Blood Fury and Love

Snape glared at Lucius. "that is NOT helping." Snape hissed softly, looking rather guilty. "i didn't mean to upset him! i was just trying to calm him down!" "be calm." Gabriel ordered softly, the table immediately falling silent. "Severus Snape, you did not upset the child." he promised smiling at him. "you healed some broken part of him, he left because he didn't want to cry in front of everyone." he paused then. "unfortunately Harry's other personality has just fully awoken and is now in control of the body...and has blocked me out of his mind..." he admitted. "we should try to find him before he runs into someone he shouldn't, or worse, kills someone we don't need him killing." he admitted standing up. "Asher, see if you can hone in on his scent, everyone else pick a place to look and go for it, we need people outside as well. Harry likes the outdoors, he might have gone out for some fresh air."

it took a half an hour to find the newly turned vampire, and when they did it was almost horrific. Harry was sitting in the Dursley's cell, crouched as he leaned over Vernon's dead body, his aunt laying a few feet away with her throat ripped out, it looked like Harry had done it with his teeth. Vernon's chest had been ripped open, it almost looked like a surgeon had done it, the layers of flesh and muscle peeled back neatly, the left ribs gone and the heart missing. Harry was examining the organ, laying next to Vernon's hip as he cleaned his fingers from the mans blood, his usually emerald green eyes now streaked with a gleaming silver as he examined the people who had come to visit him.
Rabastan winced a little as he looked over the vampire's shoulder, glad he'd come with harry, if for no other reason that of everyone in the house, he had the least contact with him."Oh hell, I was enjoying torturing htem." Asher snorted a little easing closer, crouching down in front of...what was it?Shadow."Shadow?"He whispered softly, not caring there was blood soaking into his expensive slacks, "Come on shaddow. We should be getting upstairs. Gabe's worried."
Shadow stared at the man for a long moment, studying Asher's face intently, as if he was trying to memorize every line and color on the mans face before nodding. "alright." he agreed simply, standing up and blinking at Asher. "how did you know my name? Harry doesn't even know my name yet." he admitted scratching the back of his neck. "Harry's not very happy with me, he didn't want the fat man and his botch to die." he admitted before grinning viciously. "but the fat one screams so pretty." he looked the chest cavity over for a moment. "i almost wished i'd skinned him instead...much more pleasing." he admitted scratching the back of his neck again, just a single finger, less of an itch and more of a nervous gesture. "who is Gabe? is he the one that sit's in Harry's mind?..the one that made us? i like him." Shadow admitted. "he's funny."
"I'm sure he's pleased you think so."He snickered a little helping the other up before nodding."Gabe's how I knew what your name was.He's a friend."He smirked a little looking at the wizard, "You ruined rabastan's fun shadow."He teased before gently pushing him out the door, letting rabastan walk in front of them, just so he could watch the man's ass. "You'll need to feed. After shadow walking then...that.You'll need food."He smirked."I suggest tom. It'll pack the power boost you need without having to endanger anyone."
Shadow smirked a little his eyes narrowing as he too watched Rabastan's ass. "sorry Rabastan, i'm SURE i can make it up to you." he purred licking his lips rather suggestively before pausing to blink at nothing. "really?" he asked his head tilted. "well he's YOUR crush...why do I have to be loyal?" he demanded sulking as he crossed his arms, he was talking to harry? there was a pause and then. "...valid point, very well i will not grab Rabastan's ass." he decided continuing to walk as Gabriel choked on laughter in Tom's room where they where waiting. "Asher has found, Shadow actually." he stated eyes gleaming with wicked laughter. "he's going to need a meal after shadow walking so prematurely. would you be willing Tom?"
Tom blushed before nodding, standing when the trio walked into the room,biting his lip."If he would so like me."He smiled sweetly, tilting his head at the young vampire.

Asher snickered looking at his master tilting his head."You know, its depressing they can't agree on men.Shadow wants your bastan."he teased looking at the wizard as the man went to gabriel,standing next to him.
Shadow smirked a little as he looked tom over, letting out a slow Wolf Whistle. "Shadow just changed his freeken mind." the boy stated licking his lips. "this one s MUCH more cute." he purred, Gabriel choking on laughter again as Harry strode over to Tom, Green and silver eyes narrowed playfully. "well hello there handsome, you must be this Tom fellow i keep hearing about." "i LIKE this Shadow person." Rudolphus whispered, snickering a little as he winked at his brother. "where was he?" he asked his brother curiously, knowing Tom was curious too. "Dungeons." Shadow supplied, slowly drawing Tom's head down, sinking his fangs into the man's neck with a sultry groan, taking a long, slow draw of blood to prolong Tom's pleasure Rudolphus blushing a little as he realized his pants where a bit too tight.
Tom moaned swaying slightly, leaning into the man holding him,moaning, whimpering every few months. It was...oh gods there was no words for this pleasure.

