Blood Fury and Love

Ron blushed laughing quietly before nodding,slidng his hand into the others."Can't promise I wont step on yours.I've never been good at dancing." Ron smiled at him. DAhser smirked wrapping his arms around his blond tighter, stealing a kiss."We're better behaved then the mutt.Just goes to show things about werewolves sense of protocol."He snickered a little, not really meaning it. As he'd relaxed with being friends with a werewolf, he found annoying the man to be great fun.

Tom smiled a little shifting, wrapping his arms around him kissing him slowly."Idiot. you cant get hurt."He muttered kissing him harder, hands clinging tight to him.refusing to waste even a few minutes of their time together."And yes, it is a very good thing that your staying the night. Cause I missed sleeping next to you."He muttered kissing him again.
Theo grinned a little as he kissed Ron's temple. “it's alright, I'll lead.” he promised taking Ron's hands and setting them at his waist before doing the same with his own hands. “ready?” Theo asked smiling talking softly. “one two three four, one two three four, right foot left right left..” he guided, slowly taking Ron through the motions of a slow dance, popular for gay men in the pureblood society. It gave them intimacy, without being rude. “there, see? You got it. You're a natural.” Theo praised, beaming at Ron.

“I HEARD THAT!” Fenrir roared at Asher, scowling at him, Drago laughing because they ALL knew that the only thing on a werewolf's mind was sex and blood. Draco laughed as well and kissed Asher gently, Gabe scowling as he examined Gabe wrapping his arms around Rabastan and kissing his temple, grinning as he examined the CD player, Draco lifting an eyebrow. “that's a muggle contraption... is that whats making the music!?” he wasn't used to muggle things being so effective.

Harry chuckled and nodded as he nudged Tom and motioned to Ron and Theo. “Theo taught Ron how to dance... that's amazing.” he muttered smiling as Tsuru offered Hermione a dance, while Stain relaxed in a chair, breathless from the jive they'd previously been doing. “thanks for letting me have the Party here Tom.” harry murmured smiling as he leaned into Tom, Blaise glancing at them, doing a double take, and wincing when he saw it really was the Dark Lord that Harry was leaning up to kiss. Poor Blaise was still not used to everything.
Ron smiled blushing a little."Now that wasn't so hard."He said laughing a little before snickering at the look on blaise's face."he looks so shocked. Poor blaise. Hopefully he doesn't ask tom why he's kissing a gryffindor."He smirked looking amused. Laughing quietly as draco ohhed and awwed over the muggle CD player.

Asher smirked, "You were meant to mutt. And its true."He said smirking a little as he watched Draco examine the thing. Rabastian nodded looking at his nephew."Somehow harry shielded the muggle thingy so the magic wouldn't destroy it."He said pressing the button he'd been told to, jumping a little as the songs changed."That's sooo cool."Yes,yes the 39 year old sounded like he was 15.But it was so amazing.

Tom smiled kissing him again,sighing softly."Of course I let you have it hear.Can't really visit with you anywhere else. And I want you in my bed, and sweaty tonight. The party's just a ruse to have sex."He muttered dipping his head to nibble at the brunette's neck before stepping away."Come. we can't let asher think he's the best dancer."
Theo chuckled a little as he glanced at Blaise nodding. “he has a hard time adapting to change.” he admitted with a small shake of his head. “can't really blame him, nine stepfathers so far and all of them dead just as he starts to like them.” he admitted. “he doesn't even know who his real father is, doesn't even know if the guy is still alive.” he smiled grimly. “besides he would never dare ask Tom such a personal question.”

Draco gasped as the song changed, Harry laughing as he watched everyone gush over the CD player, rolling his eyes a little. “i should set up a TV in the slytherin dorms.” Harry teased smirking a little. “did they have TV in your time?” by the time TV was invented Tom was probobly already a wizard. Gabe was even amazed by the contraption, and started pushing buttons, looking horrified when the music stopped. “oh my! I broke it! I'm so sorry Harry!”

Harry smirked up at Tom and gave him another kiss, practically purring. “mmm I love that idea.” he purred, bursting into laughter as Gabe freaked out, thinking he had broken the machine Theo turning to blink at Gabe, Blaise rolling his eyes as Harry moved over to 'fix' the machine by pressing play again, snickering as he gently smacked Gabe's hand. “now no touching.” he ordered sternly, Gabe pouting at him. “but! But!” “no touching!” Harry ordered again snorting a little as Gabe touched a finger tot he case and childishly stated “touch.” yelping when Harry smacked his hand again, Gabe laughing as he moved to molest the twins instead as Harry dragged Tom out to the dance floor.
Tom laughed as he let himself be pulled out onto the dance floor, drawing Harry in close for a dance."it's not nice smacking your elders."he said stealing a kiss before smiling."They had tv when I was older.Though nothing like they have now."He said his lip curling a little at the thought of the muggle orphanage. The world would be so much better without those things.

