Blood Fury and Love

Theo chuckled a little as he settled into bed with Ron, sighing softly against him as he closed his eyes. “Ron he's already unbearable to live with.” he pointed out, hesitating. “don't tell anyone? About me I mean... I don't want to be some pity party.. I hate it when people look at me as if I'm about to die any minute.” he admitted softly. “and I don't want to make anyone worry about me, specially not when Harry and Draco need the attention more than I do...” he snuggled into Ron and swallowed thickly. “and I don't... I don't want people to know that I'm going to forget them all someday... I want to enjoy my life while I can, without everyone trying to baby and coddle me...”
"Whatever you want."Ron smiled a little,yawning."Though I leave it to you to tell asher when he figures it out. He's liable to beat the crap out of you."He muttered falling asleep, snuggling close.

in the morning rabastian studied the vampire as he ate breakfast. WEll. Drank breakfast."Drinking this early in the morning, isn't good for you."He said stealing the blood rum from asher before the man could protest, and as he didnt' dive to get it back, stated just how much he'd already been having. "Good thing I'm immortal isnt it."He said sounding sober as he sighed quietly, getting up. Having meant to only have one glass to numb his temper since he didn't want to scare draco, but he'd found himself drinkng more. Rabastian sighed turning his head to lok at gabriel as the older man came in."Tell him to behave."He ordered, poking gabe."No!I want to be drunk when I go back to school."
Rudolphus chuckled a little as Asher complained, Gabe sighing a little. He was still wincing when he moved, harry had really beaten the shit out of him, and was still sleeping next to tom. “you do not want to be drunk when you go see Draco.” he stated with a roll of his eyes. “you'll upset him.” he complained. “you shouldn't have even had the first drink, you know how you get.” he complained shaking his head a little. “besides I thought we weren't returning to school? Theo already got his parents to claim he was being pulled out for medical reasons, I pulled Harry out, Lucius and Narcissa took Draco out already, Blaise is dead. Ron just left without a word to anyone and Hermione followed him.” he pointed out. “what reason do you have to go back to school other than to kill Dumbledore? Which you can't do yet I might add, we don't want to make him a martyr.” he pointed out. “now why don't you give up on the drinking and go lay with your lover like you want to hmm?”
Asher whined pathetically at the reasoning,"But..but I wanna go back!Dumbledore's there."He whined as he let the brother's bully him to his feet. "You know, he's kinda adorable when he's drunk."Rabastan said amused as they helped the drunk vampire back to bed, laughing louder as he collasped and snuggled into draco."Now there. Don't you feel better?"rabastan teased. "Go away. Still wanna kill dumblydork."He whined.

Tom sighed quietly as he rolled on his back, looking at the vampire laying on top of him, glaring at the top of his head."Potter, I swear to god, if you get blood on my clothes, I'm going to smack you."He growled half heartedly running his hands over his body, more then anything though, he was glad that he was safe.
Rudolphus giggled a little. “we should get Gabe drunk.” he agreed grinning as he dumped Asher into bed with Draco, who looked startled at his lovers inebriated state, chuckling a little as he shook his head. “oh love, your so cute when your drunk.” he teased stroking the vampires hair, Drago chuckling as he slid off the bed so the lovers could have privacy.

Harry sighed softly as he snuggled tighter against Tom, shuddering violently. “i changed before I got into bed.” he promised softly. “i had to take a shower and everything. I...” he shuddered again. “i couldn't control myself.” he whispered, sounding horrified. “i couldn't stop myself... I almost killed him...” he muttered softly. “he had to pin me down...” he closed his eyes. “how could such a terrible thing happen to poor Draco? Sure he's an ass, but he's a good ass...” he muttered softly.
Asher whined as he nuzzled into his hand, sighing quietly."I wanna go give dumbledork a heart attack.Tell him his god-boy isn't so thats not right.What did you call him...ohhh...golden boy. Thats it."He rambled a bit, yawning."Plllleeeeasssee. I wanna do the world a favor."

