Blood Fury and Love

Draco groaned and muttered complaints but sat up anyway, rubbing his eyes as he blinking sleepily at Asher. "huh?" he asked blinking at Harry and paling a little as he watched the brunette sulk and scowl and bitch that it was HIS house and HIS stuff and that HE should be allowed to go too, Draco pausing when he realized that Harry was acting more his age than Draco had ever seen. "the loss of a word on ones shoulders." he muttered, looking amused as he got properly dressed shaking his head. "let's go before Harry starts throwing things."
Asher looked at the boy who lived, before nodding hurriedly."Tom's around, so is pretty, should you want something."Asher said before letting draco apparate them out, away from the new vampire. Knowing it would be a matter of time before they got something thrown at them. Curling his lip at the sight of the dursley's home he scoffed."I've lived in better caves.This is pathetic."He stated, his preference for high living coming through.This...this house was disgusting!He didn't want to go in. Sighing even as he knocked on the door. just because he didnt want to be there, and because he needed in, didn't mean that he wouldn't be polite.
Harry screeched in rage when the two vanished and with an intent to make them suffer he booby trap the room. dung bombs where set to explode after trip wires where hit, buckets of ice cold water, sticky slime, and mud where placed at every doorway and along the ceiling, again trip wires would set them off,sneezing and itching powder had been placed in all of the clothes and in the bedding, and the shampoo was replaced with Honey. worse, everything was concealed with a heavy Glamor, so that nothing was visible. "i wouldn't go in there." Harry stated, still pissed off as he stalked out of the room, cutting off Lucius and Tom. "teach them to leave without me!"

the house was perfect in every way, clean and trimmed neatly, the door snapped open and Vernon went purple at seeing the robes. "the freak isn't here!" he roared. "he left with a bunch of other freaks days ago! go away your kind isn't welcome here!" "shut up muggle." Draco spat, shoving in past Vernon, the man sputtering in rage. "we're just here for Potters things, can't have Dumbledore tracking him now can we!?" he demanded glaring at Vernon who was shouting in rage. of course, being that he was a lowly muggle he was completely ignored as Draco set out to find Harry's things. "psst." Dudley Dursley waved Draco over. "Harry's things are in here." he stated softly glancing them over. "i hope Harry's ok...Dad dumped him off somewhere.. i didn't see how he looked..." it looked like, with the loss of Harry, Vernon turned his abusive attentions on Dudley instead. "that's his room there, he sometimes hides things." Dudley admitted in a hushed whisper, indicating the cupboard. "don't tell Dad i helped, i'll get a good what if he finds out." he muttered, offering them a grin before he vanished back into his room to commence playing video games like a 'good duddykins.'
Both tom and lucius looked startled. Tom swallowed hard, smiling slightly. Seeing that it was pperfectly reasonable that asher and draco pissed him off."Where did they go?"He asked curious. It wasn't every day that the two wandered off somewhere.

Asher sneered a little as he waited for the wizard to get everything, even though the house looked pristine, this was a muggle's home, and he couldn't believe he was demeaning himself to being here.The things he did for his master...."Got everything?"he asked looking curious as dudley helped him, wondering if he could get....okay!No. He did not just think about helping a muggle. Ergh.Just being in this house was affecting him.He wanted to go.Now.
Harry scowled at Tom for his smile and for a moment he didn't say anything. "he went to my house." he finally stated, sighing a little as he shook his head. "don't want anyone to know..." he muttered as he wandered away from Tom and Lucius, looking almost distracted now as he ran his fingers through his hair. "their going to see..."

