Blood Fury and Love

asher groaned rubbing his eyes. As if things weren't complicated enough. Sighing as he rubbed his eyes he looked at the older vampire. "How long can you stay?"He asked. Knowing that being harry's patriarch, gabriel had a little more control then he did. Might not let the problem get to huge. Rubbing his eyes he looked at the dark lord. Knowing the other person he was going to corral into helping harry.Though the pained scowl on the dark lord's face spoke to the fact that he wouldn't be working to hard to having to get him to help.
Gabriel hesitated then. "you said that the two personalities are aware of each other?" "not yet." Snape stated calmly. "as they have not been completely formed yet they aren't completely separate personalities yet. but they will be, one will be the boy who harry was under the potion and the other will be....someone else." Snape admitted. "probably what he would have been had he grown up without the potion, maybe not as bad but certainly a dark little thing." Snape decided nodding a little. "he'll probably end up arguing with himself a lot, but i do beleive it won't be harmful for the boy, in fact it might even be helpful, though that has yet to be seen." he admitted sighing a little. "we won't be able to be fully certain of anything however, until the memories settle. i think it would be best if only one person interacted with him at a time until he gets used to everyone. Asher and Gabriel should be fine, as they have never hurt him in any way before, but everyone else has, and part of harry still thinks of us as threats. we will need to show him that we won't hurt him, or he might panic when faced with more than one of us."
Asher nodded thoughtfully."We'll let tom interact with him mostly." "Why me?" "Because you LIKED getting fed on. Stuff it.You're taking care of him."Asher declared as tom ignored the snickers from lucius. Lucius swallwed hard nodding at snape."You need to go back tonight?"he asked, sounding slightly sad. While he enjoyed his wife's company, he enjoyed snape's even more.
Snape sighed a little. "no, not tonight." he admitted, feighning annoyance. "but i do need to be back for morning classes, so you had better not keep me up too late this time." he grumbled. well aware that if Narcissa where here she'd be snickering, she didn't mind in the least that Lucius and Snape where in bed together, true they loved each other, but she and Lucius loved each other as well, she knew he wouldn't leave her, and besides sometimes they let her watch.

Gabriel just nodded. "i agree, Harry seems to trust myself and Tom the most, and since i can rarely be here for longer than a few hours at a time it would be best for Tom to be Harry's primary caretaker, at least for now." he decided worrying his lip a little as he watched his son. "Dumbledore has so much to pay for, my poor broken son." he muttered softly, laying a fatherly kiss to the boys forehead. "i can only hope the two personalities do not try to destroy each other." because that was a very large possibility. and if they killed each other off, harry too, would die.
Lucius smirked a little as he walked out of the room with severus, wrapping a arm around the other's waist."I would never think of keeping you up late on a school night."He said opening his bedroom door, kissing the other man as he kicked the door shut behind them."Cissy'll be disappointed she missed you."He muttered a hand buried in his hair.

Asher smirked a little nodding before palign at the idea."Oh damn.Shit. I hadn't even thought of that."he ran his fingers through his hair, smirking as the dark lord cuddled into the bed,settling down next to the young vmpire."Come. You should be getting back home anyways."
Snape smirked a little. "you liar, your always trying to keep me up late." he teased shaking his head a little. "well it's her own loss, you know how obsessive she gets." he paused and smirked darkly when he felt the hand in his hair. "and just what do you think you are doing Lucius?" he asked, his head tilted. "have i given you permission to touch me yet?" he demanded, eyes narrowed playfully, taking control, as he always did. because he enjoyed having power, for just a short while, and Lucius enjoyed seeing Snape in charge. "i do beleive i have not, will i need to punish you again?"

Gabriel sighed a little, looking worried at Harry before shaking his head. "i can stay for a few days, i left Ziori in charge for now. he will be fine until i can be certain that Harry will be alright." but he left the room anyway, Draco following them, pale and silent as he contemplated all the troubles harry was going to have to go through, again. "i think your human needs comfort Asher."

