Blood Fury and Love

Snape moaned, arching against the other."yeesss, you feel so good inside of me love." he moaned, kissing the others face, all over, panting eagerly, unusually affectionate, probably still upset from earlier, from harry. "aaah yesss i'm getting close." he moaned, a small tug on the ribbon informing Lucius that it would come off, as soon as Snape came.

Gabe smirked as he watched Draco squirm and babble, chuckling a little as he settling himself into place and moaning as the fingers slid inside of him. "mmm Asher, fuck, feels so good, love it when you fuck me." he groaned kissing the other as he grinned at the idea of Draco mindless, now they needed to be mindless too. "don't bother with the stretching." he panted softly. "need you, need you now, inside me. just lube me up good and fuck me."
Lucius moaned softly biting down on snape's neck, holding him tightly, enjoying the affectionate snape, because it didn't happen often."Good. Me to."He said stroking his hand over the other's cock, swallowing hard as his eyes darkened as he neared his orgasm, trembling with the effort and force of his orgasm."I love you."He whispered kissing him hard.

Asher smirked a little lubing him well, spreading lube over himself before kneeling, thrusting into gabe hard, burying his face against the man's neck."Hmm draco's not the only one desperate."He said fucking the vampire hard and fast, giving over to his frustration like he always did, frustrated because despite assurances otherwise, he was insecure enough to wonder if draco wanted gabriel more then him. Despite knowing it might harm him he smirked, sinking his fangs into gabe's shoulder as he thrust into him hard. Not to feed, but to hurt the other a litte. Not to cause true harm, just...voice a pain that seemed to bother him more often these days then it usually did.
Snape moaned, arching against the other, gasping hard as he came, hard, his seed spilling across their belly's as the ribbon slithered off of Lucius's cock, allowing him to cum. "aaah yeessss LUC!" he groaned, jerking against the other, panting happily. "mmm fuck yesss.."

Gabe howled in delighted pain as he was entered, the force pushing him into Draco who wailed in pleasure, arching eagerly against his bonds, trembling and moaning as he was fucked by Gabe at Alex's pace, Gabe whimpering in pleasure as he felt the thrusts, hard and fast inside of him. "ah!" a gasp was the only sign of the registered pain as he was bitten, trembling harder as he waited for another, Draco stammering Alex's name, begging for it harder, faster MORE! Gabe soon babbling the same, both of them wanting it from Alex, it was always Alex in the end.
Lucius moaned as he came, collapsing onto the other's chest, panting softly, though he didn't pull out. He liked falling asleep buried in the other man."love you..."He muttered again, starting to fall asleep."sleep. Go to sleep.."

Asher snarled softly biting gabriel harder as he came, whimpering as he went mindless with pleasure. Collapsing bonelessly against gabriel's back. Panting and delirious. Had anyone thought to ask him anything, for once he was totally unguarded, and would have told the truth about anything. Panting and whimpered as he pulled out of gabriel, collapsing onto the bed.
Snape smiled as he snuggled into the other. there was nothing he loved more than falling asleep with a cock, no, with lucius's cock, or a toy if he had nothing else, buried in his ass. "mmm sleep." he murmured, drifting off.

Draco and Gabe howled in pleasure as they too managed their orgasm and collapsed, panting and covered in sweat, Gabe groaning softly as he forced himself to sit up and untie Draco, panting Draco rolled over and snuggled tightly into Alex, Gabe collapsing onto the other side of Gabe, leaving the man to cuddle Draco alone, much to Draco's released. he liked Gabe just fine, and he had a nice cock but he only liked being romantic or snuggly with Alex.

