Blood Fury and Love

Severus scowled as he dipped his head into the Pensive, Draco pulling himself and Asher in with him, watching as little eleven year old harry fought against the massive Hagrid, clawing at the giants face like a hell cat, cussing and cursing in english and parseltongue, bruises marring his body even before Hagrid had come at him. Dudley had been right, the slimy potion was a robins egg blue, and writhing in it's vial as it was moved, like angry snakes or writhing tentacles. Draco shrieked and cursed as the vial was pressed to his lips, eyes full of madness and hatred as he was forced to swallow or choke, falling limp under the half giant who gave orders to Vernon that couldn't be heard as harry lay prone and defenseless on the floor. "..that's a very complicated spell." Severus finally managed to choke out through his shock. "it's a memory potion for one thing, it not only erases memory's, but alters them as well, leaving no gaps, leaving only false memories." he swallowed hard. "the other part is an emotional balancer, probably to cut off the child's madness before it could grow into insanity, normally a good thing if it wasn't for the personality aspects, it forces ha...him to be someone who he's not. his personality shifting to the potion makers whims. the child would feel and act only how the potion maker wanted him to for the first month until it settled and 'stuck' then there would only be a need for a potion every year or so..." he swallowed hard. "i should have noticed... there are tell tale markers of someone under such a potion..."

Harry snarled at tom, his eyes flashing in warning, his fingers digging into the other even tighter before he froze, mouthing Hagrid's name quietly as he recalled the night, the night he had lost everything. "get out." harry ordered, tone cold and deadly as he shrunk away from Tom, looking as if he was about to rip the mans throat out. "get out!" harry ordered again his eyes narrowed with rage. trembling from the effort of controlling himself. keeping himself from attacking Tom was the hardest thing he'd ever done.
sher studied the potions master, tilting his head."Severus, you did not know anything was wrong.By the time you met him for the first time, the potion had settled. There was no reason to look into the causes for his actions when the potions maker wanted him to act like the perfect hero. No reason."He said, a little coldly, but knowing the potions master needed the slap of reality before he started blaming himself.

"No.You don't need to be alone."Tom said stubbornly, not moving snarling softly. Wishing asher or gabriel was there. He wasnt about to send lucius in here to be injured,but he didnt want to distress the man further.
Severus hissed softly and shook his head. "Look at that boy!" he ordered, pointing at the wild picture of Harry clawing at Hagrid's face. "that boy has been so abused he's gone CRAZY! faced with a potion that strong on such a week body should have KILLED him!" he spat, eyes wild with fury. "he should have died several times over and i was so wrapped up in self pity and hatred that i couldn't notice that the boy was being forced into dangerous situations without any self control of his own!" he sighed and set a hand over his eyes. "at his age, and from his size that potion should have killed him... i should have noticed the effects on his body if nothing else. even a month into the potion.... a few years into the potion i should have noticed the effects on his body..."

Harry hissed harder and backed into a corner, sitting there, crouched his eyes wild with rage as he kept his gaze focused on the other, as if waiting to be attacked. "go away." harry ordered again, eyes narrowed violently as he searched the ground for something to throw, tears starting to well in his emerald green eyes as he realized everything he had ever known was nothing more than a well fabricated lie. that the one man he had looked to as a father figure, that Hagrid had forced him to become someone he was not. and he did not want Tom to see that, didn't want tom to see the Great Golden Boy break down...he did not want to let Tom see him cry.
Asher sighed, having done a half assed job at comfort, because he knew the potions master was right, he knew the other should have seen that. Rubbing his eyes he winced,"Now. Is there any thing that could affect him still?Anything that..."He stopped biting his lip.Trying to decide if telling the other man what harry had become would be benefitcial or not. Biting his lip as he reached for his master's mind.Gabriel?We found some interesting things about harry...can I tell the potions master what he is, so that we can see if there'll be any repercussions for long term exposure now that he's changed?

