Blood Fury and Love

Gabe snickered a little as he stood up shaking his head a little as he ruffled Fenrir's hair like he was a puppy, making the man snarl in annoyance. Gabe loved annoying Fen. Fenrir got up and grabbed Drago as soon as Asher started complaining, cradling the boy in his arms, the only thing Drago did was whine rather pathetically, and then snuggle into Fen without even waking up, Draco chuckling a little as Gabe came back in with enough blood for the two Vampires, and enough food for all three humans. Well, humans and werewolf. “eat up.” he ordered handing Asher one of the bottles of non alcoholic blood that Gabe kept around in case of emergencies. He swallowed his down quickly and Fen helped himself to a pancake off the stack that Gabe had brought in for him and Drago. “Harry's up to something.” Gabe said suddenly, frowning a little. “he's blocking me again...”

in Tom's bedroom Shadow was gently shaking the dark lord awake, grinning a little. “hey, it's time. Time to start the copy spell. Are you going to wake up an help me or do I need to go ask someone else?”
Asher sighed quietly sippign the blood, nearly moaning at the undiulated blood. Swallowing hard as he looked up at the other vampire. "well, we'll just have to go to investigate."he said drinking greedily. The stress of the day before and finding draco had drained the vampire rapidly, and left him starving. So it was probably a good thing he wouldn't drink from draco, because he might have hurt him. "he only does that when he's doing somethign he shouldn't. Or at least not without supervision."He said gently easing Draco away from him, levering himself to his feet, before looking at the blond, needing to know what harry was doing,but also worried about leaving draco.

Tom whined rolling on his stomach, shoving his head under the pillow. He so never woke up happily, or easily. "We'll do it. But did you have to start so early in the damned morning?"He growled,"Or were you trying to avoid gabe and asher?"He asked raising his head to look at him.
Gabe chuckled a little and shook his head. “he's probably having early morning sex.” he decided shaking his head as he frowned. “or he's doing something stupid.” he agreed shaking his head. “it's going to be hard to find him, he knows this place better even than Tom and Lucius do and they live here.” he stated calmly sighing a little. “lets find Tom, he might know what's going on.”

Shadow chuckled a little and shook his head. “of course I'm trying to avoid Gabe and Asher!” he stated calmly getting out of bed and sliding a grandfather clock to the side, revealing a doorway. “come on.” I have a room down here that we can use, no one will be able to find us but we'll be able to get out at any time.” he admitted smiling a little. “ready to try and give Shadow his own body?” Harry asked, grinning as he smiled at him.
Asher sighed biting his lip as he bent to kiss draco."I'll be right back love."He said gently stroking his hair kissing his forehead."I promise. They're staying with you.Me and gabe are going to go find harry."He said looking at drago and fenrir, glaring at them, death warning that if they left him alone there wasn't a place far enough to hide them. Smirking a little as he headed for the door."Tom's probably still in bed."He said heading for the dark lord's bedroom.

Tom whined quietly as he rolled out of bed,starting to dress as he followed the other down the stairway to the other room."This is very creepy, that you know my house better then me."He whined a little, before smirking."You do realize giving shadow his own body, means he'll be jumping everyone with a heartbeat....and maybe a few without?"He asked, amused at the iea of shadow jumping asher for a grope. Now that would be entertaining to watch.
Draco nodded, smiling a little as Drago rejoined him in the bed, Fenrir chuckling a little as the two boys snuggled into each other. Gabe walked into Tom's room and blinked in surprise, seeing nothing out of place. “huh... strange I don't... he's not here..” he stated glancing at Asher, looking amazed his head tilted a little. “we have to find them! Harry's definitely doing something stupid!” he stated running out of the room, trying to sniff out his son and his lover.

Harry chuckled a little and nodded a little. “yes, I know, but he likes you, even if he doesn't want to admit it. I doubt he'll actually screw someone else.” Harry promised settling cross legged on the floor and nodding. “you have to cast the spell.” he stated calmly. 'I'll let you know if things start going wrong, I have my doubts they will, but one can never tell.” he admitted shaking his head as he closed his eyes. “ready Shadow?” he asked, smiling a little. “now we don't have to fight, over who controls the body anymore.”
Asher growled softly watching him go for a moment before sniffing."Gabe!They didn't leave this room.Get back in here."He called walking around the room,trying to figure out how they'd left, without leaving from the door, since he didn't smell them in the hall.