Draco was appalled when he returned, all of Harry's things tucked safely into his pocket as he blinked at Asher. "they had him living in a CUPBOARD!" he hissed with fury. "a cupboard Asher!" if there was one thing Draco hated more than muggles, it was muggles who mistreated wizards. unfortunately, thanks to Dumbledore, it was all too common a case. "i found this too." he admitted lifting what looked like a ratty diary. "i peeked at a few pages.... their not very pleasant.. it seams like Harry isn't as noble and good as we thought he was." more like he had been forced into. no one realized yet, not even harry, how far Dumbledore could go to 'win'.
"See what harry?"Lucius said in a gentle voice, moving around to face him, treating him like he would draco when the blond was upset.Keeping his voice low and gentle, hoping they'd find out more if he did. Smirking a little because tom was being quiet because the dark lord had no idea how to deal with young people.

Asher snarled softly, feeling the heat of his rage burning under his skin. Even disliking people mostly, he still felt rage when a person mistreated a child. There were few things that truly bothered him as much as that. Sneering a little he looked towards the living room where the dursley's were, considering killing htem before looking at draco,and the diary."Whats in there?"He demanded wanting to know before he went to commit murder.after all he needed to know just how much to torture them
Harry blinked at Lucius, hesitantly. "see my diary...see my house......see my...bedroom." his hesitation at the word bedroom meant something, but it was doubtful that Lucius would know exactly what. "see my fat uncle and my nosy aunt and my bully of a cousin." he paused. "he's not much of a bully anymore now that Uncle Vernon smacks him around once and a while...." he admitted softly, blinking slowly at Lucius. "do you think they'll kill me uncle? i hope they do." he admitted softly before he turned and wandered off again. "i'm tired...i 'm going to take a nap..." it was amazing how Harry had given information, without explaining anything at all.

Draco shook his head. "no, later." he stated, well aware that Asher would kill the muggles, barring maybe Dudley, if he read what was in the first few pages of the diary. "we'll claim we didn't find it, it WAS hidden under a loose floorboard." he admitted biting his lip a little. "i don't think Harry would appreciate it if we killed his family you know." he pointed out. "he's already pissed off that we left him behind." Draco understood now, why Harry was always so small and thin. becoming a vampire was fixing that though, slowly but surely harry was filling out, growing taller. becoming the handsome young man he should have been, had malnutrition and physical labor not stunted his growth. "Harry's probably booby trapped the room, we should go tot he library instead or we might find ourselves in some rather messy situations."
Tom and lucius watched him go, looking confused.He'd said alot, without saying anything at all.

Asher whined in annoyance looking at his lover before sighing."Fine.I wont kill them."He said before moving past draco, with everything intent of taking care of this problem...because he knew damn well if gabriel found out, what torture he dished out was going to look like a walk in the park.Smirking he walked across the room, fist snapping out and hitting veron in the face,feeling the satisfying crunch of bone."How about you pick on someone your own size....after a fashion anyways. I dont know how you got to be so fat, or could stand it."He sneered.
Vernon howled as he felt his nose break, dropping the bat he'd been holding, Petunia squealing in terror as she rushed forward to comfort her poor fat husband as Draco rolled his eyes, grabbed Asher and pulled him out of the house before he could do anymore damage, vanishing with a CRACK of apparition as he moved into the Riddle Manor's library, right next to Tom and Lucius. "oh! here you are! i was just thinking about letting you in on the secrete i found." Draco admitted, feeling pleased with himself as he looked around. "where's potter?" couldn't let the golden boy hear them after all, Harry Probobly couldn't take on Asher, being as how Harry didn't know how to access his vampiric powers yet, but killing the human Draco, Tom, and Lucius would be frightfully easy for a pissed off vampire Harry.
"his bedroom.He got bored and sleepy talking to us."Lucius said raising a hand to cast a silencing charm on the room, before studying the two as asher sat down in a chair, pulling the younger blond into his lap.Smiling indulgently, because he knew asher was good for his son.

Tom raised a eyebrow."What did you find at his uncle's home?"He said urious and worried about what they'd find out.
Draco nodded a little as he pulled the book out of his pocket sitting in Ashers lap, squirming to get more comfortable as he flipper the book open and begane to read aloud. "My Name is Harry Potter, and i am Seven Years Old. Dudley got this for his birthday but he didn't want it, he's too stupid to write anyway, i dug it out of the trash and it's mine now. it's the first thing that has ever been really 'mine' i am going to write in it all the time, it can be my freind, since i don't have any." Draco glanced around and turned the page and continued to read.

