Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

Alana signed them in and handed over her pokémon for a check-up before dumping her backpack in their room. A kingsized bed, that could get awkward. That would be funny, but she was too tired to make a fuzz and claimed the side sclosest to the window.
Brandon entered and he stopped short. "What in the world?" he asked before he said, "You know, Alana, there's only one bed...or did you not notice that when choosing the rooms, you just chose one?" He was a tad bit worried now...especially after what had happened last night.
"I didn't pick it. What's the big deal, we're both adults are we not?" Alana said, tired as hell and she just wanted to eat and go to bed at this point.
He sighed softly, shaking his head. "If you say so..." he muttered. By the time that nighttime rolled around, he was on the opposite end, as close to the edge as he could get without rolling off in his sleep.
After a good meal for everyone, pokémon and human Alana changed into her big shirt and went to bed. She once again started on her side, but rolled onto her back, it seemed to be a habit. This bed was much more comfortable then the sleepingbags. Cinccino was on the other end of the pillow curled up in ball.
He had almost rolled his head to rest on top of her breasts, fancying himself naked with his lover again. But he awoke before he could and then shook himself and rolled away, sighing softly. He didn't know what to think at this moment in time...he figured that right now, he was considering himself a royal loser in this battle against himself.
Alana woke up feeling a lot of movement and looked at Brandon. "Are you alright?" She asked as she sat up. He seemed to be rather stressed. Cinccino pulled it scarf over its ears before it continued to sleep.
He sighed and he told her, "Couldn't sleep. Each time I had a dream of her body was acting on impulse in those dreams. I didn't want to sleep, I didn't want to accidentally end up in a pose with you that you wouldn't like."
"Like last night?" She asked. She was being blunt right now, he obviously had a hard time sleeping, yet last night he'd slept like a baby. She hadn't mentioned it because she didn't mind, it helped him sleep and wasn't uncomfortable for her.
"So then you noticed? I'm sorry. I guess we shouldn't be anywhere close like this. It's not right," he told her, sighing softly. He held his head in his hands. "I'm sorry...I don't even know how to handle myself anymore, I suppose. And here I was as this great trainer, reduced to the status of an emo teenager because of what happened. I just want to have someone like her again...
"I noticed, in the middle of the night. I don't mind it." Alana said if she had she would have pushed him off. She put a hand on his good shoulder gently. "Is there anything I can do?" She asked.
He sighed softly, wondering what to do now. If she did know, then what were her thoughts? "I don't know what you can do," he told her, turning to her. "I really don't. If I did, well...I would have said something a while before."
Alana was sleepy and the best ideas weren't born at two am. "We should try to get some sleep, don't worry if that happens again, it's alright." he said, she couldn't think of anything else right now.
He sighed and then he told her, "I don't know if I can get any sleep. I'll try..." he then laid back on the bed, sighing as he gazed up at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts. He hadn't any idea what he was going to try and do...he was completely lost in his thoughts at this point, so much that he wouldn't have noticed anything else unless she shook him a little bit.
"Good, if not I'll get you some really strong coffee tomorrow." She told him, that was before she went to sleep again. There had been a time as a kid when sleeping was soemthing she had been terrified off.
When he awoke again, he again found himself agsainst her, this time snuggled into her. He gasped and shifted back again, sitting up and holding his arms to himself. "What the hell, Brandon?!" he thought, wondering what the hell he was doing.
Alana opened an eye, he pulled back again. He wasn't comfortable with it. Well she'd make it easy and rolled on her side for now, she'd just have to ask chnsey for some really strong coffee tomorrow.

The next morning she got up early, grabbed her clothes and put them in the washingmachine. She was running out of things to wear and there was a free machine this early. She waited for it to be done while reading a rather outdated magazine.
Brandon came out with his Pichu currently bugging the crap out of him. He got the Pichu some of its favorite Pokemon food and then he went down to find himself something to eat. He had just recently showered as well. He still had the sling because his shoulder bone was repairing itself, so he might still have that damn thing for quite a while, unless something was done to treat it faster. He saw Alana and said, "Hey there. I haven't seen that magazine in a while...did you have it and just kept it?"
"No it's just one of the outdated magazines they keep in the laundry room." She said. "Should I ask chansey to get you a big pot of strong coffee?" She then asked, he didn't look like he'd slept well. The washing machine made a beep when it started the drying program, it would be done soon. Cinccino was running around the washing room doing all sorts of stunts while jumping from machine to machine. "Got a strategy for the Oreburg gym yet?"
"I don't know yet. I don't know who the gym leader is and what types the gym is all about," he said, leaning back against the wall and sighing. "And as for the strong cup of coffee? Nah, not a coffee kind of guy. I just wish that I had slept better than I did last night." he put his hand to his face and sighed. What was he going to do now that he actually felt something for Alana of some sort and was connecting it to Elise? Elise, who was dead.
"It's a rock type gym. The gym leader's name is Roark." Alana said and handed him her pokégear. It had internet for one and she had looked up the Oreburg gym leader. "Says he uses a geodude, onix and rampardos." Alana said. "Are you OK?" She asked, something was going on...
"Yeah, I'm fine," he told her, shaking his head. "For the most part," he added, knowing that he wouldn't be able to tell her that he was just fine without adding something to it. There wasn't a way he could hide what he was feeling. She was too sharp. It bugged him in a way...the way her eyes probed him for information. He needed to hide it better. "And...if its rock type then I should bring in any water types that I can find."
"Any pokémon that can perform a fighting, water steel or grass type attack will do fine. I'm sure registeel can handle them, but it can't hurt to find a water type. Try to either catch a feebas or buizel. Personally I think they're very strong and buizel are quite common here." She said.
"Mmm...I'll give it my best shot," he told her before saying, "What with this arm and all. The only problem, really, is having a Pokemon that won't make them faint." he sighed as he thought about it. "I have to figure out how to do it without KOing them in one hit."
"Why? I'm planning to do the same thing with Lucario. Thing with all those three pokémon their special defenses are poor. And the only thing rampardos has going for it is its attack, the rest isn't anything to write home about. But both onix and geodude are known for having high normal defense so a physical move would be best then." She said
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