Blood Fury and Love

Harry gasped loudly as Tom moved, and then moaned loudly at the cock striking his prostate. "a..aaah ye...yes! good! so good!" Harry moaned, blushing harder as he reached down and started stroking himself, feeling like he needed to, he could feel his orgasm building already, and he wanted it to come faster. "please, Tom, faster." Harry moaned, squirming against the man again. "i..aaah god i like this...nnn faster Tom.."

Draco smiled back and gently stroked the others cheek. "i love YOU, Asher." Draco said softly. "only you... the only reason why i let Gabe fuck me, is because you seam to enjoy it, and because you get so possessive of me after i feel safe and warm and WANTED." he admitted kissing the others forehead. "but i don't need to let Gabe touch me, to know you want me, and i would be perfectly fine if you asked to never let him touch me again." he admitted before smirking. "you know what's really sad though? my uncles love Gabe, but he doesn't realize it. and Gabe loves them but they don't realize it, and their all miserable thinking that they don't love each other....we should really do something about this."
Tom laughed softly as he took his time,starting to go faster,teasing him as he kissed the other hard."come for me.."He growled kissing him hard, tangling his fingers in his hair.Holding him close as he fucked him as hard as he wanted it.

Asher swallowed hard,relaxing even more at the reassurances as he snuggled into him,nodding a little."Well, we got tom and harry together. I'm sure convincing gabe to admit to it in front of the boys."He snickered a little, knowing it was going to take a lot to convince the older vampire taht he really was loved,and that he should tell the twins before he lost them.
Harry moaned and groaned and squirmed harder as he panted harder against his lover, mewling in pleasure as the fingers tangled in his hair, kissing Tom back as he whimpered, shuddering as he Came, his ass tightening hard around the Dark lord as he trembled and jerked and gasped in pleasure. "mm..mmm!!! f..fu...fuck! yessss..."

Draco smiled a little and nodded. "i think we should get the boys to admit it, Gabe never will. he's too afraid." he muttered shaking his head. "of what i will never know." Draco admitted with a small sigh. "i think it would be easier to get Uncle Rudolphus to admit it, i think he already knows Gabe loves the,... Rabastan isn't so certain though..." Draco admitted sighing a little. "i'm still horny Asher...." Draco complained sulking at the other. "and i still need to 'punish' you for teasing me." he admitted smirking at the other. "how many spanks do you think? ten or twenty?"
Tom moaned biting down on the other's neck, coming as he held the other close, whimpering softly. Sighing in pleasure as he drew out of the other, muttering a cleaning charm before settling on top of the other, cuddling next to him, closing his eyes." good..."He muttered.

Asher laughed softly biting his lip. Letting go of the other worries for the moment, he knew what gabe was afraid of, and he understood it. maybe...they could get both of them to admit it. Smiling he looked at his blond, running his fingers through his hair."oh I think twenty, after all I've kept you waiting."He said laughing as he eased away from the other, laying out on the bed on his hands and knees, leaning forward, ass in the air as he rested his cheek on his arms looking over his shoulder at the other man, golden blond hair hiding just as much as it was showing."Come on love, punish me master."He teased.
Harry moaned happily, smiling a little as he slowly dozed on the bed next to tom, a small, happy little smile on his face. "mmm very good." he purred happily, carefully turning over to Nuzzle Tom's neck. "mine." harry growled rather possessively as he wrapped his arms around Tom's waist and sighed softly. "all mine."

Draco laughed as he licked his lips, settling his hands on Asher's ass, looking up at the other, a smirk on his lips. "i only do this because i love you." he teased before his hand fell onto Asher's ass once, pausing to rub the red mark away before slapping it again, as hard as he could. "count them Lovely, i do beleive that was two." Draco growled, smirking as he continued. stopping, and restarting to count if Asher stuttered or miscounted.
Tom smiled closing his eyes, falling asleep with the other wrapped in his arms."All yours."He muttered as he drifted off.

Rabastan sighed softly as him and Rudy walked into Gabriel's office, having gone to make sure that someone had picked up dudley. While staying out of sight."So far, everything's going as planned. Little fat one told them what happened, and the world is in a uproar thinking its savior is dead. Now we'll just have to make lucy keep searching and everything will fall into place."He said with a smirk walking over dropping a kiss on Gabriel's head as he leaned against the back of his chair to see what he was working on."I'm amazed Ashers the one who thought of this. Of everyone, you'd think he'd be stupid, he's to pretty. But he has his moments of brillance."

It took three times to make it to twenty, as asher kept losing count, and stuttering as Draco smacked him. Trembling as he looked at the other he pulled him around for a kiss when the spanking was done, holding him close."I love you master."He muttered hands running over the other's skin. Before settling back, pulling the blond between his legs, wanting fucked face to face, needing to have that connection with him.
Gabe smiled a little and nodded. "and where have they taken him?" Gabe asked curiously smiling at his favorite boys. "of course Asher is brilliant, he's not my second for nothing." he stated simply. "the only reason he's not the Full Patriarch of all the Vampires is because i'm stronger that he is." he admitted simply smirking a little as he worked on his Sudoku puzzle. he wasn't even working!

Draco smirked as he watched the other stuttering and whining, rubbing his hands from the sting smirking as he was pulled practically on top of his lover, sighing softly. "mmm i love you too Asher." he murmured softly nuzzling the other, biting and nibbling at his neck as he slowly began to sink into the other, panting hard. "mmm fuuuck yesss." he moaned smirking a little. "your always so tight." he purred smirking as he bent down and kissed the other hard. moaning lightly.
rabastan snickered as he looked at what the other was doing. It was so like gabe to be hiding in here as if he was working, and not doing anything important. He figured it was a habit long taught, at least Asher usually didn't bother gabe if he was workking...or appeared to be doing so. "He's currently at the ministry, but with plans on going to the red head clan's home, or that manor."He frowned a little."Though it's Harry's, it is being used as a base of operations. We cant get in, but we know its there. Bella is always vexed about them using it."He said shuddering at the mention of his sister in law.

Asher moaned hand fisted in the other's hair as he kissed him, biting his lower lip, moaning as blood filled his mouth, sucking on the blond's lip as he was fucked, and fed from the man in his arms. Trembling and shaking, shifting against the other, his eyes wide with pleasure. It was so rare that he bottomed, it was always a nice, pleasant surprise.
Gabe smirked a little as his boys realized that he wasn't working . "well, if he ends up in the red headed clan then they might torment him for what he did to Harry. i'll see if our spy in the ministry, and in the Order can't pull rank and make sure Dudley get's the poor boy into the Black household." he muttered before pausing. "you know, with harry 'dead' wouldn't the house immediately fall into Bella's possession?" "...i don't know sir." Rudolphus admitted looking a little upset. "the goblins know that Harry isn't dead, as the spells saying so wouldn't have activated....with him missing however Dumbledore will be locked out of all bank vaults and all of harry's possessions will be pulled from any one else's control..." including the house, hell most of the order members, and all things not specifically belonging to harry had probably already been spit out of Grimmauld place. after all none of them had written permission for them to be there, so fidealus charm or not, they had been kicked out.

Draco moaned eagerly, jerking at the bite and the pleasure that flowed through him after as he thrust harder into the other, gripping his hips tightly as he fucked his lover. "mmm Asher! oooh GOD!" he groaned arching against the man and panting hard. "m..mmm fuuuck your gonna make me cum if you keep doing that." he whined, jerking against the man again.
Rabastian snickered a the idea."Now that's something I would love to see. Dumbledore getting kicked out."He said amused tilting his head as he thought before shaking his head."No.No...Bellatrix is female, and therefore wouldn't inherit before a male child. As the oldest,only, male child of Black's line, Draco would get things if Harry was dead. But. As long as the spells aren't activated to give it to him, Lucius can claim to still be 'searching' for harry."

Asher growled softly pulling away trembling a little before smirking lower his head to his neck."I know I will."He purred suckng gently on the blond's neck before biting down, moaning at the taste of his blond, sighing as blood flowed, holding him tightly as he came all over their chests.
Rudolphus laughed and nodded. "i'm honestly glad that Bella is never going to get her grubby hands on Harry's house." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i might be married to the bitch but damn if i don't hate her to pieces." he admitted sighing a little. "i'm eagerly awaiting the day she is no longer useful to Tom and we all kill her. he admitted flopping down onto the bed with a small sigh. "so i saw something interesting while on our way down here." he admitted with a small smirk. "Harry's getting screwed by our residential dark lord." "i know." Gabriel stated simply. "and Shadow is pissed about it too." Gabe admitted looking amused. "he's very upset that his ass hurts so much and he's planning on hiding in some random room and Ambushing Tom later to make him pay for it." he smirked. "by fucking him into the nearest available surface." "or in Shadows mind, raping him, right?" Rudolphus asked smirking a little. "i knew i liked that kid."

Draco moaned eagerly at the second bite and the feeling of his lover cumming, and he jerked hard into him, thrusting almost violently before he too Came, tossing his head back with an eager little cry of pleasure, trembling against him. "yesss, oooh FUCK Asher." he moaned smirking a little as he collapsed onto the other with a small groan. "mmm that was perfect." he muttered softly closing his eyes. "i'm thirsty." he admitted panting hard. "and i want to smear whipped cream all over you for round two. stay here, i'll be right back!" he ordered, smirking as he got to his feet and bounded out, Draco always had so much energy after topping.

Shadow grumbled and growled as he slipped out of bed, shooting the sleeping Tom a nasty glare as he rubbed his ass and got dressed, making sure the other didn't wake up as he slid out of the room and ran straight into Draco, both boys Yelping and stumbling away from each other as Shadow shook his head. "hey! watch where your going!...Draco was it?" Shadow demanded looking over the blond, who had, for some reason grown his hair out to the backs of his knees and tied it into a braid. "... nice hair." "thank you." Draco stated looking both puzzled and amused. "do you know where..." "i don't have time for questions, i have to hide before Tom wakes up. " "but i just..." "shush! you'll wake him up! i need to rape him back the bastard! how DARE he take advantage of Harry like that!" "ok but..." "i said hush... go play with Asher!" Shadow demanded glaring at him again before sniffing and flouncing off, never bothering to Care that Draco had even changed into a pair of Dragon Leather pants and a Dragon scale shirt. both very tough clothes, usually used by people who work on the black market for protection. "...ok then.." Draco muttered looking properly flummoxed and amused at the same time.
Rabastan snickered flopping down next to his brother as he looed at gabe."One, tom would probably bottom if asked, hell he enjoys getting fucked no matter what. So shadow's revenge wont be that bad. And two, you better not let tom hear you like him.He might take it the wrong way."He pointed out snickering as he sighed."I vote we let shadow deal with bella. He'll enjoy it."

Asher laughed watching him go, smirking as he got up himself, wanting to make sure everything was fine with things before draco got back. Amused because he knew he'd beat draco back to bed, and his blond would never know he left. Tugging on his own jeans he walked into the hall, before stopping. Staring at the man in front of him, frowning hard. HIs mind not believing what he was saying."Little pretty, if you want me to fuck you, you need to change out of pretty's clothes."He said slowly staring at Drago, not understanding what his eyes were seeing. He was intelligent, but not knowing about a 'dead' twin had hobbled, and confused the poor vampire.
"Gabe laughed a little and nodded smirking a little before pausing, looking confused. "that's strange..." he muttered watching Draco dart past their room and intot he kitchen next to it. "...but...Shadow was just talking to Draco... and Asher's talking to him now." he paused and stood up, scattering the chair to the floor. "DRACO!" he yelled rushing over to the kitchen, Draco blinking as he looked up from the can of whipped cream that he was spraying into his mouth, very unlike a pure blood. "whu?" he demanded frowning a little as he swallowed the whipped cream. "i didn't do anything! ask Harry." "..." Gabe turned and fled the room, running to where asher was standing in front of 'Draco' his mouth falling open. "what the fuck!?"

Draco, who was not Draco turned to Asher and blinked, looking baffled again. "uhm...pretty?" he asked wondering if this was some strange vampire habit of hitting on someone. he shrugged a little and patted his clothes. "i like them actually, very comfy, and very tough." he admitted, not seeming to recognize ho Asher was. "have you seen a Draco Malfoy around?" he asked his head tilted as Draco came barreling down the hallway to demand what the hell was Gabe's problem, whipped cream at the corners of his mouth before he froze, staring wide eyed at his double, the double pausing to stare at Draco, both of them looking shell shocked. "Draco... who is this?" Gabe demanded looking at Draco who shook his head. "i...i don't have a clue..." Draco muttered, blinking in astonishment as his double stepped forward, silver eyes wide on both counts as the double reached up and stoked Draco's hair curiously. "how strange..." the double muttered before grabbing Draco's arm tightly and doing what shouldn't have been possible, for someone Draco's age anyway, he side stepped. a combination of Teleportation and Apparation that required massive amounts of magic and energy. there was a sound like a breeze, and then both Draco's...where gone.
Asher froze, staring where his lover had been before turning, staring at Gabriel for a long moment, shifting his eyes to the side, baring his teeth in a snarl. Still in enough control to know better then to attack the vampire in front of him,but dammit, if he Did Not Move he was going to.

Rabastan swallowed hard as he and lucius walked slowly, nearing the two vampires, slowly walking forward. Seeing Asher's hair swirling around his shoulders, and feeling his anger like it was a tangible thing, he was wondering if he wanted to get any closer."Gabe?" Lucius swallowed hard having gotten a quick explanation, and having let severus to wake narcissa, he'd hurried over here."Asher, we will explain. I don't..this shouldn't have happened. What happened?"He said looking for his son, or Grago.
Gabe shook his head stepping forward, doing something he rarely had to do. he used his power as the Lord of Vampires and pushed Calm into Asher, forcing the man's rage down before he did something drastic. "Asher you need to calm down so we can find out what happened and do something about it. don't make me tie you up and leave you in a closet again." he ordered with a small growl of his own ass Narcissa and Snape ran into the room, breathless and horrified. "you said you saw two Draco's!?" Narcissa demanded, eyes wide with shock and...hope? "oh my god my baby! my baby is alive!" she wailed, clapping her hands to her eyes and collapsing, Snape barley managing to catch her before she hit the ground. "dammit woman get a hold of yourself!" Snape ordered glancing up at Lucius. "do you want me to explain?" he demanded Gabe and the Lestrange brother turning to snape, the Malfoy's looked a little... out of it, for a proper story time.

"when Narcissa was pregnant, she didn't have only one little boy. she had two. they named the first born Draco, and the second born Drago. both mean Dragon, i thought it was cute myself. they where always nearly inseparable, they always played together, always made up stories with each other. always pissed me off together." he smiled a little before he closed his eyes. "when they where seven they where kidnapped by a man who wanted money. we still don't know how he got into the Wards. he took both boys, and vanished. well the ministry was going to be no help, this we already knew, so we paid the money and waited... but, we only found Draco, locked in a house, in the closet, alone and in the dark..." he shook his head. "Draco has been terrified of being left alone, or even being alone since then." "that's why he clings to Asher like that..." Rudolphus whispered, startled Snape nodding. "but what happened to Drago?" Gabe demanded, startled.

"Draco, for the first week after we found him would only talk about the 'shadow man' and 'Drago died'. apparently the man got angry about Drago crying, and flung him against the wall. when he stopped moving Draco assumed his brother was dead...we all did." Snape admitted swallowing hard. "Draco doesn't remember any of this, after a week passed, he sort of...snapped into himself and forgot everything. he never spoke of Drago again, and neither did we." Snape admitted closing his eyes. "and now...Drago is apparently alive... and has just kidnapped his own brother for god only knows what." he muttered shaking his head as he took Lucius's hand and squeezed it tightly. "but we'll find him i'm sure... both of them this time."
Lucius squeezed his hand back staring at the vampire in front of him, trying to get those blue eyes to met his, but Asher was staring hard at Gabriel.As if the other man was the only thing that was keeping him from losing it. And he was. "We'll find them."He growled sounding angry himself, "We'll start off at the black market."He turned looking at his brother in laws."You two. Take some of the death eaters, find what you can. I'll-we'll wake up tom and harry. Of anyone, tom'll know where to look, for someone willing to chance kidnapping a death eater's son."He swallowed hard.

Asher swallowed shivering a little, meeting Gabriel's eyes. He had a idea... a reckless, foolish idea...but he could find him. Maybe."I fed.Right before.He's blood of my blood."He said slowly smiling a little. "He keeps me alive. I can find him.With help."He said knowing he wasn't good enough at vampire tracking magic to try it, not and come out whole. But maybe...maybe he could give them a direction.
Gabriel kept pushing Asher's rage down, it was hard, and it took effort, but it was better than the vampire slaughtering them all. "hey...what's going on?" Shadow demanded, having been going to stomp back to tom and shake the man awake blinking in astonishment when instead of explaining, Gabe just opened his memories and shared the experience with Harry, er, shadow. who gasped in horror and dropped both items. "i'll make sure to find out everything i can." Rudolphus promised before disaparating, and taking his brother with him.