in the morning Harry was missing out of bed yet again. the room was still a mess, Harry hadn't even tried to open it. he had gone exploring, he had gotten an itch in his belly and he had followed it, wandering the halls, slinking past the various death eaters, sniffing the air and simply following his instincts as he looked for food, someone that smelled good, and for something to amuse himself with. instead of finding entertainment however, he ran into two very firm chests. the Lestrange brothers. Harry blinked looking baffled as he rubbed his nose, which ached from running into someone, he wasn't sure who, Rudolphus lifting an eyebrow, "i say...isn't this potter?" he demanded, startled as harry blinked up at them, clearly confused as to what was happening. in one of his 'in-between moments' when he wasn't sure who he was.
Rabastan looked over at his brother's voice, tilting his head."It is."He said smiling slightly looking over the boy."he does look well."He purred moving closer. Only from spending so much time with Gabe and asher did he recognize what the boy was. Smirking slightly, wondering what a new born would be like...not that he'd do anything. Gabe or asher would probably react violently to it, and he liked his balls attactched thank you very much."Whatever are you doing wandering around?"He said gently, trying to figure out the blank look on the boy's face.
Harry blinked again and then stepped forward, reaching up for Rabastan's face. "pretty.' he muttered softly blinking slowly. "hungry." harry muttered again, Rudolphis looking startled as he glanced at his brother. "well if he's a new born he has to belong to either Asher or Gabriel." he admitted simply, feeling a little puzzled by Harry's lack of response. "we better get him back to the, before they start to worry. come on pet, we're going to take you back now." he stated, gently taking Harry's hand who blinked at it and then up at Rudolphus. "pretty..." not as pretty as tom, but pretty anyway. "something isn't right here...can vampires be affected by drugs?" no, they didn't have a circulatory system to transport it. but Rudolphus didn't know that. "Tom?" Harry asked hopefully looking around as if he had heard the other, or smelled him, looking almost desperate before he fixed his gaze on Rabastan's neck. "oh hell... he's too hungry." Rudolphus complained, seeing the needy look in the others eyes. "shall you do the honors or shall i?"
Rabastan smiled slightly, tugging the smaller brunette closer, crouching sightly as he tilted his head away, letting the man have access."I will.Go find lucius or tom, let them know he's wandering, and I'll return him after he fed."He said, trusting the vampire at his neck, shuddering a little in pleasure. Knowing the vampires wouldn't be up yet. The two given the choice spent most of the day cuddled together, or with draco.
Harry gripped the their tightly and sank his fangs in tightly, drinking eagerly as he held the other still, making sure that the other wouldn't jerk or something. Rudolphus just smirked at his brother. "you just like getting fed on." he teased before spinning on his heal and heading down the hall, knocking on the door and then sweeping into the room, startling Draco awake, who made sure the other two where awake by shrieking and trying to cover himself. " but we have a bit of a situation my lords... there is one Harry Potter wandering the halls and he looks sort of drugged, doesn't seam to know the head end from the tail end if you know what i mean. Rabastan's giving him some breakfast, and is going to bring the boy down when he's finished." Gabriel looked startled. "he looks drugged?" he demanded, frowning a little. "perhaps he is confused?" he asked looking at Asher. "Severus did say the boy would be easily confused..." he looked terribly worried. "i had better go and make sure he's not doing something he shouldn't be.." he muttered, slipping out of the bed and grabbing his pants and rushing out the door to find Harry.
Asher frowned worriedly waving rodolphus out."Follow him.Make sure he doesnt be overprotective."He said sitting up, rubbing his ears as he frowned at the blond in his bed."Dammit my ears hurt now."He whined getting up starting to dress.

Tom frowned curious as he watched gabriel walk down the hall,raising a eyenrow."Do you know where he wandered off to?"He asked worried, and almost diappointed that he hadnt' been woken up for breakfast.
he nodded. "i think he's in one of those 'confused' states that Severus was talking about. Rudolphus said that Harry looked drugged. but drugs don't work on vampires. he said they came across harry in the hall, he must have wandered off looking for someone who smelled good." he muttered pausing when he caught sight of Harry, who was licking Rabastan's neck to close off the wounds, looking sated, sleepy, and rather blank. "tom?" harry asked, brightening a little at the sight of the other. "bored..." harry whined. "full..." he stated patting his belly to Gabriel's amusement. "that's wonderful Harry, but you shouldn't wander off, some of these people are dangerous, and don't know your here yet." he stated calmly, reaching out to grip the boys shoulder, pausing when Harry flinched and cringed away. "i'm sorry..i didn't mean to disobey...please don't hit me...." Gabriel looked horrified at the almost accusation, Rudolphus wincing a little at the terrified look on the boys face.
Rabastan swallowed hard, grinding his teeth in anger. He knew who was downstairs. And he wanted to injure them for that gut reaction to being scolded."Harry, they're not going to."