"Uncle was very angry with me today, he broke my arm again, it hurts a lot but it's already fixing itself. he says i'm a freak but i know better, he's just angry because i'm better than him, and we both know it. he's afraid of me, i know he is..because i can DO things. like talking to the snake outside to get it to chase Dudley, i can't wait for the day that i can do these things on purpose, instead of just happening when i'm scared or angry, then i will break uncles arm and lock HIM in the cupboard, i will make Petunia wait on me hand and foot, and dudley can do all of the chores and not get fed for days. i will teach them all, i am better than them, i am...i am a PRINCE!"

he flipped to the middle of the book. "i just turned ten, and i was in trouble again, it's my seventh day without food and i'm starting to get dizzy, i wish someone would find me, see me. the snakes in the walls are bringing me dead mice, but they squish when i eat them and they taste bad. i tried to start a fire in my room, Uncle wouldn't have noticed, but i couldn't get one going. i guess for now i just have to deal with the mice, and hope uncle lets me out soon." he swallowed, green at the thought of surviving on mice as he flipped a page. "uncle locked me out again, i didn't finish all the chores because it was raining, i had to sit in the mud all night and wish it would get warm. i have a cold now but that's ok, i cook their stupid food, so i can make them sick too. they don't bother me much when their sick."

he turned a page again and paused. "i'm turning eleven today, i can feel that something is going to happen, something important. Uncle has gone crazy, i know he has. i hope i did it, i hope he kills aunt petunia and Dudley when we go across the lake. the water won't kill me, i know it, everyone is too tired and worried to care that i'm writing anything. i've been getting letters for days, but no one realizes i've already gotten one, thanks to the snakes in the walls. i never knew i was MAGIC! it's amazing, i KNEW i was better than that filthy fat man and his disgusting family!!! there is nothing more disgusting than them, anyone really. i bet wizards will be better, i KNOW they will be better. i'm BETTER than then, and i always will be! and soon, oh very soon i can have my revenge! i've waited eleven years, i can wait a few more to get my magic under control, then i will make the fat man PAY!"

Draco paused. "here's where things get...odd." Draco admitted. "it's like Harry's personality completely changes." he admitted looking around the room before focusing on the book again. "today i am a wizard. uncle Vernon dropped me off at the train station and took off, i wasn't too surprised, he never did seem to like me. i don't know why, could it be because i am a wizard? how could i have ever known? i met a good friend today, Ron Weasley, he's so smart! knows almost everything about magic already! he warned me against bad wizards, and told me i should be wary of the blond who came in, Draco something, i forget, it doesn't matter, i hate him. he insulted me, and Ron too! i can't wait to learn magic, maybe if i can do some good things around the house the Dursley's won't hate me so much, if i can show them magic is good...i hope magic is good, maybe they won't be afraid anymore." draco looked at them. "sound a little funny to you? whats worse, is that this is the last entry."
The room almost exploded in a light of fireworks as vampire, death eater, and dark lord exploded out of their chairs. Snapping and snarling at each other as they paced, asher for once, ignoring what he'd done to draco by dumping him on the floor. Snarling he paced trying to work off the agression before he looked at draco, wincing a little as the last of the man's words sank in."He did change."He said slowly chewing the words over.

"Its almost like....he wasn't himself."Lucius said tilting his head."But... that was his first trip on the train. I dont know what could have changed...besides finding out he was a wizard..."

Tom frowned hard, studying the floor."A boy who'd written religously into a journal from the age 7, wouldn't just drop it. Its to sudden.Something happened.And we will find out.It'll just take some... manuvering to find it out."He looked at the vampire."I assume you will take care of his family?"