Tom sighed quietly, stroking his hair, wrapping his arms around him."I don't believe half the things I do, and I WAS in control."He sighed laughing quietly. "No, he HAS a good ass, he isn't one."he joked trying to make him feel better."If it makes you feel better, I saw what asher did to blaise.And I have never seen...something like that."He said, having been curious how the man had kept him alive in so many pieces. And knowing that somewhere, there was a very pissed off vampire that wanted asher to himself
Draco chuckled and kissed the others forehead. “hush Asher, your drunk and not going anywhere.” he teased smiling a little as he snuggled himself tight into the other. “you wouldn't leave me all alone would you? Not when I'm so scared...” playing the guilt trip..again but it made Asher feel better to be able to make Draco feel better so it was alright.

Harry actually managed a small chuckle at the joke and shook his head. “Draco doesn't HAVE an ass, your;s is better.” he admitted closing his eyes a little. “i thought it was rather ingenious, what Asher did, pulling Blaise's body apart joint by joint, it was rather inspired. And apparantly it was Blaise's half blood status that saved him. He didn't die right away because his body creates it's own blood. Cool huh?” he asked smiling a little. “i think we should fake Drago's death.” he admitted. “just to piss Kaleo off even more.”
Asher smiled happily, "No I wouldnt. I'll stay."He said happy to be able to make him feel better, wrapping his arms around him, cuddling close. Wrapping himself bodily around his blond, he cuddled close."mine."He muttered.

Tom smiled a little nodding,"We should. Though not let Asher do it or know about it until it's done. I have a feeling he'd freak at the idea of even a fake draco being dead right now."Tom said wisely before snickering, ,running a hand over the other's ass."YOU have a nice ass."
Draco smiled, happy that he had gotten his lover to calm down, snuggling into him sighing softly. “yes... yours.” he agreed, dozing off again.

Harry nodded. “it won't take much effort, all we have to do is take a few drops of Drago's blood, multiply it, put it inside a drained corps, slaughter the corps till you can't recognize it, add some of Drago's long hair and wala, dead Drago for Kaleo.” he stated simply, smirking a little. “easy peasy.”
Tom snorted laughing,"You have a odd idea of easy."He teased before sitting up, moving to get up."Come on. We better do this before draco or asher are up and moving. They're liable to have a hissy fit about it."He said, shaking his head a little. The fact that he was willing to do it right away, just begged the question of how the hell he had a body around.... yet some things were just better not to be asked.
Harry chuckled and shook his head. “we can't do it NOW.” he complained. “we have to do it later, once he's done being pissed off about Blaise, or when he fucks with us again.” he stated simply, sounding tired. “besides I'm still sleepy, get back in bed.” he ordered smirking a little. “i'm in the mood for a good screw before I go back to sleep, and I'm thirsty too.” he teased licking his lips at the other, eyes narrowed playfully, silver flushed through emerald eyes warning that Tom wasn't going to be Topping this time. “i'm thinking of tying you up in pretty green ribbons.” he admitted licking his lips. “how's that sound?”
Tom growled, pouncing on shadow, pinning him to the bed with a snicker, kissing him slowly."You you're sure your not the one getting tied down are you?"He asked sliding his hands up, closing his fingers around the man's wrists, pinning them to the bed, kissing him again. Forgetting for the moment everything else

Across the house, asher cursed as the feelings of rage and pain ripped through his body, jerking so hard he ended up on the floor with a curse, Whimpering quietly as he laid his head on the cool ground."I think Kaleo got his present."He whined quietly, raising his head enough to look at draco, a slight pleased smirk curling his lips.
Shadow growled as he was pinned tot eh bed, kissing back with a smirk on his lips. “i don't bottom, talk to Harry for that.” he growled, snickering. “i still have to pay you back for making our ass hurt.” he teased biting at the others neck before kissing him again, moving quick as a flash and without warning, pinning Tom tot he bed now instead, lowing his hips and grinding their cocks together with an eager groan. “mmm your so wonderful.”

Draco jerked awake in surprise when he heard the thud of Asher hitting the ground, leaning over the bed to blink at him. “is he angry?” Draco asked sleepily, smiling at Asher's pleased smirk. “good.” he muttered laying his head back down and studying his lover. “love... am I...weak?” he asked softly, as if he was worried about something.
Tom growled, moaning softly."So do you.When you're under me."He growled rolling them pinning the man to the bed, growling as he kissed him."And it's not my fault your ass hurts. Harry was oh so eager."