Tom smiled shaking his head, amused. Starting tot cast as he watched the boy slowly. Swallowing hard as he did, being slow and cautious, worried about this but trying to sound confident as he went through the spell.
Gabe nodded and moved back into the room. “this is going to be hard, they slept in here, the entire place stinks of them.” he complained baring his fangs, frustrated with his son as he looked around, trying to find out what the hell he was up to, sniffing around, trying to find a breeze of air, but with the windows being cracked the way they where there was wind everywhere. “damn that brat! He knew exactly what to do to hinder us finding him!” he snarled, slamming the windows shit to cut off the wind.

Harry growled in pain as the copy spell took effect, one body shifting off the other both of them slumping to the ground, eyes closed, but both breathing before they opened their eyes, for a moment both looked blank as the two souls and two minds struggled to figure out which mind went to which body before the both blinked, one set of green eyes brightening, the other dulling before bright green turned into bright silver eyes, both of them blinking again as they sat up and looked around, gasping in amazement. “it.., it worked!” they chorused laughing. “and we're...” “still in each others heads!” “this is perfect!” they cheered happily both of them pausing as they looked up at the staircase, where Gabe and Asher where looking for them. “...Gabe's very pissed at us...” Shadow muttered snickering as he looked over at Harry who nodded, both of them leaping onto Tom and kissing him all over. “thank you thank you thank you thank you!”
Tom groaned pressing a kiss to the other's mouth,wrapping him in a hug."You're very welcome. Now we better go upstairs before Asher and Gabe decide to kill us for worrying them."He said heading up the stairs, pushing open the clock. Wincing as it hit something, and asher's muffled curse came to him."Bloody hell!"Asher winced as he doubled over, gasping a little as he cupped his hand under his nose, wincing as blood poured into it. Dammit he hated breaking things. Even if they healed quickly."What are you two doing?!"He growled gently pressing his fingers against his broken nose as he straightened.
Harry groaned and Shadow laughed as he followed along about a foot behind Harry gasping as he looked at Asher, startled. “oh shit! I'm sorry Asher! I didn't know you where there!” he stated looking at the man before Shadow smirked as he stepped out, Gabe's eyes widening. “you..made another you!” he hissed, started as Harry chuckled. “Shadow and I, we thought of this.” Harry explained Shadow nodding. “well, technically I thought of it, Harry and I kept bumping knees so to say.” he admitted. “we could never agree who should take control during certain important events so we decided we needed two bodies instead of one.” “we knew you'd refuse to let us try, so we didn't tell you.” Harry teased snickering a little as he examined Gabe who was practically foaming at the mouth.
Tom held up his hands in defense as he looked at the foaming gabe, slowly moving to hide behind his two lovers.While he was fairly certain he could hold his own in a fight, he didn't want to fight when they could just talk."Gabe, it worked.And I supervised, so nothing was wrong." "NOTHING went wrong!Everything could have gone wrong Harry!Shadow!"Asher protested looking between them, rubbing his face as his nose healed, this was so annoying. "Dammit you guys, you could have at least let us know in case vampire magic screwed up with the wizard spell. It wasn't made for vampires!"
Gabe just stood there and twitched, Harry looking sheepish as he stared at his feet, Gabe puffing himself up, but he was trembling as he watched Gabe closely, ready to bolt at the nearest hint of Gabe attacking him. In instances like this, Harry was a lot stronger than Shadow was. Harry had never been eaten, but Shadow had, for the slightest infraction, even simply burning a piece of bacon, and now he was always wary of angry adults. “Tom was supervising.” Harry stated simply, looking up at Asher. “and if we had told you, you wouldn't have let us do it.” Gabe took several deep breaths and left the room, too pissed to do anything as he slammed the door shut shadow flinching as he hunched to protect himself, biting his lip as he examined Asher, Harry setting a hand on his 'brothers' shoulder, offering him calm support.
Asher sighed quietly, rubbing his forehead, looking older and ancient even if he didn't look as old as he really was."He'll forgive you.I'll talk to him."He said before leaving the room, heading to where he could feel gabe, pausing only long enough to get his blond. Knowing he'd need the emotional balance draco offered, settling draco in a bridal style carry as he walked into gabriels room not at all surprised to find him pacing."You scared them.Well shadow."He said settling draco on the bed with his uncles amused as Rabastan snuggled him as easily as he snuggled gabriel.

Tom sighed wrapping his arms around shadow, pressing a kiss to his forehaed."Asher's right.He's upset because he's worreid.Now. Lets get you two something to eat."he said summoning a elf to go get them food.
Gabe snarled and snapped as he paced back and forth. “good!” he snarled when Asher told him he'd frightened shadow. “they should be scared! They could have killed themselves!” he snapped baring fangs at Asher. “how can you not be pissed at them!? They where stupid and reckless!” he hissed Draco watching as he snuggled into Rabastan, Rudolphus settling himself slightly in front of Rab and Draco, in case Gabe lost control of himself. It had never happened before, but then, Gabe had never been so worried before.

Harry sighed a little and Shadow swallowed thickly. “i was... actually afraid of him.” shadow admitted sighing a little as they both smirked at Tom, settling their mouths onto the others neck, kissing and then sucking. “mm dinner?” Harry purred Shadow giggling. “mmm we'd love to get a good bite out of you.” they giggled and licked his neck, scraping fangs against his neck. “since we're fresh and new, and unhurt...” “why don't we have our first orgy?” “hmm Tom?” “doesn't that sound fun?”
Asher sighed quietly as he leaned back against the door, casually leaning on the stretch of wall between the bed and gabe, knowing he could get between gabe and the boys if he lost control."Because I've already had my scare for the day. I'm out of fear and worry for the moment."He sighed quietly shaking his head."Gabe, calm down."He ordered manipulating the other's emotions a little forcing hi mto calm. More intent on making gabe focus on him rather then harry and shadow."They were reasonable enough to let Tom do it instead of someone else. At least tom knew what the hell he's doing."

Tom moaned, hands gripping the boy's arms, shudering as his knees buckled a little." good..."He stuttered moaning. Already hard and wanting at the iea of what the proposed.
Gabe snarled furiously at him, his eyes flashing with rage before he started to feel a little more calm. “He's just so damn reckless.” Gabe said sighing as he set a hand on his face, letting the rage drain away. “and I guess your right... better Tom then us, at least Tom knows how to do magic.. unlike me...” he complained softly, shaking his head a little. “i'm alright now... sorry...”

the boys giggled and dumped him onto the bed, Harry's mouth wrapping around the Dark Lords cock, sucking and stroking while Shadow settled his tongue against the others ass, stroking and sucking and slipping his tongue deep into the Dark Lords ass, clearly intending on making a Tom sandwich. Shadow on top, Harry on the bottom, and tom in the middle both of them smirking.
Asher smiled a little watching him."Its okay. I've put you through a lot recently. I guess I can handle one mental breakdown from you."He said with a snicker straightening."Now. Do you want to go apologize or cuddle with my blond, who looks like he's going back to sleep?"He snickered looking towards the bed.

Tom moaned, thrusting against them oth,fingers wrapping tightly in harry's hair as he rocked back a little, tugging up harry for a kiss, kissing him hard as he pushed the other back onto the bed. Wanting to fuck him now.
Gabe chuckled a little and shook his head. “no, I don't think I will cuddle with your Blond, you've gotten more and more possessive of him as of late.” he teased chuckling a little and shaking his head a little as he watched Draco going back to sleep. “but your right, Draco is going back to sleep.” he teased chuckling again.

Harry groaned as he was pulled onto the bed, Shadow laughing a little. “Harry! You can't just let him do what he want's to you!” he complained, Harry moaning eagerly as he rubbed the others ass, slipping his fingers inside as Harry moaned, kissing tom hard and rubbing his ass against Tom's cock, Shadow rolling his eyes as he stroked Tom's prostate. “now now love.” he purred smirking a little wrapping his hand around Tom's cock. “not just yet, I'm not teasing you yet.”
Asher growled a little, pouting at draco who'd gone back to sleep whining softly."I'm not gettig more possive."He said looking at the other vampire, grumbling slightly."I should take him back to bed."He said trying to figure out how to get the blond out of bed without waking up any of them.

Tom growled a little sliding his fingers into harry, shuddering a little as shadow pressed against his prostate, growling a little as he thrust back against him."I don't care. We're going to fuck now."He growled kissing harry hard.
Gabe snickered a little and nodded. “yes you are, but that's a good thing. Possessive is exactly what Draco needs.” he admitted smiling at Asher as he gently picked Draco up, muttering a simple sleeping spell to keep the boy asleep as he handed him over to Asher, using vampiric magic to keep the poor exhausted blond asleep.

