Blood Fury and Love

Asher snickered watching him go before looking at the other's beofre collapsing into one of the chairs by the fire,pulling draco into his lap, kissing him softly."You'll be punishing me?"He asked amused. Glancing up when the others came in, though he looked a little out of sorts, he looked better then he had been.

Tom sighed running his fingers through his mussed up hair, givng them all a look."Why did you get me out of bed?I was resting."He said sitting down.
Shadow smirked as he wandered in after tom. "you mean i was finished owning your ass and you where on the verge of passing out..." he glared suddenly. "what the hell is HE doing here!? why haven't we killed him yet!?" he demanded Glaring at Drago who blinked and rased a hand. "i was only doing my job you know, and i only kidnapped Draco because i wanted to find out why he looked exactly like me. i was SUPPOSED to just kill him... but i don't kill innocent people and Draco, as far as i could tell, was innocent." Shadow narrowed his eyes at Drago but calmed when Gabe set a hand on his shoulder. "now Shadow, calm down. if Asher can handle being alright with Drago i'm sure you can too." "...yeah, fine...whatever..." Shadow growled. "so... this is Shadow.." Drago mused looking around. "which one is Harry?" he asked trying to find another boy their age, figuring that tom was, well Tom, no one could mistake tom for anyone but tom. the Lestrange brothers looked too much like brothers to be a harry.. so? "i'm harry. and i'm Shadow." Shadow stated with narrowed eyes. "two minds one body." Drago didn't get it but he decided not to push his luck with the short fused man.
Asher smirked a little as he pressed a kiss to draco's shoulder, heh. Let the boy suffer harry's temper. At least he could enjoy his confusuion without getting smacked for being a inconsiderate bastard. Smirking as he looked at the other vampire. "Gabe did you leave the boys sleeping?" "No. Just getting food. Having sex is hard."Rabastan said as he came into the room nibbling on food, ignoring the snickers he got. Sitting down he sighed softly."So, what's got gabe's panties in a twist? I dont like him upset."He said, proving he knew his lover better then most thought he would. Even if the older vampire wasn't showing concern, he knew gabe was thinking to hard about something.
Gabe scowled at Rabastan a little as Rudolphus came in. "probably the same thing that's got Asher upset." he admitted sitting down in Gabe's lap, Drago silently moving over to where there was less people, hovering near his father yet trying to distance himself at the same time, nervous about such a large crowd, many of whom where sending him heated glares. "we have a problem, and be NICE to Drago for Christ sakes! he's staying and that's that!" Draco snarled glaring at everyone, Shadow sighing as he crossed his arms and grumbled about damn pretty boys and their over dramatics. "Asher, would you mind explaining again or do you want me to make Gabe do it?" he asked, worried about Asher. "Draco what's going on?" Snape finally asked, frowning a little as he sat down closer to Drago so the poor boy had someone to hide behind. "we should get Narcissa back out here." "i'll do it." Drago stated nervously, vanishing into the back room to fetch Narcissa, eager to have one more person on 'his side' just in case someone tried to kill him after all. once they where all settled Drago and Narcissa settled next to Snape again and both pretended to look like they hadn't just made a fool of themselves.
Asher frowned resting his forehead on Draco's shoulders,"Would everyone stop staring at me!"He whined closing his eyes as he struggled for calm."We have... a problem.Drago was sent here by a vampire who's both a enemy to me and Gabe. He's chosen, we think, to side with dumbledore simply because we're on this side of the war." Lucius frowned a little."Does that mean our plan for harry's 'return' is compromised?" "No.It shouldn't be. He hasn't been around us for years, he shouldnt be able to predict us, as well as we can predict him. Even though we're losing the ability to do so."He sighed frustrated at not knowing more