Tom sighed,biting his lip before nodding little. Pushing up out of the seat he sighed jerking his thumb over his shoulder."That's asher and draco's room, I'll go in there and read if you need anything."He said walking into the room settling into a chair to read, the door mostly closed, so that he could still hear should harry need help.
Snape hesitated then. "there is an antidote, but after this much exposure breaking apart the potion will only help so much. Harry's previous personality will mix with the new, it would be VERY emotionally upsetting and it would take a long time for him to settle, he will be angry a great deal of the time and it will be difficult, even painful for him to control himself. a week at the shortest length of time, for the healing, unless there was something to speed the healing process." Snape explained. "being turned into a vampire, and incubus, a werewolf or a banshee would do it. but i have my doubts about Harry accepting that. if you like i can start on the antidote." "that won't be necessary sev." Draco admitted. "i tell you this because i know you hate Dumbledore with a passion...but if this gets out it could cause ruin." Draco studied his professor who looked confused and then awestruck. "he willingly?" "yes." "so he's..." "yes." "a VAMPIRE!?" "yes..." "...i need to sit down...." it would seam as if young Draco already has. it is fine, i trust the potions master to keep a secrete. Harry is very upset right now so wait until tonight to have the potions master look at him. Gabriel ordered. being Harry's Patriarch, he could feel Harry's emotions and moods, even through another realm, he would also be able to feel any of Harry's pain, and would know the instant that Harry was in trouble. since he didn't sound too worried, it was probably just a normal bout of rage that Harry often went through.

Harry's ragged breathing was the only response as the door closed, Harry curling up on himself as he sobbed, and proceeded to destroy his room in a flurry of rage and fury, the smashing and tinkling of glass was enough to tell tom that the crashing and thumping sounds where just Harry throwing his furniture into the walls, which several people had magically enhanced so that Harry couldn't break through them. it was almost a half an hour before harry exhausted himself, sitting int he middle of the room, panting hard as he eyed the disaster around him with a smugness that Harry wasn't so sure of. everything but his nest and the book case had been destroyed so that nothing bigger than a dollar laid about the room. the table, four chairs, even the couch that had been in the corner of the room had been torn to pieces, and all of the mirrors had been smashed time and time again...and that made harry feel good, better...less angry, though he was still crying he was no longer he wanted comfort. he sobbed and slid to his feet, staggering tiredly to the door, wanting Gabriel, wanting Asher, wanting anyone but Tom, but Tom was the only one there, so it was his lap that he crawled into, and his chest that he sobbed into, hoping for strong arms to wrap around him, hold him, make him safe and loved...if only for a moment.
You dont need to sound so amused that draco beat me to it. Asher mentally scowled before sighing, looking at the potions master."I would like you to see him this evening.None of us currently residening at the manor know enough about the potion to know how to handle the bouts he's having."He said sighing softly."And, we need you to keep a eye on dumbledre.And the half giant...hagrid is it?"He said looking at draco, amused that his young lover had taken control of the moment.

Tom sighed softly, pressing a fatherly kiss to the vampire's mussed up hair, wrapping his rms around him as he leaned back in his chair."Now. Does knowing you destroyed most of lucius's furniture make you feel better?"He said lightly, "And probably annoyed draco,seeing as he took the time to choose how to decorate your room."
the only response was a small snicker on Gabriel's end before he cut the connection, leaving the ashen professor and the smug Draco who glanced at Asher, confused. why not now? who knew, but he figured there was a reason. "Hagrid?" Snape asked confused. "what does Hagrid have to do with this? he's too stupid to be any real threat. he follows orders and that's all." he shook his head. "the in the HELL did Dumbledore manage a potion that complicated!? Voldemort and myself can barley manage to pull one together!" he complained scowling a little. "i don't understand this." he admitted scrubbing his face. "i will inform the headmaster that there has been a family emergency and that i have to leave. i will have to be back in the morning for classes but i think i can get a good gauge on the effects of..." he glanced at the door. "Lucius's condition." someone was listening in. "what was the man thinking ingesting such a thing? he HAD to have known it wasn't good for him."

Harry sniffled a little and then nodded. "i don't like furniture." was his petulant reply, simply enjoying the hug, the comfort, the warmth of another body against his chilled one. he was going to need a shirt before he caught his death, not that Vampires could actually get sick, but that wasn't the point. "i'll fix it later...i just needed to feel something break." he admitted softly, shaking his head a little. "besides i HATE gold and red."
"Ah well pretty's never been known for his mental prowless."sher snickered as he stood tilting his head."Narcissa is redecorating the manor."He said conversationally as they walked towards the door, as if redocorating wasnt a big deal, but telling snape where they were. After all when narcissa redecorated, it was a full house redecorating and required no one being there."Though I have no idea what he thught he was doing changing his sex.His wife and Gabriel prefer him male."he said, oh he couldn't help but harass the other blond.Even if he wasnt there.

