Blood Fury and Love

Lucius swallowed snickering a little as he ran his fingers through his hair, looking at fenrir then his son."Tell him not to then."He said amused before sighing, biting his lip."You know werwolves have destined mates yes?"He said studying his son, wondering how to explain.

Asher smirked a little though it took alot of effort not to let his jaw drop. Even knowing gabriel could escape, made him want to gape in amusement that gabe would willingly let anyone get the better of him that wasn't him.Almost jealous of the loss yet knowing gabe loved his boys."Yes well you should have thought to tell me you knew what Snape was, otherwise I would not be interrupting this."He said sniffing daintly.
Drago blinked and nodded. "sure, Werewolves lock onto specific scents designed for good breeding and compatibility. every scent has a distinct personality trait to go with it so the werewolf subconsciously knows that..." he paused and jerked to gape at Fenrir before gaping at his father. "you" he asked his voice a little squeak. "i...but... i'm no good as a lover!" "why do you think that? from what i've heard you've conquered many beds." "that's different! fucking and relationships are NOT the same!" "you can't base your entire relationship compatibility on a man that was using you Drago..." "Fenrir's hand set onto Drago's shoulder, face worried. "Drago calm down. we can take this as slowly as you need to." he promised offering the boy a smile. "consider me your friend if that will make you feel better." Drago paused, looking hesitant. "i've never had a friend before... what if i'm bad at it?" Fenrir grimaced a little. "you where a LOT more self confident when you kidnapped me Drago." Draco stated calmly. "you being timid kinda freaks me out." "screw you!" "well that's a sexy idea." Harry stated walking past them, smirking. "Twincest is hot." oh, not harry, Shadow. Fenrir just sputtered as Shadow laughed and vanished into the Library.

Gabe smirked a little. "he asked me not to tell. you think it's easy for him to be part...THAT?" he demanded lifting an eyebrow. "that what?" Rudolphus demanded curiously their heads tilted, Gabe shaking his head. "sorry boys, i promised not to tell, though i doubt Asher did. how did you find out anyway? i was almost certain that no one was going to find out until Snape let something slip, though he never has in all his life so i don't know why i thought he would let something slip."
Lucius snickered studying his sons before cracking up.Now that was a disturbing, if amusing thought."I'm sure Asher'd have something to say if Draco was fucking Drago."He snickered glad that drago was distracted for teh moment, studying fenrir as he calmed down. Smirking."You do realize this means you have to get along with the vampires right?"

Asher laughed softly, ignoring the youngest lestrange's protests as he sat on the bed."Oh, you're newest pet has a sensitivity towards THEM."He smirked a little."Freaked when he walked into a room and noticed."He said absently stroking a hand down gabriel's bare chest, laughing softly at rabastan's growl."Go away."Rabastan glared at the older vampire, even knowing gabriel shared his bed wasnt enough to make him want to witness it.
Drago smirked a little. "i think you have that confused." he stated puffing out his chest self importantly. "i'd be fucking Draco, i don't bottom for no one!" though he doubted he'd mind if Fenrir managed to get a grip on his ass, werewolves where supposed to be FANTASTIC lovers. "Asher and i have already created a Truce of sorts." Fenrir explained. "my people and his people have already ceased fighting and have vanished to sulk." he admitted smirking a little. "besides we don't have to get along! we just can't fight each other."

Gabriel grimaced. "i guess i didn't realize." he admitted shivering when he felt Asher's fingers dragging down his chest, groaning softly. "Ash..." a slightly warning tone. he didn't mind letting the other fuck him, but not in front of his boys. "yeah, go away Asher." Rudolphus snarled smacking Asher's hand away from Gabe, the head vampire chuckling breathlessly. "their so possessive!" he teased wincing when Rudolphus glared at him, feeling as if he'd said the wrong thing. "i'm tired of sharing." he stated simply, eyes burning as he watched Gabe, who's eyes widened a little. "i'm tired of hearing about you fucking other people, even catching glimpses of it...." "i..." "...i want... i want what Tom and Harry have, what Asher and Draco have... i want a relationship Gabe..." "i..." "i want...i want You...just you!"
Lucius snickered a little raising a eyebrow at Fenrir before looking smiling."Oh no. If he cant fight with you, he'll get along with you. He'll play do you think tom and harry ende up in bed together?Asher has lived to long, and spends way to much of it playing around with people."

Asher tilted his head,amusement showing on the elder vampire's face, before he frowned studying Rabastan before getting up."I think Draco's probably ready to be rescued." "I'll go with you.Fenrir's here, and I had something I wanted to ask him."Rabastan said dressing and leaving the room before any of the others could stop him. Not realizing that when rudolphus said he idnt want to share, he didn't mean not with him. Feeling like the world had been pulled out from under his feet. Asher sighed looking at the two,"Bye."He said leaving also, for one letting Gabriel figure out his own mess.
he shrugged. "Hard to play matchmaker when i've already chosen my mate." he stated simply shaking his head a little before smirking a bit. "gotta feel sorry for that Gabe fellow though." he admitted as Drago shook his head. "anyway, i need to go find Asher." he decided heading off to the hall Fenrir following along behind, humming as they came upon Rabastan and Asher, lifting an eyebrow at the Lestrange. "you look awful, is everything alright?" "Asher!" Drago chirped, looking upset. "i...i was wondering if we could talk?"

Gabe gaped for a moment and then. "but i!!... why does no one let me TALK around here!?" he complained scowling when Rabastan and Asher ditched him, sighing as he effortlessly snapped the ropes holding him down and turned to Rudolphus, explaining everything, all about loving them and wanting them both. eventually, Gabe would manage to corner Rabastan and explain to him too...eventually.
Asher frowned looking at him worriedly."Of course.Come on. We'll burrow Gabe's office."He said pulling the other into the office, sitting down by the fire."What can I do for you?"He said looking the other over.

Rabastan wrinkle his nose noding as he looked at the werewolf."Fine. And whats this about a mate?The malfoy?"He looked amused. Really, fenrir was going to be amusing to have around
Drago hesitated as he sat down as well, fidgeting and all around looking nervous. "i...i want to know...about Kaleo." he admitted softly. "i sure he loved me... he always had this way about him, made me feel so strongly about him... i knew it was love, what else could it have been?...but he... i need to know...what kind of person he really is... or i...won't ever be able to stop loving him..."

Fenrir nodded. "yup, the Malfoy." he admitted with a small grimace. "i would mate with the most emotionally fucked up person on the planet." he admitted sighing a little. "he's worried he won't be a good lover, because of Kaleo." he admitted. "he's never had a friend, he kills people for a living and from what i've heard his guardians are freaks." he admitted shaking his head. "but, he's mine...and i'll help him as best i can...what about you? you staked a claim on that Gabe yet?"
Asher paled a little as he looked at the malfoy, before swallowing. Getting up and moving to the window, looking out. Not able to talk about old lover with a man who looked so much like his current one. Looking out at the land he shuddered."Kaleo a very...self oriented person.He treats others like toys, for only his enjoyment."He winced a little. because many had accused him of being hte same. Swallowing hard, his heart hurt."When I met him...he was a english warrior in the US...he understood life and death,but even then he only cared for what the war would bring him."he sighed softly."I changed him because I wanted him,and because...because he was dying from wounds. I....I wasnt ready to let him go. And between the pain, and the changes, he went insane. Insane and obsessed to the point he picks fights with people he'd never have a chance to win against. And the world is just his chessboard to play with, not real people."

Rabastan wince looking away."No.Not yet."He said shrugging before heading towards the kitchen."Come on, lets get something to eat, I have a feeling drago'll want something after he talks to asher,and asher'll probably want draco."
Drago swallowed hard. "he sounds like Dumbledore." he admitted softly taking in a deep breath, tears close to the surface. but Drago had a Malfoy pride, even if he didn't know he was a Malfoy until recently he would not cry in front of anyone. "you loved him too didn't you?" he asked softly. "he made you feel like you where the only one who mattered..." he pressed a hand to his face and shook his head. "i should have listened to Stain..." he muttered softly. "now i might never see them again, all because of some fucking madman... who made me think it was them who was using me... when really it was him all along." he sighed a little as he stood up, staring at Asher. "thank you...that...helped... i think." he muttered softly before leaving the room. he wanted food...and alcohol...and worse. he wanted Kaleo to come and tell him that they where all lying, and make him feel loved again.