Asher snickered lookng at the brother then gabriel."And on that note, I'm going to go find draco."He smirked wider licking a gaze down to the wizad's tightening pants before leaving whistling.

Rabastan groaned softly looking at rudolphus, leaning against GAbriel."ARe we just going to stand here?"He muttered to the vampire and his brother.
Shadow smirked a little as he lowered Tom to the ground so that he wouldn't have to hold him up, his hand settling onto the elders crotch, giving it a firm squeeze, massaging the flesh as he fed, hoping to make the other cum before Harry or Tom realized what was happening. Harry would no doubt throw a fit, and Tom might try and kill Shadow, not that he could, Shadow was strong, powerful, and willing to hurt someone to get what he wanted, even tom.

Draco was still sitting in the dining room, enjoying a glass of wine while no one was there to stop him, a smug little smirk on his lips at breaking the rules yet again...with everyone occupied with finding Harry Draco knew he wouldn't get caught, or so he thought.

Gabriel smirked a little as he watched Shadow for a moment before turning on his heal and striding from the room, humming softly to himself, that alone was a good sign for the twins, humming meant that Gabriel was horny as hell, and that meant they where to follow, which Rudolphus did eagerly, using the longest strides possible to hurry to their room, wanting nothing more than to watch Gabe fuck Rabby before turning on him.
Tom moaned,thrusting against the other's hand, whimpering softly as he panted, closing his eyes.Mindless with pleasure as he gasped softly, hands gripping the vampire's arms tightly as he came.Shivering and trembling hard.

"...whatever do you think you're doing?"Asher asked from the doorway, tilting his head as he studied the man, before crossing the room to pin draco against his seat, lowering his head to meet the other's eyes.

Rabastan grinned following him eagerly, knowing that the whistling meant good things. Undressing as they walked into gabriel's room, smirking as he looked at the other two.This, was going to be entertaining.
Shadow purred, pleased with himself as he pulled away from the other, licking his lips and then licking Tom's neck clean, smirking a little. "mmm there's a good boy." he purred, snickering as he stroked Tom's hair. "shut up Harry, it's not rape if he liked it." he chirped, pleased with himself as he left Tom laying there to go and find someone else to torment, Harry bitching the entire time that they should stay and apologize to the man for making him cum in his pants, but Shadow didn't feel like killing anymore, he was just bored.

Draco yelped, startled hen Asher 'yelled' at him, going bright red. " was only half a glass!" he protested, allowing himself to be pinned without a struggle, heart thudding as he wondered if he was going to be yelled at or 'punished'. he hoped it was punished, there was nothing Draco loved more than getting punished by Asher.

Gabriel smirked as he opened the door and vanished inside, tugging off his tie as he watched the brothers. "undress each other." he ordered, licking his lips eagerly as Rudolphus smirked and gave his brother a small kiss before drawing the others shirt over his head, sighing softly. "mmm this is going to be wonderful, don't you agree brother?"
Tom groaned moving to his bed curling up and drifting off into a pleasant sleep.

Asher smirked lowering his head,biting gently on the other's neck,but not enough to actually break skin."Only half a glass?What did I say about wine?"He said keeping draco's wrists pinned. Smirking at the man's bright face, he looked beautiful so flushed.

Rabastan smirked a little tugging his brother's shirt off, letting it drop to the ground."So it will."He smirked a little,"Better then playing with pretty.Even though that was a treat."He said, goading gabriel a little. Knowing he didn't share well, and it was a rare treat for snape to share lucius.
Draco whimpered a little. "not to get caught drinking it?" he asked, being lippy. panting softly as he flushed red, squirming. "i didn't even finish it! so really it was only like, a fourth of a glass..." it was still partially full, so Draco was either telling the truth, or he was lying about how much he'd drank.

Gabriel growled his eyes narrowing as he listened to them, Rudolphis chuckling as he nodded."mm he begs so pretty too he does." he purred, kissing down his brothers chest, lingering on the nipples before working the button apart with his teeth, causing Gabriel to purr in appreciation. there was nothing the kinky bastard loved more than to watch Twins going at it.
Asher smirked taking the glass, finishing it off before looking at his captured dragon."Hmmm truth draco?"He muttered kissing him hard,eyyeing him."Do I need to punish you?"He said tangling his fingers in the other's hair pulling his head back,lowering his mouth to his neck.