"Of course."Asher said with a smile that would have done a shark proud.
Draco glared as he found himself on the floor and sighed a little as he stood up and straightened himself out. "none of us will do ANYTHING to his family." he snapped sternly glaring at them. "they might be the only chance we have to figure out what changed harry, as he himself is only just starting to settle back into his own personality. besides that don't you think harry would want to deal with them himself? he said so in this diary SEVERAL times that he would love nothing more than to kill them, make them suffer for himself! he was pissed off about us leaving him behind, how pissed o you think he'll be if he finds out that we killed his family, without his permission or even telling him about it!?" Draco demanded crossing his arms. "we need to find out what made Harry change, and them, when he's shaken off whatever had him, then we will talk to him about his family." because it was a well known fact that personality and mental spells, potions, and charms did not work on vampires, not even love spells. whatever had held Harry as an innocent do gooder, was slowly starting to break and crumble away.
The three stared at the blond who dared tell them what to do before tom, helpfully pointed it out."He said he didn't care if you two killed them while you were there."

Asher growled softly before sighing."But he's right dammit. We need to know what happened before we kill them."He sighed looking at the blond."Okay. There's only one solution.We'll bring them here, so I can torture them to my heart's content, and we can make sure they're not killed."

Lucius snorted a little at the man's bloodthristy moments."We'll ask harry. See if he cares if you bring them here. If he does, we'll leave them were there are for the moment."He said reasonably, ignoring the glares he was recieving from the two other men.
Draco smirked a little. "there is no point in arguing, you know we're right."Draco stated simply. "if we take the Dursley's without Harry's permission he's liable to slaughter all of us, and he'll certainly TRY to slaughter Asher." Draco admitted. "Harry has a pretty damn good temper, i've seen it with my own eyes and i know that my father and Tom has too, hell Asher you saw it when Harry first woke up and he realized he'd killed wormtail! do you really want to face THAT again?" he demanded lifting a slender eyebrow. "besides, if you don't do what i say i won't let you fuck me." and Draco had done it before, so the threat wasn't a bluff either. "now." Draco clapped his hands together. "who tells Harry?"
Asher pouted a little, looking over at the man."You wouldnt dare."He sniffled a little before smiling, stealing a kiss from the blond."I'll go tell him. Though you're coming with."He said nudging the young blond out of the room with him, leaving the other two to talk business.Knocking on harry's door lightly he smiled,"Harry?May we come in?"He asked, not about to stick his head in the room when he knew they'd left the other man pissed.
Draco snickered a little. "i totally would." he growled smirking a little as he led the way out of the room, hesitating when they reached Harry's door, glad that Asher knocked first. there was a moment of silence and then. "come in." Harry agreed, Draco took the initiative, hearing the sleepy tone of Harry's voice knew that harry wasn't much of a threaten. harry never was when he was sleepy, unless he was having a nightmare, but that was another problem entirely. " saw..." Harry muttered softly, rolling over to face them, but not sitting up, he felt too drained. Draco just nodded. "we where hoping you would read this." Draco admitted holding the journal out to Harry, the boy not looking surprised at all. "you did find it." he muttered, stroking the worn cover. "i know what it says..." "no you don't." Draco muttered softly. "this is your REAL childhood Harry. beatings and the knowledge that you where something else." "no... a week ago, i wouldn't have known what you where talking about...but i do now...i..i REMEMBER things...things that...that i'm not sure i want to remember..." Harry admitted baring his fangs at the notebook, even as he cracked it open and scanned over the first page.
" you know what changed?"asher asked softly as he moved pulling up a chair, leaning back as he studied the brunette, tugging the blond into his arms. Needing to hold him, because draco was the only thing keeping him from committing bloody, violent murder."Harry. Personality charms, potions...magic doesn't work on vampires. Never has. Whatever happened, its breaking down the more your immortality settles in."He sighed resting his cheek on the blond's shoulder, looking at harry."Give me a direction to look, if they changed you, they might be hurting others. And I want to know what they were thinking for changing you."