"Well, I must agree. I think draco just put it up to annoy me with gryffindor colors in slytherin's manor."He sneered a little waving a hand to summon a blanket, wrapping a arm around the man along with the brunette. Pleased as he warmed up a little.
Draco rolled his eyes a little as they pulled the door open and came face to face with the pinched look of Minerva McGonagall. "Severus, i need a word with you for a moment." she stated with tight lips. she always got like that when one of her precious gryffindors where in trouble. she pulled him away before anyone could protest and whispered in hushed tones with Snape who's sneer grew even more pronounced. Draco couldn't hear but Asher would as McGonagall informed Snape to keep an eye out for Harry, who had gone missing. that the Dursley's where also missing and that Harry's blood was all over the muggle home, a LOT of it. Snape answered in his usual terse way before he pulled free and headed over to Asher and Draco. "lets go to Lucius, i have questions for him." Snape stated, acting for mcgonagall.

Harry snorted a little. "he probably thought i would like it." he muttered sounding sleepy now that his bout of rage was over, sighing softly as the warm blanket settled over his skin. "mm, thank you... i didn't even realize i was cold." he admitted softly, his eyes closed as he rested in Tom's arms. "i was wondering." Harry admitted softly. "if.. you didn't do most of the things that you did....did you still kill my parents?" not that Harry really cared, he had been a baby, all he had was vague memories that where probably false. "i know Pittigrew betrayed my parents... unless Sirius and Lupin where lying too..." but, harry hoped not, they where the people that harry loved the most. he was only fifteen, but he was sure he wouldn't survive them betraying him too.
Asher smirked a little."Ah yes, we must see about his vanity."He smirked resting hand lightly on snape's arm, a arm around draco's waist before shadow walking back to the manor. Sighing softly as he stepped into luicus's office, startling the older blond so badly he fell out of his seat. "ASHER!What did I tell you about that?" "not to do it?"asher responded smirking a little."Anyways, severus wanted to talk to harry, but since he's currently detained, we're here to talk to you."

Tom winced a little, "No, that was me. Though by self defense. I had heard that your parents were planning to attack me. I didn't come for you, I came for were just there."He winced a little."Pittigrew was the one who told me, rest easy with knowing the other two were truthful."
Snape sneered and Draco snickered a little as they watched Lucius gather himself back together, Snape shaking his head a little. "there can be some several ramifications to Harry becoming a vampire. we should speak to Tom, as he's the one that Harry is most likely to go after." "actually, i beleive that the Dursley's are now at the top of Harry's list, then aunt Bella, and then Fenrir." Draco stated ticking them off on his fingers. 'i think Hagrid might be in there somewhere too, probably under the Dursleys, or maybe above..." he pondered, yelping when a hand settled onto Draco's shoulder. "Hagrid is first, Dumbledore is second, Bellatrix is third and Fenrir is second.... right now anyone Harry keeps changing his mind." it was Gabriel! "i too am curious about the effects this potion and Harry's vampirism will have."

Harry paused then nodded, feeling glad about the fact that Sirius and Lupin weren't traitors, his eyes still closed. "my father at least...they where bad people weren't they? i saw some of Snapes memories...memories of my dad... hurting him." he admitted softly. "my father was a bad man, wasn't he?" because he knew that Tom would tell the truth. "and my mom too?" no, lily had been forced into a marriage she had never wanted, forced to bear a baby for a man she had hated. she had only smiled when Voldemort killed James, but had pleaded with the man not to hurt her harry. death, had no doubt, been a sweet release for her.
Luius smiled at the vampire lord, tilting his head as he straightened his clothes."I don't think we have to worry about tom. He's sitting in with harry at the moment."He said tilting his head. Asher snickered,muffling it. Amused though he probably shouldn't be."well. Should we go interrupt their moment, or let them be?"

Tom sighed softly, "Your father was a man who forced lily evans to marry him and bear a son, who she loved, despite how his concenption ame about."He muttered softly.She smiled when I killed her, because it was a end of her torture."He said softly, resting his forehead on the teen's shoulder.
Gabriel paused and then smirked widely at Draco who was snickering again, the two shared a small shake of the hand, well pleased with themselves for 'getting harry and Tom together' mostly by making sure that Tom was about the only one that Harry COULD go to. "we should let them alone for now, they are probably untangling some very emotional things right now." Gabriel stated. "seeing as how Harry's mood is shifting as such. Professor, i would like you to come with me please." Gabriel stated. "i want you to tell me everything you know about this potion, if we can figure out who all is..." "there is no one else under the effects of a personality potion, no one that i have come into contact with anyway. i only missed Harry because of my hatred for the child." he admitted sounding..could it be? regretful?

Harry nodded a little, relaxing in Tom's arms, sighing softly. "i'm glad." he muttered softly. "but what about me? did you really try to kill me? how did i end up with your soul inside of me if you didn't? i'm so confused...nothing makes sense anymore and i can't remember anything's all scrambled together in a mess that i just can't make sense of..." he sighed a little. "and i'm tired all the time, and i'm so hungry i feel as if i could eat a hippo, but when i take a bite of's just so dry and tasteless..." he tucked his head against Tom's neck and gently sniffed at the skin. "and you smell so good..."
Lucius frowned a little."We should look for someone under the impedio curse. While dumbledore might not risk a potion, he might risk that. If he needed to."He said wisely frowning at his desk as he considered the evil that the headmaster had done to this child.