shadow looked startled and Drago did too. "Kaleo?" he asked looking rather upset. "but... he was so nice to me." he complained scowling a little more. "he wouldn't side with a madman like Dumbledore! everyone knows that Dumbledore is going more and more insane with every passing week! Kaleo wouldn't do that!" Draco looked startled and Shadow looked stunned before Gabe sighed softly. "Drago..Kaleo... is not a good person." he muttered softly. "he thinks he is in love with Asher, he thinks if he kills me then Asher will go back to him..." "...your lying! Kaleo loves me! he said so!" Drago protested leaping to his feet, trembling violently. "he loves me i know he does!" Gabe shook his head. "Kaleo is using you..." "your lying!" Drago yelled, spinning on his heal and moving into the bedroom, since the door was blocked by everyone else, and slamming the door shut to sulk, Draco wincing a little. "...that...was unexpected..." Narcissa muttered, shocked by her long lost son's heartbroken expression. Harry even looked surprised. "that poor guy." the little gryffindor muttered, Shadow leaving so he wouldn't have to let anyone realize that he too felt bad for Drago.
Tom smiled slightlyl at harry's return, amsued shadow had fled in the effort to not show he felt bad for drago. Nodding a little he leaned back in his chair, biting his lip."Its hard...realizing the person you're in love with, isnt the person you think he is." Asher nodded studying the dark lord before leaning back in his seat, his eyes on the fire."Even if your not in love with him, Kaleo inspires strong emotions." Rabastan looked surprised at drago's reaction before smiling slightly as he looked at asher."When was the last time you saw him?" "...uhh...1777?Maybe.I think...he was...a dragoon in the royal army. Despite being a wizard, he liked the muggles more."He said sounding amused and pained.Remembering the man he'd been before the thought of eternity had driven the man insane.
Harry smiled at Tom a little and took his hand in his shaking his head, "i don't think Drago is willing to accept that he was being used... Merlin knows i wasn't ready to face that fact." he admitted softly. "and i didn't even like the person who was using me in the first place!" he paused at the date then. "god your old..." he stated before looking startled, looking at gabe. "and how old are you!?" " oh... maybe..." he paused and thought. "let's see i was born in 1650 so that would make me....." he paused and blinked at Asher. "in any case Asher is MUCH older than i am. he was my self proclaimed big brother for nearly three centuries!" Draco smirked a little. "aaaw that's cute." Draco teased. "i didn't realize that Gabe was younger than you."
Asher smirked, "Yea well its just cause I look younger."He smirked at the other, knowing there was no recorded date of when he'd been born. And yet, there were statues around, statues that past showed a man who artists loved because he was beautiful. "I enjoy being young." Tom smirked, "Get him drunk sometimes. He starts speaking egyptian."He snickered. "Egyptian?"Lucius stared at the man he usually thought was just a goofy young vampire, who turned out to be so much older. "yes. It was common when I was growing up."asher protested blushing.
Gabe snickered a little and nodded. "yeah Asher is immensely old." he admitted smirking at the other. "in all honesty if it wasn't for him i never would have survived as a child." he admitted sighing a little as he pouted at Asher. "and he never lets me forget it either, which is funny because i was only twelve when i fist managed to kick his ass." he paused. "well... a hundred and twenty..." he chirped grinning a little at his friend as Draco gaped at Asher. "you speak Egyptian!? that's totally cool.... but we're WAY off topic right now." Draco stated Harry snorting a little. "i'll say." he stated sighing a little. "what about this Kaleo? will he be able to find Drago?" "no." Gabe stated calmly. "i have Drago under a cloaking, Kaleo won't be able to trace him like Asher did, you have to have a very intense focus and Kaleo's not capable of that anymore."
Asher snickered little."Not that he could ever focus on anything but getting in my pants."he grumbled before laughing softly."No. Kaleo'll assume something happened, and wont come looking for him.A lost tool. He'll assume he's not useful now."He said knowing kaleo thought of them all like pawns on a chessboard, with asher as the king."Lucius,your still at the ministry.See what kaleo's up to. He'll get involved more." Lucius nodded slightly looking concerned. Wondering just how bad things were going to go
