Blood Fury and Love

Draco smirked a little as Snape nodded. "i had the Lestrange check." he stated simply. "they where not fed on at all, though i suspect Harry...or Rather Shadow might have taken a few tastes here and there from the already flowing blood he did not actually bite them save to tear out the woman's throat." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little as Gabriel beamed at them. "aaw Pretty thinks he's witty!" he teased snickering as he sat down and shook his head. "poor Little Pretty looks exhausted Asher what HAVE you been doing to the poor boy?" Draco had gone back to dozing and Snape looked mortified when Draco's response to that was 'best, orgasm, ever." "the minister want's YOU to look for the boy? an almost proven death eater? seriously?" Rudolphus demanded looking amazed and then amused. "your right, he IS an idiot. still you would gain great favor if you found him." Gabriel admitted tapping his lips. "and you would get into Dumbledore's good graces if you DID return him... we will have to discuss this with Harry and see if he would want to be returned at any point. not too soon, he's still too wild to be controlled out in mass public, but after a month, that will give Lucius plenty of time to pass and Harry plenty of time to gain control over himself."

Shadow giggled a little and looked up at the other, his head tilted as he licked the others head again, he twitched his fingers, and the ropes around the others hands slithered off, freeing Tom. "i was only playing." he purred smirking as he went back to the task at hand, coating every centimeter of Tom's cock in spit using only his tongue.
Asher smirked a little pressing a kiss to draco's head, holding the sleeping blond tighter."The minister is intelligent. Or he did it by accident. He knows Lucius is vicious, and ambitious. As well as a almost proven death eater. Who better to send into the death eater ranks to make sure potter isn't among them?Pretty's ambiton outstrips his loyalty. At least, the minister thinks so,thankfully we all know better. But if we're aware, we can plan and be able to plan."He said smiling slightly. Lucius looked thoughtful before nodding."Regular feeds still would be needed. And planned for. We cant let him be discovered as a vampire...and a month long hunt will make the minister even more grateful when I do find him."He said thoughtfully.

Tom moaned softly burying his fingers in the brunette's hair, shivering as he thrust up a little, shivering as his eyes rolled back a little, eyelids fluttering as he squirmed. Wanting more, neeing more. But not sure if the other was ready for more, and he wasnt about to ask."Please...oh pleae..."He squirmed wanting to cum, wanting more.
Gabriel paused then. "unless of course we play it off as the vampires saving his life, Harry was near death when i found him. and Harrys blood was found all over that muggle house. if we set Dudley free, hiding in a muggle area we can have him claim that the dursleys attacked and dumped harry, and where attacked. i will talk to the child, he seams bored here, and willing to help. if we can get the story figured out now, and say maybe Arthur Weasley or Tonks finds the Little Fat one and he tells them that death eaters swarmed after the Dursleys tried to kill Harry, they might think Harry was killed, giving us the advantage of no one trying to find the boy before we're ready for him to be found." Snape nodded. "and Lucius would know better, being connected to him Tom would Know Harry isn't dead, which would be why Lucius would have still been looking."

Shadow purred softly, still licking before smirking at the begging, hesitating as he examined the others cock, nit certain if he actually wanted it in his mouth or not. oh well, rushing into things without thinking was Harry's specialty, but Shadow could use it for now, slipping the head and then part of the shaft into his mouth, sucking and stroking and experimenting with mouth motions and movements as he tried to decide if he liked it or not.
Lucius nodded looking thoughtful."That would work. But first, we will talk to harry. He needs to be included, he'll be pissed if we decide without him."He said, the blond proving he knew his once enemy well. Between his own encounters and draco's experiences, he knew how harry thought. Asher nodded slightly looking thoughtful."If we rough up the littel fat one, then heal him enough to make it appear that its been a few days, like when he disappeared, when it happened it would be better."

Tom moaned softly, shifting, squirming. Moaning softly as he looked down at him, swallowing hard as he kept still, trying not to thrust up into him."Shadow....that...feels...good..."He gasped softly, squeezing his eyes shut as he focused on the feelings.
Gabriel nodded. "we will need the little fat ones consent, or Harry's consent to erase and alter the little fat ones memories." he admitted shaking his head a little as he glanced at Lucius. "and your right, if we decide for harry the boy will only blow up on us, and i happen to like my hair the color it is." he admitted. the last time Dumbledore had decided something for harry, the entire school had walked around with hair in their least favorite color. most of the men had pink hair, and poor Dumbledore had walked around with neon green hair for a week before the spell had worn off.

