Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

Alana shook her head. "You made that clear when you said you don't want a pity party." She told him. "Still it's the best way to get a bearing for the pokémon here. I bet you've never entered a Sinnoh contest before. Contests in all regions are different and the contests here will give you a good bearing on the pokémon from this region."
Though contests don't tell everything as well. Handling a Pokemon tells how they behave more explicitly. Contests help for quite a few things but I like to handle them too. So I catch 'em all, I raise them as much as I can, and I join contests and such.
"You can never catch them all and raise them to a high level, there's a reason why you became so good, you had a small group and raised them well to high levels. The thing about being a trainer is getting the group that matches you best and learn about other pokémon a different way." Alana said. "I can't believe I have to tell you that."
He shook his head and he said, "You didn't have to. Whatever..." he shook his head, standing up and shutting his mouth. he didn't say another word as he started walking back to Oreburg. He had the feeling that she just didn't understand him.
Alana had the feeling he was trying for something he either should have started a long time ago or couldn't happen anymore. She followed him back, saying nothing. It was impossible to raise them all and do it right, it was just too much. "So who's going first at the gym?" She then asked.
"I don't care," he told her, sighing as he walked back into Oreburg. He noticed someone...and remembered them immediately. He tried to hide his face from the person, a brother of his former love. One who blamed him for causing the death of his own sister...

[you can control them if you want.][
Brandon had no such luck as the man walked up to him. "So how are you doing?" the man said before suddenly taking a swing at Brandon. Right now he'd been looking for him to kick the shit out of him. Alana had fallen a little behind, thinking. Brandon had seemed upset by what she said and wondered why that was.
He put his good arm up and blocked. "I have no wish to fight with you. I'm sorry about what happened, I had no control over it. I'm just as heartbroken as you are over it! Now leave me the fuck alone!" he attempted ti simply move away.
Of course the other wouldn't hear of it, right now he wasn't in control it also didn't help that the man was a giant of 6'6ft with a lot of muscle. He picked Brandon up and hurled him into a tree.
He grunted in pain and struggled up. "Don't make me use my Pokemon for self defense, Aaron! I will if I have to!" he shouted, reaching for his Registeel. The Pichu was watching in fear. It's caretaker was being beat up by a brutish man!
Aaron merely grabbed Brandon's arm before it reached the pokéballs and tossed the pokéballs aside. "It wasn't right that she had to die and you get to live." He growled. He didn't notice Alana sneaking up behind him, not until her foot connected with his crotch from behind hard. He doubled over in pain before she punched him in the throat hard. She wasn't as big, but the regular sparring with Lucario and Gallade had made her a very good fighter. "Beat it." She said on a rather icy tone. Aaron got up and left.
Brandon grunted and he said, "That...that was her brother...he hates me ever since the incident." he sighed as he stood, holding his back where he had hit the tree. Pichu jumped up onto his shoulder, hugging him as much as it could, for it had been afraid for his life for a moment. He looked up to Alana. "Sorry if I just get in the way with the people who hate me and everything..."
"Don't apologize for seomthing that's not your fault. Are you alright?" alana said. She couldn't blame him for this. "Let's get you checked out by a doctor to make sure this hasn't efected your shoulder." She suggested.
"Probably has. Roughed me up a good deal with that toss into the tree..." he said, sighing. All the worse to feel for losing her. He walked to the doctor ahead of her, trying to hide a tear that he shed along the way.
"Let's hope it's not too bad." Alana said and followed him. She knew this had to be hard and he seemed to want a bit alone time so she followed silently. She waited while the doctor checking him over. "How bad is it?" She asked him.
"Nothing serious, fortunately. A scrape on the back from the bark hitting his back that hard, and his shoulder was pulled a slight bit from the joint. Fortunately, it had healed enough that the toss didn't snap it loose again. A simple readjustment and he was good to go. But, his mental condition is another issue entirely. He's holding back a flood of tears, locking them away. As I checked him, I could feel his entire body trembling, fighting with some inner demon. Whatever happened to that man, it wasn't good...and the fight that he described makes it seem like an incident beyond his control happened and he lost more than just a friend, and so did several other people who now bear hatred for him."
"I know he's going through a rough time." Alana said and walked in. The doctor had said that he was good to go. But she was also worried about him, the encounter had roughed him up mor mentally than physically it seemed.
He sat there, visibly trembling. He kept muttering something that sounded like, "I'm sorry, Elise..." the Pichu walked in and sat next to him, its ears folding back. "Pichu...pi?" it asked, wanting to know what was wrong.
Alana looked at Cinccino who leaped down and tried to calm pichu while Alana gently put a hand on his good shoulder, holding him loosely to give him a chance to cry out on her shoulder or pull away.
He turned to her and then he said, "I...I...I don't know what to think anymore at this point. Nothing is going to change. I can't get rid of this demon, not by myself. I don't know how. Her death haunts me, and not just in memory. You saw what her brother did. Trying to kill me."
Alana pulled him into a gentle hug. "I'll do my best to help, I promise, one step at a time." She told him, hoping he could relax a little. In the mean time Cinccino explained that something really bad had happened to pichu
"Really bad?" Pichu said in its own adorable language, looking back at Brandon. "Pichu...pi..." it said, meaning that it was very sorry for Brandon. It was trying to control itself. Brandon held onto her. "Alana...m-may I...just, be with you? You've already accepted what I've accidentally done in my sleep, I.." he trailed off, not wanting to seem that he wanted to be with her too far in that sense. But it was there...he needed her now. Needed her to be there for his support...and more than just that. Someone to love. Someone to fill that gap that would forever be in his heart.
"Me too." Cinccino replied and pit a paw on pichu's shoulder. "They'll work it out."

The doctor left when he realized this would be a very personal conversation. "Sure." She said. She liked him, but right now was afraid, afraid that this could make it worse then it was, take advantage of him.
He could sense her fear and then he said, "Don't be afraid...I just need something else to focus on instead of having these awful memories pervading my thought. I wouldn't have been acting out in my sleep, if I wasn't sure that I wanted this...I wouldn't be asking this either if I wasn't sure, believe me..." he sighed and he looked down.
"I believe you. Come on let's get back to the pokémon center." Alana suggested. She wanted to train, either alone or together. Her strategy for the Oreburg gym was simple, take advantage of low special defenses, but she also wanted to see how far she could come with one pokémon.
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