Draco nodded and so did Fenrir. "we should get Alcohol too... i have a feeling everyone is going to need a lot of Alcohol." he admitted shaking his head as he settled into the kitchen and started his favorite hobby. terrifying the house elves.
Asher swallowed hard not answering the question. Watching the other go before following him out, following him into the kitchen."Alcohol?Do we have blood whiskey?"He asked amused as he sat down, pulling his blond into his lap. Lucius smirked a little, watching them, loking worried."I think we all need something to drink.You to rabastan."He said ignoring the look he got in return, just pouring drinks for everyone.
Fenrir accepted his drink and looked startled when Drago hesitated and then crawled into his lap, seeking the comfort he knew Fenrir would give, relaxing when large arms wrapped tightly around him and held him close, making him feel protected and safe and hidden from the world. "of course we have Blood Whiskey." Draco stated, pouring a glass for his lover, smiling as he nuzzled him. "me too." Shadow ordered walking into the kitchen, looking tired and upset, probably from something he had found out about the personality potion he'd been studying. he accepted the drink and sighed a little as he felt it burning down his throat. "so, it looks like everyone's upset today....we need Therapy, every last one of us."
Asher laughed softly."Gabriel went to school.He's actually liscensed.Not that he actually sees patients."He snickered a little."He was bored."He said in his own defense when Rabastan and Lucius just stared at him. Lucius snickered before looking at his brother in law, tilting his head."Ah well, maybe we all should talk to gabriel."He said giving the lestrange a look, suspecting he knew what was wrong, and was actually close to the truth, though he thought gabriel kicked him out when he got possessive instead of rabastan misunderstanding words.
Shadow snorted a little and nursed his drink, pausing when he glanced at Fenrir and Drago, a small grin curling his lips as he shook his head. "Gabriel is nice but... i don't want to talk to him./" Shadow stated calmly, Draco lifting an eyebrow. "why not?" "because Harry trusts him too much... i don't like to talk to people i trust." "...that doesn't make any sense at all..." "....really? how strange." "not much DOES make sense when it comes to Shadow." Snape stated calmly as he sat down with everyone's drinks. "in all honestly he shouldn't even exist." "really?" Shadow asked smirking a little. "i'll have you know i was in Harry's body FIRST! even BEFORE the Personality potions." "and that's why you shouldn't exist, the personality potions, for that long, should have wiped you out of the picture completely." "i'm too stubborn to be killed off by a vial of squirming gray mass." "... i think i might be sick." Draco admitted simply Drago laughing a little as he shook his head.
Asher laughed softly kissing Draco's shoulder,holding him close."Does that mean I get to play doctor?"he muttered. Rabastan wrinkled his nose."I dont want to hear that."He whined, shifting staring at the table as rudolphus and gabriel came in. Lucius looked intrigued."What happens if....shadow were to die?after a fashion anyways."He said concerned about what the potion would do as it left the other's system.
Gabe looked at Rabastan with need in his eyes, letting nearly everyone know that there had been some sort of misunderstanding between them shaking his head a little. "if Shadow dies, then Harry does too." he stated calmly, swallowing thickly. "that is what Harry and Shadow are trying to prevent." he admitted. "Harry and Shadow are two sides of the same person." he explained Shadow staring at the table. "and i'm dying." Shadow admitted softly, Drago staring wide eyed at shadow as the boy rubbed his head. "the headaches are getting worse..." he admitted softly, shaking his head as Gabe grimaced, gently gripping Shadow's shoulder tightly. "we'll find a way....Harry always finds a way." he admitted softly, looking around. "...where's Tom?... he should know this..."
Rabastan shrugge, not looking at the vampire staring forlornly into his glass. Asher smirked a little tilting his head."He's off buying presents. Apparently he's feeling romantic."He said snickering before sighing looking worried. "and we'll figure something out."He said with the arrogance that came with 2000 years on earth. He can figure it out.They always did
Gabe was trying to catch Rabastan's eye, and was failing spectacularly, and Shadow smirked a little as he watched them. it was funny. then all of a sudden everything wasn't si funny as two men strode into the room, wand in one hand and gleaming Daggers in the other. "no one move!" the first was tall, almost six feet tall with gleaming red hair the color of blood falling to the backs of his knees, all done up in a very complicated braiding pattern. he was as pale as the moon and had dark circles under his eyes, making him look almost like a goth. the other was shorter at a more moderate height of five foot seven or eight with blue hair that was cropped short and spiked with a spell or some gel, he had a nice copper tan to him, both where wearing very expensive dragon hide, scale, and leather gear, and one of them was even wearing a fire-crab shell vest to protect him even from bullets. "we just want the boy!" the one with the red hair snarled dangerously, Draco staring at the would be kidnappers with raised eyebrows as Shadow stood up, power rolling off of him, Gabe, and Asher that made the two pause.