Harry shifted when he felt the dark lord settle in next to him, his eyes fluttering open. "i'm sorry." he murmured, gently touching the bite marks. "i couldn't stop.... i just..." he sighed a little and laid his head on Tom's chest. "i'm broken aren't i?" he asked softly. "i'm broken and i can't be fixed..."
Lucius smirked stepping back, letting his hand fall."Hmm no. but you do so enjoy punishing me."He smirked slowly."Where do you want me?"he said slowly dropping his clothes to teh floor.

Asher smiled slightly wrapping his arms around his blon as he pulled him close, holding him bridal style before a full blown smirk curled his lips."Ah. Well are you going to come with me while I comort little pretty?"He teased, skillful fingers touhcing the blond. It wasn't often he was willing to share his prize, and when he did, it was only with gabriel.

Tom smiled slightly, shaking his head."It's fine.I enjoyed it."He shifted wrapping his arms around the smaller brunette."You're going to be fine harry.We'll fix you."He said, even if he wasn't sure, he was going to make the boy as well as he could be.
Snape smirked as he watched his lover undressing, licking his lips slowly. "on the bed." he ordered with a hiss. "i'll give you five smacks for touching without permission. would you like my hand or the paddle Lucius?" he demanded, already knowing that Lucius would settle onto all fours like the good little slut he was.

Gabriel paused before he smirked a little. "well, if your offering." he decided, Draco going beat red. he loved it when Asher fucked him, and he loved it even more when Asher AND Gabriel fucked him. "ah...please..." Draco complained. "go a little gentler this time, i couldn't walk for a week last time." he complained Gabriel chuckling. "mmm but you liked it so very much little pretty." he teased, snickering a little as he ran his fingers down Draco's neck. "to which bedroom should we go Asher?" because in the bedroom was the only place that Gabriel let Asher have more control than him.

Harry sighed a little, relaxing at the others words. "ok." he murmured softly, snuggling into Tom. "i still hate you." he muttered softly, though he didn't pull away or try to hurt tom, he only enjoyed the comfort and the others warm presence. "Tom...where are the Dursley's? i want to talk to them." he admitted softly. "their not being hurt too badly are they?" well they where, but they could fix them up before harry went to talk to them. and Dudley, having nothing to do, had actually taken up exorcise in the bedroom he was in, so he would no doubt look better than he had back at home, seeing as how none of the elves would bring him more than a servings worth of food, and all of it healthy. vegetables and lean meat mostly, he was already looking healthier, even after only a day.
"Paddle master."Lucius said smirking a little as he tied his hair back out of his face, settling on the bed on all fours, looking over his shoulder at snape, smirking lightly."Good master?"He asked flexing a little, looking as lean and fit as he had as a younger man.

Asher smirked carrying draco into his bedroom, shutting the door before he settled draco on the bed, smirking as he kissed the other's neck."Little pretty likes it when he cant walk...reminds him of us..."He muttered fangs nipping at pale skin. Teasing and light.

Tom sighed softly, closing his eyes, starting to sleep."They're downstairs. And no, they're not to hurt."He said, though it was a lie, it was one easiy corrected.After all they hadn't killed any of them, so in his books, that wasn't hurt to badly.
Severus smirked as he examined his pet, flicking his wand, ling ribbons if silk flowing out of his wand to bind Lucius to the bed, forcing the mans legs to spread wide, his hands tried behind his back, a ribbon wrapping tightly around his cock, over his mouth, and around his neck, leaving him prone and helpless, just the way snape liked. "you look so pretty all bound in black silk." Snape purred, smirking as he ran his fingers up the others back. "your such a dirty little slut aren't you? to like it so much when i paddle you, look, your already hard!" he teased, fingering the head of the others cock. "perhaps i should give you more than five, since you seam to like them so much?"

Draco shivered, panting softly, already hard and eager as Gabriel snickered, stripping off his own shirt, Draco moaning in lust as he saw the toned muscles. it was so rare that Gabriel joined them, not that he minded, he would get jealous if he was there too often, but the sight of Gabriel made him so much harder, because he knew the to vampires where competitive, and Draco usually ended up being their playing field. he was already trying to strip naked for them, moaning at the nipping bites as Gabriel leaned forward and dragged a hot tongue along Draco's hip. "aaah..."

