Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

"Iron Defense!" He called out. His registeel already had a high enough defense but he needed it to be stronger against a type that was fire, what with twice the normal amount of damage being done to it. It got the defense up just as the flame hit. The registeel let out a roar.
Zoroark was a dark type. "Alright use agility." Alana ordered. Zoroark relaxed while running fast while raising its already high speed, making it hard to follow or hit especially for a naturally defense based and slow pokémon like registeel. Physical moves were out the window, but special moves would help.
"Registeel, use Flash Cannon," he called out. The Registeel had a natural boost when using this move and it stood up, gathering light. All of a sudden, it emmited it all in a powerful burst that slammed the Zoroark directly, no matter how fast it might be able to move, due to its large radius.
Alana saw it coming, she was surprised by how wide spread it was. "Counter with Night Slash." Alana said. Zoroarks claws glowed dark as it tore them through the bundel of light with the dark energy, taking away the biggest punch of the move, but taking a minor hit since it was too wide spread. He'd trained Registeel for that. "Alright, use nasty plot." Alana said, she knew level wise Zoroak was at a disadvantage so boosting its speed and special attack levels were the only way.
Brandon had an idea. If it was at least 15 levels lower and so far the defense wasn't being raised. "Registeel, use lock-on." Registeel's eyes flashed and it focused entirely on Zoroak. " zap cannon!" he called, his face giving away nothing of his actual plan as to how to work this.
Zoroak was best with power and speed, its defenses weren't too good. "Counter with night daze." Alana ordered. The zap cannon got smashed by night daze. But this couldn't be the whole plan could it? Brandon was no fool.
"Aerial Ace!" he called out and the Registeel moved forward to perform the move. It made a leap into the air and curled into a ball before slamming the Zoroak head on...and the thing, besides being powerful, wasn't exactly light, either. He watched with satisfaction as his registeel performed the move.
Alana knew he'd been up to something. She didn't have time to order anything and Zoroark tried to cusion the blow by curling into a ball and spun around, landing with its feet against the wall and jumped down. That had been quite a hard hit. "Alright now use flamethrower." She said, now that nasty plot had upped Zoroarks already high special attack a great deal they could return the favor with serious power.
"Zap cannon! Aim at the flamethrower!" Brandon called. Registeel barely had enough time to do so but it managed to get the zap cannon off, trying to counter the flamethrower with the beam that was fired.
"Alright keep it up, put everything you have in that flamethrower." She said, it was interrupted when the electric ball exploded, but Zoroark continued to fire it and added in power to it every bit it had. Alana knew Zoroark was tired and would have to be switched out soon, but one hard hit would be great.
"Ugh...Registeel, fire hyper beam!" he shouted. It fired immediately but it would take a moment for the Registeel to recover from such a powerful move. AT the very least, this would cancel out the flamethrower to some extent, he hoped, maybe even blow past and hit the Zoroark.
"Dodge it." Alana said, knowing it would leave registeel vunurable and rather then putting Zoroark's power into fighting off the hyperbeam she could use the vunurability better. Zoroark was tired sure, but still fast it dodged. "Alright fmaethrower again." Alana ordered. I took a deep breath and fired it at the now easy target.
"What?!" Brandon asked aloud before groaning as he saw it was taken down halfway by the powerful blow...which meant that from the first flamethrower already, it was basically about to be KOed. What was he doing wrong!? He was fighting virtually like a new trainer, making amateur mistakes.
"One of the reason why I prefer moves that don't leave you vunurable." Alana said and recalled Zoroark it was pretty close to fainting from the intense battle. "How about we hand our pokémon over to nurse Joy and reflect these battles?" Alana suggested.
He sat there looking at himself. "What in the hell is wrong with me!? I didn't fight at all like I used to..." he growled in frustration. "It's like being a beginner all over again!" he sighed and sat himself down, looking at himself. "You didn't lose a single one, I lost two, basically."
"Well Zoroark was about to faint and Lucario had a curse on her that would bring her down in only a few turns, so it's not that far apart Something as traumatising as what happened can change people and their battling style. I think you need to reinvent a style that works for you." Alana said and started to go inside to hand over Zoroark and Lucario to nurse Joy.
He sat back, looking at his sling. He felt the shoulder that had been shot and looked down. "I fought like I didn't know what I was doing..." he muttered, looking at his poor Registeel. The Pichu looked out across the way at Brandon, his ears folding back.

" he going to be alright? He seems hurt again," Pichu remarked, seeming saddened by his current reaction. He watched as Brandon recalled his Registeel and slowly got up and walked back to nurse Joy, at least five minutes after Alana had went there.
"He will be, but what happened turned his whole life upside down, it will take time. Best thing you can do is be there for him." Cinccino said, turning its head towards Pichu to speak since its hearing was damaged for the being.

Alana waited for him. "Is there anything I can do?" She asked, she knew he was struggling right now.
"I don't know. I haven't had this much trouble fighting since I was just starting out. Honestly, you'd think that I'd be able to think straight and give the right orders," he told her, shaking his head and sitting on the seat of the chair. "I don't know if I can handle my old team anymore..." he ran his hands over his face, trying to think what he did, there were too many mistakes that he had made.

Pichu nodded and sighed. "I just wish I could do more than just be here as some prissy, cute plaything. Battling...if I could do SOMETHING with helping him battle..."
"You can, but you need to find the battling style that fitst you now, that means you'll probably have to change the movesets on your pokémon. From what I saw you're used to defense and endurance and striking at the right moment. You were more patient, but everything that's happened made you more emotional, leaving little room for patience. It could be that once you stat feeling better your timing will come back." Alana said.

"Well I can't teach you moves other then maybe quick attack and iron tail, but I can help you to up your speed, balance, endurance and agility and it's easy as hell, but it would be best to wait until your hearing returns. Go to him now." Cinccino said and it climbed down to join Alana.
Pichu began to climb down, curious as to why this was all happening. Why did emotions have to flare so strongly in humans? Then again, he hadn't ever before felt the strain that was losing someone dear to death. Had he before, he would understand Brandon's predicament. He sighed and then went as quickly as he could to nurse Joy's place to go to where Brandon was.

Brandon looked up and he said, "Could be that. Could be other things. I used to have a set's how I impressed her once. But it's gone....I'm just a laughing stock of a trainer now. People who expect me to pull crazy moves are going to laugh at me once they see me failing like that again. Not that I ever cared before, but...I hate being laughed at."
"Could also be because we're both really strong trainers of roughly the same level. It's rare to find opponents as strong as ourselves. I bet that if you were to challenge Roark you'd pass with flying colors, Registeel will KO them in one hit." Alana said.

Cinccino just watched patiently, Pichu would be there soon too.
He sighed softly and then he said, "I fought trainers all the time that were my strength. Some stronger. I had only ever lost once, like I said...maybe twice or so..." he shrugged and then he shook his head. "I don't really know..." Pichu got up on the chair beside him, sitting on his lap.
"I don't think so, not many trainers level their pokémon up this high. I think they were strong, but not nescesarily at our level. Either way something this upsetting is going to take time, at least the gym leaders aren't our level." Alana said. If they were there wouldn't e so many trainers who could gather 8 badges. "It's eleven months till the league and we'll help you figure out how to get into battling again, right Pichu? Cinccino?" Alana asked. Cinccino cheered.
He sighed again and looked at the Pichu. "But I thought you didn't want to fight," he asked the Pichu. The pichu responded that it had changed its mind after seeing him go through what was going on. He wanted to help him out when he could.
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