Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

"Is that what they said? Judging from the fact that they were hounding those women earlier they have a lot more issues. They're criminals who are out to hurt people, hurt them for no reason at all. I think this had more to do with their sadistic nature than you being defeated once. And for you to blame yourself would be the ultimate price for a sadist." Alana said.
He shook his head and told her, "I'm sorry. I'm not sure what I should start believing anymore. All of this has come through to me as just...well, the most awful thing that could happen to me.' he shook his head and then looked into the sky. "Whatever. I just...I don't know what to think anymore."
"Which is understandable since it's still so recent." Alana said. Before she could say anything else a pichu came running, it was hurt and followed by a marowak which attacked it. "Come back here you're my pokémon. A weakling at that, for once could you just fight." A kid yelled. He obviously couldn't see pichu was in no condition to fight, far from it.
"What in the hell?!" Brandon asked, standing up. "Grr.....RRRRRRRR!" he said, charging forward and standing before the Pichu. "Leave him along you little twerp! Do you realize what the hell you're doing to this poor thing?! It's a baby, it's not in any condition to FIGHT!"
The kid stood still, but was just too stupid to be scared. "Stay out of this cripple grandpa. Marowak, use bone rush, pichu, use iron tail." The kid said. Pichu collapsed as the marowak advanced, but suddenly without warning Cinccino inteveined with a bullet seed attack knocking out the marowak. "You want a fight little one, you can get one, machop." He released the pokémon. "Use Brick break." The kid ordered. Alana wasn't giving any orders, she didn't have to. In no time the machop was rolling over the floor laughing from tickle before it suddenly had a close range bullet seed attack launched in its face. Out for the count. "You're strong, I'm gonna catch you." He said before it jumped on Alana's shoulder. "Sorry Mr. Impatience, but Cinccino is mine. You should A: show some respect to adults, B: apologize to him and C: he's right, a baby pokémon can't possibly put up a fight against a much higher level, evolved pokémon not to mention that pichu's are weak against ground types. Any competent trainer would know this." She said and stood up and stopped next to Brandon. The kid released pichu into the wild, he was too impatient to train a pokémon from scratch. He recalled both machop and marowak and ran.
"here, let me do this for the Pichu," he said, catching the Pichu rather easily. "Poor thing..." he said, shaking his head. The youth of today sometimes just could not understand the love and care that went into raising these Pokemon. Sometimes they just treated these guys as if they are supposed to do everything they want from day one. He reached into his bag and made sure he had some medicine handy and brought the Pichu out again. He began gently working to help treat its wounds.
Alana nodded, it would take some time. In the mean time she went to gather berries with Cinccino, the poor thing would probably like some once it felt a bit better. They returned after fifteen minutes. "So pichu, how are you feeling?" Alana asked and she put a few oran berries in front of it, in the mean time Cinccino was munching on a pecha berry.
The pichu gave the berries a passing glance before taking some and just quietly munching. It wasn't feeling very good at all and it was too tired and hurt still to care what was being done to it. It wouldn't feel comfortable around strangers for quite a while, though neither of them were strangers to it, they were saviors from it's cruel master.
The berries would help restore its energy and since it was still a baby probably all of it. She was glad it was at least eating. Cinccino jumped down and just sat down next to the little pokémon as if trying to offer support. She felt that having a young pokémon depends on him it might help Brandon as well, those two could help heal each other. "I'm glad you like it." Alana told pichu and smiled a little at it, then looked at Brandon. "Damn, that was some stupid kid." She said.
"I swear, some of the people today just do not understand what it takes to raise a Pokemon up to the proper level, particularly when they start from scratch," he muttered, smiling down at the Pichu before he then looked where the boy had come from. "I hope that his parents or that some older trainer will teach that little brat a lesson or two. If I see him again, and my Pichu is strong enough to take his Pokemon by being a Pikachu, well...he'll really be in for a shock then."

"Pipi? Pichu?" the little Pokemon asked, not really understanding what was being said.
"The way he's going he'll get that lesson sooner rather then later, but if that gets through to his thick skull I can't guarantee." Alana replied. She couldn't help bu grin at the plan. "Especially if it's holding a light ball." She told him. It would be fun, but until then it would be a lot of hard work. At the next pokémon center she'd bring Miltank over, its milk would deffinately help pichu get stronger than the average of its kind. She had raised most of her pokémon on its milk.