Harry snorted a little. "that's a lie." he stated simply. "i know very well that their hurt... just so long as their not hurt TOO much...i hate them...but...but their still my family..." this was the Harry who was under the potion then, willing to forgive anyone, because he didn't have it in his heart to actually hate anything. "what about Dudley? is he being tortured? i hope not, he was a right git for most of the time but for the last year or so he's been rather nice to me..."
Lucius groaned softly squirming a little as he looked back at the man, eyes wide with lust as he muttered begging words from behind his gag, shivering at the question. Wanting nothing more then to be touched. "please..."he whimpered from behind the gag. He always enjoyed the nights he could spend with severus, they were so rare.

Asher snarled softly as he stripped, lowering his head, sinking his fangs into draco's shoulder, licking the bite marks before pulling away, shifting, pining the blodn to the bed as he raised his head, kissing gabriel."You've been working out."He growled jealous as he nudged gabriel away so he could like the blond.They really were competitive.

Tom laughed softly."The little fat one?No, he's not hurt. Little pretty took a liking to him. Only your aunt and uncle were harmed, and that's only because asher broke bones."He yawned settling in to go to sleep.
Severus smirked as he ran his fingers along the others ass, giving each cheek a good firm squeeze before summoning the paddle to his hand, emerald green leather and a silver handle, it was the perfect tool to use on Lucius's ass. and he did, he brought the paddle down with a hard WHACK, causing Lucius's cheeks to sting and burn as he continued, spanking the other like a naughty little child, a small laugh falling from his lips as pale flesh turned pink, then red, then slowly starting to go blue with bruises. "how was that my pretty little pet? is that enough for you?"

Draco cried out into the bite, arching into the fangs, letting out a small mewl of need as Gabriel snickered, laving Draco's skin with a talented tongue, laughing as the Blond whimpered, watching with heated eyes as Gabriel let Asher control the kiss. "of course i have." he breathed eagerly, hissing at Asher when he was pushed out of the way, smirking as he moved around to the other side instead and started licking at Draco's nipples, the boy crying out in pleasure as he jerked up, wanting more. "mmm we should tie him down." Gabriel purred, Draco's breath hitching with delight at the thought. "leave him helpless to our advances." Draco nodded, though he was looking at Asher. "more...please...more..."

Harry snorted, looking amused. "little fat one?" he asked, looking almost delighted. "do you call him that to his face? that's funny." he admitted laughing a little as he yawned as well, nuzzling Tom with his nose before he too started to drift off. "mmm.. goodnight Voldemort Harry murmured, not sure what to call the man, but deciding to stick with the mans 'wizard name' just in case.
Lucius moaned squirming, before the whimpers edged into pain."yesh."The confirmation was muffled by his gag, pleading gray eyes raising to look at the other. Whimpering as he squirmed, wanting held.Wanting loved now. Having enough pain for the moment, he wanted to feel the other on him.

Asher growled softly at the hiss before sliding off the bed to get rope, gripping the blond's ankle tightly before tying him down, smirking as he tied him up. Before growling at Gabriel, moving the man away."Hmmm you know. It's been awhile since I got you to myself."He said well aware they were torturing draco, tangling his fingers in gabriel's hair, controling the kiss as he settled the other's body against his.

"Tom."Tom corrected tiredly."And yes, draco does."He said drifting off to sleep,his arms around the other tightly. Holding him snuggly against him.
Snape smirked, pleased with his pets poor bruised ass before he undid the ribbon around Lucius's mouth, kissing him hard, passionately, lovingly as he thrust his tongue into his lovers, tangling the two muscles together as he let the other bonds slide away, leaving only the ribbon on the others cock. "i'm going to make you all mine." he hissed softly, eager to have Lucius all to himself for once, and pleased to have him at all.

