Blood Fury and Love

"Soon enough."He smirked a little."Green and red huh?Shouldn't I be green and silver?I am the heir of slytherin after all."He pointed out, laughing as he brushed his hair out of his face.

Rabastan smirked,biting down on lucius's shoulder, smirkng as the man moaned."Hmmm I want his ass.You hogged it all to yourself last time.And he is such a pretty little whore."He snickered. Really, playing with lucius was to much fun.Shifting around he yanked the boy's pants down, muttering a quiet lubing spell, just because he wanted to torture the dursley's,didn't mean he was going to hurt a friend. Shifting he slammed into the blond, smirking at the dursley's over his shoulder as 'dudley' started begging for more,harder,faster.

Asher laughed, a pure relieved sound as he wrapped his arms around the other tightly, stealing a kiss."I love you."He muttered, looking shocked himself, seeing as it was the first time he'd said it. Before smirking."I get to be someone else, because it is gabe I order around, instead of you little pretty.You're not dominate enough to make me really bossy."He teased
he chuckled a little. "no, Green is your personalty." he stated simply. "or aura, or something, i haven't really thought of it. Red is the physical representation of you in my, for you eyes." he admitted simply. "i don't know why but it never really bothered me having some part of you inside of me...when i was younger i used to talk to it did you know?" it? in, the fragment of Tom's soul? "he always made me feel better after the Dursley's..." he paused, hand hovering over the board as he frowned. "after they......shit..." he sighed a little. "i can't remember..."

he laughed a little and nodded, dropping his pants as he stroked himself, watching as Vernon went more and more pale, watching his son get raped and ENJOY it was far too much for the man as Rudolphus grabbed the piggy headed man's hair tightly and order him to lick, moaning as 'Dudley' ran a talented little tongue all over his cock. "mmm fuck yess, such a talented little mouth you have, now open." he ordered, watching as 'Dudley' opened his mouth, Rudolphus burying himself into the others mouth all the way to the hilt with a moan, being careful not to hurt Lucius, but well aware the Dursley's would find it horrid that he was forcing his son to take it all.

Draco paused and then relaxed completely into the others arms. "mmm i love you too." he whispered, his voice choked with happy emotions as he nuzzled the other, laughing a little. "i can't help it, the Malfoy line has a long history of being submissive." he admitted smirking a little. "there's nothing better than having a nice, hot, hard dick up my ass." he admitted smirking a little. "besides we all know you like it when i look at you with my pretty little eyes and BEG."
Tom tilted his head biting his lip."You'll remember."He said thinking about it."I could..sometimes tell when you were directing thoughts at it, but nothing more than that."He sighed."Rabastan and Rodlphous are downstairs entertaining your relatives, if nothing else, they'll discover what happened."

Lucius moaned as he gave the other head, teeth scraping against the elder's cock as he pushed against the younger lestrange, shivering as he rocked back and forth, the motion driving him closer and further from the brothers. Rabastan smirked, tilting his head."He does have a pretty mouth. MAybe we'll let him live just for that. Seeing as these two.."He groaned sfotly, glaring down at the blond man in disguise as lucius thrust back harder against him, really getting into it."cant be bothered to be whores.Hell, he's even good at it."

Asher smiled holding him closer, pressing a kiss to his head."Hmm I do like it when you beg.It's so...nice."He smirked,"I think you should beg for dinner tonight."He muttered, knowing they were having a full dinner with the lestranges, gabriel,tom, and harry. Smirking even though the vampires wouldn't have to eat, their dinner's would be there for them. Smirking as he nudged the other towards the door."Hmmm I'm sure pretty thinks so to."
Harry nodded a little. "not killing them right?" he asked hessitantly biting his lip. "ior hurting them too badly?" he asked, wondering why the hell he still cared about them before sighing a little. "i suppose it doesn't matter so long as you don't hurt dudley...he was real niceto know when he realized that it wasn't right, what Uncle vernon was doing." he paused. "starving me." he remebured nodding a little. "they'd starve me. Dudley would sneek me food, usually junk food but it was all he could manage without Vernon and Petunia getting suspicious." he moved a peice and smirked as he jumped four of Tom's checkers. "i think it's all in my diary, but i can't remebure what i did with it."

