Blood Fury and Love

Asher smirked setting the woman down, wanting his hands free just in case veron was foolish enough to attack him. Mentally cursing that he couldn't apparate anymore. Severely missing it. And since he couldn't shadow walk a human, he was stuck until draco returned."i didn't do anything but scare your wife.And your son...well he's off to enjoy the company of family and friends."He smirked, knowing the child was going to be well treated,well at least as much to be expected. Though the idea of what he could do to veron was makign him giddy. Licking a fang he wondered if draco would be offended if he fed from him.
Vernon snarled and moved as if he was going to attack the vampire, but was cut off by the CRACK of Draco returning, a smirk on his features. "Dudley is settled." he stated looking the fat man over. before flicking his wand at the thing that claimed to be human, but looked more like a rhino covered in fat. the muggles arms and legs snapped together and he fell over onto his side then onto his over sized belly in a full body bind. "that should shut him up." Draco decided, smirking a little. "Father and Tom are waiting to see Potters family." he admitted. "they saw Dudley bit i told them he wasn't to be touched, for now anyway." Vernon was turning red with rage. "which is a shame because Father i'm sure, would have loved to fuck the little brat." a blatant lie that had the desired effect of making Vernon go as pale as Draco himself. "shall we deliver the Dursleys to their new cells?" he asked, laughter in his voice as he grabbed petunia and Vernon in hand and apparated again, leaving Asher to shadow himself across.
Asher smirked a little, before stepping through the shadows sighing as he arrived in the holding cell, smirking from outside the bars as draco put the two inside, smirking wider at the men standing near them.Before looking at draco."You know, I should fuck you against the bars. Since he had such a reaction to the idea. And it would be torture without touching him."

Lucius made a face glaring at the vampire. "Please. I don't want to think of that."He said looking the muggle over, probbing him with his wand."Fat little fuck isnt he?"

"I'm surprised he hasn't suffocated his wife in his sleep."Tom said conversationally as he looked the two over.
Draco nodded. "it's no wonder the wife and harry are so thin, the son and the husband eat everything." Draco stated scowling a little. "i'd say let the wife out to have a little 'fun' of her own but she might break." he smirked a little. "i bet Fenrir would have fun with the fat one, you know how he likes a nice cushy ass." Vernon actually managed to whimper through the spell, fat piggy eyes watering with Terror. "and if not Fenrir i bet we could find someone else to rape his wife instead." Vernon whimpered again, struggling against the spell, trying to protect his wife. there was at least that much loyalty in him. "yes, i think we should have someone fuck his wife." he smirked a little, enjoying tormenting the fat fucker as he watched Dursley struggle to, well, struggle.
Tom smirked a little."I think Antonion is here."He said leaning back against the wall,enjoying watching their torture."He'd enjoy it."

Lucius laughed,"Or rabastan."He said tilting his head."he doesn't like woman normally, but he does enjoy his torture. It'd be enough to get him down here."

Asher smirked pressing a kiss to draco's lips, a silent asking of forgiveness as he moved between the two, crouching down in front of petunia, stroking thin fingers over her face."Oh I think I'd enjoy her myself."He purred, fangs flashing in the low light as he tugged at the woman's clothes.
Draco smirked a little as he gently kissed Asher's neck in silent permission, not that Draco could stop Asher anyway. "i think i might have some fun with the son myself." Draco chirped, pleased with himself for thinking of a reason not to watch Asher rape petunia, who was starting to groan as she slid back towards consciousness. not that being awake would save her. she wouldn't wake up until she was naked and under someone anyway no doubt, being that they did have sleeping spells at their disposal. and it would be much more traumatic for her to wake up to being raped.
Tom smirked as he and lucius turned to leave."Have fun asher. She will wake when you start."Tom said over his shoulder as he shut the door behind them.

