Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

"You heard him." Alana said and looked at Cinccino firmly, the kind of look Cinccino always obeyd. "Though I can understand Pichu is pissed." She continued. Breakfast was great and over relatiely soon. "Come on let's go." she said and looked at Cinccino again firmly who jumped on her shoulder and sat still.
"Well, it was a learning experience, though," he said, shrugging as he walked to the nurse. Once there, he asked that the Pichu be looked at for he was wondering if he was going to be okay, and he also gave a detailed description of what had happened between the Pichu and the Cinccino.
Nurse Joy nodded and checked out Pichu's ears. "It'll take a little while for Pichu to recover, give it a week, if problems persist after that please come back to a pokémon center. And Cinccino you should be very careful with that voice." She said and looked at Cinccino during the last part. cinccino jumped down from Alana's shoulder and landed in front of Pichu. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for it to hurt." It said in its own language. She felt a little guilty and would be helping out Pichu he would let her.
"Just as long as you don't do it again," Pichu said, crossing his arms and frowning again. From what he guessed, he was quite lucky that she hadn't actually fully directed the scream at him. Then again, there also wasn't cause for it. He told her that, even...all he was doing was being quite a bit more gentle and was about to give up when she had done the scream. It plopped itself down, sighing as it looked down at the floor. Brandon sighed and turned to Alana. "Like I said, they're going to need to do a lot of talking to get this sorted out, I bet."
"Wasn't planning on it, next time I'll just tickle you into exhaustion and then we can both sleep." Cinccino said half jokingly. "Please don't try to wake me again, it's not like I get up that much later." Cinccino said, then rubbed its cheek gently over Pichu's not really caring if it would get a little shock she was just trying to be nice.

"Probably, but at least they're making up." Alana said. "I'm going to train now for the gym battle though, would you like train together?" She asked.
Mera1506 said:
"Wasn't planning on it, next time I'll just tickle you into exhaustion and then we can both sleep." Cinccino said half jokingly. "Please don't try to wake me again, it's not like I get up that much later." Cinccino said, then rubbed its cheek gently over Pichu's not really caring if it would get a little shock she was just trying to be nice.

"Yeah and I figured that out the hard way., I still can't fully understand human language, but from what I heard them say, I'm lucky to have my hearing still," he told her. "I'm sorry if I'm speaking too loud, as well."

Brandon turned to Alana and said, "Sure, we could train together. Hopefully I've still got iat after all of my time being away from actually doing Pokemon battles. The one teaching those brats a lesson wasn't bad, but...."
"You're right and so is nurse Joy, I should be careful with that move." Cinccino said. "Don't worry about it, let's go watch them train." Cinccino suggested, knowing that she wasn't going to be the one Alana would use in the gym battle.

"That was a good one. A little practice and you'll be back up to speed." Alana said and winked at him. Then she walked out, knowing Cinccino and Pichu would follow.
Pichu sighed and he said, "Yeah. You are a bit lucky, though. I might have ended up zapping you as hard as I could had Brandon not intervened and told me not to do it." he followed the other two humans out there.

Once out where Alana wanted to be, Brandon looked at the four new pokeballs he had, including the other water type he possessed.
"I think I could handle your zapping Pichu, but it would deffinately not have been comfortable." Cinccino said and found a nice spot to watch on a thick branch in a tree. "Like the view?" She asked.

Alana released Lucario, she had trained her pokémon hard, but also had spent time looking for rare candies. Lucario was powerful and like most of her pokémon was female. It looked back at Alana and gave a nod as if saying I'm ready.
It hadn't heard quite, though it knew that the Cinccino had said something. "Could you say that again? I'm sorry," he told her.

"Alright, a Lucario? Right then, well, let's see you in action! Dusclops, go forth!" Brandon shouted, throwing out one Pokeball. The Dusclops came out, stomping on the ground, though the stomping made a hollow sound. Pichu stared in awe...
"I can handle a zap from you, but it would have been very uncomfortable." Cinccino said, turning her head to talk into Pichu's direction. "Do you like the view?" She then asked.

"Nice Dusclops, you should find it a reaper cloth like I did for mine." Alana said, hinting to the fact that she had a Dusknoir and was thus very familiar with it. She looked up its moves and level. "Alright Lucario, let's start with work up." she said, it was time to raise both attack and special attack.
"Right, Dusclops. Use Rock Tomb!" Brandon said, planning on giving the Dusclops some vantage in speed. As the Lucario worked itself up, rock tomb took effect, rocks collapsing onto the Lucario to do damage and slow it down, not to mention a slight chance of having them flinch.

Pichu said, "yeah, I like the view...but I didn't know that Pokemon could do this in battle. I wonder if one day I'll be able to do things like that?"
"You will, but that's going to require training and time." Cinccino said, making sure to direct its voice to Pichu.

Lucario saw it coming and had to stop work up, it didn't try to move away though, it waited for the order it knew would come. "Iron tail and follow up with agility." Alana said, she didn't need to tell Lucario to use it on the rock. It was slice clean in half, before relaxing to up speed. "You know Dusclops are very slow, it's why my Dusknoir knows trick room". She told him.
"Good for you. But I've got some other tricks up my sleeve..." he said. While the Lucario was having to work on getting its speed back, he said, "Dusclops. Use Will-O-Wisp!" He then made a hand motion that the Dusclops followed. It fired the fire attack, something that Lucario would be weak to. It was hit dead on, right in the chest, by the full blast."
While the attack was underway Lucario created a blue shield, aura. The shield took the hit only inches from Lucario's chest, having pumped up its speed which never got cut by rock tomb since it was cut up in mid air. "Brandon they don't call Lucario the aura pokémon for no reason, it can use aura for much more then firing an aura sphere. Fire attack or not, that blue light is a protective aura, perfect to block attacks. Also he can sense Ducslops that way, ghost type or not, it can't hide from Lucario. I made sure that Lucario learn how to use its aura abilities to the fullest. There's a school for that here in Sinnoh." A great school that is. A voice sounded in their heads of Brandon, Alana, