Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

Alana decided it was late and time to go to sleep. They'd be traveling together so if he wanted to tell her he could. It was more obvious now then ever that there was something hurting him other than his shoulder. Cinccino was already asleep on the other side of her pillow when she closed her eyes.((Skip to morning?))
[Sure thing. ^_^]

He awoke nice and early in the morning and then he groaned as he looked down at the floor. "My shoulder is hurting less, that's a good thing," he muttered, sighing softly as he started getting up. He banged his head against the top bunk and groaned as he held onto his head. "Shit...forgot that I was bunking with someone," he whispered as quietly as he could.
Alana was already in the bathroom, taking a shower. She too was early riser, unlike Cinccino which was still napping on her pillow. She wasn't aware Brandon was awake and the lock of course was busted. She figured she'd have a little more time in the shower by rising early, it wasn't every day she got that luxury so she enjoyed it greatly when she could.
Not fully remembering what was going on, he thought that his Elise was in there. He smiled and got up, approaching the bathroom before stopping. he heard her slight voices in there and remembered what was going on. He fell away from the door, shuddering softly. "Why...did my dreams lie to me again?" he asked himself, sighing as he leaned against a wall.
Alana came out fully dressed roughly ten minutes later. "Good morning." She said. She climbed up to the top bunk. "Waky, waky sleepyhead." She said to Cinccino, leaving Brandon to take a shower and get ready. Cinccino however pulled its scarf over its ears. "Cin, Cinccino." It said, it sounded an awful lot like just five more minutes.
He got into the shower and he just sighed. He looked at his shoulder, which was improving. He smield softly upon seeing that, but it reminded him of the horrible truth. While his shoulder would come back...she never would. He sighed softly...
Alana picked up the sleeping Cinccino and decided to check her supplies while Brandon was showering. If they were to head out of town they'd need plenty of them. Berries one could always find underway, but her medicin supply was running low as were the treats and food. Cinccino opened its eyes again a few minutes later because of the noise she was making and it wasn't amused. "It's about time you got up sleepyhead." She said and Cinccino just looked at her, obviously not amused.
Brandon finally came out of the shower, sighing as he adjusted the sling again. "I hate having to wear this thing," he muttered before looking around briefly for Alana. Where did she go off to? "E-...ah, Alana?" he asked before noticing her packing stuff for the journey. "Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there for a second," he told her.
"Good morning." Alana said. "I'm running low on medicine, treats and food so we'll have to stop by the pokémart before heading out." She said and looked at the bottom of her boots. "Looks like I need a new pair of those too." She said, it almost had a hole in the bottom. "How about we go get some breakfast." She suggested. "Cinccino!" The little pokémon cheered.
"Sure. I could use something to munch on," he told her before he looked at the Cinccico. "I see that your Cinccico is happy with the idea too," he commented, not making a note on how long it took for this same Pokemon to be up with its trainer...
Cinccino never was an early riser. Cinccino hopped on her shoulder as she walked out of the room with her stuff since they wouldn't be returning. She took a seat at an empty table and it didn't take long before Chansey brought them all the standard breakfast and Cinccino some pokémon food. Cinccino dug in immediately and Alana took a bite from the grilled ham&cheese sandwich. "So where were you heading?" She asked him?
"Me? Anywhere in particular, I was just heading all over the place," he told her, sighing softly as he looked over his food. He ate some of the stuff. "I'm sorry about all of this," he muttered.
((What region are they in?))

"I think I'm going to collect badges. I oughtta be ready for the Sinnoh league or any other league by now." Alana said. "So how about we head to Oreburg city, its gym is closest by." She said. She didn't have too many pokémon she believed in quality over quantity. On her tenth birthday her mother had given her a Minccino and she set out on her journey. Cinccino was always out.
Legendary pokemon that are in it are...Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kiyoger (or whatever the big whale's name is. It isn't a wailord, it's another big whale).
alright, well, I have to head to bed. Tell you what, I'll study the maps tomorrow? And...uh, then we can continue. That, and I'll get to playing where Sinnoh comes from and...hope I can get Pokemon Black/White sometime the meantime, good night and talk to you some more tomorrow.
Mera1506 said:
((What region are they in?))

"I think I'm going to collect badges. I oughtta be ready for the Sinnoh league or any other league by now." Alana said. "So how about we head to Oreburg city, its gym is closest by." She said. She didn't have too many pokémon she believed in quality over quantity. On her tenth birthday her mother had given her a Minccino and she set out on her journey. Cinccino was always out.

He nodded and then he said, "Hmm...same here, actually. You think that we could both win badges to get into the leagues?" (I mean, how else are there the elite 4?)
"I don't see why not." Alana said finishing her breakfast. "Now let's head to the pokémart." She said and got up, her large backpack on her back and Cinccino hopping onto her shoulder. After that it was blisterpatches and a new pair of hiking boots. She walked out of the pokémoncenter and to the pokémart.
He followed her, hoping that this incident didn't turn into another incident like the one before. After all, he had been doing something similar when those gun men had came. He began to wonder what he might do if someone recognized him here and had perhaps heard of his troubles? He didn't want a pity party. He already had enough of that going on as it was with him mourning her death. He didn't want pity coming to him from everyone around him, which he figured it would if the news got out. He determined that he would shush the person who tried to explain it if such a thing did happen. For now, he focused his mind on what supplies they were going to need.
Alana didn't know the details of the ambush, just that it was tragic. She did notice Brandon seemed a little on edge. Cinccino was trying to help in its own way, more or less trying to get her to take all the treats, but one look from her stopped Cinccino in its tracks. She picked a few bags and told the little pokémon to put the rest back, which it did without hesitating. After stocking up on medications and normal pokémonfood she payed for it and waited for Brandon to finish.
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