Asher grinned moving hover, fingers hovering over the player before he switched songs, moving away quickly, moving and leaving Gabe the only one close to the CD player. He just loved getting gabe in trouble. Ron wrinkled his nose, shaking his head."That's disturbing. Now I feel bad for him."He said looking at blaise, his heart giving a painful tug at the idea of that many stepfathers. That was just a painful idea, after all, he might not always like his parents, but they were his, and he couldn't imagine not knowing them.
Harry laughed a little and kissed tom gently nuzzling him gently as he enjoyed the Dance, sighing softly at the lip curl and kissing him again to chase away the bad memories. “i think Draco and Gabe would really like TV.” he admitted smirking a little before turning to glare at Gabe when he touched the CD player. “GABE!” “it wasn't me!” Gabe protested holding his hands up, Harry's eyes narrowing. “i'm about to make sure you can't fuck for WEEKS!” “no! Oh Harry please!” Gabe pleaded, Harry snickering a little as Gabe begged him, shaking his head. “get away from the CD Player.” he ordered, Gabe flouncing away, dragging Rabastan after him for a dance.

Theo nodded a little as he watched Blaise, sighing a little. “yeah but don't let him know that.” he stated calmly. “he'll get pissed if he thinks you even remotely pity him.” he admitted. “Blaise is strong, he's just....closed off that's all.” he stated calmly before grinning at Ron, kissing his forehead. “you dance wonderfully you know.”
asher winced, shuddering as Gabe's distress washed over him. Sighing slightly.Sometimes he wished he didn't have a conscience."Leave him alone. I was touching it."Asher smirked a little, shuddering a little. That was sounding so preverted.Dragging Draco closer he kissed him again whining quietly."Jokes aren't fun anymore."He whined, distressed at finding his game ruined.

Ron nodded blushing a little."Only when I'm not paying attention."He laughed a little before nodding. Knowing that Blaise wouldn't appericate any pity.

Tom laughed a little, brushing his lips over the other's neck before sighing looking down at him, ignoring Asher's confession."I'm sure they would enjoy it."He snickered.

Rabastian laughed a little dancing with him, wrapping his arms around his vampire."Poor gabe, getting blamed for everything."
Harry snorted a little at Asher's confession, Gabe looking surprised as he lifted an eyebrow. “he knew it.” Gabe stated, Harry nodding. “he just likes to threatening me.” Gabe whined pouting as he shook his head, Harry laughing a little as he shook his head and smirked at Tom. “i enjoy everything I do.” he admitted grinning as he gently bit the others neck, nuzzling his lover lovingly.

Draco chuckled as he nibbled on Asher's neck. “you getting emotions from Gabe?” he asked amused as he tilted his head. “you do realize that Gabe is old enough to be able to control his emotions right?” Gabe turned and flashed a smirk at Asher, Draco snickering. “Asher love, I think you just got played.” he teased chuckling as he kissed his lover to try and keep him calm.

Theo chuckled as he swept Ron around the room, smiling a little. “ah but it takes REAL talent to be able to dance without paying attention.” he stated simply, his head tilted at the other. “and you dance Beautifully.” he admitted smiling at Ron. “like you've been doing it all your life.” he chuckled a little. “i never knew that the ruler of all vampires, would be so childish.” he admitted grinning a little. “it's kind of refreshing isn't it? A little bit of joy in a world full of you think he does it on purpose?”
Tom grinned, just this side of preverted."Everything?"He teased shuddering a little as Harry nuzzled him. Dammit, he wanted to end the party now, but he knew Harry'd never forgive him if he dragged him off for a hot round of sex.

"Gabe!"Asher whined spinning to look at teh vampire in question, pouting."That's not nice."He whined looking at Draco,"Go make him apologize."He said poking his lover's shoulder.

Ron snorted laughing as he watched the scene smirking slightly."No. I think anyone who spends that many years with Asher, would be childish.Though it is refreshing to see a bit fun in a troubled time."He said smiling stealing a kiss from Theo.
Harry smirked, licking his lips. “oh yes, ESPECIALLY that.” he teased smirking as he kissed his lover grinning a little as he leaned in. “you know, I only threw this party so we could fuck, why aren't we up the stairs yet?”