"i can lend you the energy you need." Gabe finally promised Asher. "Harry, you have a lot of energy as well, would you mind lending some to Asher?" "to find the little dipshit? sure." Shadow agreed stepping forward and setting his hand in Gabe's, offering his hand to Asher. you had to touch to lend energy after all, and Harry was more than willing to help find the little pretty one that Asher seamed to love, and Shadow was willing to do just about anything that Harry was. "you focus on Draco." Gabe ordered. "we'll feed our magic to you, and break off the connection if we start loosing too much." Gabe promised, taking Asher's other hand. "good luck."

three hundred or so miles away or so Drago had dragged Draco into an abandoned house and sat him down on a couch. "who are you and why the HELL do you look exactly like me!?" "i don't know why don't you tell me!?" Draco demanded, both boys examining each other closely before Draco reached down and pulled up his pants leg, Drago following suit after a stern look from Draco, revealing identical birthmarks, though Drago had a scar running neatly through his. all Malfoy's had that birthmark, even Lucius had it. it was just a little black dot on the inside left ankle, that was it. but it was enough to know when someone was pretending to be a Malfoy and when one really was a Malfoy. "well, your definitely a Malfoy." Draco grumbled. "really? how can you tell?" Drago asked. "that birthmark on your Ankle is something only those of the Malfoy line have."
Tom stepped into the hall after shadow, studying the two before pointing to snape."Get them in bed. They're in no shape to help.'"He ordered looking at lucius and narcissa, before looking at the vampires. Baring his teeth in a snarl. Angry that someone had walked into his home, had hurt a friend, and stolen a friend's child. This would not do."Go.I'll take care of them."He growled, seeing the indecision on asher's face.

Asher growled softly dipping his head in agreement."You two die, I'm going to come back and kill you again."He growled at the two vampires, walking forward and wrapping his hands around theirs, swallowing hard."If...if I don't get back. You'll take care of him."He ordered, not waiting for a answer as he pulled the energy he needed, and fed it into the spell. Cursing as he took a step between, nearly falling as he found himself in the kitchen of the house."Bloody hell."He cursed amused to find himself alone. And glad for it. At least this time gabriel wouldn't be laughing at him for being less then composed. Growling as he stalked into other room he glowered at the two staring at each other."Must I teach you how to beat up people again little pretty?"He growled extremely unhappy about this. Despite it being draco's twin, he wasso not happy about drago's prescence.
Snape nodded and picked Narcissa upo, the woman still sobbing into her hands as she had been through all of this, gently nudging Lucius towards the bedroom obediently as Shadow and Gabe both nodded. Gabe managed to stay upright after Asher vanished but Shadow groaned and collapsed into Tom, passing out from the amount of energy that he suddenly found missing. he wasn't anywhere near danger levels, it was just shocking to suddenly find so much missing. "you in trouble by the way." Gabe teased Tom. "Shadow is very unhappy about having a sore ass." "g'na...rape you...later." Shadow panted softly as he struggled to find his feet again. "take him to bed Tom while i go check in on Lucius and Narcissa."

Draco and Drago turned to look at him and Draco smiled, looking relieved and Drago grinned, looking amused. "well damn they found you faster than i thought they would, i still have questions." "yes well, Asher is VERY possessive of me." Draco stated rather loftily. "come on, you admitted yourself not two seconds ago that your not going to take me to your employer." "of course not, your family...somehow. and i've always wanted a family." Drago admitted. "i just didn't know you where family when i kidnapped you." "Asher, love sit down you look dead on your feet." Draco muttered, worried about his lover. "do you need to feed?" "feed? ooh my, that's kinky." "shut up Drago." Draco ordered scowling at his...twin. "you're not helping. he already wants to kill you." "everyone wants to kill me."
Tom winced blushing slightly as he looked at gabe."It's not nice easedropping on people."He whined smirking a little."Let me know if you need anything."He said before carrying the young vampire back to his room,cuddling into him as they laid down.

Lucius swallowed hard looking up as Gabe came into the room, leaning back against the headboard as he held Narcissa in his arms, pressing a kiss to her head."Did asher find them?"He asked softly looking concerned.

Asher bared his teeth in a growl, stumbling slightly as he moved to sit down next to Draco, growling as he pulled his pretty into his lap, wrapping his arms around him. "Yes,but I'm sure your list doesn't include a vampire who's spent centuries learning on how to keep a victim alive."He snarled resting his forehead against Draco's shoulder.Despite sounding threatening, he was so, so tired."And I found you fast, because I am just that good."
Gabe smirked a little at the other and simply waved him off as he moved down the hall to follow Lucius and Snape. Narcissa had nee fed a calming and a sleeping drought and was sleeping peacefully in Lucius's arms while Snape busied himself making another batch for everyone else. "i think so, he's gone in any case." Gabe admitted. "if he hasn't found him by now i'm sure he'd have sent a message through our mental link." he admitted sitting down next to the bed. "how is the Lady doing?" "she was in hysterics." Snape explained. "and Shock, here Luc drink this, it's a calming drought, it will help you get out of shock." he promised turning to Gabe. "how will they get back?" "well, after some rest Asher can shadow leap them." he explained. "it doesn't take too much energy but you should make a blood replenishing potion for Draco in case Asher has to feed." "on it." Snape promised, moving to start another potion.