Snape bit his lip a little then. "i can keep tabs at the school yet, as far as Dumbledore knows i'm still his loyal pawn. i might even be able to meet this Kaleo for myself if i'm lucky enough." he admitted running a hand through his hair and sighing a little shaking his head as Draco sighed. "i'm going to stay here, we can say i was attacked and got badly hurt and that i have to recover." he stated simply. "that way Kaleo will simply follow up on the assumption that Drago was 'lost'." Harry nodded. "in the mean time i'm still dead so i won't be much help yet." Gabe smirked a little. "i will have my subjects pull back. Tom have one of your death eaters attack one of my people, someone you trust not to die, this will lead to the assumption that we have declined your hand of friendship." "i will talk to Fenrir too." Draco decided. "he's been antsy sitting in his house all day, i'd feel better if he was here guarding someone, Harry maybe, or Drago."
Asher squirmed a little, growling a little at the idea of fenrir guarding Draco. As if he wasnt good enough to protect him."Give him to drago."he said. "Harry's got tom and you got me. He needs someone." Lucius snickered raising a eyebrow as he looked at the vampire."Are you playing matchmaker again?" Tom nodded slightly thinking it over looking at the lestrange brothers."As part of my inner circle, I assume I can trust you not to get yourselves killed?"
Draco smirked a little and nodded. "alright, i think Drago could use the company anyway." he admitted shooting the room a worried look. "do you think someone aught to check up on him?" he asked nervously. Harry standing up and kissing Tom's forehead before heading into the room, closing the door carefully behind him and silencing it so no one could hear what he and Drago where talking about. "right, i'll call Fen then." Draco decided grinning at Asher. "wanna come with? he's always wanted to meet you.. he's as much of my uncle as Snape is my father." he admitted looking pleased by Narcissa's grimace. it was no secrete that Fenrir scared the hell out of her, and she hated it when the man was near her child...children, but she also knew Fenrir wouldn't hurt Draco, why she never understood, but she supposed it didn't matter, so long as he behaved. Rudophus smirked at Tom and lifted an eyebrow. "you want us to attack the vampires?" he asked looking amused. "yeah, we can do that can't we Rabby?" he asked his brother, snickering as he stood up and cracked his knuckles, Gabe chuckling a little. "this will be very amusing to watch. i will inform my brethren what is happening so they don't actually try to kill you."
Rabastan nodded laughing softly."That would be nice."His smirk widened as he looked at his lover, tilting his head as he stood."Rudy, I think we should start our attack with the best of them all first.What do you say?" "Hey!Leave my ass out of this."Asher protsted grinning as he wrapped a amr around draco's waist, kissing his head as he walked out of the room. Looking at draco before sighing."Why does he want to meet me?"He asked curious.
Draco laughed as Rudolphus laughed as well. "no that would be Gabriel! and i don't think we can honestly take him... i don't think we can in-honestly take him!" "damn right." he teased getting to his feet, glancing at the door and nodding. "Harry is going to stay in with Drago until the poor boy calms down." he explained to Tom. "Drago is asleep but he's thrown a terrible fit." he admitted shaking his head as he glanced at Lucius. "i'm afraid your room might be a little...disemboweled..." he admitted smirking a little as he glanced at Tom. "Harry should be out within the hour if you decide to wait, otherwise you should probably head to bed so Harry can find you." he teased winking at him before he flounced off laughing a little as Snape chuckled, standing up. "i'm going to check on Drago." he explained calmly looking at Lucius his head tilted. "..what do you make of all this? far back do you think this plot goes?" was the original kidnapping of the Malfoy twins, all part of some greater plot? it worried Snape to no end.

