Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

Brandon soon came up to her and he smiled softly. "Well that is all that we will need, right?" he asked her, grinning as he then looked out a window. He happened to notice something going on. A gang was hounding a group of young women. "Those...THEM!" he muttered softly. Fortunately, he had brought along something that he always kept on him. His Regis, a Pokemon he often kept on top of himself. "One moment," he muttered, walking out and stepping out. "Stop, fools, or I'll have to deal with you myself!"
Alana looked in the same direction and saw it. She followed him. "Hey look another one." One of them said before he cried out and curled up in a ball clutching his groin and Cinccino running back to Alana. Now they were pissed of course and they released their pokémon, machoke, ryhorn, golem, machamp and hitmonlee. She sighed and released her togekiss. "Golem used stone edge." One of them said, stone edge missed, dodged by togekiss. "Magical leaf." Alana said and togekiss launched the attack from the air, aiming for both golem and ryhorn. "Machamp, grab the damn bird." One of them said. "Cinccino, use tickle." Alana said, leaving machamp rolling on the floor laughing while ryhorn and golem were knocked out.
"Aw, how come YOU get the glory and here I am not able to exact my revenge on these monsters?! The same people who used those guns for such malicious about I come out at you with something like this, hm?" he asked, chuckling. He held up his Pokeball. "You're lucky I didn't have this guy before, but now you'd better run if you don't want something bad happening. Regis, I summon you! Come forth!" he called out, throwing out his pokeball and watching with a grin. It was time to exact some revenge for his dead lover...though he wasn't thinking straight at this point, so intent was he on gaining such revenge. Perhaps it would be best to watch what he did?
Same guys that gunned him down before. "Alright, that's enough you two." Alana said and togekiss and Cinccino returned. But the regis were all at a disadvantage against three fighting types. She'd seen a Regirock and registeel before, but Regice was new to her and looked it up, she also looked up their levels, stats and moves and those of the opponents. She had been worried for no reason at all. "You guys better run." Alana said. "We don't take orders from chicks." He said. "It wasn't an order, just advice and if you don't want to be made one hell of a fool of, you skedaddle right now." She said. "Why, he's at a disadvantage." Their leader said. "Only type wise, level wise is another story entirely, but don't listen to me." She said and grinned.
"You obviously don't know who I am, do you? I'm at a disadvantage, type wise. But I have spent a lot of time with my Pokemon, particularly this one of mine," he said, crossing his arms. "There's only one boy who has ever defeated me and my Regis and other Pokemon types. His name...well, if you get by us this time, you may learn. Otherwise you are hardly worthy to know about it." He grinned, waiting for the others to act.
"Looks like he thinks he's some sort of big shot. No matter machamp, close combat on the pale one." He said, referring to regice. "Alright hitmonlee high jump kick on the steel one." Another said and the last one.."Machoke, cross chop on the rock one." "Idiots." Alana said and shrugged, she wouldn't be surprised if it would be over in one turn.
He smirked and then said, "Close combat? I think not. Regice! Use Icy Wind on that Machomp! Registeel, Zap Cannon! Regirock, ancient power on that Machoke!" The icy wind prevented the Machomp from gaining much ground as it froze the feet of the Machomp right onto the ground that it was on. The Zap Cannon stiffened the hitmonlee in the air, causing them to lose coordination with its attack. And then the "ancient power" really roughed up with the Machoke, perhaps not being quite so effective as the other two were.
They ran, they could see their pokémon were on the verge of passing out already and on top of that frozen or paralized or hurt since hi jump kick backfired. They recalled their pokémon and ran. "Are you alright?" Alana asked, not referring to physically, but being confronted with your attackers can't be easy.
"I'm not satisfied. They should be put in prison for life and left to rot for what they did," he told her, not quite telling her what the reason he thought that for was. he didn't want to tell it, however. He just wanted that part to be left alone. But there was something in his voice that betrayed that he was hiding something truly horrible.
"The way they're going, they soon will be, those ladies look pissed. I bet they're pressing charges." Alana said. These guys were bad news. He'd already said enough to know they were the same guys that had tried to kill him. But that tone, there was more to it, something worse then what she knew. She recalled togekiss. "I never would have guessed you had regis. Where did you find them?" She asked, trying to change the rather tense topic.
He shrugged at her question and he replied, "I can't remember all of the places. They were all over Kanto. Had to do quite a bit of chasing and finding to get them." he turned to her and then he said, "And by the way, I'm sorry about my outburst against those guys. I just had to...well, get some revenge on them for what they did to me."
"Kanto huh? So these are different regis from the ones I saw in Hoenn." Alana said. It had been an outburst, but what could be so horrible that had gotten him so emotional. Had they done more then just shoot him? They weren't bragging about what they did to him. He was holding something back and she knew he'd been crying at the pokémon center. "Not just you is it?" Alana asked. She wasn't sure, but loss of a loved one would make sense. That could brake down the strongest people.