Asher smirked as he looked at harry's relative, dragging the unconscious woman to the flat floor, undressing her and starting what he'd promised, holding firmly to the thought of draco,feeding on draco...the only way he was able to even get it up to do this. Smriking as he looked at veron."Cant protect your pathetic...though you could just tell us what you know, and you might,might save her."He grinned pulling the womans legs apart and thrusting into her hard.
Vernon sobbed as he watched Asher hauling his wife around, a strangled sound falling from his lips as she was filled to the brim with a cock far bigger than her husbands, startling a cry from her lips as she stirred and then jerked awake. "v..Vernon?" she asked hazily, Vernon shaking his head, or trying to. "please! please i'll tell you anything just leave her alone!" Vernon pleaded, Petunia whimpering as she realized it was not Vernon atop her. "it...hurts." she whimpered, squirming as the pain of being filled, dry, reached her brain. "take it out..."
Asher smirked as he held still,lowering his head to nibble at her skin, letting his fangs scrap over her skin."What did you do to harry before he left for school the first time?He changed.What happened."He demanded raising his eyes to look at the male dursley.
Dursley shook his head. "it wasn't me! it wasn't me! it was the freak! the freak with the umbrella! he held the boy down! made him drink! i dunno what it was! told us if we smacked him around again he wouldn't be there to put us back together! i swear! i swear!" he sobbed petunia crying out in pain and fear as she felt the fangs, trembling violently as she lifted a thin hand, pushing weekly at Asher's chest, trying to get him off. "the freak with the umbrella!" Dursley sobbed, shaking his head. "it was the freak with the umbrella..."
"Thank you."Asher sneered as he stood, straightening his pants."I must admit.You're wife is not worth the effort, when I have little pretty."He said smirking,"We'll talk later."He said before walking out, knocking on the edge of dudley's cell."Draco?"He called not about to walk in. There were just somethings he didnt want to see. And if draco was raping dudley, he wanted to spare himself the sight.
Petunia sobbed, curling up on herself, trembling violently as Asher walked away, leaving Vernon to comfort and hold her. Dudley's cell wasn't much of a cell, it was more of a room with a firmly locked door, there was a bed and a living room inside, and plenty of books to read, not that Dudley would. "it's ok, i'm not really fucking the little fat one." "hey! would you STOP calling me that!?" Dudley complained. "i was trying to explain here!" "oh, right, yes. continue." Draco stated waving a hand. "anyway this big fat man, i mena BIG, bigger n me even, with an umbrella bursts into the hut and grabs harry and tells him to drink, it was a nasty lookin thing too, all blue and slimy, i think it was moving too but i was too busy pissing myself to really notice." Draco snorted as he motioned Asher over, needing to cuddle, to make sure that Asher still wanted him. "Harry refused of course, even staved and beaten Harry had fight in him. but the man, he was big and he just held harry down and MADE him drink..Harry went still after that and when he woke up he didn't seem to remember anything at all!" he admitted rubbing his ass. "i remember that day pretty good because it was the first magic i'd ever come across, and because the umbrella man gave me a pigs tail." Draco nodded glancing up at Asher. "Hagrid, Dumbledore's right hand man, and the grounds keeper at Hogwarts." he explained, giving a name to the description. it was hard to imagine Dudley being even more helpful than Vernon, but then, well, Vernon was an idiot. "we could get Snape to identify the potion, there are only a few and i think 'blue and slimy' should be descriptive enough."
Asher laughed softly as he sat down next to draco, wrapping his arms around the other's waist as he pressed a kiss against the other's neck, sighing softly."Snape wont be able to leave school.But I'll take a trip over there to question him."He smirked a little."After all, teh man owes me a galleon for getting voldemort to refer himself to voldie."He said smirking, holding the other tighter."Someone will know what's going on."He muttered sighing softly."We should check on harry, he'll need to know whats going on...and maybe let tom check on him this evening."He smirked wider, amused at the idea of setting him up.
Dudley looked a little freaked out about the male on male public display pf affection but wisley said nothing as he sipped on a glass of water, feeling a little frightened of everything going on around him. "no, i thin we should tell Tom whats going on and make him tell Harry now.' Draco admitted smirking a little. "Harry's just too adorable when he wakes up that Tom won't be able to refuse his inner desires any longer." he snickered a little, glancing at Dudley who was pointedly ignoring them, Draco rolling his eyes. "remember little fat one." Dudley just grumbled. "clap and a house elf will get you what you want." "but not a television." Dudley complained simply, Draco shrugging. "they might if they can figure out what it is." he admitted Dudley shaking his head. "never mind." the fat boy complained waving them off like it didn't matter...well it didn't actually but at least Dudley wasn't taking it hard.
ASher laughed softly, "Let's go loose a dark lord's desires then."He said smirking as he pulled the blond out of th eholding cell after him. Smirking as they went and found tom, sending the dark lord after him.Lucius tilted his head as he watched the other go, before looking at the vampire."You are a terror.Really." "Am not."

