Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

He nodded and then he stood up slowly. He sighed softly as he started back towards the Pokemon Center, trying his best to keep his head up and a neutral look on his face. Pichu sat on his good shoulder, seeming heavily disappointed because of Brandon's feelings at this moment.
She could see he was still struggling. She took his hand in hers as they walked, gently rubbing over the back of his hand with her thumb, hoping it could comfort him. It was a short walk fortunately.
Once there, Brandon immediately went back up the room. He didn't want to be in public with his current rush of emotions. He sat down on the bed and set his bag aside before placing his face into the palm of his hands for a few moments. He ran them back down as he lifted his head and leaned back against the wall. His thoughts were turning to Alana. He wondered if she would be there as his support, as someone for him to love now. Someone whom he could trust and be with forever...he just needed someone to fill that gap that he had in his heart. "Elise, forgive me...but I need to move on...I need to be with her," he muttered under his breath. The Pichu was sitting on the bed, trying to draw on a small piece of paper. But it couldn't think on a real shape to draw. Not while the hard feelings were lingering about.
Alana knew he'd need some time to think and wanted to surprise him and bought a few normal pokéballs. Then she went back to the stream with a rod she rented. With some bait she sat down and waited... It didn't take long before a pokémon took the bait. She realed it in and was looking at a bibarel. She grinned. "Alright Cinccino aqua tail." She said. The blow knocked out the bibarel and Alana threw the pokéball and caught it before starting the procedure all over again until she had caught a finneon, shellos, mantyke and piplup. He wanted to handle all water types, then he could. The pokéballs she'd put under his name. She went back to the pokémon center, by now it was getting rather late. She returned to the room and looked at Brandon. "Are you alright?" She asked him.
He was laying back on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling. "For the most part, yes. I think I'm starting to get over the incident of late...though if he's here, there's no telling how many other encounters that I will have that are like that. I'm worried, to be honest."
"At least we won't be staying for very long." Alana said and sat down on the bed next to him. "I've got a surprise for you." She said and pulled out the four pokéballs. "They're for you." She told him. Just because she didn't understand how he worked doesn't mean he shouldn't do it his way.
"Uh?" he asked, looking down at them before moving his eyes to look up into hers. "I...I didn't get you anything, though," he said, feeling that it was wrong not to repay her for this in some fashion. He had no idea what he would give her.
"There's no need for that. I shouldn't have tried to talk you out of the way you usually do things. Sorry about that. I think these guys will help." She told him.
"You were right, though, I mean..." he said, shaking his head. "I don't know. I'm so mixed up right now that I can hardly tell right from left..." he reached out and gently took the Pokeballs, his hand coming into contact with hers.
Alana felt their hands brush and smiled a little. "It's late, let's just go to sleep for now." She said. She brushed her teeth and got changed before climbing into the bed.
He smiled softly and then he replied, "Good night, Alana." With that, he went to sleep. During the night, he accidentally, again, ended up in a snuggling position with her, though this time his body felt more relaxed and comfortable, knowing it was something they probably both would never mind doing at this point in time.
It wasn't long before she felt his head on her chest and smiled sligtly before going back to sleep.

She woke up early in the next morning and watched him sleep, he looked so peaceful like that, happy.
He began to awaken. At first, his fear took over, telling him that this was wrong. But no, he had moved on. Something told him that they were close enough to be together like this. "Good morning," he said, shifting his head just a bit and putting it in front of hers. "Sleep well?"
Alana nodded. "I did, you?" She asked, though she could guess the answer. It felt nice to have someone close. She hadn't let anyone get this close to her before, but the closer she got to him the better she felt.
"I slept better than I have in...well, the last few months, to be honest," he said, smiling as he then felt the Pichu crawling around curiously. "Pi-Pichu?" it asked, inquiring as to the location of the sleepyhead Cinccino.
"That's good to hear." Alana said. She wasn't sure how far he was willing to go and she didn't want to push him, but she was falling for him, there was no doubt about that. At Pichu's request she pointed at her pillow where Cinccino was on one side of it all curled up.
This time, the Pichu tried a different approach. It got up near the Cincinno and nudged it gently. "Pi? Chu...Pi-Pi," it said, more gently trying to awaken then Cincinno this time instead of being rude to it like last time. Of course, most likely, she was going to be mad at him anyways. "Pichu is learning quite a bit..."
"Yup, but Cinccino will be more annoyed than last time and when she gets annoyed, let's just say you might wanna cover your ears." Alana said and did just that. Cinccino felt the nudging. "Just let me sleep for god's sake, noteverybody has to be up early." It said in pokémon language, but then she was nudged again and then she screamed out directed at the ceiling in particular, just using hyper voice. It wouldn't be a direct hit, but this would tell Pichu off hopefully.
But the Cincinno didn't know what the Pichu would do in retaliaton, still so soon after having just been rescued by someone who had its Pokemon attack it for fun. Even this indirect move...Pichu squealed in pain, holding it's ears. "Why you-!!!!" it growled in Pichu language, electricity bursting at its cheeks. Yes, using electricity would tired it out far more quickly than if it were evolved into a Pikachu, but it could still do something with itself. Brandon had held his ears, and saw what Pichu was doing. "Pichu, stop!" he called, and Pichu just stopped, it's cheeks brimming with electricity, its face flushed with anger at the Cincinno. In frustration, it turned and ran back to its pouch before plopping itself inside. "PICHU, PI-CHU!" it shouted at the top of its lungs, saying it wasn't going to come out or talk to the Cincinno again unless it apologized for hurting its ears.
Cinccino took this as mission a ccomplished and went back to sleep. It would talk to Pichu later, first it wanted to sleep. Maybe Pichu would realize that not everyone had to wake up so damn early. Alana sighed. "Cinccino don't you think you went a little bit overboard?" She said, though it was more a statement then anything else. "Cinccino doesn't like rising early, it usually sleeps half an hour longer then I do. I stopped trying to get it to rise with me because half an hour isn't the end of the world, usually during that time I'm getting myself ready, that and I didn't want to loose my hearing." She added, the last part was a joke though.
He shook his head and he said, "I don't know. I don't think that Pichu is going to like that Cinccino at this point for quite a while. All he did was be more gentle than the last time and this is what he gets?" he sighed as he looked at it. "You're free to stay down there as long as you please. And...feel free to let the Cinccino know just how mad you are at it." he winked a bit before he then asked, "So, what you feel like having for breakfast?"
"Probably. On the other hand Cinccino just wants to sleep a little longer and Pichu keeps trying to get her up earlier, running away didn't really help, Pichu just followed so, this was the next step." Alana said. "But this was still overboard, you could at least not use full power, we're here too you know." Cinccino agreed with one eye open and went back to sleep.
Later, after breakfast, there was still no real sign of Pichu. he wasn't going to come out even to hear the apology of Cinccino at this point. not until it could hear properly. Perhaps he was more sensitive than one might think, for ever since that scream in the morning, Pichu was having quite a bit of trouble hearing certain things as his ears tried to recover from the sound. "I hope that the Pichu won't have permanent damage. He shouldn't but he certainly is taking a while to recover from that, seeing as he took it near full force."
"You're right, let nurse Joy have a look at him just to be on the safe side." Alana suggested. cinccino who by now was awake and willing to apologize only got a Pichu who wouldn't hear it and gave up and was now joining Alana at breakfast.
"Yep...after breakfast I'll take him over. I want the Cinccino to come over as well, though. If the Pichu is going to have trouble, then there needs to be a lot of making up between the two of them. And I'll make sure that Pichu understands he needs to accept an apology from her."
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