Rudolphus moaned and nodded, rocking faster into the others mouth, panting eagerly. "aaah yeah, thats it little whore, use your teeth. mmm fuck yesss." he moaned tipping his head back. "oh yes, we're going to keep him, mmm he'll make the perfect little toy, aaah yesss." he groaned bucking into Lucius's mouth, Vernon trembling with rage as Petunia turned away from her son, huddled in the corner, and sobbing about how her poor duddykins was turning into a freak too. "he IS good at it, aaah use your tongue boy, oh YES just like that, there's a good little slut."

Draco paused and hesitated then. "do you think Harry is ready for that?" he asked worried about the brunette. "besides i will NOT beg to eat." he smirked. "but i WILL beg to be eaten." he teased winking at the other. "i think Father should be there too, and Severus if he can manage, everyone that wants to help harry, let the poor guy see we really aren't going to hurt him." he decided tapping his lips. "besides i think Uncle Severus wants to apologize to him. to harry i mean."
"No, not to badly."Tom sighed looking at him."Lucius has it in his study, in a vault so no one can read it."He said biting his lip."And no, there's been a order issued to not harm your cousin."He said wincing as he was jumped."Now, see here, you cant win.I wont let you."

Rabastan laughed softly as he watched lucius fist his cock, smirking as the other came. Sighing softly as he came, raising his eyes to look at the dursley's."You raised such a pretty little whore."He muttered laughing at the look he got for his efforts. Really, lucius was to good at this.

"We need to know just how bad it is.So a quiet dinner."He said smiling slightly."And if your uncle is apologizing to pretty, I dont want to know for what."He snickered nibbling on the blond's skin."Hmmm I love it when you beg."
Harry sighed a little, looking relieved by both statements before snickering at tom's complaint. "i'd like to see you try and stop me." he stated simply, watching the board again. "i did warn you when we started that i was going to win, i might not be as good as Ron but i'm still pretty damn good."

Rudolphus moaned as he spilled into the others mouth, and then pulled out to smear 'Dudley's' face with the cum, groaning eagerly as he laid thick streams of seed across the boys face panting eagerly. "mmm yeah." he growled, licking his lips. "mmm look, the little shrew isn't even watching anymore." he stated, smirking at Petunia who shuddered violently, Vernon looking a little green as he watched everything. "don't worry son....we'll get out of this..i promise...i'll get you out of this." Vernon would try to the death if he had to.

Draco chuckled a little. "no Sev is going to apologize to Harry for being a git." he explained nodding a little. "Father doesn't accept verbal apologies from Sev anyway, only physical." he teased laughing a little as he kissed the other, moaning as he was nibbled."mmm that feels good." he purred smiling a little. "i like to beg, so i guess we're a good match."
"Hmmm your good at something, and its not checkers.Bullshitting maybe."Tom whined s harry made the last move, making a face at him."I am not admitting defeat. Just a need to reorganize."He stated.

Lucius smirked as he straightened slowly, okay, so it was his turn to screw with them." like it hear."He said with a realistic snicker."I like being with these to.And the others.They make things so...good.."He muttered."And the vampire...oh..."He trailed off wincing as rabastan yanked him down the hall, laughing the minute a silencing charm was on them. The two death eaters doubled over in laughter.

Asher shuddered."I dont want to think about that. I like pretty without the vision of him getting laid."He whined laughing as he walked out of the room with draco, sticking his head in gabriel's room."How's the boy doing?"he asked knowing the other was keeping a eye on him,even if he was working.
Harry smirked a little. "oh no, i WIN Tom, you don't even have any pieces left on the board!" he teased smirking a little. "at least we know YOUR good at DENIAL." he teased shaking his head a little. "besides, i'm not very good at bullshitting, i'm better at annoying people and blowing up Dumbledore's office." he admitted simply as he yawned a little, stretching out in his chair, revealing the flat expanse of his stomach from the shirt he had put on at some point.

Vernon went purple with rage. "YOUR NOT MY SON! YOUR NOT MY SON!" he roared, furious and hateful Rudolphus smirking as he slammed Vernon against the wall again shaking his head a little. "oh yes, he is. you have a cock sucking son." he purred smirking as he too left, laughing as he caught up to Lucius and Rabastan. "mmm pretty that was perfect!" he stated calmly. "did you see how PURPLE he got!?"