Tom smiled slightly, easily as he stepped closer, gently running his fingers through his hair."Oh sweetheart, it wasn't a order.We just dont want you wandering in case you get in trouble.At least wake us up to tell us your leaving."He said gently soothingly. Surely a oddity that rarely happened, and would no doubt shock the lestrange brothers.
Harry whimpered a little but relaxed when tom soothed him, leaning into the man. "promise?" Harry muttered softly. "you won't hit the freak?" he asked softly. the freak, he had just called himself the was like he thought he was small again, a child, six, or five, terrified of his family and of himself as he snuggled into Tom, Rudolphus gaping at Tom, too pissed at the family downstairs to really care that Tom was being gentle. "i think i might...'visit' downstairs today. entertain out guests." he decided glancing at his brother, certain he would be joining him. "it's alright Harry." Gabriel promised in the gentlest tone he could manage, which was a lot more than the lestrange twins where expecting. "Tom, why don't you settle Harry into your room for now and play some games with him." Gabriel suggested. "i'll employ these two handsome men in helping me clean up his room." "i like games..." harry muttered softly, almost timidly.
"Me to."Tom smiled shifting to wrap his arms around the other, "I promise.'He muttered pressing a kiss to the other's head, gently even as his eyes flashed with temper."Ask draco and asher to clean. The boys have....a visit to be doing."He said before picking up the smaller boy carrying him towards his bedroom.

Rabastan ground his teeth together, nodding slightly."Are we really cleaning first?"He whined softly, rage flogging him,demanding that he extract some pain from the family downstairs for the broken child that had been before them/
Harry smiled as he was kissed, snuggling into Tom as he was carried into the bedroom, sheepishly admitting that he wasn't sure how to play games, because he'd never had anyone to play with before. he grabbed the first game he saw, checkers, and watched Tom set it up, Harry's eyes gleaming with such excitement it was almost heartbreaking. no one should look like they had gotten Christmas, birthday, and Easter all wrapped up on one, over just a game of checkers.

Gabriel watched the two leave before shaking his head. "i didn't want to upset Harry." he admitted simply, sending a small thought to Asher, asking him to get Harry's room cleaned, and a proper bed put back in place. he was well aware Asher would make someone else do it, but he didn't care. "go, make them suffer, make them FEAR." he ordered his eyes narrowing a little with rage. "and then you will join me in my room." Rudolphus nodded and headed down the hall, too pissed to be excited.
Tom's heart hurt as he watched the boy in front of him, swallowing hard around the rage that threatend to consume him.This child should look that happy just over a game. Smiling as he explained the rules,"Go first harry."He said settling back,trying to relax.

Rabastan snarled softly following his brother downstairs,snickering a little."You know, I never thought I'd find a day when I couldn't be excited about gabe being here."

Asher smiled slightly, for once, setting about doing something for himself. Cleaning the room he made a face at draco as the other came in,"Not a word.No teasing."He said smiling a little walking over to get a kiss.
Harry grinned as he listened to the rules and made his first move, his eyes gleaming in overjoyed pride when he managed to take Tom's pieces, and he looked like he was going to start floating when he managed to double jump Tom. he giggled when he lost pieces and when he lost, lost mind you, he beamed at Tom and thanked him for playing with him...thanked him!

Rudolphus hissed with rage and nodded. "i never thought i'd see the day, when Harry potter cringed in front of someone... do you remember the graveyard? he was so brave then! and that was just two months ago! maybe two and a half! these muggles...Dumbledore, they BROKE him Rabby!" he stated with a dark scowl. "i would have rather he tried to kill me, then have had him look at me with those blank eyes again..." he shuddered a little. "still, i think we should show the fat man what the Cruciatus is, and perhaps the Imperio.

Draco smiled, almost as if mocking Asher and then started helping him clean, flicking his wand at the large piles of mess, making it disappear as he kissed the other. "Gabe has you doing house chores?" he teased smiling a little as he waved his wand at some more mess, and then at the walls, making the wallpaper, red and gold, repair itself. "i think Tom said something about Harry not liking the color scheme."
Tom smiled wrapping the boy in a hug,"You're very welcome.Would you like to play again, or change games?"He asked before leaning back. His heart hurting because of the easy happiness of the boy. was to much.He'd been hurt, but not even then had he ever been happy over such a small thing.

Rabastan nodded smirking as they stepped into the holding cell,sneering."Better trying to kill us, then whatever's wrong with him now."He shuddered raising his wand, muttering crucio, smirking as it took hold on petunia. So he wasn't above using a wife's pain to torture her husband.