He sighed softly and then he said, "It wasn't just me they shot. They shot another. That person didn't live through the ordeal. It wasn't just a quick death, either. Slow, painful to watch, until they finally passed away, the pain being too much for them to bear. It's not something I want to have pity's not worth having pity over. Yes, it was painful but so what? People die and we all move on..." he said it as if he was just trying to tell himself that something would be alright. He didn't seem exactly sure of himself.
That had hit close to home. He wasn't even telling her the gender of who was shot. The way he was distancing himself from what had happened only confirmed her suspisions that it had been someone he held very dear. Could have been family, could have been a girlfriend. Then the sun hit her eyes from an odd angle and she saw the silver ring. She'd seen it before, sure, but she'd never before paid much attention on it. Silver ring, left hand and then it hit her, no wonder it was taking such a high toll. But she said nothing further on it, it would be best not to force things. "I'm sorry to hear that." She said and meant it.
He nodded slowly, not knowing that she had already figured out what he was trying to hide. If she had, in his mind, things might just start taking turns for the worse. "Anyhow, let's just get out of here," he told her before asking, "Where to? Back to the poke center or out into the wild to try and catch some more Pokemon?"
Alana nodded. "Well I need to get a new pair of hikingboots before we can go off into the wild though." She said. She walked into the store next door, which was for travelers basically. When she found out they still sold the same model it was done pretty quickly and since they were new she'd need some blisterpatches. Les then ten minutes later they were out again, her on her new boots. "Well I think Oreburg city is that way." She said while holding a small compas that she had on a chain connected to her pants.
He shrugged and then said, "I can't remember the city names off of the top of my head, so I'm the one who is kind of lost here." He made sure to somewhatstay away from the patches of grass, however. There was no point in fighting random Pokemon just yet, at least in his mind. He wanted to be able to catch them and that meant having a Pokemon out that could catch them without having them faint.
Alana didn't bother with the patches of grass anymore, she had enough pokémon. She wasn't sure what to talk about and maybe it was just her, but ever since she thought she figured out what he was hiding there was a tension in the air. Instead she kept a closer than normal eye on Cinccino, enjoying how it was running around and being silly sometimes. But after an hour or so it got tired and found its steady place in an empty pocket in her backpack which she kept empty for Cinccino.
He sighed softly as he looked at his arm and then he said, "May we take a little break? I think I need to readjust my's falling off again. Damn thing always does when I don't want it to." He stopped and sighed, fixing his sling. At the same time, he needed to give his legs a rest...hell, rest in general. He just didn't really know what to do about all of this that was going on, especially not after finding his killers.
"Sure." Alana said. He certainly wasn't used to walking for longer periods of time. She sat down on his right side once he was done with the sling. "What was her name?" She asked, deciding to show her cards. She had noticed he'd been silent all the way, hadn't tried to make conversation either.
"I thought I told you not to pity me or ask of such a thing," he said after a moment of silence in surprise that she even knew of this. "I don't wish to share those details. I don't want them getting out and me having such a pity party after me that I can't think straight. People die. So what? We all move on. That's what everyone that I grew up with always said even after a loved one died. I don't want to be known as someone who just takes pity like that and be considered weak!" something was in him from how he grew up...perhaps that explained why he was so silent.
"What makes you think I'm pitying you? Geez." Alana said. "And move on? Are you moving on or running away? Not to mention you're still wearing your engagement ring. You still mourn her. Admit two things to yourself your far from over it and you're nowhere ready to move on. Moving on means having peace with what happened, not going through the daily motions, those are two different things." Alana told him.
"I AM NOT GOING THROUGH THE DAILY MOTIONS!" he cried out before he then sighed. "You want to know what happened?! Those murderers came in after I had my Pokemon into the healing center. They came in while I was with her, Elise. We were going to get married the next day when they came in. They opened fire. I had ducked down with her, they foolishly assumed I was dead and left. I stood up, only my shoulder wounded but she...she was hit close to her heart, a bullet actually lodging itself but not killing her right away. For three full days, she suffered while doctors feverishly worked. She finally passed away, the only thing that she could say at that point was she loved me. She passed away in tears, wishing that she didn't have to leave me. And no, I haven't gotten over it, but I'm trying to..." he sighed softly, looking at his arm, the pain going through him again. "I don't know if I can ever forget it."
"I don't think you ever will, I think the pain will lessen with time, but leaves a scar, I know that much. It takes time. But I know one thing, she was lucky to have you. I only met you yesterday, but it's easy to see how deeply you still love her." She said. She obviously had been through something bad as well, though it was far from recent.
He sighed and shook his head. "She was the perfect woman. And those bastards stole her from me for no reason other than the fact that I was a famous trainer. They were ANGRY that I had been defeated at one time by a simple young boy who still, to this day, continues his search to catch all pokemon in the entire world."
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