Draco snickered a little and nodded looking pleased with himself at making the other whine, blinking at Gabriel who looked up, looking amused. "he's doing good, he snapped out of that weird child like state he was in and just kicked Tom's ass at checkers." he admitted. "i think he's going to be just fine, i'm monitoring the separate personalities as well. one is Harry, the one Draco knew all those years, just a bit more calm and in love with Tom. the other hasn't fully developed yet but he has taken to calling himself Shadow." he admitted simply. "he is very unhappy right now because he can't come out and talk to us too but Harry is already aware of him. i think the two will get along well enough to not try and kill each other at the very least."
Tom snickered as his eyes went to the expanse of skin exposed, swallowing hard. Suddenly feeling breathless before laughing."you BLEW UP dumbledore's office?"He laughed harder."That is something I would love to see."

Lucius laughed as he changed back into himself, "That was perfect. He looked like he was going to have a auenrysm."He snickered straightening his clothes."Now. tiem to go tell severus I enjoyed making the fat man angry." Rabastan snickered, shaking his head."You know your ass is going to be black and blue for doing this?" "I know.Thats half the fun."He said heading for gabriel's office to, knowing the boys were to meet him after. Asher stared at gabriel,"In love with tom?Already?"He stared looking shocked barely even noticing when lucius and the brothers arrived.
Harry laughed a little. "well it was actually only a few things." he admitted. "i threw some of his stuff at him last year, after Cedric died." he admitted his face falling as he pondered that. "the graveyard...that wasn't you was it?" he asked softly. "i know the death eaters where real, they where there, Rabastan and Rudolphus, Lucius, the Goyle man and Mcnair and and Nott, and..." he shuddered violently and shook his head. "but...was it you who came out of that cauldron?" he asked softly, not that he really minded much, but those words... kill the spare still haunted him.

Gabe smirked a little and nodded."he doesn't realize it yet of course." he admitted signing some papers. "how did it go boys?" he asked, looking up at Rudolphus and Rabastan and... "Lucius?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "why do you smell like my boys?" he asked fighting the urge to laugh. "did they tie you up again?" he asked his head tilted, more to fuck with Asher than anything else, Draco sniggering a little.
"No, it wasn't.Well.Kind of."He frowned before sighing."It was a horcrux, that I needed to change forms. Because I really had desrroyed my body. So...the thing you saw was a horcrux being destroyed to remake this body.I woke days later in riddle manor, in this body."He said gesturing to the older, slightly more careworn body of tom riddle.

Asher shuddered, resting his cheek against draco's shoulder, "Dont ask him that!"He whined. He didnt want to think about it. Lucius snickered, "Your boys kidnapped me. Had a torture devised that required... another willing person."he snickered."Veron got so pissed having a cock sucking son."Rabastan smirked leaning against lucius, wrapping a arm around his waist as he started to dissolve in laughter again.
Harry paused then nodded. "so it was the Horcrux that ordered cedric dead and tried to kill me...that makes sense actually." he admitted nodding. "it felt like you, but didn't feel like you...if that makes any sense at all." he admitted smiling a little at Tom. "i'm glad your in that body though, i dunno if i could sit next to you if you where old snake face." he admitted snickering a little as he sighed a little, feeling rather...content. "who would have thought i could ever feel so safe, in front of someone who i thought was trying to kill me?"

Gabriel twitched, looking surprised. "you had better make sure Harry doesn't find out that you raped the little fat one. he might attack you before he even pauses to think that it might not have been his cousin you where fucking." he warned smirking a little. "still, very clever, i highly approve. good work." he stated simply signing another piece of paper. "now, we need to decide whats happening at this dinner tonight. Harry has a tendency to get bored easily, we need to have something to do if he finds our topics less than titillating." "was that really the word to use?" Draco asked, looking amused as Gabriel smirked. "yes. particularly since everyone we've invited are pretty much whores, save for Draco and Asher....myself included."
"I sit at a table with people who tried to kill me all the time. I swear to god next time asher tries to bite me I'm hiding draco for the next month."He said sounding grumpy. Moving on from the topic of horcruxes, he didn't want to think about that.

Asher snickered."We'll let him know before he finds out."he smirked a little bbefore twitching."And who'd dare call you a whore...?"He smirked studying the other vampire intently, dark light filling his eyes. Rabastan snickered looking at lucius and his brother."We'll talk about...uh...dammit there's not that much we all have in common."
Harry laughed, he couldn't help it, he just had to laugh at the idea of Voldemort of all people being grumpy. Harry's laugh was rich and sweet, and so warm and inviting, it was the first time the dark lord had ever heard it, of course, most of their meetings they'd ended up trying to kill each other... "you didn't mind it when I bit you." Harry stated slyly, smirking at Tom, flirting....actually flirting.