Asher made a face looking around as it cleaned itself."Hmm he asked me to set the room right."He said, though he knew gabriel had assumed he'd make someone else do it.WRapping his arms around the blond's waist, he nuzzled the man."Change the colors.He really didn't like it.Maybe...slytherin green and silver."
Harry beamed at him happily and rushed off to find another game, coming back with eh brightly colored Candy Land, which he abandoned halfway because it was booooring, and opted to play checkers again instead. in the middle of the game Harry seamed to come back to himself, blinking as he looked around, confused and disoriented before he groaned and rubbed his head. "oh i did not like that...i did not like that at all." he groaned softly blinking at Tom and then looking down at the checkers board, looking amazed. "...oh"

Petunia screamed, arching off the floor and choking on her own tongue as Vernon roared and tried to cover his wife, trying to protect her. "aaw so the fat man does like his shrew of a wife. never did like that poor little baby though did you!?" Rudolphus demanded, Vernon going purple with rage. "this is about that FREAK!?" he demanded, trembling violently. "what have you done with my son!? where's Dudley!?" Rudolphus smirked a little, he was so gonna fuck with the mans head. "oh yes, we just got done with HIM." he stated calmly, Vernon paling so much he looked close to passing out. "what did you do to my son!?" "oh he's a tight little fat ass isn't he Rabastan? the best part is, is that he BEGS for it now." he smirked viciously. "if he slims down a little, he'd be a perfect little fuck slave don't you think?" " not my dudders...please not my baby!" Petunia pleaded, unaware that they where lying through their teeth. as all the death eaters had been informed not to hurt Dudley.

Draco chuckled a little. "no, i think he wouldn't much like Green and silver either." he admitted pondering the walls before nodding. "i know." with a flick of his wand the walls where a darker blue, offering the room an almost nighttime look about it, another flick of the wand and there where tiny white dots everywhere, really making it look like the night sky. "there, i think Harry will like that!" he chirped, pleased with himself as he poked the bed with his wand, fixing the torn apart mattress and then remaking it with the 'nest' that harry had made. though Harry would no doubt end up ripping the bed apart yet again, and moving all the blankets and clothes to the floor once more.
Tom laughed sotly at the other's reaction, tilting his head as he studied the other."Do you want something to eat?"He asked, wondering if he had a headache. After all it couldn't be easy shifting personalities like that. Making a mental note to send to severus for headache potions and such. Worried about the man sitting across from him..

Rabastan smirked leaning back against the doorframe,"Oh yes, the little one is nice. I think Asher is keeping him entertained now. So, not only is he a whore who wants fucked and begs, he's a blood whore who just wants to be bitten all over again."He smirked looking at his brother. "Of course this is about the....what is it?Oh, freak.Well you see, we're among the freaks. And we dont take kindly to others hurting our children."He said wrapping a hand in petunia's hair, throwing her into the wall hard enough to stun her.

Asher smiled a little as he looked around, "It looks nice.I'm sure he'll like the night sky."He said studying the room before pulling away studying the other for a moment, biting his lip."Come on, we should go see what everyone ele is up to."He said stroking blond hair.
Harry groaned and shook his head. "no i'm still full from..." he paused, frowning a little. "well actually i have no idea who that man was." he shrugged. "it's just a small headache i'll be fine. i'm used to headaches." he admitted rubbing the side of his head before moving one of his check pieces. "thank you for entertaining me at least." he muttered. "and comforting was very kind of you." he admitted studying the board flashing Tom a grin. "i'll win this time." because while Harry was no as good as Ron, he was still better than most.

Vernon roared as he cradled his wife, Rudolphus scowling a little as Vernon turned to them with accusing eyes. "that THING is not a child! he's a monster! and a murderer!" he spat hatefully, Rudolphus snarling as he stepped forward, flicking his wand at Vernon, slamming hte man into the wall. "your the monster here MUGGLE." he snarled viciously. "your the one who needs to suffer not him! you have no idea what you have done to that poor boy!" he snarled smirking viciously. "maybe i'll bring your precious little son in here, and make you watch as i fuck him, as we make him beg!" he had a few people who would be willing to polyjuice into Dudley for an hour or two.

Draco smiled and nodded. "Harry always loved the night sky. i'd catch him up at all hours of the damn night, laying the the grass and staring at the sky. course, i was up too so i couldn't really tattle but it annoyed me anyway." he admitted smirking before he sighed and looked up at Asher, looking worried. "whats wrong?" he finally demanded, stroking his chin. "your being distant..."
Tom smiled a little settling up another game, smirking a little."It was fun.And that was rabastan lestrange."He snickered a little."Though I wouldn't feel guilty, so dont think about it. He's a blood donor for gabe on a regular basis."

