Blood Fury and Love

Kaleo laughed quietly, shaking his head."Only when it's extreme cold, like artic temp."he said shaking his head."They really didn't teach you anything? Ah, well I guess they enjoy their ingorant toy."He said amused. But while he thought it was true, it wasn't. Asher and gabe hadn't taught harry more then they had because things kept happening, and they thought they had time. It had never occurred to them that he'd go to kaleo if they weren't' quick enough in helping. Immortals did have a problem with time passing, so it was hard to judge something when it really didn't effect them. So even though they'd let time pass, they really weren't aware of it, while kaleo just thought it was because they enjoyed keeping a ingorant ass with them. Nodding slightly at shadow's question,resting a hand on his arm."I will. Light always cast shadows, so there is always a entrance. There's always a spot...a space between. Use your mind to reach out, and find that edge where light and shadow meet, and create doorway to change it to wherever you want to go.Because it's change, and you can use it to step in."Kaleo said, smiling helpfully.Even if he sounded like a lunatic in how he explained things.
that wasn't why shadow had gone at all, but it was useful in explaining to Kaleo why he was there. “they didn't have a chance to teach Harry anything.” he stated with a shrug. “first he was trying to recover from his pretty violent change, and then he was sick in bed for months because he was trying to kill me.” he smirked a little. “but I doubt they've started teaching him, he's pathetic. I was all his strength and hatred.” he admitted. “so he's pretty useless now.” he hesitated when he examined the shadows, his head tilted. “i...create a doorway in my mind...” he muttered biting his lip as he tilted his head before he closed his eyes and imagined a doorway made out of shadows with a thick forest peeking out behind it, stepping through and pausing as he opened his eyes, pausing a little as he realized he had stepped through the wrong shadow, making his lip as he sniffed at the air. He was on a beach somewhere, and the bright sun was hurting his eyes,. “shit... well at least I didn't loose a foot... now I just have to figure out how to get back...”
Kaleo snorted as he followed the man through the unclosed door,having used his own powers to keep track of him smiling a little as he blinked in the harsh light of the sun."Damn shadow."He grumbled wrapping a arm around his waist, stepping back through to england, sighing a little at finding them back in the gloomy afternoon."Now. That's better."He said squinting a little."Try again. It's hard the first few times,but like you said, you're the stronger one,I'm sure you're going to get the hang of it quickly."
he sighed, relaxing once they where in the gloom, wrinkling his nose. “ok, I don't want to go to Egypt anymore.” he grumbled closing his eyes. “still it's better than what happened the first time I... harry stepped out into the sunlight, burned ourselves so bad we nearly drained two humans to heal.” he admitted smirking a little as he pondered then nodded. “i'll try again.” he decided closing his eyes and focusing again before stepping through, this time stepping out into the woods he pictured, smirking a little. “ah... look I did it!” he purred, pleased with himself. “this is awesome! I'm going to go to Romania! You know, where the original Dracula lived!”
Kaleo laughed shaking his head a little."Ah, so good for so little practice."He said pulling hi into a kiss, harsh and hard before shoving him away."Do you want me to come with you?"He asked looking amused as he thought about drago. Wondering if he should go check on the blond. But...he was so amused at teaching his 'rivals' son that he didn't want to leave shadow alone.
he grinned happily, hissing into the harsh kiss, groaning a little as he was pushed away, a small blush on his cheeks. “well I wasn't planning on going right now...” he admitted smiling a little. “i was sort of hoping on learning some more things.” he admitted rather sheepishly. “i've never felt so powerful before. I can do things before that harry couldn't dream of doing. Even when he was a wizard.” he smirked happily his eyes shining happily. “i think your the best thing that's ever happened to me!” he admitted smirking as he pulled the other into a happy kiss again, gripping the others shirt tightly as he kissed before pulling away, licking his lips. “god damn... I... I think I'm falling in love with you...” he whispered softly biting his lip. It was a lie, but it felt real, even to Shadow for that one power filled moment he honestly felt like he was in love with Kaleo.