Shadow smirked a little, deciding he liked the feeling of Tom in his mouth as he sucked harder and began to move up and down, pressing lower and gagging as he felt the cock hit the back of his throat, pausing as he pulled back a little, but not away to catch his bearings before trying again, slicking and sucking and bobbing his head before trying to take Tom down further again, only to gag, again. "damn, this IS harder than it looks." Shadow complained with humor as he pulled away completely to catch his breath for a second. and to tease Tom of course.
Lucius snickered thinking about it."Draco was scarred. He had pink hair...of course I told him to live with it, it looked good."He smirked a little as he read the paperwork he was doing not seeing the smirk that curled asher's lips as he looked at rabastan, smirking when the youngest lestrange flicked his wand a little, giving lucius bright pink hair."Well we'll just have to wait till him and tom are...done."Asher said with a snicker.

Tom moaned shivering as the other touched him,closng his eyes before jerking the other roughly off his cock, pushing him far enough away to not get splattered as he came,trembling, his body as tight as a overtight harp string as he trembled slumping back against the chair.
Rudolphus and Gabriel snickered and then pouted when Snape calmly changed Lucius's hair back to blond. "i don't screw things that have pink hair." Snape stated simply. "and Lucius would not be very happy if i refused to pound him into the floor because you left him with pink hair." "aaaw but pretty is so CUTE with pink hair." Gabriel teased smirking as Draco snorted and rolled his eyes. "anyway they are nearly done." Gabriel stated calmly. "i have told Shadow to come to us when he has...finished." he admitted with a smirk.

Shadow hissed when he was jerked off, thinking he had done something wrong and then looking confused when the other came, the thick ropes of seed landing all over Shadows face and Hair, giving the bewildered boy an innocently molested look about him. "... i have Cum in my hair." Shadow complained with a sulk as he pouted at Tom. "aren't you supposed to do that in my mouth? i wanted to taste." he complained wiping a bit off his cheek and licking it off his finger, making a pondering noise before he nodded. "tastes good, salty. i like salty...oh, Gabriel wants us when we're done." he chirped simply as he got to his feet. "would you mind? i can't do magic."
Asher laughed softly, "I hope he forgot what we were doing."He muttered to draco kissing his head. Rabastan smirked raising a eyebrow. "What were you doing?" "Oh, they were enjoying the table."Lucius said absently, glaring at him insulted at the idea of having pink hair.

Tom shivered, laughing sftly as he cleaned up the other, pulling him up for a kiss before getting dressed,"Hmm, I didn't want to choke you. You're not experience...I was afraid to hurt you."He said biting his lip. It was a singularly odd feeling to be worried about the man he'd spent years trying to kill. "Now. We better go before gabriel comes looking for us."He said heading out of the room, not waiting for shadow to follow.
Gabriel snickered and shook his head. "he was making Draco CRY!" he stated with a smirk at Draco who just flipped them all the bird. "oh and scarring poor Tom." he added laughing a little as he shook his head. "Shadow and Tom are on their way." he stated calmly. "someone should go and fetch the Little Fat One so he can be in on this too." he muttered with a small shake of his head. "Rudolphus? would you be a doll?" "sure." he chirped skipping off to fetch Dudley, who was looking healthier every day, he was even taking regular showers now, and had dropped four pounds thanks to boxing lessons from one of the nameless death eaters.