Tom sighed softly, knocking on the door quietly before walking in, walking to the chair by the bed to wait for harry to wake up.Chewing on his lip nervously, wanting to see what the other thought of what they found out.
Draco smirked a little. "actually father, i'm the one who's a terror, being that this was all my idea." he admitted with a laugh.

Harry had torn all of his blankets off the bed, and had somehow ripped the mattress apart as well, pulling out all of the feathers and littering them into the pile of blankets and clothes that he had made into what looked like a nest., for a moment the only thing visible was his hand, but at the sound of his name Harry poked his head out from under the blankets, looking adorably messy and sleepy, Avada Kedavra eyes blinking slowly at Tom before offering him a small smile. "'s it morning?" he asked sleepily before pausing. "oh yeah, 'm a vampire...'s it night?" if that didn't melt a heart nothing would. of course, Harry's preconceived notion that vampires couldn't walk in the daylight was a load of crap, but, it certainly gave the vampires an advantage.
"Which is disturbing to no end, to know there's a mind behind those eyes."Asher teased making lucius gag."Now who's being sickingly sweet.Go away you terrors."He said as he bent over his paperwork again."What did they say?"He asked before they could leave.

Tom swallowed hard, his heart beating a painful thump in his chest. It ws adorable and cute...and no!He would not think that about harry potter. No."Its midmorning actually, and you can still walk in sunlight."He said smiling a little, willing to just talk to the man so that he could wake up a little more.
Draco snickered a little and turned to smack Asher before pausing at Lucius's question. "not much from the fat man. the little fat one was much more helpful, and we didn't even have to pry the information from him. i think he feels badly for mistreating Harry and is trying to make it up to him." Draco admitted with a shrug. "we're not torturing him for now, since he seems to honestly care about Harry but the shrew is being raped by a few of the lesser death eaters, and the fat man will be if we can find anyone to stomach him." Draco hesitated then. "Hagrid forced a 'slimy blue' potion down Harry's throat, a memory modificator along with a personality adapter no doubt but Uncle Sev will need to examine the little fat one's memory's to make sure."

Harry blinked a little and then nodded, laying his head on the blankets. "how come your not trying to kill me?" he asked his head tilted a little. "your supposed to kill me, the prophecy says so." he admitted yawning a little as he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand. "i hate you, and you hate me." well, no...not so much anymore now that he was regaining his own self. he wouldn't be as Dark as he was when he was a child, but he wouldn't be all light either. he'd be a 'gray child' thanks to how long he'd been under the personality modificator there was no regaining his original personality...probably a good thing, he'd sounded like a vindictive, violent little brat.
Lucius nodded,looking at the vampire."I'm assuming you're going to hogwarts?"At the man's nod he sighed."Take draco with you.Dumbledore doesn't like a vampire wandering around the school without someone there. And I'd go myself, but I ahve been forbidden to go."He sneered a little sighing softly."Go get the fat man's memory. Severus has a pensive he can observe in."He offered.

Tom sighed shrugging a little."I'm not nearly as violetn as people think I am. And some of the supposed attacks on you, were not my doing at all.And last, but not least, I like my balls firmly attatched to my body. Gabriel'd neuter me if I harmed you."
Draco nodded as well. "i already have it." he stated patting his pocket. "The little fat one remeasures more clearly than the fat man does." he admitted simply. "so it will be his that i will give to Uncle Sev." he admitted scowling a little. "do you suppose that Dumbledore has realized that Potter has gone missing yet?" he asked his head tilted a little. "obviously he has to be aware of the abuse...but, how closely do you suppose Dumbledore watches him?"