Kaleo preened at the words, smiling happily, in his insanity he loved being told someone was falling in love with him.Because someone in love would recklessly do whatever he wanted to keep that love alive. Yes, he really didn't love anyone but himself, so it was all about what he wanted, and how he wanted the world. Which meant using all the people he made fall in love with him, to get asher back to him. Smiing happily he pressed a kiss to shadow's mouth, before stepping back."Well.What do you want to learn next?"He asked raising a eyebrow as he looked down at the younger vampire
Shadow smiled happily at him, as if he didn't care in the least that Kaleo didn't return the feelings as he hesitated. “well.. I.. I don't know what else Vampires can do...” he admitted biting his lip again. “can... uhm, can we hypnotize people?” yes, yes they could, in fact he already had. It was a type of hypnosis that they had used to feed in the middle of a crowded street without causing mayhem. “and fly!? Can we fly!?” no, no they could not. “or change into bats!?” again... no. “or.. create solid weapons out of shadows?” yes, they could do that, they could also create illusions out of the shadows, but those where difficult and took a long time to learn. “oh! And...uhm...” he paused, pondering before blinking at Kaleo, waiting for his input on what Vampires could do, maybe something cool like elemental magic!? Few vampires could do elemental magic but someone as powerful as shadow and Harry they might be able to.

(I can't think of anything else, throw in what you think might be cool XDD)
Kaleo smirked, looking amused at the other's rambling. It was always so interesting to listen to new vampires think about vampires. After all, bram stroker had done so many things to the vampire world. "Elemental magic, weather and storms. If you're good enough.Which I sure is true, seeing harry was powerful as a mortal."He looked amused before smirking wider."And no, you can't return to life like dracula."He said brushing his fingers through shadow's hair, the boy was just so cute
he grinned excitedly and nodded. “yes! So cool! I could make it rain hell fire!” he cackled snickering darkly and smirked a little. “could go into the muggle world and convince them all that I;m GOD! Make it rain lightning!” he chuckled a little and grinned. “so how does one die then? Silver stakes and garlic? Holy water and crosses?” no, those where all muggle things to try and beat off their fears, but piercing a vampires heart or taking off their head usually did the trick, it was getting around to being able to do it that was the problem. Burning them to death worked too, but not drowning, because Vampires didn't need to breath. “i'm bored.” Shadow admitted suddenly licking his lips and then biting them, hesitating a little. “would... you...uhm...” he blushed hard, feeling want pulsing through him again, he wanted Kaleo to do it again, to fuck him ruthlessly, and push that sweet, sweet venom into his system once more, he blushed harder and shook his head. “no... never mind.. we should go make sure that Drago hasn't burned down the place yet...”
"Anything should die when you shove a stake through it's heart shadow."He teased smirking a little at shadow's question pulling the oyunger closer. Running his fingers through the boy's hair, hands resting his hips, lowering his head to kiss him slowly before raising his head."Hmm he's not draco.HE can cook."He teased before kissing him again, fangs sinking into the vampire's lips, pushing just a tad of venom into his system, ready to drive him insane with want.
he grinned a little and then blushed hard as he was pulled close, fidgeting. “i don't... I don't bottom...” he tried to protest, swallowing thickly as he was kissed, kissing back, already needy, moaning as he felt the fangs slide into his neck, shuddering violently as he panted, moaning softly as he reacted, rubbing his ass against the others cock. “why are hard to refuse?” he demanded softly. “i give you things.. i'd never give anyone...” he groaned, kissing the others neck almost submissively. “please... fuck me again... make me light up inside again, it was so good...”
Kaleo smirked a little, pulling back, smirking down at the other. "Hmmm I would.But you're right, we should make sure drago's not burnt anything down."He said nodding, looking amused at the idea before transporting them back to the house, grinning."Drago?"He called looking around the house, swallowing hard to keep from reacting to the touches to much. He was enjoying the game he was playing with the young vampire.
he whined, actually whined when Kaleo refused him and he panted softly, following him, wrapping his arms tightly around the other, slipping his hands down the others pants, running his hands along the others cock, groaning softly in his ear. “ignore Drago, he's an idiot, not good at sex, I'm better.” he whispered smirking a little as he ran his tongue along Kaleo's neck. “let me show you... I can do...suck amazing things with my mouth.” he whispered, scraping his fangs almost playfully along Kaleo's neck. “fuck me... I'll let you. I'll let you do anything to me.” he promised softly, too needy, too horny to care what he was doing, or saying.
Kaleo groaned lightly, eyes fluttering a little as he leaned into the touch. Tangling his fingers in shadow's hair pushing him to his knees as he closed his eyes."You could.but I want to know what he's been doing."He snickered, knowing he was driving the other, along with himself, insane."Drago!What are you doing?"He called just to annoy shadow.
shadow groaned as he was pressed to his knees, shivering and whining, pressing his mouth to the others groin, sucking the flesh through the elder Vampires clothes Drago walking out with his eyebrow raised. “i'm TRYING to take a ba....” he paused blinking at Shadow and smirked a little, well aware of what was going on. “a Bath.” he stated simply crossing his arms. “did you want to join me?” Shadow snarled and grabbed Kaleo's hips, nibbling along the others length, panting softly. “please, no...fuck me... god I need it, Kal...Kal please... I can't stand it, I'll do anything, whatever you want PLEASE!”