Harry frowned as he focused then. "i...i don't know..." he admitted softly. "i just, woke up one morning and...and i was different, only i didn't know it...the day...the day i left for the train was when it all just, snapped into place..." he admitted softly. "Hagrid took me to get my things, and the Dursley's fed me real good after he left, looked at me all scared...i thought maybe he threatened them or something..." he muttered softly. "i just..." he frowned harder and then turned away from them. the book hitting the ground with a thud. "i'm tired, and i have a headache....go away." he ordered, sounding so tired, and so confused. he didn't know what was happening, didn't understand. then. "the Dursley's might know something." he finally muttered. "ask them." he pulled the blankets over his head. "but don't kill what you want but don't kill them..."
Asher smirked, getting up, setting draco on his feet."As you command. Sleep well."He muttered bending down to kiss the brunette's forehead comfortingly, worried for the young vampire before leaving with draco. Glancing at the man, tilting his head."Feel up to another trip to his relatives?After all, they're oming to vacation here."He smirked enjoying the idea of torturing them for as long as they wanted without killing them
Harry went tense when he felt the lips on his forehead, as if not sure about the action or what it might mean, relaxing again only when they left, glad that the two had not seen the silent tears running own his face, well aware that Gabriel would know he was crying, but not caring because he had stopped caring a long time ago. "yes, yes i am. i think we should leave the little fat one...what was his name, Duder?Dudly? whatever, i think we should leave him out for the torture for now, and keep him out of it for as long as he remains helpful." he admitted. "he seams to honestly care about Harry's well being, now at least, he might be much more willing to help, even if he probably doesn't know much." he smirked viciously. "i think we should let Tom and Lucius, and Gabriel when he's here have their fair share at them too." he admitted licking his lips eagerly. "you fetch the adults while i inform....the little fat one what's happening."
"I'm so glad you endure my moments of homicdialness."He said smirking amused at the blond's talking. As if he wasn't aware of what they needed to do. Knocking lightly on the door before opening the door, going in search of his aunt and uncle."Now dursley's, I have words to say to you."He said moving into the room, waving draco in."Take care of the little one.Well...He's not little,but you know what I mean."he said with a sneer.
Draco snorted as he headed upstairs to speak with Dudley, who was more than willing to go calmly and quietly. in fact he looked relieved to be going. Vernon and petunia however, weren't even pleased to see them again. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU FREAK!" Vernon roared, swinging the bat at the mans head, his nose swollen and black as he tried to connect the bat to the vampires head with as much strength as he could muster, which was a whole hell of a lot. "get the FUCK out of my house before i call the police!" he roared again, Petunia whimpering as she simply turned and fled, heading for the back door.
Asher snarled as he grabbed the bat in his bare hand, wincing slightly at the contact, knowing it'd bruise before ducking away grabbing the fleeing woman before she could leave. Holding her off the ground with his hand fisted in her clothes, "Now, now now you're not going anywhere. I have someone who wants to talk to you."He smirked before looking at veron."Police have no hold on me.And if you don't shut up, I might consider making you."He snarled."Draco!Are you ready to go?"
Draco came down with a pale Dudley, both of them nodding. "yes, i will be taking Dudley to one of the holding rooms. he won't be able to wander as he pleases but the house elves will be informed to give him about anything he wants." Draco admitted, Dudley looking relieved by that information as Vernon roared with rage, freezing as he saw his wife dangling in the monsters hands, Petunia shuddering once before passing out, Draco snorting a little. "ell at least she'll be easy to move. come on we better get out of here. don't need the ministry showing up or something. Diddy hang on tight to my arm and don't let go." "it's DUDLEY." the boy complained, no doubt for the fifth or sixth time, Draco just shrugging as he and Dudley vanished with a crack, Vernon howling with fury as he dove for where his son had just vanished. "you freak! what did you do to my wife!? where did you take my son!?"
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