Harry frowned a little as he sat up, the blankets sliding off of him, revealing him to still be only half dressed, wearing only a pair of silk pants, the same ones that Gabe had changed him into actually. "what do you mean not your doing!? what you think i wasn't there when you tried to kill me!?" he demanded glaring at the other furiously before smirking, smug at the last statement. "yes..i suppose he would wouldn't he?" he asked settling back down into his blankets sighing softly. "why are you here?" he demanded grouchily. "have you found something out?...what did Vernon say?"
"Probably closely. Even if he realizes he's gone, his watchers were probably gone by the time we arrived, they would not know you were there. Now go. I'm sure you can get a feel for things at hogwarts."Lucus said looking thoughtful.

"Second year. I've only ever opened the chamber once."Tom said calmly having blown up when he realized dumbledore had somehow opened a chamber that was his personal inheiritance."And I'm here, because asher is a infernal busybody who can't keep things to himself, AND because your uncle remembered things."He said slowly, drawing out telling him, just for his own perverse pleasure.
Draco nodded a little. "i will bring back a proper report for you." he promised smiling a little as he nudged Asher. "let's go, Shadow walk us will you? i don't want to wast all my energy apparating when i might need it later." he admitted grinning a little, "we'll stop at Uncle Sev's and then search the castle for rumors." he promised nodding a little.

Harry paused and then. "i want to call you a liar, but i can't seem to manage it." he admitted searching the others face. "what about the Diary? the one that pretty." a flash of an intensely sadistically amused smirk at the word. "left in Ginny's books? the one that had the memory of you in it? i KNOW that was real, it had to have been." he paused, getting distracted as he sat up, emerald eyes fixed on Tom, glowing with the need to know. "what did he remember!? tell me!" harry demanded, leaning forward, face inches from Tom's, eyes gleaming with a passionate Fury. "who broke me!?" he demanded in a soft whisper. it was strange that Harry thought of it as being broken, but in a way, he was right.
"Rumors.I like rumors."Asher smirked as she shadow walked through the wards. Smirking as they walked into the front hall. They could stop apparation, stop portkeys,but you couldn't stop walking because it used shdadows to do it.Smirking as they headed for the great hall, knowing they were getting in just in time for dinner.

"Pretty..He's going to kill you if you call him that."Tom muttered before clearing his throat as he laughed softly"Pretty had my journal, and it WAS spelled with my memory, but not...not how it was. It shouldn't have been able to open the chamber, because it was just a memory. I spelled it to hold thoughts instead of words."He said before smiling."He remembered the oaf feeding you a potion,and that you had to take it. Asher and draco are going to see severus to find which potion it was."
Draco smirked a little as he headed down the halls, humming as he headed down tot he Dining Hall, smirking as he looked around and caught Severus's eyes, the man sighing as he shook his head, but stood up anyway with a muttered apology to his table mates as he headed over to Draco and the vampire. "we need you to look at something." Draco ordered looking around. "in private." he ordered, Severus sighing in annoyance but nodding as he led the way into his personal quarters. "what is it that i'm looking at?" "i'll tell you after you look at it." Draco stated, well aware his godfather would refuse if he found out it was for Harry.

Harry smirked viciously. "i'd like to see him try, i think it would be amusing to watch him limp around without a set of nads." he admitted shaking his head a little. "which oaf!?" he demanded, eyes flashing with rage. "tell me!" he ordered with a small snarl, baring his fangs. "Tell me so i can rip his throat out!" he hissed setting a hand on Tom's knee and gripping it tightly, as if warning the man that refusal would end in intense pain.
asher rolled his eyes sighing softly."Just look.We need to know what potion it is."He ordered quietly, settling himself into a chair, tugging the man's godson into his lap.Cuddling him."Your warm."He muttered."Sev, you need a heater or something down here."He grumbled.

"I forget you don't think he's a oaf..."Tom said conversationally, before laughing shaking his head."Hagrid, the gamekeeper at hogwarts. When he came to get you that first night, he made you drink the potion."He sid smiling slightly. Interested to see what this child of 'light' would do now.
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