Kaleo hummed a little, looking slightly amused."Hmmm I think I will. Shadow. Stay here and think about me all naked and wet in the tub. Then I'll be back."He said insanity and amusement, cruelty in his smile as he walked towards the bathroom, smiling as he disappeared into the bathroom.
Shadow snarled as he was abandoned,panting hard as Drago snickered watching as Kaleo vanished, turning to taunt Shadow only to find himself pinned tot eh floor under the vampire, fangs driven into his neck, pumping the blond full of pleasurable poison. “i'll teach you to mock me.” Shadow snarled, yanking Drago's pants down, Drago moaning loudly, more than willing to let Shadow rape him with all the venom rushing through his system. “you think he'll want you!? You're nothing but an un-loyal whore. You think I don't know that you begged that flea bitten mutt for more!? You think I don't know that you'd bend over for anything with a dick!?” he demanded, jealousy and rage blinding him, making him forget that Drago was a friend, that Drago was only playing a part. In shadows rather unstable mind Drago was trying to take Kaleo away from him, and so he was going to make the blond pay by raping him in the hallway.
Kaelo really was gone long enough for shadow to rape drago, walking back out. Pouting as he walked back into the hallway, pouting as he looked down at the two tangled together on the floor."That's not kind you two.I'll just have to punish you both."

Asher meanwhile cursed as he downed a shot of blood rum rubbing his hands over his face, shuddering in the aftereffects of kaleo's amusement and enjoeyment. That much insanity was making his head ache."Draco... Somethings wrong..."he muttered trying to sort out exactly what he was getting from kaleo, but he couldn't. The man's insanity was to deeply rooted to be understood by a sane person.
Drago was panting hard as he lay, limp under Shadow who still had his fangs sunk deep into he blonds neck, releasing his neck and slipping out, Drago whimpering a little as he looked up at Kaleo, blinking at him, Shadow growling at Kaleo. “it's your own goddamn fault!” he spat getting to his feet, redoing his pants and stalking away, Drago closing his eyes. “hey Kal... do me a favor?... never, ever leave Shadow horny like that again...” he muttered getting slowly to his feet, stumbling and using the wall for support. “damn... he's viscous when he's jealous.”
Kaleo swallowed hard catching Drago as he stumbled, picking him up and carrying him towards the bedroom."I're going to lay down and sleep."He said,, sounding almost worried. in his own twisted way, he cared as much about drago as he did about asher and the world.
Drago chuckled a little. “it's ok, he didn't hurt me.” he promised. “i'm just a little shaky from the amount of venom he pumped into me, I doubt he realizes that it has side effects.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “try not to punish him too badly ok? He can't help himself.” he muttered laying in the bed, sighing a little. “he's just... a little messed up in the head a little that's all.” he mumbled smiling a little. “but damn he fucks so good.” he stated smiling a little as he drifted off to sleep. Shadow was hiding in his room, feeling guiltier than all hell for raping Drago, and he was a little afraid of what Kaleo would do to him for it. The vampire had said he was going to punish Shadow, and in shadows history, that meant broken bones and a lot of pain.
AFter drago went to sleep kaleo returned to shadow, tilting his head slightly as he looked at the young vampire walking over.Gently stroking his hair."Aww you feel sorry don't you sorry..."He said amused at the other's guilt. Because he hardly ever felt guilt for anyhting, it always amazed him that others did."Hmmm so guilty..."He muttered drawing him up for a kiss.
but Shadow did something even Kaleo wouldn't have been expecting, he flinched, violently, expecting pain and looked up at the other vampire with terror filled eyes. “i'm sorry.” he whispered, hoarse with fear. “i won't do it again, I'll be good.” he muttered, hoping to avoid the beating that he knew was coming, swallowing thickly. “i won't do it again I swear!” he pleaded, trying to tug himself free of the other, swallowing hard again. “please don't beat me master please!” the words remnant of his original life with the Dursley's. “i'll be good!”
Kaleo looked confused, letting his hands fall, before sighing."Shadow, I am not as uncivilized as gabriel and Asher. I don't beat someone for their screw ups.I know I shouldn't have teased you."He said hoping to calm him down, not wanting to make things worse.
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