Asher rubbed his head, before frowning a little. Looking startled at the question as he tilted his head, studying his lover."No.Whyever are you talking about that?"He asked studying the man, looking worried as he scrambled to his feet, sitting down next to him
Shadow growled kissing the other intently, thrusting his tongue into the others mouth, moaning and groaning as he gripped Tom's hips hard, practically throwing him back onto the bed with a snicker. “you can't overpower me lover.” he purred snickering as he nuzzled the others neck before biting hard, slipping his fangs deep into the other and unleashing a squirt of pleasure venom, moaning as he started to suckle on the others neck playfully, rubbing Tom's cock with his hand, stroking firmly with a purr. “all mine.” he growled releasing Tom's neck and licking it clean and closed.

Draco frowned a little then. “it's nothing really it's just... I overheard Fenrir talking to Drago... he was surprised that a Vampire could be gentle enough not to do damage to a human... that even werewolves, who are weaker than vampires can barley manage it...” he admitted. “i just thought... maybe I was weak.. because I'm human, and that's why Blaise could...” he swallowed hard and closed his eyes falling silent.
Tom moaned whimpering as he thrust up into the other's hand, his head falling back against the pillows as he gripped the other's shoulders tightly, his eyes squeezed shut in pleasure."Ohhh....yours."He muttered, giving in. Whimpering as the other touched him, wanting more.

Asher frowned at him,staring before clamoring to his feet, heading for the door. Not abndoning draco, but to go search for fenrir. Growling as he opened Drago's door, crossing the room and picking up the man from bed, pinning Fenrir to the wall before he was even consciously aware of leaving the room with draco. Stopping. Hand choking the werewolf easily as he pinned him, but not doing more damage or saying anything. Losing his temper badly. Wondering if Drago would really be put out if he didn't have his mate.
he smirked a little, kissing the other intently, smirking eagerly. “that's right, all mine.” he purred chuckling a little as he rubbed the others crotch before stripping the other naked, panting against the others ear. “now, about those green ribbons.' he teased, pulling green silk scarves with the slytherin emblem on them, using them to tie Tom's wrists to the bed, panting against his ear. “i'm going to fuck you nice and hard. And then, I'm gonna fuck you nice and slow.”

Draco blinked when the other got up, looking startled before he sighed and laid back in the bed, not ready to face the world. Fenrir shrieked in shock as he was yanked from the bed and choked clawing at the mans wrists, trying to get free, Drago snarling viciously as he shifted and latched onto Asher's arm, snarling viciously in wolf form as he shook his head viciously from side to side. “Dr..Drago....stop.” Fenrir managed to wheeze. “a..Asher...” he wheezed, trying to kick his way free, wondering what the hell was wrong this time.
Tom moaned, whimpered as he looked at the other man,"Ohh you sure you dont' want to let me do you?im good at nice and slow."He muttered smirking a little as he squirmed, looking delectable on the silk sheets.

Asher growled a little looking at him, forcing his hand loose, dropping the werewolf."You're not allowed talking to draco anymore."He decided looking serious. And well, for that insnae moment he was. Oh asher wasn't nearly as in control and sane since draco'd been hurt. His lover feeling unsure and scared had had a wickedly bad effect on his self control."You scared draco into thinking he wasn't strong enough to put up with more talking to draco."he said wisely, patting the werewolf on the head like you would a dog.
he snickered a little and shook his head. “oh no, your my bitch for the night, you can have your revenge on Harry in the morning.” he teased snickering a little as he ran his mouth along the others cock, moaning softly sucking him harder all the way down his throat and holding him there, moaning around his cock happily, a smirk on his lips.

Fenrir coughed as he rubbed his neck, shivering a little. “what do you mean don't talk to Draco!? I haven't spoke a word to the kid since you guys left to the damn school two months ago!” he complained rubbing his neck. “what the hell are you going on about!?” Drago went wide eyed as he watched Asher, terrified.
Tom moaned, bucking up into his mouth,hands fisting as he ynked against the scarfs,cursing when he realized the brat had spelled them stronger."Dammit you brat,fuck me!"He snarled.