Fenrir snarling as he held the struggling Drago tight to his chest, preventing him from doing anything. "you picked the wrong house." Shadow hissed as he and Gabe advanced on the two, the one with the Blue hair reaching out and grabbing the back of Rabastan's shirt, a knife to the man's neck. "i mean it! don't move!" he ordered, holding the blade to the brothers neck, Gabe freezing in an instant, freezing shadow and Asher where the stood. "stop!... don't hurt him!" Gabe ordered eyes wide with Terror, hesitant as the two strangers smirked. "that's right, now just hand Draco over and no one has to get hurt."
Asher smirked slightly tilting his head, before proving once again, he was the oldest thing standing in the room. Between one blink and the next he took that shadow step through air...and wrapped a hand around the other's wrist holding the knife still where it was pressing against Rabastan's neck, fingers closing around his neck."You're wrong. You're about to be hurting."He growled fingers closing tighter, for once his natural ruthlessness showing through the gentle vampire. Born as the roman empire had dawned, the man was brutal, and lived through a life that would have made men weep. And had many times. Not that anyone knew what his real name was anymore, it was his closely guarded secret. as a roman was brutal, and he was more then willing to destroy these two who were a threat to draco.

Lucius snarled staying where he was, standing slowly as he reached for draco, moving him back behind them all, knowing that if the unthinkable happened, and asher lost. They had to protect draco.And drago.
the blue haired man Froze when he felt the hand around his neck and he immediately dropped the knife, swallowing hard when Fenrir suddenly lost his grip on Drago, who managed to squall something out. "NO! Don't hurt Stain!" he ordered, struggling violently against Fenrir, Shadow freezing. "stain? isn't that?" "Let my son GO!" the Red haired man, who must have been Tsuru yelled, whipping his wand at Asher and unleashing a hell of a spell, one that no one in the room had ever seen before, a room that, like sectumsempra sliced at flesh, but this one caused dozen's of cuts instead of just one, Stain kicking back at Asher's shin with a force hard enough to break the bone.

