Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

He sighed and then he said, "I thought you were going to get a big enough tent for everyone so I didn't bring one alone. Judging from the way you were talking." he then sighed and he said, "I can sleep at the opposite end as much as I can, if it makes you more comfortable. That, or I could find some other form of cover under the rain."
"It'll fit, but it will be a tight fit. Oh well." She said, what she meant by a tight fit soon became obvious. She began to make dinner while Gallade put up the tent, Dusknoir got the fire going, Milotic came back with some fish and Lucario Cinccino and Togekiss came back with some berries and other fruit.
He sighed as he sat outside for the time being. His Pichu was spending time talking to the other Pokemon curiously, being as he was just a child by Pokemon standards. He was quite curious as to who the other types were and what they had been doing. Stories were shared left and right and Brandon...well, he was at one side of the tent, just comfortable as he could get.
Alana was glad pichu was getting more curious, it meant it was getting a little more comfortable. She soon finished the food and put the pokémon food in bowls. "Alright everyone dig in." She said and took two plates and went to the tent. "Hi there, dinner's ready." She said.
"Mmm? Oh, hi," he said, sighing softly. For a moment, he could have sworn that it was Elise's voice. Though, Alana's was becoming just as comfortable for him in his mind. He reached out and took the dinner before he asked, "So, how's the Pichu doing? He's been out there quite a while, I've noticed. I hope that he's getting comfortable around the others..."
"Getting curious. The others are more then happy to welcome it and it's trying to help as well. Pichu is such a sweet pokémon, makes me wanna kick that kid's ass even more." She said and gave him one of the plates. It was simple, but a balanced meal. She took a bite. "So how are you holding up?" She asked.
"Eh...still trying to figure out what to do with myself," he told her, shrugging. He started eating at his calm pace, something that he always did. He always seemed so calm. Yet he hid so many terrible secrets within himself. Was it even possible for a man to be acting calm at this point? Could it even be so? Apparently it was, for Brandon was living proof that it was possible.
Well at least he was being honest with himself now. She knew he wasn't always as calm as he appeare to be. "If there's anything I can do, just let me know." She told him. But he would have to figure it out for himself. After dinner she did the dishes with a little help while the storm was getting really close. Cinccino went into the tent and Lucario was helping with the dishes, the others were back in their pokéballs.
The Pichu stayed out of the Pokeball and helped the Cinccino, but he made sure he didn't touch the water. Even he knew instinctively that water wasn't a good thing for ANY electric type, especially not him. He was mainly helping dry the dishes, though that sometimes ended up in hilarious comedy, such as him falling into pans as he tried to clean them, or him slipping on a soapy surface and sliding against the edge of the tent. But it was all good fun and a learning experience for the Pichu, something that Brandon watched with a keen interest. "He's really getting comfortable around that Cinccino, too," he muttered, wondering if they were going to end up as the best of friends.
"He is. I was hoping that would happen. To have a playmate around her own size. Those two will have a lot of fun together." She said and picked up pichu gently from the big pan it had dried from the insize. "Thank you pichu." She said and put it next to two plates as she began to clean up the rest. They were done just before the storm hit. Alana closed the zipper when it started pouring. "Just in time, couldn't have done it without you guys." She said and smiled at pichu and Cinccino, lucario now back in its pokéball.
Pichu seemed quite happily content and did a few twirls before falling over, rather dizzy from what had been going on. The Pichu was picked up by Brandon and helped into the pocket of his bag again where it cuddled into it and slept again, just like a child Pokemon. He sighed as he laid back, listening to the rain. "It rained the day before the murder, too...I wonder if something bad may happen now?"
Alana smiled as she saw pichu make itself comfortable, Cinccino found its own pocket, the backpacks standing next to one another so the two could talk without leaving their comfy pockets. "I doubt it." Alana said and began to change, she had to that, using a few tricks to keep the exposed skin to a minimum. It wasn't made easy in the small tent, it was just big enough to hold two campers and their backpacks and just high enough to sit in. After changing she zipped up the sleeping bag and lied down.