Shadow blinked at him and then shrugged a little. "Gabriel wouldn't come looking for us." he stated simply. "he knows better than to walk in on us doing something like that." he smirked a little. "anyway, Harry is complaining, and i'm tired. Ta." he stated with a wiggle of his fingers, pausing as he swayed on the spot, looking like he was going to pass out before the silver vanished from emerald eyes and Harry regained control, the boy blinking a little. "i was not whining!" he complained glaring at Tom. "he';s lying!" he...well, whined.
Tom swallowed his laughter at the whining, before smiling."Of course he was harry."He said in a pleasant voice stepping into lucius's office, cursing softly at the gathered group."Oh damn, bella's back, and who did she kill?"He asked looking at the sober people in the room. Knowing only a few things could make asher quiet, and bella was one of them. Asher snickered pressing a kiss to draco's shoulder."Oh no, dont threaten that."He whined. Lucius snickered,"It seems no one likes my wife's sister." "Of course we don't. She's insane.And family."Rabastan said twitching a little.
Rudolphus grimaced. "don't remind me." he complained sneering a little. "damn mother and father...makin me marry a bitch." he complained pouting at Gabriel before sighing. "ah well she can't help it, you know she was held under Crucio too long." "really? by who?" "Frank Longbottom." "....WHAT!?: Harry demanded, startled. "yeah but no one knows it. and she was a bit of a bitch before that, but she wasn't insane. not till Longbottom got a hold of her." "he got his dues though didn't he?" Draco stated calmly, Harry grimacing a little as Dudley sat there looking confused. "do i really need to be here?" he asked timidly, really quite nervous about all of this Harry blinking. "wow Dud you look amazing! it's only been a few days though how can you look so much healthier already?" "Magic of course." Gabriel stated calmly. "i took the liberty of applying a few health wise spells in young Dursley's direction." Snape stated simply, Dudley looking amazed. "is that why i can breath?" "indeed." "...thank you." Snape looked startled and Gabe let out a bark of a laugh. "we're getting distracted."
"Of course we are. Tom's over there looking freshly fucked, how could we not."Asher snickered hiding behind draco as he got a pillow tossed at him. Lucius shook his head before straightening, smiling slightly."Harry, we were just discussing what to do about the search dumbledore and the ministry have out for you." Rabastan snorted a little."Well, dumbledore's is the only one that counts, seeing as you're supposed to be looking for him."
Harry blushed hard and Gabriel laughed. "they hadn't gotten that far yet." he teased smirking. "but i do beleive Harry, or Rather Shadow...." "SHUT UP!" Harry ordered firmly looking properly outraged and furious. "what is this about Dumbledore and the ministry looking for me!?" Dudley looked shocked by Harry's outburst, but Gabriel just nodded. "the ministry and Dumbledore think you have been kidnapped or ran away, they've started a man hunt for you. we've had a few idea';s on how to throw them off the track and keep you safe but we need your input as most of it deals directly with you." Harry looked surprised. "you mean i get to make decisions?" "of course." Snape stated with a roll of his eyes. "no one wants to walk around with red hair." Snapes hair had gone weasley red, or gryffindor red, it was hard to tell but some people theorized it was both. Harry just snorted. "and Dudley is here because?" "because he too might become involved." "anything i can do to help." Dudley decided, Harry looking surprised again. "dud are you sure? it would involve magic...." "magic's not as bad as i though it was." Dudley stated with a shrug. "besides, i figure i owe you a lot yet. a few snuck bits of junk food won't fix the hell i helped put you through."
Rabastan laughed softly."And he's enjoying being around the death eaters. They're taking a perverse interest in a muggle in Slytherin manor. Its odd."He snickered a little."Between teaching him to fight and giving him food he's sure."He smirked a little. Asher laughed softly. "Then I'll tell you the plans. We were thinking because it will take you about a month to get control of your feedings, we thought to leave your cousin out in the muggle world, give tonks or wealsey a nudge into finding him, then allow them to believe that the death eaters have killed you in a attack on your house." Lucius smiled picking up."And either allow myself to 'find' you in a month because my lord would know that you were not dead, or allow gabriel and asher to save you from where ever you hid yourself."
Harry paused then. "well, what if Gabriel does exactly what he did instead? the authorities are going to know i wasn't in the house when you went and got my family." harry stated simply shaking his head. "we could claim that they tried to kill me and succeeded and dumped my body in the woods where Gabe saved me. it's the truth and it would pass a truth spell." he pointed out, Dudley looking shocked. "truth serum is REAL!?" he demanded looking excited as Harry laughed. "are you watching crime shows again Dudley?" ".....yes...." the muggle grumbled, pouting a little before beaming. "the house elves even found a way to make a telly work in my room! Avery comes over every morning with coffee and watches my cop show with me before teaching me to box" Harry looked HIGHLY amused. "that's awesome Dudley, i take it you like Avery then?" Dudley went beat red and stared at his toes and muttered that his father would kill him and that he was going to hell.
Lucius laughed softly shifting away out of itting range before smirking."He is handsome."He smirked. Asher laughed softly,"Snape you might have to fend off avery from pretty."He smirked. Rabastan laughed softly looking at the muggle in the roomful of wizards."Oh damn, to bad we really cant tell his dad his son's gay. Pretendings not really as fun as the real thing rudy."He whined looking at his brother