Gabe laughed happily as he winked at Asher. “that's revenge for five hundred years ago! You made me think you where DEAD you jackass!” he teased laughing as Draco shook his head. “what do you expect me to do!? Pout at him?” Draco asked lifting an eyebrow. “if you want him to apologize talk to Harry or my uncles.” he teased smiling a little.”i think Harry abandoned us...”

Theo laughed a little and shook his head a little as he looked around, frowning a little. “is it just me or did our group get a little smaller? Blaise is gone.. and so is Harry and The Dark Lord.” he paused then. “well, I have a feeling where the Lord and Harry have gone.” he admitted with a smirk as he looked around. “what say you and I ditch and go talk a walk in the gardens? Their beautiful at night.”
Tom smirked leading him back up to his bedroom,"Well I thought you MIGH want to keep the illusion that it wasn't just so I can fuck your ass."He teased pulling him into kiss as he kissed the bedroom door closed.

Asher laugehd quietly looking at his lover."What do you expect?He gets to be with tom.I'm surprised it took them this long to abandon us."He said smiling a little as he looked around. Amused to see blaise and hermione discussing some book or history with tsuru. Before looking around again."Where'd the werewolf go?"He asked, wondering if drago was finally going to get to stop complaining about not getting laid.

Ron smiled nodding,"Well, I think we all know where harry and tom went."He said wrinkling his nose heading for the doors, smiling wider as he stepped into the gardens, sighing quietly as he looked around."You're right, they are beautiful."
Harry snorted a little as he shook his head. “why bother trying to hide what everyone already knew?” he teased kissing the other back intently, moaning as he thrust his tongue into the others mouth eagerly, groaning loudly as he squirmed against the other, panting softly thought his nose as he pressed his cock against the others, rubbing into the Dark Lord.

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little. “i think the party ended, look Ron and Theo are even abandoning us. And Gabe and my uncles have vanished too. The only people who are left is Stain and Tsuru and Blaise and Hermione.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “and we ALL know that Fen and Drago ditched as soon as no one was looking. They can't help themselves.” he sighed as he snuggled into Asher, smiling a little. “i love you.”

Theo smiled a little as he took in all of the night blooming flowers and tree's, lily white petals floating through the air as a gentle breeze knocked them loose sending the warm sweet fragrance of flowers around them, Theo chuckling lightly as he leaned over, and gently kissed Ron on the lips, giving him a sweet smile. “couldn't help myself. You look beautiful in the moonlight.” gosh Theo was a smooth talker, and such a romantic.
Tom smirked moaning as he shifted tossing him onto the bed before pouncing the vampire, pinning him and magicking his clothes off, wondering just who was topping, and having every intention of it being him. Lowering his head he nibbled on his skin,nuzzling his neck."I do try for decency and decorum sometimes."He teased.

Asher laughed wrapping his arms around him, tugging him closer as he took the step between here and there, grinning as he pushed draco onto the bed on his bed, lowering his head to kiss him."I love you to."He smiled nuzzling him, relaxing even more, having been tense for days, having tried to hold back the grief and take care of everyone else.

Ron blushed, the color clashing with his hair as he looked around."Damned slytherin."He said fondly, leaning up to kiss him again."Such a romantic smoothtalker."'He teased gently running his fingers through the others hair.
Harry moaned eagerly when he was pounced upon, and left naked under the other, panting softly as he smirked. “mmm fuck, yeah.” he groaned arching against the other. “only when you want to strike fear into the hearts of the unworthy.” harry teased his lover, smirking as he rubbed their groins together with a shiver. “fuck I missed you, please. Fuck me, fuck me all night.”

Draco chuckled a little and snuggled into Asher, nipping and nuzzling at his neck, sighing a little. “mmm.” he purred kissing the other smiling at him. “you look like you could use a massage.” he admitted smiling at his lover leading him over to the bed and magicking his shirt off, pushing him belly down onto the bed and straddling him, his talented fingers working on Asher's neck and shoulders, happy to give his lover pleasure and stress relief.

Theo chuckled a little as he kissed Ron again before wincing, sneezing violently and groaning as he clammed a hand to his nose. “oh fuck... not again.” he groaned grabbing a handkerchief out of his pocket to try and stop the fast flowing flood of blood now leaking out of his nose. “sorry Ron...” he muttered, realizing he'd gotten blood on Ron's hand and shirt. “here.” he handed the other another handkerchief, still trying to staunch the flow of blood from his nose.
Tom grinned,smile widening as he set about to do just that.

Asher muttered in pleasure, turning his head slightly to complate the other, looking sleepy and content. HAving struggled to sleep lately, even more so to hide it from draco and gabe because he didn't want them to worry for the first time truly letting himself relax since he'd buried his family."You are amazing."He muttered in pleasure,sighing as he raised his hips a little, grinning as the blond's groin pressed against his back."And you'r'e sitting on my ass."

Ron yelped in surprise, taking the handkerchief,wiping the blood off his shirt before looking at Theo, looking slightly worried."Anything I can do?"He asked "Tilt your head back.It'll help."He said gently tilting his head back.
Draco chuckled a little as he massaged Asher's back, moaning as he shifted underneath him. “now behave!” Draco ordered, smirking a little. “i know you haven't been sleeping well, so your just going to lay still and let me massage your back and THEN you can fuck me ruthlessly.” he smirked a little. “unless of course you want me to fuck you?” he teased pressing his cock against the others ass with a purr.

Theo grimaced a little and shook his head. “no, it's nothing really, it's just a glass nose, a butterfly could land on it and it would bleed.” a lie, but it was doubtful that Ron would know that. He tipped his head back obediently and sighed a little as he felt the blood flow increasing. “nope... not that way.” he groaned gagging at the taste of his own blood, tipping his head forward again. “crap.. this was supposed to be a perfect date and now I've ruined it.” he whined sighing a little. “i should get a blood replenishing potion...” he admitted glancing at Ron. “can you go tell Stain that I need one? I'll sit here and wait for it to end..”
Asher laughed quietly."You'd make a sleepy man do all the work?"he said, groaning at the purr, swallowing hard as he squirmed a little, sighing quietly at the feel of his cock pressing against the bed.Oh damn, his chosen was so tempting.

Ron nodded walking out, going in search of stain, knocking lightly on tsuru's door,"Stain?You in there?"He asked hesitantly, not wanting to interrupt their evening,but not wanting theo to bleed to death either. Shifting a little he waited for a answer wondering if he should go track down lucius, surely the blond would have potions...or go find asher. But again...everyone seemed to be having sex.he'd be interrupting someone's night.
Draco snickered a little as he started to hump the others ass lightly, bare flesh meeting bare flesh without warning, sliding his cock along his lovers crack with a small moan as lube slicked fingers settled against Asher's tight hole and started to massage. It was rare that Asher was topped by anyone, this Draco knew, so he was moving slowly and carefully so that Asher didn't freak out or jerk away. This was the first time Draco had tried topping his lover and he didn't want to screw it up, he carefully slid a single finger deep inside of his lover, moaning softly at how tight he was. “god... your so warm.” he groaned wiggling his finger, searching for the others prostate.

The door opened and Stain, Tsuru, Blaise and Hermione where there to stare at him, Stain's head tilted Tsuru getting up and grabbing a potion off the headboard, handing it to Ron with a small smile. “do not worry too much about the Theo.” he stated calmly. “he will be fine, with you.” he promised ruffling Ron's Hair, Stain looking confused as he examined Ron, his head tilted. “is everything alright? Ron was it?.... aren't you the kid who keeps flicking paper balls at me in history class?”
Asher moaned quietly closing his eyes as he shifted back against the touch. It was rare, but when he did bottom he enjoyed just laying back and lettingi someone else take care of him."So are you lovely."He muttered squirming a little, whining quietly at the man's motions as his fingertips found his prostate.

Ron laughed smiling a little, relaxing at the historians reassurance before looking at stain, nodding."You look good with paper in your hair."He said before walking away, not about to tell him it had been asher's idea to do it. Not sucidial enough to piss either of them off.Smiling when he got back to theo holding out the potion to him.
Draco smiled happily, relaxing when Asher moaned, slipping a second finger deep inside of his lover, moaning softly in the others ear. “you know... I've never done this before.” he admitted softly, stroking and touching the other, exploring and experimenting. “your so tight and warm, I can't wait to feel you around my hot virgin dick.” he teased smiling a little. It was really very amusing, everyone assumed that before Asher Draco had been a whore, but Draco had been a virgin in every sense of the word when he'd met Asher. Asher was Draco's first kiss, first fuck, and now he was going to be Draco's first topping. Yet Draco did everything the way he always did, as if he knew exactly what he was doing. “i wonder how long I can tease you for?”