Asher stopped, looking confused."But...he just asked me if he was weak...cause you said something to drago..."He said, looking confused and scared, for once truly worried about himself. Reaching for gabriel needing his friend's icy control. At least until he figured out what had caused draco's worry. After all, he knew draco was strong, so he assumed fenrir had questioned it since draco got hurt...maybe that wasn't it. Was it that draco was just being a worry wart?
Shadow snickered as he bit the other gently, punishing him for bossing him around, smirking a little. “why should I?” he teased smirking at the other. “your not begging yet, your FAR too bossy lover.” he teased sucking on the others cock head, running his fingers along the others ass, slicking them, and him, with lube, groaning a little.

Fenrir coughed a little and shook his head. “i never once said anything about Draco being weak!” “no but...” Drago muttered suddenly. “the day we met... you said it was amazing that Vampires had such self control... that humans where weak enough compared to vampires to be snapped in half, that werewolves couldn't even compare to a vampires strength and self control...remember?” “well, yeah but... good god that was MONTHS ago!” “yeah but draco clings to things, like a dog worrying a bone... and he's been worried about being human fo a while now...” Drago admitted biting his lip as he looked at Asher. “you did tell him he's not weak right?” Drago asked lifting an eyebrow.

Draco had driven himself out of bed, and gone towards Gabriel's room, knocking on the door, pale and tired blinking up when Gabe answered the door, the Vampire filling Asher with calm emotions, and then giving him a burst of settlement as he spotted Draco. “...Draco? Is everything alright?” “ wasn't strong enough... I'll never be strong enough.” Draco muttered, Gabe feeling a sense of Dread coming on. “i want you to change me...” Draco muttered Gabe's stomach slamming to his feet. 'Asher you better get down here... now...'
Tom moaned, shuddering, thrusting back a little at the man's fingers as the man thrust his fingers into him."I'm always bossy."he growled shudering. looking at him through half closed eyes pleasure showing there.

Asher looked confused, then angry."Of course I did. Then I came down here to smack fenrir for being a idiot."He stated before his head jerked up at the sickness and worry he felt from gabe, his anger with fenrir forgotten."I have to go."He said before walking out, heading for Gabe's room, "what's going on?"He asked looking at the two, walking up and wrapping his arms around Draco's waist, resting his head on the boy's shoulder.
Shadow growled eagerly snickering a little as he thrust his fingers in and out of the other sucking him down his throat again, running his free hand along the man's balls, using a gentle pressure to massage them, tormenting the Dark lord as he growled into the cock.

Drago nodded and smirked a little. “next time keep in mind that Draco rarely remembers things in context?” he teased pausing when Asher vanished. “that was strange...” Gabe was relieved when Asher showed up and he nudged Draco over to him, Draco scowling at Gabe. “tattle Tale.” the blond complained, Gabe shrugging. “it's the law, my law.” he stated simply. “i can't be the one to break that.” 'Draco asked me to change him. I won't change him, that's your duty, being that he's your chosen but I don't think he actually wants to change. I think he's desperate to stop hurting, give him time to calm down before you agree to change him. If he even asks you, the fact that he asked me and not you says that he doesn't want you to know... I think he's ashamed...'
Tom moaned, biting his lip to keep from coming, curling his hands into fists, trying to not to do it."harrryyy..."he whined thrusting up into the other's mouth, struggling not to beg along with coming.

Asher looked startled at the news, sighing sotly as he pressed a kiss to Draco's shoulder,frowning slightly as he looked at draco."thank you.At leat one of is is still thinking clearly.he said biting draco slightly, stepping back,gently tugging draco with him."Come on lovely, time to go back to bed.We'll talk."He muttered, woried about his blond. Wondering if he was desperate enough if he didn't do this right away, if he'd ask harry. Making a mental note to tell the young vampire not to.
Shadow snickered and pulled away from the other, leaving him with a fierce need to cum but no stimulation with which to do so, punishing the other. “my name, is NOT harry, it's SHADOW.” he growled smirking a little as his fingers stroked along the others balls slowly, offering no help in poor Tom's need to come.

Draco glared at Gabe who shrugged, Draco grumbling that Gabe was a tattle tale the entire way back to the room, Draco shuddering violently as he felt the fangs against his neck, swallowing hard. “i don't want to talk..” Draco whispered softly pausing as he heard shadow laughing wickedly in his and tom's bedroom, a tiny smirk lifting his lips. “i think Shadows torturing my Dark Lord.” he complained, changing the subject as he shook his head. “we really should save Tom, who knows what that wicked Shadow is doing to him?”
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