Tom bit his lip, laughing softly as he was told he smelled good."We'll get you something to eat."He muttered before sighing."I really did die you know?Its a tramatic experience, and even I have no idea what happened."He said frowning sounding regretful about that."We'll find out though."
Draco scowled a little then. "one of the slytherins in third year has been acting strangley as of late." he admitted. 'is there a spell to tell when someone is under the impirio?" "yes there is." Gabriel stated simply. "but being a vampire i do not know it. potions master, please come with me." that decided he grabbed snape before the other could protest and dragged him through the shadows to get the information he wanted, Draco rolling his eyes. "hey Asher, howlong has it been since Harry fed? you feed about every other day right? being that Harry's a newborn doesn't he need to feed more often?" he was a little worried about how they seemed to be ignoring harry for the last several hours. being a newborn, Harry would want to feed about every six to seven hours, and wouldn't know enough control to stop himself from feeding when he got hungry.

Harry muttered something and his tongue stroked along the pulse of Tom's neck, he couldn't remember how much time had passed since he'd last eaten, he didn't think it mattered, all he cared was that there was fresh, warm blood and he only needed to bit to get it, his slid his fangs against Toms neck, the blanket sliding off of him as he gripped the back of tom's hair in a tight grip, forcing his head out of the way, pinning the larger man to the chair so he couldn't pull away, sliding his fangs against the neck again as he struggled to decide where to bite.
Asher paled climbing to his feet."Oh hell.I'll be back."He said shadow walking out of the room to go get harry a meal, wondering why him and gabriel hadnt noticed. Picking up the girl in the nearby town he shadowwalked to harry's bedroom, tilting his head at the sight that met him. Wondering if he should interrupt seeing as the dark lord seemed to be enjoying getting fed on...well at least if the whimpers coming from his throat was any indication."Harry..."Asher said slowly walking closer, holding the girl against his chest."I have your next meal.Let tom go now sweetheart."He said looking over the dark lord who seemed fine.
Harry had decided to bite the man near the collar bone, instead of up near the pulse, he wasn't sure why, but he didn't care, Tom was rich and sweet in his mouth as he swallowed, every swallow sending long spurts of venom into Tom's system, Venom that caused Tom's skin to burn and his groin to ache, caused him to feel bolts of intense pleasure every time Harry sucked, even if Harry wasn't aware of doing it. he tensed when Asher walked in and slowly, regretfully pulled away from Tom's red stained neck, licking the wound closed and turning to Asher instead, licking his red stained lips as he attached himself to the girl instead. Tom wouldn't even feel the effects of blood-loss, not much anyway, a couple of cookies and a nap and Tom would be fine. though he was probably suffering a terrible hard on right then as he watched Harry feed on the woman instead, making her moan and arch against Harry, all to willing to let him had his way with her.
Tom groaned softly pressing the heel of his hand against his groin trying to relieve the pressure, groaning as he stood."I'm going to go see gabriel."He said having felt the vampire return, walking slightly awkwardly, after all his pants were to tight, heading for the other. Knocking lightly on the door before walking in, looking at the potions master and vampire."Did you find out what potion it was?"He asked so focused on getting rid of his hard on, he forgot about the bite mark.
Gabriel and snape both looked up, Gabe gasping as he saw the state of the other, eyes wide. "oh shit! i forgot to feed harry!" he cussed Snape gaping a moment as he realized that Tom had been bitten by harry of all things. "good lord, sit." Snape ordered pushing Tom into a chair, grabbing a blood replenishing potion, a tray of tea and snacks and some bandages to cover Tom's neck, working on bandaging the dark lord up and getting him put back together, Gabriel fretting about having forgotten about his son. "i am TERRIBLY sorry about this Riddle." Gabriel stated. "i managed to forget that newborns need to feed a great deal more often than a seasoned vampire does, i do hope you weren't in too much pain..sometimes it takes them a while to realize they have more than one venom gland." lucky for all of them they had missed Tom's hard on.
Tom laughed softly letting the man fuss."We all forgot gabriel. And asher already got him a meal. Don't fret."He said before sighing."And it wasn't painful. Just sort of awkward."He said breathing a sigh of relief that no one had noticed his issue. Not wat he wanted these two men to know. He after all had to talk to them. And walking around with a hard on, and them knowing it would just be awkward
Gabriel paused and then a sly little smirk spread across his lips. "awkward huh?" he teased looking like the cat that got the canary AND the cream. "anyway we have discovered a great deal about the potion, but we don't know how it is affecting Harry yet, we need snape to actually look at the boy, and hopefully get him to agree to having his mind scanned." "i need to see how the fragmented memories are coming together to be able to see if there will be any lasting mental damage. the physical damage is already being healed by the vampirism, but the same thing that is healing his body could very well be driving him crazy." "that's why he has such sudden bouts of rage?" Gabriel asked. "i saw what the boy did to his room, that wasn't just rage that was FURY, everything was destroyed, nothing left but a few hand sized pieces." Gabriel admitted. "i've never seen someone with a temper like that." "yes it could very well be that Harry's fury needed an outlet and he took it out on the furniture, since he had no living flesh to take it out on." Snape agreed shaking his head. "once he's finished feeding he will be calm and relaxed." Gabriel admitted :we will talk to him then."
Tom smiled slightly, running his hand through his hair, avoiding the vampire's eyes because he had a feeling that the man had guessed at what he hadn't said."He made me leave the room.He didn't...he was furious, but he was in control."Tom said sighing softly."He didn't hurt me, even though he had every reason to."He said biting his lip. Worried about what they would do with a insane harry. Finding himself actually worried about it.
there was a brief pause and then. "if Harry has the self control to keep himself from attacking you when he's that angry, then i don't think we have to worry too much about him going insane." Gabriel decided snape nodding in agreement. "Harry has finished feeding, come." he ordered getting to his feet and flashing tom a Bright smirk. "i do beleive Harry is feeling exceptionally guilty about, how does he say it? 'practically raping you'. my the child has an interesting way of thinking sometimes." Gabriel admitted, looking very pleased by that. Harry was just what the vampire world needed. he led the way into Harry's room, which was still a mess, Snape grunting, impressed as he watched Harry trying to pick up the mess, certain that he was going to be punished for ruining the things. he hadn't met Lucius yet but he remembered the man's fury in second year, fury that had frightened him even more than Vernon had. "oh!" Harry whipped around, eyes wide as he stared at them, swallowing hard. "i..i sorry i..." "Calm down boy!" Snape ordered Gabriel shooting Snape a glare. "harry, so calm down your not in trouble in the least." "but..." "Tom isn't even upset either so you can forget that train of thought too." "but..." "now, we have matters to discuss containing your health and i need you to get comfy so Professor snape can scan your mind." "...but..." Harry complained, confused but no longer afraid as he settled into his nest, snape lifting an eyebrow at the messy concoction that was Harry's 'bed'.
Asher snickered as he made himself comfortable on the edge of the bed before pointing out."Lucius will find the fact that you destroyed his furniture more amusing then anything....of course, it will give narcissa a reason to redecorate here, and he can go home to the manor sooner. He does miss home."He laughed softly. Looking at the dark lord, smirking wider."And tom's enjoying himself to much to be worried about being bit."

