Blood Fury and Love

Asher smirked as he slid his pants off, hardening softly at the knowledge that anyone could walk in, that there was a new vampire laying feet from them.Growling softly he quickly stretched his lover, before thrusting into him lowering his head, sinking his fangs into the other's lip as he kissed him, sucking slowly even as he fucked the blond harder.
Draco moaned into the stretching and squealed in pleasure, arching into the cock filling him so perfectly, thrusting his hips back to make sure he was as filled as he could get, moaning eagerly into the bite, shuddering at the sensation of having his lip sucked on. "ye, eessss. hard, fuck me hard, please." his breath stuttered when Harry moaned softly in the bed next to theirs, though he was still asleep, he had sprouted an erection of his own, visibly through the pants as harry shifted atop the bedspread, Draco moaning again. "yes..yes please, fuck me hard." Draco begged once he was sure Harry was asleep.
Asher laughed softly doing as he was told before leaning down to nuzzle the man's neck,"Love you little pretty."He muttered softly, inaduble as he buried his face against the other's neck, coming hard as he held him tightly against him. To stressed, to worried, to worked up to last to long. His control shattering in the face of the perfection of being with draco.
Draco arched as he tossed his head back, spilling all over the bed with an eager mewl, Harry moaning again as his pants became wet, Draco blushing hard. "well, at least it isn't a nightmare." he muttered softly as Harry fidgeted and went still again, Draco moaning softly as he realized he had made Harry cum, him and Asher. "mm he is pretty isn't he?" Draco asked, smirking a little. "not as pretty as me of course, but still pretty. i think we should set him up with Tom."
"....tom?You mean the man who's been trying to kill him for 19 years?"He muttered sleepily snuggling close, nuzzling his lover's neck as he pulled out of him, collapsing to the other's side, cuddling. Smirking a little. Wondering what gabriel would think of what he'd done...he was liable to be yelled at for having sex near gabriel's 'delicate' heir's ears.He mentally snickered at the idea. Delicate his ass.
Draco smirked a little. "who better?" he asked his head tilted. "they both need someone, they both have tons in common, AND their both immortal. i'm sure once Harry calms down and realizes Tom isn't the bad guy in all of this he'll be eager to jump Tom's bones." he admitted smirking a little as he flicked his wand at Harry, cleaning the mess in case someone came back in. "hand me my pants would you?"
Asher laughed handing the blond his pants before dressing himself, running his fingers through his hair getting up and transfiguring the chair back."We should tell gabriel first though.He's liable to kill us if we dont."He pointed out, stealing another kiss as he hugged his lover.
Draco snorted a little and rolled his eyes a little. "since when is Gabriel the ruler of the universe? i don't even know who the guy is you know." he stated simply, yanking his pants on as he nuzzled Asher. "all i know is that he's claimed Harry and he's a bit more powerful than Harry is." he stated simply. "or at least he has power OVER Harry." he worried his lip, thinking. "and The Dark Lord certainly respects him." he shrugged. "you tell him then, i want to take a nap." he admitted yawning a little. getting fed on, or maybe it was the blood loss, whatever the case Draco was always tired afterwords. "do you think Harry is going to accept being a vampire?" he asked Asher softly. "because i don't remember him ever wanting immortality... or inhumanity either..." he was worried that Harry would hate what he had been made into, that he would go back to Dumbledore despite being a dark creature, and end up dead for his troubles.
"If he doesn't, gabbie will lock him in a room until he decides to."He said shrugging, "And Gabriel Bloodhaven is the ruler of MY world, since he kicks my ass every century just to make sure he still can."He pointed out before picking up the blond, heading for the adjoining bedroom,settling him in bed, pressing a kiss to his forehead."Now sleep.I'll deal with everything else."He said smiling sweetly, tucking the blankets around him
Draco sighed a little and snuggled into the bed and blankets. "yeah, alright." he murmured softly smiling a little before frowning. "i hope Harry is going to be ok..." he muttered softly before drifting off to sleep before he could mull out his feelings. after all, he was supposed to HATE harry, not worry about him.

Harry himself had just blinked awake, rubbing his eyes as he remembered the events that had occurred, pausing to stare at his hands and then at the room around him, still not used to how SHARP everything was. he could see so clearly! and for someone who had glasses that where at least four prescriptions behind, it was amazing to be able to pick out the details like he was. he swallowed hard and licked his lips before he slowly sat up and then stood, heading out of the room, ignoring his half dressed state as he tried to find someone who could tell him where he was, uncertain of the two vampires names, but wanting to find them anyway.
Tom, who'd just stepped out of his office, tilted his head as he smirked a little.So, he'd recovered faster then they'd thought he would. Smiling as he lengthened his stride to catch up with him, he cupped a hand under the brunette's arm to stop him, smiling easily. Glad that he could glamor himself into looking like tom riddle instead of lord voldermort."Harry.You should be in bed."He said gently.