Rabastan smiled shivering as his brother touched him,tangling his fingers in the other's hair."He does.We might have to ask for more time wiht pretty."He purred whimpering softly in need, wanting more then what rudolphus was doing.
Draco pouted when the last of his wine was finished, he couldn't wait to be of age so he could enjoy alcohol legally and without sneaking off with it. "it is the truth." Draco knew better than to try to lie to Asher. whimpering when he felt the fangs at his neck. "yes...please...punish me, Asher." he whispered, his eyes fluttering closed. "master...." Draco rarely called Asher Master, claiming that it was beneath him, but every time he did, it was in a tone that almost made master sound like 'i love you'.

Gabriel snarled suddenly, a silent warning not to continue the current topic of conversation, a finger tangling in Rabastan's hair, yanking his head back as he looked down at Rudolphus. "suck him off." he ordered with a firm growl, Rudolphus moaning as he undid his brothers pants the rest of the way and dragging his tongue on the other side of the cock. "and you." he growled at Rabastan. "you need to be punished, we all know it was your idea to fuck the Pretty." he hissed licking along the others neck. "the only question is, how to punish you?"
Asher growled softly at the name, shivering a little as he heard the words under it.Shivering as he sank his fangs into the other's neck,cradling his head as he fed,shifting him, pulling him up and sitting down in the chair,holding him close.

Rabastan shivered eyes fluttering shut as he squirmed, sighing as rolphaus sucked his cock."Hmmm so it was."He purred, the more vocal of the two, he enjoyed pushing gabriel till he was gettig pissed off."And who says I desrve punishment?"He purred
Draco moaned as he arched into the other, his eyes fluttering closed as he gripped the others knee tightly, panting hard. "a..aah." god it felt so good, always felt so good. "mm..mmmm Asher, a..aaah yes...Asher." he moaned, hips thrusting into Empty air as the other fed, a perfectly submissive little pet...unless he got angry but that was another matter entirely.

Gabriel snarled again, his hand tightening in the others hair as he wrapped his hand tightly around the others cock, choking off the blood flow, a wrapping of shadows left behind, a formidable cock ring that would tighten painfully at Gabriel's will. "your such a NAUGHTY little pet." he growled, sinking his fangs into Rabastan's neck, releasing a drop of painful venom, just enough to make the others body ache like it had been fucked for hours already, a smirk on his lips. "how could i punish you? hmm pet? tell me." he ordered. he would expect an answer, and if Rabastan didn't supply one, he would order Rudolphus to choose, and Rudolphus was never very nice to his brother when that happened.
sher smirked a little as he looked at his lover,raising his head as he licked his lip."on the table love."He ordered,wondering just how far he could go without pissing off the blond.Smirking as he stroked the blond's cock playfully.

Rabastan whimpered in pain and pleasure, blinking stupidly as he turned his head to look at gabriel, not able to think clearly enough to think of a punishment, wanting nothing more then to be fucked again.seeing as it already felt like he was,he still wanted more."Please...more...gabe...please."
Draco moaned and settled onto the table, panting softly as he laid on his back, spreading his lags wide and letting them dangle over the edge of the table, panting softly at him. "please, Ash...please..."

Gabriel smirked viciously as he listened to the other beg, Rudolphus also smirking as he worked his brothers hot hard cock in his mouth, taking him to the base and then pulling out all the way before repeating the maneuver. "yes? more?" he asked smirking as he sank his fangs into the other again, letting loose a large scream of pleasure instead, pleasure so intense it almost felt like an orgasm in and of itself. after a vampire got a little older it learned how to control it's poison glans, and Gabriel was VERY old. "how was that?" he demanded, smirking at Rabastan, who still couldn't cum because of the cock ring.
Asher smirked as he got up,tugging the man to the edge of the table as he shredded his pants, slamming into the blond without warning,burying his face against his shoulder as he bit down again,using pleasure posin to override any pain the other would have felt. Biting down hard."Tease."He growled raising his head to kiss him.

Rabastan whimpered leaning back against gabriel's chest, a pained pleasure whimper scream fell from his lips as he fisted in his hand roloduplus hair, whimpering louder."Please gabe, please please..."He said so far go he didnt even know what he was begging for.
Draco moaned and then yelped as his pants where torn. "hey! those where my..aaah! fuck!" he was cut off by the painful entrance, and the ever so pleasurable bite. "a..aah ye..yes..more, more Asher please more!" he begged, forgetting about his annoyance over his lost pants. "nnn nnn harder, screw me harder PLEASE."

Gabriel snickered as he yanked Rudolphus up, the man panting as he was ordered tot he bed, Gabriel smirking at Rabastan. "go fuck your brother." he ordered with a growl, Rudolphus moaning eagerly as he squirmed on the bed, trying to entice his brother over, not that Rabastan would refuse anything in his current state.
Asher moaned softly hands gripping the blond's hips tightly, pulling him roughly to meet each thrust."Harder?"He teased before slowly down,beiing almost, teasingly gentle with his lover.Love and happiness showing in those clear blue eyes as he looked down at him.