Draco allowed this to happen and pressed a kiss to Asher's cheek. "calm down." he murmured softly. "Drago sit down!" "you know for a kidnapped kid you sure are bossy." Drago complained, but sat down anyway. "is ANYONE going to explain what the hell is going on!?" "you know for a big shot criminal you sure do WHINE a lot." Draco taunted shooting his brother a glare, though the boy just smirked at the,. "but seriously love...what IS going on? do you know?" draco asked, a frown creasing his forehead.
Lucius smiled sipping his potion before sighing softly, stroking narcissa's hair."I'm ine sev."He muttered amused at the man's fussing."Will asher... leave him alive?"He asked, curious. Having once pushed the vampire past his endurance level, he knew what waited his missing son should asher lose control.

"I know that my head hurts."He grumbled before sighing."I'm assuming he was sent after you for a reason."He sighed softly."Someone knows you're a death eater, because of lucius...or wanted you out of the way for personal reasons.."He sighed a little, "Someone wants you out of the way. They didn't count on having a vampire being able to track you. If you'd just gone missing, tom and the other's would have taken days to find you, if me,gabe, and...the other was staying at riddle manor."He said, not about to betray harry's presence to an outsider. Before smirking."Let me feed on him.It's his fault I don't feel good. Make him make it better."he pouted ignoring Dracos' worried look.
Gabe hesitated then. "i think Draco should be able to keep him calm enough... so long as Draco isn't hurt, Drago, i think, will be fine." he decided nodding. "right now Asher is mostly tired and sore,he's upset but not angry yet so i assume everything is going alright." he admitted shaking his head a little. "this must be very devastating for you..."

Drago blinked a little then. "my employer, i don't know who it was, sorry, wanted to use Draco as a way to make Tom Riddle, whoever that is, back off in some war that's been going on for centuries." he explained shrugging a little. "something about getting even on an Asher too, i didn't get all of it, i mostly ignored him on the telephone." "the what?" Draco demanded looking baffled Drago blinking at him. "it's a muggle thing that allows us to communicate far away, like a fire call but with only voice." "...what a waste of time." Draco complained scowling a little. "in any case Asher i don't want you to feed on him, he looks too much like me, you might get confused." he complained, honestly worried that Asher might try feeling up Drago by mistake. "just drink love, then you can take me AND Drago home." " i going back with you then?" Drago asked, looking rather excited. "people will know whats going on back there right?" "i hope so."
"Its....not really getting to me.Yet."Lucius said looking slightly amused."I didn't see him. At the moment...its more like a moment I dreamed, that he's alive."He smiled a little."But it will be good to have him home.If he comes back with them."

Asher growled a little at the idea of mixing up the two, tightening his arms around the blond in his hold."I am not that stupid little pretty."He growled softly, his anger finding a target, wrapping his fingers in Draco's hair, yanking his head back as he sank his fangs into the blond's neck.Feeding,but as angry as he was he made sure he didn't hurt Draco. Sighing softly as he raised his head, licking the wound closed before resting his forehead on Draco's shoulder."We're making him sleep in pretty's bedroom.Far away from mine."He decided.
he nodded a little. "your going to have to explain things to Draco." he muttered looking at Lucius. "you realize this? he's probably going to be furious with you." he smiled a little. "or furious at someone in any case... it will probably end up being you though since your the only person he can get angry at for no real reason."

Draco shrugged a little and moaned as the fangs sunk into his skin, shivering underneath Asher as Drago watched, still with amusement. "you know Draco does have a point." he stated simply. "all i have to do is cut my hair." he shuddered with distaste at the mere thought. "and he and i would look like mirror images. we even have the same birthmark! look!" "oh Drago shut up already...don't you ever shut up?" "" Drago admitted. "if i don't talk then no one talks and SOMEONE has to talk or it would be all quiet and i hate the quiet." Drago admitted softly Draco looking startled. "come on Asher, let's go home... i'm sure Drago will calm down and everything will make sense once we talk to father..."
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