Gabriel laughed at Asher's protectiveness. "i call myself a whore." h stated simply. "i'm only screwing six different people on a regular basis." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head. it was a good thing the Lestrage brothers weren't the jealous sort, though them knowing they where Gabe's favorite where probably a helping factor. "i think we should try to let Harry direct the conversation." "safe things." Rudolphus decided, quidditch most likely, animals, magic, hexes." "girls." Draco supplied with a small smirk "yuck." Gabriel, and Rudolphus chorused making Draco snicker. "dinner will be soon won't it? i should go and fetch father and uncle." he decided glancing at a clock.
"Oh well,you're you."He said blushing slightly, glad that he'd been able to make the other laugh. "And well.Asher does it because it annoys draco.And gabriel. Not because he prefers my company."He whined laughing sotly.

Asher made a face at the other vampire's laugher, "Dont have to laugh at me."He growled befre looking at lucius."Go get severus.By the time you get back, dinner will be on the table."He said watching the other man leave before looking at draco."Girls?Really?You're sitting at a table with rabastan, rolophus, your uncle, your father, me, gabriel and tom, and want us to speak of women?"
Harry just continued to snicker shaking his head as he watched Tom closely. "you know...i have to admit...i do like your company." he admitted softly, licking his lips a little as he watched Tom before coughing a little. "i think i'm going to go lay down, i'm feeling a bit tired again." he lied, suddenly feeling awkward. he'd never flirted with anyone before and he had a bad feeling he was really overstepping the 'do not cross' line.

Draco snickered a little. "well we could have fun complaining about them anyway." he stated with a shrug. "i'm sure Harry would enjoy mocking breasts with us." he decided shaking his head. "in any case i will go tell Tom and Harry that dinner is almost ready." he decided beaming at them all before flouncing off, practically skipping as he knocked on Tom's door, Harry turning to look at it as Draco swept into the room. "My lords, Dinner is almost ready." "Draco!?" Harry asked looking baffled. " lord!?" he looked at tom, uncertain whether to look amused or insulted. "he just called me my lord!" "well, yes, it is a polite way to address a vampire when you do not know whether to use their first or last name." Draco stated simply, Harry blinking at Draco again. "...what!?"

"...never mind, Dinner will be served shortly. we have roasted Turkey for mortals and some spiced rum blood for the vampires." Harry paused suddenly drooling. "i love spiced rum..." he muttered softly licking his lips. Vampires couldn't get drunk, so they often used alcohol as a flavoring agent to spice up their meals. during fancy dinners they would use fancy bowls of animal blood, usually deer or cow blood, flavored with spices or alcohol, as would be done that night. as well as 'snacking' on their favored mortals no doubt.
Tom smirked a little,"And of course, there's always draco who's going to be opening a vein.Cause he cant go a meal without getting bit."He teased before getting up, walking in his closet to change for dinner. "Harry go change for dinner.There's clothes in your room,and asher and gabriel like to dress for dinner."He said shooing the two out.

Lucius wrinkled his nose as he stepped into snape's room at hogwarts, tilting his head at the other man."Are you free for dinner?"He asked wincing a little.Feeling guilty despite having the other's permission to sleeping wiht the brothers.
Draco smirked as Harry blinked, looking confused before going into his own bedroom to change, deciding on a pair of dragon hide pants and a black silk shirt that made him feel nearly giddy, taking the time to yank his bed apart and remake his nest, carting the bed out of the room entirely and tossing it out the nearest window that was big enough, ignoring the startled looks of the Lestrange brothers as harry watched the bed smash against the ground with a smug little grin, winking at the brothers as he headed back to Tom to see if his dress style was appropriate, though he was fairly certain he looked pretty sexy.

Snape was sitting at his desk, looking incredibly bored as he scribbled on a piece of paper, brightening when he caught site of Lucius. "oh god yes." he stated changing his clothes with magic. "i've been dying of boredom." he admitted. "Dumbledore canceled classes to try and find that stupid brat." he complained. "i haven't had anything to do all day!" he complained sulking at Lucius before smirking as he dragged the other down for a kiss. "don't look so worried love." he teased softly. "i'm not going to punish you for doing something i gave you permission to do." he paused, eyes gleaming wickedly. "well, not TOO badly." he teased. "so whats for dinner?"
Tom smiled as he finished buttoning his dress shirt as he walked down the hall,tilting his head."Did you just toss a bed out the window?"He asked looking amused as he studied te man. Swallowing hard at the sexy picture he made.