Harry spun and hissed at Tom, bearing gleaming fangs at the other as he yanked his arm free, as if expecting an attack, lifting his now useless wand, an old habit, gripping the handle tightly as he backed away from Tom. the reaction of a seventeen year old boy who'd had death dogging his heals since birth, but surprisingly, instead of spitting insults he paused, eyes narrowed as he looked Tom over, his wand still raised, but not yet ready to attack. "...riddle?" he demanded, looking baffled before he shook his head. "of course i'm in Malfoy Manor, where else would they take me!? of course your going to try and kill me now... but could we skip that part? i'm only going to narrowly escape with my life, again, and your going to retaliate by making me see everyone i've ever got killed, again, and then we both wont sleep and our freinds... cept you don't have freinds, underlings for you then, will suffer for it..." he paused and took a breath that he didn't really need. "besides i'm looking for someone..." Harry sure could Ramble.
Tom swallowed hard trying not to laugh in the teen's face, but it was so!HE did not think of harry potter as cute. Smirking a little he nodded."You are NOT at malfoy manor actually, we're currently living at Riddle manor since Narcissa deemed that it was time to redocrate malfoy manor, and proceeded to kick us out."He said snickering a little. It always amused him that his deadliest death eater was intimidated by his wife."And which one did you want?Asher or Gabriel?"He said assuming the vampires were who he was looking for."Though Asher's probably in dracos' room and wouldnt appericate the interruption to his feeding."
Harry blinked at Tom for a long moment, looking confused before. "i want...uhm..." he frowned a little. "i want Master." he finally decided on the right word. "the one who saved me." he clarified slowly dropping his wand as he stared at Tom, looking baffled, confused as to why they weren't trying to kill each other. "your not all gross looking anymore." Harry finally stated his head tilted as he watched Tom closely, picking out all the details he could before his eyes focused on the others neck, a surge of want rushing through him, startling him. how could he want! not tom, voldemort! Voldemort! how could he want Voldemort in any way or form? even if it was just for blood, no matter that he was still full from peter. "oh!" Harry gasped, sounding startled. "your the one who sent Peter aren't you? thank you for that, i got IMMENSE satisfaction out of killing him." he admitted a small smirk on his lips. amazingly enough, his list of most hated did not start with Voldemort, it started with Peter, then turned to Bellatrix, then to Fenrir, and THEN to, Voldemort damn him it was VOLDEMORT. "i need to go now, good bye." harry stated before turning on his heal and continuing on to try and find Gabriel.
Tom stared after him before starting to laugh."He's in the office at the end of the hall talking to pretty."he said snickering as he watched him go. Oh he knew he was just going to hear the yells...

Lucius glanced up from the desk he'd been working at with gabriel, having been going over attack plans and such."Your pet's awake."He muttered glancing towards the vampire, before moving away so that gabriel could get up out of his seat.
Harry blinked at Tom, looking puzzled again as he looked the other over before stalking away, Harry had always been known to never start fights, ever. he only reacted defensivly, even with Draco, the blond had started every single fight, so Harry turned away from Tom, determined not to fight, but Wary of oncoming spells to his back and slipped into the room, glaring at Lucius. "don't call me pet." he ordered with a small hiss, Gabriel chuckling as he stood. "very well, we shan't call you Pet then." he agreed, Harry relaxing a little more at Gabriele's voice. "what are you doing up Harry? you should be in bed, resting." "i'm not tired." harry complained instantly, Gabriel chuckling. "resting an sleeping are not the same thing Harry." he stated sternly. "an many of the death eaters do not yet realize your here. the might have attacked you." "they attack me all the time, doesn't mean they can do anything to me." Harry stated simply. "Tom is the only one who can wound me with magic." come to think of it, in his seven years at Hogwarts...harry never HAD been a victim from a magical spell. sure playful ones, like the tickling charm had hit, and ones that wouldn't actively harm Harry, like the body lock, but only tom had ever actually been able to HURT harry. "how interesting." Gabe muttered, looking surprised. "this must be part of the prophecy i have heard of." Harry just nodded.
Lucius nodded looking amused before shuddering. The reasons of Why harry was out of bed coming to him.It wasn't like it bothered him that his son was the lover of a powerful vampire, it just....he disliked the idea of his son doing those things. He didnt want the mental image."Even if you cannot be affected, you should be resting. Asher will not be happy to realize you got up without telling him."He said amused. Annoying asher had become a death eaters pasttime, as the man just couldn't hold onto his temper.