Rabastan moaned softly as he watched his brother squirm,kneeling on the bed as he muttered a lubing spell,and stretched his brother quickly, desperate to be inside himbefore slamming into him,kissing him hard, before raising his head to look at gabriel,watching the vampire.fucking his brother, but haivng eyes only for the vampire. Not that he ever admit it,but the youngest lestrange fellt more then passing desire for the vampire, but would never say anything, since he knew gabriel didnt want anything mroe then this.
Draco moaned eagerly, arching against the other, nodding."yes, please, harder." he whimpered, whimpering when the other slowed down instead, scratching at the table. " harder, Asher please...please." he begged panting hard, flushed pink with need as he squirmed against him. "please, please PLEASE Asher harder." he begged, snapping his hips, trying to make it harder himself and failing, frusterated tears filling the blonds eyes. oh but what pretty tears they where.

Rudolphus moaned eagerly, tossing his head back as he panted softly, pressing back into his brother, his eyes fixed on Gabriel as well, the vampire looking very, VERY pleased as he started to shed his clothes, gleaming eyes watching his pets as they fucked eachother, Rudolphus uttering only short small cries of pleasure every time his brother pressed on the right spot. he was always the quieter, more insightful of the two. he knew, what Rabastan did not, he knew that Gabriel only fucked two people on a regular basis, and would stop working to answer a fire-call from. Rabastan and himself. and that meant more than Gabriel was willing to admit. "such pretty boys." Gabriel purred, panting as he stroked himself. "my pretty pretty boys."
Asher smirked licking the tears off his cheek, kisisng him softly as he thrust into him harder. "So pretty..."He muttered. "Oh bloody fucking hell!What-ASHER!Get off my table!"Tom yelled staring at the two."Get off!" "I'm trying to."The vampire snarled over his shoulder, smirking as the dark lord stomped out of the room.

Tom whined muttering to himself as he went in search of shadow.Wanting to make sure the other man was okay, or if he was harry again. Worried what damage would be done when harry came back nd realized he'd killed his relatives.Muttering darkly about stupid vampires who needed better things to do he smirked when he found harry.

Rabastan smiled slightly through the fall of his dark hair as he turned his head to look at the vampire, "If we're so pretty get over here and enjoy us."He groaned softly licking his lips as he watched gabriel stroke himself.
Draco mewled eagerly as the thrusts hardened, arching off the table and squealing in terror when the dark lord suddenly burst in, hiding himself, and his shame, in Asher's body, as if somehow that would make the dark lord not know he was there, trembling as he fought not to burst into laughter at the look Tom had worn on his face. "we're not really getting off the table are we? i LIKE the Table." Draco purred, hoping to be made mindless once more, if he was lucky, maybe Asher would even get Draco to cry again. Draco always cried when it was getting unbearable, that was how you knew he was liking it. Draco loved to be teased relentlessly. well, actually he loved anything Asher did to him.

Harry was indeed Harry, and he was sitting in the library reading a book, well, actually he was looking for three books at the same time, grumbling about being like hermione as he scribbled something on a piece of paper. the first book was about vampirism, that was no shock. the second was about mental disturbances, and it would no doubt be turned to the page where it explained about multiple personalities. the third was about personality potions and their effects on people. Harry was struggling to understand what had happened to him. "Shadow what in the hell is a cerebral cortex?" Harry asked, unaware of the dark lord, grimacing at the response he got. "oh don't get lippy with me just tell me what it is... thank you....Vol...Tom!" Harry cheeped, going bright red as he noticed the other standing there. " i uh.. was.. uhmm...." he wasn't sure why he was stuttering, probably the fact that he had just about raped Tom, certainly molested him...well shadow had but Harry doubted the Dark Lord would Care.

Gabriel smirked as he continued to just slowly stroke himself, panting softly. "mmm no, i like how you two look. maybe i should get a camera hmm?" he teased smirking at them as he licked his lips. "take many pictures of you two fucking each other, so i have material to wank with." that was a lie, Gabriel NEVER wanked, ever, and they all knew it...still it was a pleasing thought. "mmm so sexy." "ah... Rabby, little lower." Rudulphus pleaded, panting hard as he tried to get his brother to focus, he'd missed his prostate several times in a row now and Rudolphus was getting frustrated. he could feel his orgasm building, but it was such a slow build that his balls where beginning to ache. "ah... please." "Rabby... lets see how long it takes your brother to cum when you don't touch his prostate shall we?" Gabriel purred, smirking as Rudolphus whined piteously and tried to angle himself so it would hit anyway. "nooo please, so close..." but they all know Rudy loved it.
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