks him."

Shadow smirked at him a little and licked his lips, before running his tongue along Tom's neck. "mm you DO." he growled eagerly, stroking along the others ribs. "mmm i've always wanted to tie someone up." he admitted. "it's actually a lot harder than it looks did you know?" he smirked, pressing his hips down, rubbing into Tom's cock with an eager sigh. "but don't worry, i won't cause you pain. i just want to return the favor." he promised smirking, licking his lip again. "i've always wanted to try sucking someone off too, but i have a feeling that will also be more difficult than it looks."
Asher smiled as he pulled the other into his arms, heading for the library. "We'll go see your dad anyways. Need tot see what dumbledork is up to."He said sleepily, nuzzling draco as he walked.

Rabastian laughed softly at his reaction to bella, before nodding. Sitting up slowly as he reached for his clothes."We should go talk to tom, and call a meeting before she gets back.I'm surprised she's actually left him alone this long as it is."He said sounding bemused.

Tom moaned softly shifting under the man's hands shivering as he reacted to the words, moaning as his cock hardened."It is. Though it is worh the effort."He said sounding amused as he leaned his head back to look at silver streaked eyes
Draco chuckled and nodded as he snuggled into the other with a small sigh, happy to simply be with the other. "your so cute when your sleepy." he teased closing his eyes as they walked down the hall.

Gabriel and Rudolphus both nodded, shaking their heads a little as they grabbed for their clothes as well before Gabriel paused. "only....not right now, i think Shadow and Tom would be annoyed if we interrupted their Bondage time." he admitted with an amused smirk. "and Tom might try to kill us if we see him in that sort of state." he snickered a little and winked at his boys.

Shadow smirked a little as he licked his lips and trailed slowly downwards, stripping Top of clothing as he went, tongue lingering over nipples and crotch as he panted and moaned, nipping and nibbling as he touched and stroked and teased, moaning excitedly when he finally freed the cock, licking his lips as he ran his tongue along the shaft. Shadow had 'borrowed' the know how from Gabe, but he still needed practice, so Tom was going to be his practice dummy, lucky Tom.
Asher pouted a little, a thing he oly did when he was tired."Am not."He said pushing open the door, smiling. Lucius raised a eyebrow from where him and snape were sitting on the couch, both working on paperwork.Though snape's was grading."Whatever can we do for you two?"He said looking over the two mussed up people.

Rabastan paused mid buttoning his shirt up, raising a eyebrow before snickering."Good for him.I always told him his temper would be better if he got laid."He snickered.

Tom sighed squirming in pleasure as he thrust up a little,"Shadow...please..."He begged quietly, sounding desperate, and coming undone. It was really odd, to see a virgin playing with him.He wanted more. Needed more from the man concentrating on his cock.
Draco yawned a little and shook his head. "of course not." though his tone implied otherwise, a smirk on his lips as he blinked at his father. "we where wondering what Dumbledore was up to.' Draco admitted with another yawn. "nothing at the moment." Snape stated calmly, writing another T on his paper. "with Potter missing all of the students have gone home. Dumbledore's failure to locate Harry has left the wizarding populous nervous and afraid, particularly since Harry's family also disappeared." he admitted simply. "i think i might take the dead bodies and have some of the death eaters cast curses at them until their rolling in torture spells, and then let Fenrir have a go at their dead bodies, make it look like death eaters and werewolves did it. that way if the Vampires are discovered with Harry, no one will think the vampires are connected to Tom. Werewolves and vampires cant stand each other, so if the bodies are found torn up by a werewolf..." "then logic says that the rumors about vampires working for tom are null." Draco finished smirking. "i like it."

Gabriel laughed at that and nodded as he yanked his pants on and straightened his hair, humming happily as he licked his lips, wondering what the pretties where up to. "what say we tell Lucius and Asher of our plans before we go and get Tom involved. Lucius might have a few good idea's, the man usually does." he admitted. Gabriel never called Lucius pretty unless the man was in earshot, what was the fun in it if the man wasn't around to hear it?

Shadow smirked a little, his pretty eyes foxed on Toms face, tongue swirling around the head of the others cock, enjoying the man's squirming and the begging. he really liked the begging. he blow cool air across the tip and licked along the head with a slow snicker, tasting the Pre with a small sound, as if he couldn't decide if he liked it or not, before running his tongue from base to head again, and swirling his tongue once more before blowing cool air across the tip again, just to be a tease.
Asher looked thoughtful as he collasped into the seat by the fire, absently stroking draco's hair as he thought about it."I do think that would be best. In case he is found to be with us."He frowned slightly."I didn't look long enough to see if he'd fed, but make sure any vampire marks are hidden.And enough dark magic, not even vampire scents will stay on the body."He said turning his head when the lestrange brothers and gabriel walked in,smirking slightly at their state."You three look well rested."He said amused. Rabastan nodded grabbing a chair himself, amused because gabriel never called lucius pretty unless he was near. "Lucius, you're looking content."He teased. Lucius frowned oever the edge of the paper he was reading, "The minister's a moron. Sent me his paperwork to finish now that potter is 'missing' he wants to organize a search for him, and wants me to do so."

Tom whimpered squirming a little more, jerking at his wrists, wanting to pull his hands free and touch the man touching him."Shadow."He growled anger starting now that he was being denied touching the other. Not out of the desire to be in charge, but he wanted to touch the vampire.
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