Harry blinked at Lucius and Gabriel, clearly not connecting the name to anything. "Asher was the man who was with you when Wormtail was brought to you." Gabriel explained, smiling a little. "well he is out of bed now, there's no point in trying to deny it, come and sit Harry and i will explain some things." he promised, Harry obediently sitting where Gabriel had motioned his head tilted curiously. "i offered you the chance to become immortal for a reason Harry." Gabriel admitted. "you see, i am old, even for a Vampire's standards, and i am getting tired of leading a people who never age." he admitted simply. "i have offered you this chance, in the hopes that you might become my successor." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "no, in the hopes that you might become my Son." he admitted, Harry staring, wide eyed at Gabriel, his mouth open in shock. "i..but...i..." he lowered his eyes to the floor, pondering then. "i...i would like to try." Harry decided, nodding a little. "i doubt anyone back home would like me much, now that i'm.... well, a vampire." Gabriel relaxed and even let out a breath of relief, he had been just as worried as Draco that Harry wouldn't accept being a Dark creature, everyone misjudged how adaptive the boy could be.
Lucius relaxed also as he leaned back in his chair, resting his hand on his fist as he listened to the two.Having spent years fighting with the boy who lived, he understood just how combative he could be if he set his mind to it."Gabriel, I assume this means you are staying here still?Surely not going home. Tom, not to mention asher, would like to spend time with the boy.Tom because, well he's getting soft in his old age, and asher because he's heard stories about harry from draco."He said sighing softly."It would be nice to see how he chooses to live given the choice."
Harry glance at Lucius his eyes widening in recognition. "YOUR Pretty!?" he demanded voice choked with laughter at the thought of Lucius tolerating the name, Gabriel laughing eagerly as he awaited Lucius's response to Harry's statement. "that means Draco must be little pretty." he paused, tapping his lip. "well...i guess the names fit..." Gabriel snickered a little and shook his head. "i cannot stay, you know this Pretty." he stated calmly. "but yes, i will be leaving Harry and Asher here, Harry to learn how to deal with his new abilities and Asher to run things while i am away. he has nearly all the power in the Vampire Realms as i do, and will be a good substitute for myself." he stated calmly, Harry tense and worried. "your leaving!? your leaving me here with...with.. THEM!?" he demanded, looking almost panicked. "you can't leave me here! they'll kill me!" "have they yet?" "" "have they even attacked you?" "" "did they yell at you or abuse you in anyway?" "" "then i am sure you will be fine." "... fine but it's on your head when i'm dead by the time you come back." Harry growled turning on his heal and stalking back out of the room, Gabriel sighing a little. "Harry has so much pain inside of him. maybe Tom can help the child through his pain."
Lucius ground his teeth together as he looked at the older vampire."I despise you two for thinking of that name."He growled before nodding, "I'll talk to tom.He already feels bad enough.He'll do something."He said before smirking."Though asher and draco probably already have plans for this end of things.They have been spending time with tom,and asher cant help himself.He tries to set up tom with everyone. Did you see how the man reacted when asher tried to set him up with lestrange?He nearly had a heart attack."
Gabriel snickered a little and nodded. "the poor man, of course i was considering letting Harry have at Bellatrix as well, she is on his list you know." he admitted looking amused as he glanced at Lucius. "ah, you don't know about the list, well Harry himself isn't fully aware of it yet. Harry's List is made up of people he wishes to kill. Wormtail was at the top, and then it is Bellatrix, and then Fenrir, only then is Tom and then you, but by the time Harry get's around to Fenrir i'm sure he'll have forgiven you two." he teased, looking highly amused as he winked at Lucius. "be nice to my Heir Lucius, if i come back and find he has been damaged in ANY way, i will slaughter you, and Tom, and all of the death eaters, barring Draco of course, since Asher has such a fondness for the boy." he smiled brightly and vanished into shadows, leaving Harry alone in a house full of death eaters, and one meddling vampire.
Lucius rolled his eyes a little taking heart to the threat, but amused none the less.Things had just gotten interesting at riddle manor.

Asher smirked as he poked draco in the ribs, having been up for awhile, he wanted company.Whining as the other just rolled over he went into the adjoining room, frowning when he saw harry walking back in."... what are you doing out of bed?"He said curious. Wondering just how much time he'd missed if his charge was up and about.Maybe he really did fall asleep...
Harry blinked at Asher and then scowled. "i don't need to be in bed." he growled. "Gabriel said so." he was blatantly lying to Asher! and the worst part about it was, Asher probably didn't even know it. "i got tired of laying in bed so i went to go see Gabriel." he shrugged. "he left, so i'm stuck here." he scowled darkly. "with a house full of people who want to kill he stupid!?" harry demanded glaring at Asher. "i think he's stupid." he admitted before sighing and looking down at his wand. "i can't make it work anymore..." of course he couldn't, he wasn't a wizard anymore. "i don't suppose we could go to the Dursley's to get my things?" he asked hopefully. "they have them locked up in Dudley's old room." they had moved him back to the cupboard under the stairs, not that anyone noticed or cared.
Asher tilted his head, thinking about it, biting his lip."Well..."He frowned harder as he thought."I'll go get your things.I'll take little pretty with me, so I know what the hell belongs to you.Then we'll be back."He decided moving to open the door, whistling."Pretty, wake up.I need you."He demanded tossing a pillow off the chair at the sleeping draco.
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