Draco groaned s he was tied up, panting eagerly, whining as he was promptly ignored, straining to touch them, biting his lip as he was ignored and squirming as Gabriel moaned, settling int place eagerly, kissing back as his knee's shivered, as if he was about to collapse. "ah..Asher...fuck." he complained softly, eyes closed his hand slipping down the others pants. "let me suck you off." Gabriel begged, smirking. he enjoyed giving up control, loved it when Asher ordered him around.

Harry smiled a little and dropped off to sleep, feeling safe in tom's arms, and he had a feeling he always would, o matter what personality was in control. it was Dumbledore now, who was the Enemy.
Lucius growled softly kissing him harder, wrapping his arms around severus, kissing him."I am all yours."He whispered slowly, tangling in his hands in the other's hair, shifting back onto the bed, settling back, wrapping his arms around the other's waist.

Asher smirked a little, wrapping a hand in the other vampire's hair shoving him to his knees as he undid his pants, "Suck."He said looking down at the man before rolling his head to the side to look at the blond on the bed, looking amused."How are you doing little pretty?"
Snape purred, smirking as he kissed his lover, moaning as he allowed the other to touch now, Snape always allowed touch after he had his moment of control, because that was all he needed. "and i am yours." he whispered, smirking as he pushed the other back onto the bed and crawled on top of himj, using magic to strip himself bare, sighing as he trailed his fingers down Lucius's body, licking his lips eagerly. "i can't wait to defile you all over again." he purred smirking. "remember the first time we did it? we where fourteen, in the shower. you'd pissed me off, and i held you down, and drilled you until you begged for more, and then i left you there, needy, and wanting." Snape loved to reminisce during fuck sessions, it made him so hot.

Gabriel moaned softly as he was forced to his knees, licking along the others cock, suckling the soft flesh until it grew hot and hard against his mouth, licking and sucking before pulling it, all of it into his mouth and down his throat. since he didn't need to breath, and couldn't gag, it was an easy enough feet. "a..aah fuck.. so hot." Draco moaned, hips thrusting into empty air. "please, i need...i need."
Lucius moaned at the memory, shivering as he thought about it, hands running over the other's body, kissing him slowly."Hmm then at 15 we did it in the quidditch showers after I lost to gryffindor."He muttered smirking, rolling them over, pinning the other to the bed. Knowing he was going to be bottoming,but damn he liked teasing him."Are you so sure you're going to be defiling me?"

Asher smirked a little sighing softly in pleasure as he closed his eyes."I think little pretty's having issues gab."He muttered pulling the other off his cock, smirking as a idea came to him. Oh he was going to torture his lover. Smirking as he pushed Gabriel to the bed next to draco, smirking at the sight of the lord vampire on his hands and knees before looking at draco, leaning down to bite him again, licking his skin as blood welled.
Snape smirked as he ran his tongue along the inside of the others mouth smirking a little. "mmm yes, i made you cum again and again, until you nearly passed out. do you remember when we where seventeen,.: he gasped as he was flipped over, eyes narrowed. "when Narcissa caught us? you where tied to the bed in pretty red silk ties, begging as i took you like an animal. i thought she was going to faint, then she just stood there and watched as i pounded you, harder and harder until you where screaming to cum, and you COULDN'T, because i had tied your cock, just like this." gripping Lucius's cock, reminding the man, that even if he topped, Snape was the only one who would let Lucius cum.

Draco whimpered and thrust his hips into the air again, Gabriel moaning and then sighing at the loss of cock in his mouth, pouting at Asher, Asher was the only person who ever got to see Gabriel's sexy little pout. because Asher was the only person that Gabe could let himself go with. he moved onto the bed obediently, panting softly as he leaned down and kissed Draco eagerly, putting on a show for Asher, and re-instigating the challenge, Draco crying out in pleasure as he was kissed and bitten at the same time, jerking against his bonds, whimpering eagerly. "please, please please.." Draco muttered into Gabriel's mouth.
Lucius moaned as he gripped the dark haired man hips hard, kissing him harder,thrusting into the hand gripping him."Hmmm you tie a pretty knot."He said muttering a lubing spell, weding his hips between snape's legs, thrusting against him a little."Hmm do you want me to top?Make you come?"He teased kissing the other slowly.