Gabe moved in a flash, yanking Rabastan out of the way, holding him Close as he grabbed both Brothers and vanished completely, dumping them in his private room before reappearing and landing hard on Tsuru, who hissed in agony, arching off the ground as Gabe's fangs sunk into the man's neck, injecting the painful Venom, but had not counted on Tsuru to still be able to move, the gleaming Dagger in Tsuru's hand sinking to the hilt into Gabe's back, both men shrieking in Agony as Stain yelped, Shadow leaping onto him to pin him to the ground. "STOP! STOP IT! DON'T HURT THEM!" Drago screamed, struggling still against Fenrir with tears streaming down his face. "Stain! Tsuru STOP! Their my freinds just STOP!" he pleaded, breaking free of Fenrir and leaping into the fray, diving in between Gabe and Tsuru, shielding the twitching man from further attack.
Lucius snarled softly, opening his mouth to say something, just as the room flair."Bloody hell..."He cursed quietly turning his head to find the man he knew would be in the doorway. Tom snarled as he stepped into the room, with a look pinning everyone where they were, magic swirling and raging, the man slowly losing control."What.Is. Going.On.Here?"Each word was a clipped and angry statement, before he paled looking down at the vampire at his feet. Oh, oh no.Things were about to get uglier if the man died here."Gabriel.Get Asher to a bed.Draco.Go with him."He growled, taking control, and ordering the vampire leader as easily as he did any of his death eaters."Fenrir, Rabastan, get Drago to his bedroom.Shadow, me and you, are going to deal with these to."He growled.
Gabe groaned as he gripped his shoulder where Tsuru had stabbed him, the man though had fallen still when Drago had gotten in the way, unwilling to hurt his adopted son or cause Gabe to attack while his adopted son was in the way. Gabe snarled at Tom, a warning flashing in his eyes but he reached down and gathered Asher up as best as he could, because Tom had dominance while they where in the mortal realms. Draco followed Gabe, muttering as many healing spells as he knew desperately at both Vampires, Rudolphus joining him in the spell work, having disobeyed Gabe and gone to help anyway. Drago was snarling violently and shook his head, clinging to Tsuru who groaned weekly, Gabe having crushed a few of his ribs on top of the pain of the Venom. "No! Stop! STAIN! STAIN! TSURU!" Drago shrieked in rage struggling against Fenrir to get to his fathers while Shadow sighed a little, looking the two over, Stain moving over to try and fix up Tsuru while he had the chance. "some rescue mission this turned out to be!" "don't blame me for this! your the one who got hurt first!" Tsuru complained, though rather weakly as Stain snorted. "shut up Tsu, i'm not the one with crushed ribs and vampire venom in my system." both where eying Shadow and Tom nervously, Shadow watching them almost curiously. "you two are world famous assassins? honestly? that was just pathetic..."
Tom pinched the bridge of his nose already feeling the headache starting. Oh gods, this was not going to be a pleasant day."Now that you've ruined my day, whatever where you thinking?"He growled looking at the two.Before sighing, casting a healing spell on them both. While it wouldnt do much for the vampire venom, it'd take care of everything else."You attacked a vampire's second, not to mention trying to kidnap his lover.And your adopted son's brother."he sighed shaking his head."I cant kill you. And I really want to."HE looked at shadow."We'll take them downstairs. Lock them up, an let asher deal with them when he gets up."He smirked al ittle, while gabe was in control, it was asher who oversaw vampire's torture."You better hope he lives otherwise....eternity can be brutal."

Asher whimpere softly turning his face into Gabriel's chest, "sorry gabe...didnt mean to get you hurt..."he whimpered, nuzzling him. Truly in pain for how badly the other was hurt,"Draco?"He whined as he was put in bed, blinking slowly as he looked up at his blond.
Stain glared at the dark lord. "well i didn't KNOW he was a vampires second!" he snarled. "there aren't even supposed to BE vampires here!" he complained. "well there was supposed to be the ONE." he muttered snarling as he felt his body healing, helping Tsuru sit up. "that fucking Kaleo... we thought this was his house... we thought Drago had been kidnapped!" he complained scowling at Tom and Shadow who glanced at Tom. i think their telling the truth. they didn't mean to hurt anyone, they could have used much more serious attacks, and Asher won't die from a simple wound like that. a swallow or two of blood from Draco should have him fixed right up. and Drago would be upset if we locked them in the dungeon... . he looked the other two over again and finally. "give me your wands and your weapons, and i will be kind and lock you in a bedroom instead of a cell shackled to the wall." they both grimaced, hesitating before handing over their wands and stripping down over a dozen weapons off their person's each, scowling at Shadow who scowled back. "you think i was born yesterday? strip to your knickers." he ordered both of them grimacing again but stripping down. Tsuru was wearing a pair of boxers but Stain wasn't wearing underwear at all, and had to use his hands to cup his parts from view. "how many times do i have to tell you to wear underwear for this exact reason?" "shut up Tsuru!" Stain ordered Shadow looking very close to laughing his ass off.
Tom sneered a little looking at stain."As if anyone wants to see what your hiding."He sighed scowling a little waving a hand, banishing the weapons to only merlin knows where. Knowing asher wouldn't die, but dammit, scaring the shit out of the two was making him feel better.Before smirking a little pointign towards the door."Walk.I'll lock you in a room with Drago."He said knowing fenrir was going to be with the blond. He was going to be so protective.There was no one better to guard them.
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