He hadn't watched her dress. He knew that it was inappropriate, even though he would love to "help" her. What was he thinking?! Help her! They weren't even engaged at this point! He sighed as he laid back, gazing at the top of the tent. He sighed and got into his sleeping back. "Good night," he said, hoping that she was right about nothing bad happening...
"Good night." Alana said and turned to sleep on her side facing the tent, dozing off pretty quick despite the raging thunderstorm outside. After a while she rolled on her back, for the first time in years she slept this deep. She had her own skeletons in the closet so to speak.
However, he was far from that same idea. He sighed as he struggled in his sleep before resting his head against Alana's chest. There, he relaxed utterly and completely, dreaming of sleeping in the nude with his lover, as he had done before, his head resting on her soft mounds. It was only in the morning, and with some prodding from his Pichu, that he awoke and realized what had happened. He immediately shifted away, shaking his head and wondering what the hell he had just been doing...
Cinccino had watched the scene with interest. Alana had woken in the middle of the night, but wasn't too bothered by it. At least he was sleeping peacefully which probably hadn't happened since he lost his fiancée. He wasn't trying anything funny so she closed her eyes and drifted off again. She woke up when he shifted away. By now it was getting light outside. "Good morning." she said, sounding a bit groggy.
He hoped that she had not seen what had just happened. "Good morning," he said, feeling rather uneasy about himself. The Pichu sensed that he was awake and bounced out of its pocket, exclaiming, "PICHU!" in other words, greeting everyone there with a hearty "good morning" from its surprisingly loud vocals.
Cinccino was woken by the loud pichu an dpulled the scarf over its ears. "Ci cinccino." It said, obviously not in a good mood by being woken so early. "Did you sleep well?" Alana asked hims she got out of the sleepingbag and grabbed a towel and her clothes. It was time to get washed. She walked to the stream and stripped behind a large rock before walking into the water and sitting down, sure it was cold, but she was used to it.
Brandon sighed as he sat a ways away, not looking at her because he didn't want to embarrass her, or himself further. He replied, "Yeah, I slept well. PIchu obviously slept well." Right now, the Pichu was scolding the Cinccino for sleeping in, calling it such things as sleepyhead, the late bird who didn't get the worm, all of that in Pokemon language.
Cinccino was fed up with it and ran out of the tent and high up in a tree. It used its scarf to bind itself to a small branch to try and get some sleep. Brandon had been acting weird, probably because of him ending up with his head on her chest. Alana was washing herself and then quickly got out since the water really was cold. She dried herself off and got dressed, it was time to revive the fire and make breakfast.
Pichu followed the Cinccino to the base of the try and frowned. "Pi-pi, Pichu, pi!" it said, basicallly muttering how the Cincinno was the most stubborn of its kind when it came to waking up at the right moment of the day. Brandon looked at the fire and then looked away to the sky. "How far from here to the next place that we're going?"
With the scarf over its ears it could finally sleep since pichu was at the base of the rather large tree. "Assuming we don't make any detours about fourty miles." Alana said as she was cutting up some berries while the fish were roasting near the fire.
"Meaning we'll arrive there about sundown if we go after breakfast," he said, shrugging as he waited for breakfast to be done.

later that day

They were just arriving at Oreburg, Brandon getting quite tired from the non-stop walking. His Pichu was currently taking a nap in the pocket of his bag, seeming all adorable just curled up into a cute, yellow ball, hands over its cheeks to prevent the electricity from flowing out as was normal for a young Pichu not fully in control of its electricity. Brandon was quietly contemplating what might happen while they were here in this city.
"Let's get a room at the pokémon center, I'm beat." Alana said, not in the mood to cook or anything, usually she didn't walk 40 miles in one day. At the pokémon center they'd have a nice warm bed and good food. Well the pokémon center was hard to miss.
He smiled, seeing the Pokecenter. He had heard of new Pokecenters that were coming out that had the Pokemart interconnected with the rest center. Unfortunately, this was not one of them. He sighed as he walked in and then he set his Pokemon into their resting chambers, his Pichu still snoring quietly in his bag.
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