Dudley frowned a little as he looked them all over. "it's not funny goddamn you." Dudley complained. "Being Gay in muggle society is a SIN!" he complained sighing a little. "it's" harry stepped in. "Men enjoying men in muggle society is like Lucius mating, marrying, and breading with a muggle ." Harry stated simply. "some people accept it, and there are many of them but most people will abuse Dudley for who he is, beat him up for it. he has to stay quiet about being who he is or... someone might try to kill him for it." that stopped the laughter, all of them stone faced and horrified as Dudley sighed and shook his head. "it's better if no one finds out, especially Avery because......" "because in the end Dudley is still a muggle... and muggles don't last long in the wizarding world." Harry finished softly.
Lucius twitched a little at the idea of marrying a muggle, "At least not at the moment."he frowned slightly looking at the strangely quiet tom who was looking thoughtful. "Would you like to stay here?You couldn't leave till things got sorted out, but you could stay with avery. Or at least have a excuse to see him without admitting you like him."Tom said staring out the window, disliking the painful twist of his heart at the idea of not being able to be who he was. Asher looked startled staring. He couldnt believe he'd just heard salazar slytherin's- the goddamn epitimany of pureblood breeding at its best- open his home to a muggle. "We can figure out another way to get the plan out there if you want to stay."
Dudley shook his head a little. "no, i need to go home." he admitted sighing a little. "i have school, i can't be anything if i don't get a good schooling... now that i have my life on the right track my grades are actually improving, and i might even be able to get scholorships." he admitted smiling a little, Harry shaking his head. "don't worry about scholarships Dud, i took care of your school costs when you started being nice to me." "what!? you did? wonder mum was so happy on school day." he grumbled softly shaking his head. "when i get an address, i could always mail it to Avery, invite him over." he decided smiling a little before shrugging. "and after all that, who knows." Harry nodded. "alright then..." harry muttered softly, feeling bad for his cousin. "we will need to rough you up a little, little Fat one." Dudley went a strange shade of purple and he Glared at Draco who smirked. "don't call me that!" Gabriel smirking even more. "and then we will heal you a little and find you a place to hide." "i have a place to go when Father started getting rough on the rest of us." he admitted. "i can hide there for weeks if i have to, there's plenty of food and water." "and when all this is over." Harry stated smiling at Dudley. "you can come stay with me." he offered. "i have plenty of houses to choose from." because he didn't know id Tom wanted a long term relationship, or just a fling.
Tom smiled slightly, biting the inside of his lip to keep from saying what had sprung to his lips. To keep from demanding that the vampire stay here with him. Smirking slightly he nodded,"Rabastan, Rudolph, go with the two boys and make sure he's roughed up.Lucius, will you see that one of the werewolves are brought in?"He asked smiling as teh blond nodded though he looked surprised. Though he shouldnt have been, after all tom was a planner, he understood the best way to distract from vampire attention.
Harry nodded and smiled at Dudley. "don't worry, i'll make sure they don't hurt you too much." he promised patting Dudley on the head, the boy snorting. "hey i'm OLDER than you!" "only by like, three weeks." Harry stated with a roll of his eyes, Dudley smirking a little as he shrugged. the piggish boy didn't complain once during the spells or the pain, and only managed to hiss that Rabastan was a perv at one point from all the weird jokes that Dudley didn't understand. when he was properly roughed up and then healed slightly he pulled Rabastan to the side, hesitating then. "my folks are dead aren't they?" he asked softly, glancing at the other begging for the truth.
Rebastan winced before nodding, looking down at the other."Your...shadow took offense to their existance."He said gently resting his hand on the other's shoulder. Not about to tell dudley that his cousin had taken offense. before delaying the next question he thought was coming."And no you can't see them. They're...thats not what you want to remember. Death eater kills aren't pretty."He said gently.
Dudley nodded. "i always knew that Harry was going to kill them someday." because Avery had explained that Harry had two personality. "Shadow or not, Harry had to have agreed before Shadow killed them." he sighed a little. "i should feel upset but....i don't for some reason." he admitted softly before smiling at Rabastan. "alright, one Cruciatus." Dudley ordered, Harry snarling. "no! we are NOT using Cruciatus on my cousin." "Harry i'm not even a wizard and i know that's a Death Eater Favorite, if i'm not under it at least a little bit people are going to get suspicious." Dudley complained crossing his arms, Harry shaking his head. "HELL no!" he ordered with a snarl glaring at the Lestrange twins. "don't even THINK about it!"
"Crucio."Lucius snarled from the doorway, taking the option away from the twins, watching dudley flial for a moment before ending the curse far sooner then anyone else would have."Now that's dark enough,but doesnt carry enough of a magical signature to be recognized."He said before biting his lip."Harry, tom would like to move dudley to the house now."he said watching the two, wincing as the twins moved away from harry. Knowing he wasnt going to like what harry was going to try to do for him.
Harry snarled viciously as he turned to stare at Lucius, his eyes gleaming red with rage as he crouched, ignoring the twins and Draco as he pounced, landing hard on Lucius, feeling the brittle human bones snap under his force, his fangs driving forward, far faster than anyone could stop him, pain venom spurting into Lucius's veins, like a cruciatus in and of itself, Harry was able to get two good spurts of venom into the Blond before Rudolphus could manage to tear Harry off of Lucius, the boy hissing with Fury that his cousin had been seriously injured, the poor muggle boy groaning on the floor, having passed out from the intense pain. Wizards had a natural resistance to the Crucio, being that their magic buffered the pain a little, muggles had no such thin and the instant the pain had hit, Dudley had been out.
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