Harry moaned as he kissed Tom back, Shadow smirking as he molested Tom's prostate. “no we're not.” he growled smirking a little as he nibbled on the others neck panting softly. “now be a good boy or I'll tie you up and spank you like I promised to do before!” “yes... oh yes. Tie me up, punish me. I'm such a naughty boy.” Harry groaned Shadow scowling. “i wasn't talking to you Harry! Oh forget it.” he complained slipping his fingers out of Tom, letting the man slip into Harry who moaned eagerly, pressing back into the others cock as Shadow snickered and slipped into Tom, panting against his neck. “oh fuck yes, that's perfect.” he groaned panting hard. “now, who's your master?” he demanded smirking at Tom, refusing to let any of them move, Harry whining piteously, clenching tightly around the others cock.
Asher smiled a little kissing gabe's cheek."I'll be in my room if you need anything"he muttered before leaving, heading to his bedroom.crawling in bed wiht draco,cuddling against him as he went to sleep.

Tom growled low in his throat trying move as he looked down at harry, severely put out at finding himself held still."You are."He grumbled turning his head slightly to look at him,stealing a kiss from shadow as he thrust shallowly into harry,grumbling that he couldn't do more. "shadoowwww..."He whined lookking over his shoulder at him.
Draco mumbled in his sleep and started sucking on Asher's neck in his sleep, moaning softly in his sleep, Gabe snickering as he crawled into bed with his boys, feeling amused that even broken, Draco wanted Asher.

Shadow snickered as Harry whined and mewled and begged for more, Shadow snickering as he made Tom admit that he was the master, kissing him hard as he fucked him harder, thrusting enough that he dictated how fast harry was fucked too, panting in tom's ear. “that's it. Mmm your both just so adorable, pinned underneath me.” he groaned, Harry panting hard. “yes, oh yes, yes, nnn so good, so good deep inside me.” he moaned arching against Tom as Shadow snickered and bit on Tom's neck and shoulders, sinking fangs deep, filling Tom with the pleasurable poison as Harry whimpered as the thrusts grew more frantic. “yes, oh yes we're going to fuck you all night long, aren't we Harry?” Harry whimpered and nodded happily, panting hard. “yes, yes all night, oh yes fuck me all night.” he groaned arching against him even more, rocking into Tom's thrusts.
Asher whimpered quietly, squeezing his eyes shut. No,no he wasn't going to respond.No, he was going to behave himself. Shuddering as he gently stroked Draco's hair, his body responding to the sucking,even if he told it not to.

Tom moaned softly, eyes wide s he looked down at harry, bending down sinking his teeth into harry's shoulder as he came with a moan.Fucking harry and being fucked was just to much.He couldn't hold out as long as normal.Fingers closing around harry's cock,jerking him off as he came. Wanting him to join him in release.
fortunately for Asher Draco stopped and went back to sleep, leaving a dark purple hickey behind as he smiled in his sleep, breathing softly, calm and relaxed for the first time in a long time, having come to the realization that even if Blaise was still alive, he was never going to be able to reach Draco through all the people guarding him.

Harry cried out in pleasure as he felt himself filled with Tom's seed, shuddering happily as he tossed his head back and groaned,cumming across the bed as Shadow snickered and let himself go as well, a little annoyed that no one had begged and that it hadn't lasted all that long, but content and satisfied anyway as he thrust his hips, milking himself out into Tom before sighing as he snuggled into him, finished, but not pulling out yet. “mm that was perfect.”
Tom groaned, closing his eyes."It was."He muttered falling asleep with a smile on his face.Quite content to sleep sandwiched between them.

A few days later asher grumbled grumpily as he looked at Gabe, whining quietly."You have to do something about draco. He's groping me!"he whined. Talking about his sex life to the only man who might understand just how torn up sher was with wanting his lover,but afraid to have sex. He wasn't willign to scare draco just to have sex. No matter how much draco groped him.
Gabe chuckled a little and shook his head a little. “if he's groping you then he probably wants you to do something.” he teased smirking a little. “your a smart man, you'll figure it out. He wants you Asher, eve broken he wants you. As long as you don't bite him I think you'll be fine. He's not afraid of sex, he's only afraid of being bitten.” Gabe stated calmly, Draco having talked to Gabe a lot over the last few days. Draco trusted Gabe, and he talked to Gabe when he couldn't talk to Asher. “he'll settle back down when he remembers that your fangs won't hurt him, just go slow, if he says stop then stop that's all it takes.” he stated flipping the page in the book he was reading. “besides at least you have only one kids groping you, Tom has two now, those damn potters are nearly insatiable.”
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