"Cin, cinccino, cino." Cinccino said, explaining to pichu they would help it get stronger.
The Pichu shivered. "Pichu, pi?" the little thing asked, wondering why they wanted to get it stronger. Brandon sighed and he said, "I guess it doesn't want to get stronger. But I want it to get stronger so that it can beat up people who try to abuse it and others who try and abuse others like itself."
"Ci, Ci, Cinccino, Cino." That was pokémonlaguage for don't worry they won't hurt you like the kid did. "Cinccino, cino, ci, cinccino." It continued, telling it how Alana had made training fun. "Don't push pichu too much. It needs some time to recover." Alana told Cinccino. "Looks like pichu isn't reay for that yet. I think that you should show it how different from that kid you are, be nice. Once pichu is more comfortable you can begin with training excersizes, but I'd leave the battling out of it for the time being. When Cinccino was young I brought it like a game, it loved to play and got really strong, later I got more serious, young pokémon in general don't take serious training sessions well, most of them don't have the focus span, but games..." Alana said.
"Mmm....I haven't worked with one this young before. I almost think that you should train it, but at the same time, this would be good for my first try," he said, shrugging. The Pichu was a bit concerned about what was going on from what the Cinccino was telling him. Though, maybe, just maybe, things were going to turn out alright...
"How's this. I'll give you advice, but you have to train it. I dared Cinccino into games which would help develop balance, speed, agility, evasiveness and when doing all that at the same time muscles are build and it's fun. I think battling is a big nono for the time being considering what the poor thing just went through." She told him.

"Ci, Cinccino." Don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you. Those were Cinccino's last words to pichu. Of course Cinccino already knew neither Brandon, nor Alana would ever think of hurting pichu.
The Pichu still felt rather reassured by the Cinccino's words to it and it nodded slightly. Brandon looked at it before he sighed a bit and wondered...what kinds of games could he work with that would help this Pichu develop itself? It wouldn't be able to be trained to evolution through battle, even though the evolution wouldn't be far away if he put it through battle. But he could hardly do that, seeing its current condition.
"It's simple, leave it to Cinccino for the time being with the running around and balancing through the trees it does I'm sure pichu will follow as playmate. It helps with balance, co-ordination, agility and even speed. I'm sure pichu will get more easily tired though so keep an empty pocket on your backpack it can rest in. Once pichu can catch up with Cinccino we can have them compete in excersizes not unlike the pokéathlon." Alana explained.
He looked at the Pichu and smiled. The Pichu, noticing the smile, said, "Pi-Pi...PICHU!" meaning that it was glad to see a smiling face instead of anger within his eyes. It looked around, as if looking for the boy. Pichu, Pi-chu..." (I hope the big mean guy doesn't come after me) it said now before giving a cute yawn. The chase had worn it out.
"Cinccino, ci ci Cinccino." Cinccino said, meaning if he does we'll take care of him. "It looks like pichu needs come rest. Clear out one pocket o the outside of your backpack that can fit pichu. If it's going to get in better shape you should leave him out of its pokéball, just the walking with us would help and if it gets too tired it has a spot to rest." Alana suggested, she did the same for Cinccino though Cinccino was usually running around them a lot instead of a straight line.
The Pichu was tucked away into a pocket in the bag and it snuggled into the confines almost immediately. It gave off something of a cute, contented sigh while it rested, small electric sparks coming out of its cheek before it tried to keep those cheeks covered so no electricity would be given off.
"Now that the newest team member is asleep and comfy shall we continue?" Alana asked him. Was he ready to continue with the sling and all. They could still make a nice distance, but it probably would be going slower than she was used to, then again the league wasn't for another eleven months, plenty of time.
He shrugged and he said, "Sure." he made sure that his sling was fully adjusted and then he stood, continuing down the path. He was trying to keep those memories at bay, but walking along in silence only gave him all the more reason to remember her. Her beautiful face, her lovely eyes...he suddenly started finding connections between Alana's face and Elise's face...
Alana had no idea there were any, instead she was tryingto think up a strategy for the gym battles coming up, who to use for instance. The remainder of the day was mostly quiet while pichu and Cinccino played around them a few times. She stopped next to a river. "This should make a nice campsight." She said, the sun was low in the skies, but big black clouds were rolling in.
He nodded and he said, "Let's find a bit of cover." the Pichu jumped back into his pocket. Pi-Pichu! Pichu-CHU!" he said, meaning that he had seen them before, had been left out in the rain as punishment once and he hated them. He hid in the pocket as much as he could, scared of those black clouds. Brandon sighed and asked, "What did that boy do to this poor guy?"
"Leave him out in the rain probably. Let's make sure the tent is up before it starts raining." Alana said and took a small tent from her backpack. "Do you have one too, this one for everyone is going to be like sardines in a can." She told him. Cinccino was back out and Alana now released the remainder of her team to help out to get everything done. Cinccino, Togekiss, Lucario, Zoroark, Milotic and Gallade. She didn't need them to tell what to do either.
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