"...why are we dis-"Lucius stopped.Blinked at the mess in the room,"Are we having a meeting in here?"
Snape rolled his eyes at all of this as Harry went beat red and muttered something as he fidgeted. "hush everyone. Harry i must look into your mind." Snape finally stated crouching in front of Harry. "will you allow me to do this?" harry hesitated, looking to Gabriel and Asher for support before he nodded and closed his eyes, Snape nodding as he cast the spell and sunk himself into the boy's mind, rooting through the shattered remains of memories before slowly beginning to piece them together, very carefully to see which could be saved and which would have to be discarded, he wouldn't get far, he only had to do a few fragments before Harry's mind caught on and started to do it for itself. "...the boy will be fine." Snape stated simply. "his memories are already starting to piece themselves together. there might be a few 'episodes' being as how he has always had a right foul temper, but he should be much more stable now." Snape promised. "there is no risk for him going insane now, though he would have if i hadn't shown his mind what to do." he admitted looking at them all before gently covering Harry with a blanket, the brunette sleeping yet again. "he will no doubt be switching between personalities until the memories settle, and he will often be confused. you will need to be very patient with him, and avoid yelling if at all possible, it will frighten him or anger him depending on which personality is in control at the time." "what do you mean 'depending on which personality?" Gabe demanded suspiciously, Snape hesitating then. "..Harry is developing Multi-Personality Syndrome, the mix of the potion, the spell on him that i just broke, and the vampirism has split his memories, and his mind, into two separate people, who are going to be very aware of each other so don't be surprised if he stares at nothing for periods of time."
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