Theo smiled at Ron, accepting the vial and swallowing it down, sighing a little as he examined his ruined handkerchief. “damn... I'll have to go to Mungo's again tomorrow.” he complained banishing the handkerchief. “they like to keep tabs of my nosebleeds.” he admitted looking rather exasperated. “two in the span of three days isn't a ig deal, but they have medicine I can take for a while to make it less sensitive.” he admitted grinning a little. “i probably won't be in school tomorrow though.” he admitted chuckling. “so now that I'm done bleeding all over everything do you want to continue our date?”
Asher moaned quietly whining, before growling as he glanced over his shoulder at the other man,"I wouldn't suggest to long."he growled baring his teeth a little. Only willing to put up with it for so long."And...oh gods..."He moaned eyes fluttering, as he arched back against the blond, growling as he twisted around to kiss his virgin lover. So amused that he was the first for everything.

Ron laughed quietly pulling him down for a kiss before nodding stepping back."Continueing our date would be nice."He said moving to walk further into the garden, worried about the other man but willing to let it go. Laughing as he looked at theo, pouting a little."You can't miss. Tomorrow's history, and Stain's a pain in the ass."He whined quietly.
Draco giggled and kissed his lover, sighing softly at the others moan, feeling pleased with himself as he slid in a third finger. “oh don't worry, I doubt I'll last too long.” he admitted with a small smirk as he nipped at his lovers neck, sighing softly as he removed his fingers, smirking as he settled himself to the others entrance, rubbing his cock on Asher's hole with a shiver. “god... so warm.” Draco moaned before slowly starting to push his way in, groaning loudly. “ tight... oh god...” he was struggling to control himself, he didn't just want to start slamming into his lover like an animal after all, he wanted them both to enjoy it.

Theo smiled as he gently took Ron's hand in his, holding it as they walked, pausing when he saw two pure white peacocks strut across their path. “...Narcissa has been here.” he groaned rolling his eyes. “that woman just can't help herself.” he chuckled at Ron's whining though. “oh Ron it won't be that bad, Stain might be a jackass but he's been tutoring Harry for a while now right? Harry isn't complaining and you know how HE gets. Draco even seams to like him for a teacher and that's impossible.” he admitted smiling. “you'll be fine, and if your really so scared...skip the class until I can be in there with you.” he teased giving him a lopsided smirk.
Asher groaned, moaning as he shifted back against the blond, his body tightening around his lover, not able to help it as his body protested having something shoved up there.Whining quietly he glanced over his shoulder, smirking a little."Good...good..."He muttered watching his blond through his hair looking content. And wanting draco to tlose control. After all, it was a rare thing for Draco to be out of control of things, even in the middle of a orgasm.

Ron laughed a little, shrugging."Ah well as much as I'd love ot skip, I can't.And only asher seems to dread actually spending time with stain.But I dont think asher likes having to share draco....even if its just draco liking someone else as a teacher."He snickered. The two had a interesting relationship,but damned if that wasn't exactly what both of them needed.
Draco moaned as Asher tightened around him, making him shudder with an eager groan, smirking a little as he forced himself to lay still, letting Asher adjust to the new sensation, panting hard. “M..Merlin... tight, it's so tight Asher... oh god you feel so good.” he moaned panting hard slowly starting to thrust before he groaned and started thrusting faster, head tipped back eyes almost closed as he lost control and started to fuck his lover, brushing his prostate every other stroke because he couldn't concentrate enough to aim.

Theo chuckled a little and shook his head. “Draco has some serious abandonment issues.” he explained. “due to a childhood trauma. It makes him very sensitive. Having a lover as possessive as Asher is actually helpful to Draco because he knows Asher is less likely to leave him. I'm not sure but I think Asher has abandonment issues too, I haven't had time to actually find out, but Draco being so dependent on Asher is probably helpful to the vampire because he knows Draco isn't just using him.” he grinned. “a good Harry and the dark lord? That one I have trouble seeing.” he admitted with a small laugh. “i like Stain, he turns such an interesting shade of purple when you flick paper at him in class.”
Asher moaned whimpering as the man pressed against his prostate, eyes going wide as he came, fingers gripping the bedding tightly as he trembled, body clinging to Draco's, fangs snapping down so hard that he bit through his own lip, moaning wantoningly as blood filled his mouth, for once totally abandoning his control.

Ron laughed nodding."He does doesn't he.And he's never to know it's asher you put me up to it."He smiled amused before running his fingers through his hair looking at theo."Ahhh well, harry and the dark lord... again, I think they're good matches.Harry's always been....grey. Not totally willing to fight whatever was given him,but no one had ever given him another option bu following dumbledore's orders. Gabriel, tom,hell even asher and tsuru are letting him choose what he wants, and will support him even if they don't totally approve of the choices all the way."He said amused, smiling slightly."They're good for him, he's more... easy in his skin then he had been before."
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