Lucius smiled slightly kissing him."Turkey for us, and spiced blood rum for everyone else."He muttered wrapping his arms around him, nuzzling his neck."I wasn't worried."He whined softly holding him close."So everyone's still looking for him?"He asked sounding amused.
Harry smirked a little. "yes, yes i did." he stated shrugging a shoulder. "i don't like beds, things can hide under them and get me while i'm sleeping." he explained blinking at them, as if waiting for them to laugh, but Draco, and Rudolphus just looked astonished, and a little bit horrified that Harry still worried about things under the bed. it was a shockingly childlike notion, but it was one that had Harry sleeping on the floor in the gryffindor dorms too.

he smirked a little. "yes you where too worried." he teased kissing the other. "and yes everyone is still looking for them. i think that the little brat just took off on his own. i wouldn't doubt it, the muggles probably moved, didn't want to get into trouble no doubt. did they tell you how much of Harry's blood they found in that damn house!?" he complained, his eyes narrowed. "and of course Dumbledore is avoiding giving any real answers as to why no one realized that the brat was being abused."
"Well, we'll just have to make sure there's nothing hiding under our beds.I'll make asher look under mine.Serves him right for biting me."Tom said smiling slightly, before heading for the dining room."Come on, time to eat."He said rage tightening his stomach, wanting to hurt someone for that childish notion that something would attack him.

"The brat as you called him, was taken in the woods and dumped to live on his own as he bled out."Lucius said before shushing the other, flooing to the manor before sighing, wrapping a arm around hsi waist."Of course dumbledore didn't know about the abuse.he's sensile."
Gabriel smirked a little as Harry relaxed, realizing that none of them where going to mock him for being weak. "oh, and thank you, for whoever cleaned up my room, i really like the new cholor sceme." Harry suddenly admitted smiling a little as Draco smirked. "i thought you might like that, i've been working on a spell that will let you see the night sky as it is all the time, only without the cloud cover, Moon and everything but it's rather complicated." he admitted harry grinning a little. "your a smart guy, i bet you'll figure it out." Draco waved the compliment away with a pompous nose lifted in the air. "of course i will! it's just taking longer than anticipated." that made Harry laugh again, the rich tones making everyone smile.

Snape grimaced violently and nodded, Apparating them into the Dark Lords dining room, taking their seats as the rest of the group walked in, Harry freezing as he saw the two people who had tried to make his life living hell. Lucius, who had tried to kill him on several occasions, and Snape, who just all around treated Harry like shit. "i... i think i'm not hungry." harry muttered, Gabriel gently taking Harry's hand. "it is alright son." he murmured softly. "they won't hurt you."
"Pretty. So we've heard your son is a genius."Asher smirked, with every intent of embarassing the man to make sure that harry would relax. Lucius made a face raising a eyebrow, laughing softly."I always knew he was. After all, he IS my son."He said with a sniff. Rabastan smirked eating as he looked at harry,"You can tell pretty to shove it somewhere. He just gets like this when he's wanting some attention." "Hey!" "It's true lucius."Tom pointed out smirking as he ate, ignoring asher and draco as the younger ate, and asher played with blond hair as he sipped his rum.
Draco snickered as he nibbled on his meal, Harry sipping at his Alcohol, eyes glancing from person to person nervously until Snape sighed and turned to the boy who lived. "Potter....Harry..." He stated softly, Harry jumping and looking ready to receive a tongue lashing. "i wanted to apologize to you, about the way i have treated you the last four years. it was...wrong, of me." he admitted softly Harry staring at him as if he'd grown a second head, looking shocked and confused, and then mildly disturbed. "'s...ok?" he asked, uncertain how to react to being apologized to, it had never really happened before. not a real apology anyway. "i..i don't feel well, please excuse me." he stuttered, downing the last of his blood before vanishing into shadows, Gabriel letting out a small sound of surprise. Harry had always been an instinctual learner, with his emotions so high it was easy for harry to access abilities he shouldn't have been able to, like Shadow walking as a newborn. "...that did not go as i had planned." Snape grumbled. "i'd rather he'd yelled at me..."
"Oh hell."Asher cursed softly, shock showing on his face before swallowing hard."We should go see how he is...."He muttered looking at gabriel, looking surprised.Not even wanting to consider what other things the child could do.Lucius snickered a little looking at snape."And here you thought he was a moron.A moron cant shadowwalk within days of turning."'He said laughing softly.
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