Draco laughed a little and nodded as he wrapped his fingers in Asher's, holding the others hand. "Fenrir has been very concerned with my well being ever since we met." he admitted smiling a little. "as far as i know i am the only person Fenrir Actually likes." he admitted simply. "i met him right after i... lost my memories." he admitted softly. "i was scared because i woke up all alone and i couldn't find mother or father or uncle Severus. Fenrir is an old friend of the family, so he often visited Father during the new moon phase when he was less grouchy. he found me sobbing in a hallway and he's made it his business to make sure i'm well taken care of and happy ever since then." he explained to Asher smiling a little. "he want's to meet you because i've told him all about how happy you make me. he want's to make sure i really am happy, that's all."
Lucius sighed softly as he watched tom leave smirking knowing the other was following gabriel's advice, and watching the twins follow gabe out of the room before he looked at Severus."i think, a vampire has a long memory and asher's given him long enough to make a deadly enemy."He sighed a little."Asher's only ever dated warriors from what I could tell. Greeks, romans, americans....until Draco. I glean that draco's the only one he's ever stayed with, and loved. I'm sure for kaleo, thats the biggest insult of Draco's existance. That asher cares more for him, then Kaleo."

Asher twitched a little whining softly, squeezing draco's hand."He's... a werewolf. Must I meet him?They all smell like flea bitten dogs."He whined looking at the smaller blond, smirking a little. Amused at the idea of a werewolf willingly meeting with a vampire, to check on a human.It was ironic and amusing.
he nodded a little. "but draco hadn't met, or even known of Asher until long after the kidnapping... i think perhaps the two things are unrelated." he admitted tapping his lips before shaking his head. "that someone would so willingly treat a young boy like that though... make him think you love him, just to use him... that's sick." Snape muttered as he headed for the door, blinking at Harry who was gently stroking Drago's cheeks, wiping away the tears of the sleeping boy. "how is he doing?" "he's heartbroken..." Harry admitted softly, sighing a little, looking sad. "Kaleo is the only person that Drago has ever cared about save for his adopted Guardians Stain and Tsuru from what i've managed to get from him." Harry admitted shaking his head. "Drago is an amazing fighter, and an amazing assassin... but dealing with people... he's not so good at.." he glanced at Lucius, pain in those emerald eyes. "your long lost a very lonely person..."

Draco laughed a little and nodded. "yes you do have to meet him, i promised. and he'll behave if you will." he stated simply shaking his head a little. "now stop being a baby and come on." he ordered rolling his eyes a little as he approached the fire and threw in some Floo powder. "we'll even bring him here instead of going there." he promised calling out "wolfhaven!" and shoving his head through to talk to Fenrir before pulling back, the man following after Draco, looking much cleaner and less nasty than he had the last time Harry had seen the man. he actually looked respectable now. "evening Dray." he grunted grinning at the blond, pulling him into a tight hug. "how's my pup?"
Lucius winced as he walked into the room, pain showing on his face."Well, he wont be lonely anymore."He said biting his lip as he sat down on the bed next to drago,gently stroking his hair before settling down to lay next to him,careful not to touch him more then to soothingly stroke his hair, wanting to take care of his son."We'll make sure he's not lonely."

Asher growled softly hands fishing at his sides as he resisted the urge to pull the blond away from the werewolf."We needed help."He said grinding his teeth with the effort.But dammit he could be civil. He was over 2000 years old, it wouldn't kill him to be civil to a wolf... he didnt think it would anyways.
Harry smiled a little as he nodded, standing up as Drago leaned towords his father and the hair stroking, relaxing a little at the physical contact. "i'll leave him to you then." Harry stated gently. "i talked to him, but he's going to need comfort now and i'm just no good at that." he admitted softly offering Lucius a small smile before he left to go curl up with Tom.

Draco laughed a little as he nuzzled Fenrir a little, affectionate with the mn who had adopted him as a brother. "Fen, this is Asher, my lover." Draco explained grinning happily as Fenrir straightened and looked Asher over before sniffing him over and sneezing violently, his eyes watering as he covered his nose and mouth with a hand as if Asher stunk. "yup, that's a Vampire all right." he agreed looking at Draco. "and a damn strong one too." he stated looking both nervous and pleased. "you make sure not to take too much blood from him." he ordered Asher. "and make sure he eats right, he tends to 'forget.' "hey! i haven't done that in years!" "really? i caught you doing it just last week." "...but i was fat last week, i'm not this week." Fen rolled his eyes. "just make sure he eats...and sleeps! he has nightmares..." "fen he already knows that it's ok." "i wanna hear HIM promise Draco not you make excuses for yourself." Draco pouted and crossed his arms, sulking. "and he sulks a lot but that's easy to ignore." Fenrir stated teasing his little friend. "FENRIR!" Draco complained pouting furiously the werewolf bursting into laughter at Draco's expression.
Tom smiled as he looked up from his book, having been reading about the theory of dark arts, looking concerned as he studied the brunette walking into the room."Hows drago doing?"He asked sounding, dare you say it, concerned?