Rabastan smirked a little,"I could go get him.I think I will."He said ducking out of the room, only to return within a few minutes with 'dudley'. Dragging the kicking and screaming boy he smirked at his brother."Now, who gets him first. Cause Rolph, I think someone needs to teach the fat fuck's wife that she needs to take care of others better."He said looking at him.

Asher smiled a little pressing a kiss to his fingers,holding him tigher."Just thinking about last night."He muttered nuzzling the man's skin. Not about to admit to being insecure. He knew better, he wasnt going to get laughed at."We should go see what's going on, little pretty."
he nodded. "i sort of assumed he was used to it, and he did offer himself." he admitted softly, moving a piece and watching the board intently, much more focused now than before. Tom was going to have to work a lot harder to get a win out of harry this time. "where is Gabe anyway?" Harry asked curiously. "i wanted to ask him about the man that looked at me...i can't remember who it was... i wanted to see how broken my mind is." he paused. "pretty broken i think, considering i just spent the last half hour as a four year old..."it wasn't all that strange for a wizard to be so intelligent at four, but it had no doubt been one of the reasons why the Dursley's had hated harry so much, after all if harry walked first, talked first, dressed himself first, didn't that mean Dudley was inferior? and they just couldn't have that!

Rabastian smirked as he grabbed the boys arm, hissing at him to shut up, running his tongue along the neck as he winked at his brother. "i think we should take him together.," he decided, Petunia bursting into sobs as Vernon roared and tried to break down the bars of his cage as the Lestrange brothers quickly stripped down Dudley, feeling him and touching him, making sure the boy liked it, after all it wasn't much fair to the person pretending to be Dudley if he didn't at least get to enjoy it.

Draco frowned a little, looking a little panicked. "are...are you going to leave me?" Draco demanded, sounding almost heartbroken. "did i do something wrong? i... i won't do it again if you tell me..." he promised, gripping the others fingers tightly. "please? Asher please?" he begged swallowing hard. "i need you." it was no secrete that Draco had abandonment issues. no one was sure exactly WHY he did, but he did. well, no..Lucius and Narcissa knew, but they wouldn't tell.
Tom smiled a little."He was in his office, waiting for the boys last time I saw him."he said, mentally sneering at the idea of what the lestranges were doing.Ha.The muggles deserved to be hurt for what they had done."The pieces will settle slowly."He said before summoning a elf sending it after gabriel.

Rabastan smirked slowly as he rested his cheek against 'dudley's shoulder, hands wnadering the man's body."You know pretty, you don't look so bad fat."He muttered to let rolphodus know who they had, laughing softly as he sank to his knees, undoing lucius's pants. Smirking. While there were a few who'd have done it, he trusted lucius more then any of them, even if he was surprisingly loyal to snape.

Asher looked startled lifting his head to look at the other."No.No little pretty, no."He assured, promising as he wrapped the other in his arms tightly."I thought...maybe you wanted to leave..go home with do get so excited when he joins us."He said sotly, heartbroken at the idea draco enjoying the other more.
Harry nodded a little. "i know." he admitted. "but it feels it's not just me in here." he admitted tapping his head. "and it's not you, i know you, you feel... green and red." he decided after a moment. "this guy." he looked startled at the realization that yes, it was another guy. "thus guy feels like shadows and silver." he admitted shrugging his shoulder. "i guess i'll find out sooner or later."

Rudolphus hessitated for a second before he snickered, licking a line up Lucius's back, panting softly. well aware that Snape would have given permission before hand or Lucius would have refused. "mmm it's been too long." he growled, chuckling a little as he nipped at 'Dudley's' ear, running his hand along the others ass. "which hole do you want brother?" he demanded, ignoring Petunia, who was still sobbing, Vernon crying silently as he strained against the bars, trying to save his 'son.'

Draco's breath hitched a little as he realized and he kissed Asher's cheek. "i get excited." he murmured softly. "because you two get so competitive that i can't think straight for days." he murmured softly. "you turn into someone else when Gabe is around, and i find it so hot when i see you ordering such a powerful man around." he admitted softly. "i love watching you two play with each other and i love it when i have both of you touching me, but it's not Gabe i love. it's you." he promised. "i like Gabe, he's a nice cock now an then, but your the one i couldn't live without."
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