Asher laughed softly at the sight of the pout, that was one thing he loved to see. Because it meant his friend and master still trusted him, and it warmed him.Smirking as he studied the two, be smacked gabriel's shoulder lightly."You're going to top him.While I top you."He growled smirking as he nudged the other away, wanting a kiss of his wn.
Snape smirked, panting softly. "yesss." he hissed eagerly, smirking lusciously. "fuck me Lucius, and beg me to cum when you do." Snape could have a wicked sense of what was kinky, somehow, being topped, but still having the one fucking him beg to cum,, it was just such a turn on that he nearly lost it then and there.

Gabe looked up, startled. it wasn't often he was actually allowed to fuck Draco, usually he ended up underneath Asher after he had his way with Draco. he smirked a little and nodded licking his lips. "if your sure." he purred, running his hands over Draco's body, pausing to cup the blonds balls, Draco crying out in pleasure and jerking his hips upwards. "please! oh GOD please fuck me!"
Luius smirked as he sld into the other with a sigh, nearly coming, whimpering at the ribbon that was keeping it from happening."Such a kinky bastard."He muttered kissing him slowly, laughing as he stroked his hand over the potion master's cock.

"I'm sure."Asher ground his teeth together watching them as he leaned against one of the bed posts. It really wasn't often he let gabe top draco, and he wasn't sure he could now, but he was going to try.Because his blond enjoyed gabe so much.Wrapping his arms around gabe's waist he tugged him against his front, thrusting against him gently."Hmmm you have a lovely ass."He muttered nibbling at the other's neck, before letting him go so he could prepare draco, who looked so damned fuckable.
Snape moaned eagerly, smirking as he arched, thrusting his hips firmly into the others cock. "yeeesss." he growled licking his lips. "fuck me good and hard Lucy, and if your a VERY good boy, i'll even take the ribbon off when i leave." he smirked a little at the other, his eyes narrowed, clearly not intending on letting the other cum at all. or that was what he wanted Lucius to beleive anyway.

Gabe moaned eagerly as he nodded, turning his head to kiss Asher intently, Draco panting as he thrust his hips again. "pleeese." Draco whined, Gabriel laughing a little. "i don't think he cares who's in him right now." he admitted softly. "i won't if you don't want me to." he promised, watching Asher closely, moaning as he was thrust against, arching into the other, his fingers sliding up Draco's pale legs, stroking the tight little star. "lube?" he murmured panting softly. "or shall i lick him ready?" that had Draco moaning again.
Lucius whimpered softly, pouting at the idea of not getting to cum, thrusting into the other man harder, hitting his prostate as e fisted his cock."Please."He whimpered, the only time he ever begged, in bed with snape.

Asher snickered a little giving gabe some lube."Hmmm while your doing that, I think I'm going to enjoy his cock."He purred softly, ignoring the question of if he really wanted this. Lowering his head to suck on draco's cock, closing his eyes as he set out to make sure draco was completely mindless with pleasure.
Snape moaned eagerly as Lucius hit his prostate, a smirk on his lips. "shut up and keep moving." he moaned panting softly. he loved it when Lucius begged, begged just for him, only for him. it made him feel like he was the badest ass in the world, and it made him feel loved, if that was possible. "mmm fuck you feel so good inside me."

Gabe smiled a little and paused to kiss Asher, licking the others cheek in an affectionate manner before he settled down to prepare Draco, stroking and teasing the tight little entrance, Draco wailing at the Duel stimulation, tossing his head back as he trembled and jerked, small little nonsense babbles falling from his lips.
Lucius growled in pleasure doing as he was ordered, kissing him harder before burying his face against the man's neck, whimpering ever so softly. He just wanted to come, to feel that connected to the man he was buried in."Hmm you feel good around me."

Asher smiled a little at the look raising his head as the other vampire prepared draco,shifting away, letting gabriel get settled before he slid his fingers into him, smirking as he stretched the vampire. "We made him mindless..."He purred stealing a kiss from gabriel.
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