Asher wrinkled his nose as he smelled the wolf grinding his teeth as he resisted the urge to move draco away from him, laughing softly at Draco's look."I promise. And it isn't easy to ignore seeing as I usually wake up tied up if I ignore the pouting."He said tilting his head slightly. Amused that this young one was trying to teach him how to take care of the one person who'd meant more to him then anyone else, even his beloved gabriel.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "he's not doing well." he admitted crawling into bed with him. "Kaleo is the only person Drago has ever loved besides his guardians... he's taking being used pretty hard." he admitted softly, sighing softly. "it's going to taking him a while before he recovers from this... but i think Draco and the rest of his family will help him a lot."

the werewolf looked Asher over and then nodded. "your good for him." he finally decided smiling a little. "i never saw Draco really smile until he met you." he admitted. "if it makes him happy, then i guess i can get along with a blood sucker." he decided with a small sigh. "my pack is REALLY not going to like this, but i think that stupid war has gone on long enough. Vampires and werewolves killing each other is getting SO boring." he admitted holding his hand out to Asher. "from what i hear your second in command, and with me being the Alpha of the largest werewolf pack in Britain, we're both capable of declaring a truce between our species. what say you? truce?"
Tom sighed setting his book aside, kissing the other's head as he wrapped his arms around him."I think so to."He sighed again."And how about you?How are you doing?"He asked wondering how the boy was taking to being used.

Asher laughed softly wrinkling his nose."Ah well, I guess I can put up with smelling wet dog for the rest of my life if it makes little pretty happy."He said amused as he shook the other's hand. Laughing softly. "Oh man, gabe's going to make fun of me now. He's going to make me do more things, now that I've been helpful."He whined a little. He didn't really mind though, he just liked bitching about gabriel shoveling 'his' responsiblites off onto asher. Not that the secon really minded helping him out when the man needed it.
Harry paused then. "i hurt a little inside." he admitted leaning against Tom. "because of Dumbledore.. i never... i couldn't even comfort Drago when he started crying... i didn't know how to." he admitted softly. "i've never had to be fore... and, no ones ever done it for me... when i was upset, they just locked me in my room until they needed me to do something again." he admitted softly. "i don't even know how to express my affection properly... all i know how to do is fuck, and that's only because you showed me."

Fenrir laughed a little and then paused, sniffing at the air his eyes narrowing a little. "...i smell... Graves." he muttered softly. "Graves and...vanilla?" he muttered suddenly distracted as he started towards the young Drago, Draco gaping in surprise. "...Fen? you ok?" Draco asked grabbing Fenrir's wrist, the man jerking startled. "huh? what? oh, yes i'm fine, perfectly alright." but he didn't look alright,m he looked agitated. Draco didn't know, but Asher would, that Werewolves mated for life, and they found their mates through scent. that meant that the person who smelled like graves and vanilla, was about to have a werewolf stalker.
Tom sighed holding him tighter."Ah well,at least I'm good for something."He said with a self decapitating smile before sighing softly."I'll teach oyu."He paused.Thought about it."Okay.Draco will teach.Might even try to give me lessons to."He said smirking a little.

Asher's smirk widened.Ah well at least they wouldn't have to worry about drago being alone for long.He kept ahold of the other's hand, squeezing a little."You mix them up, I'll make sure you never see him again."He growled possessively. Even with a werewolf's sense of smell, he wasn't about to chance fen mixing drago up with draco.
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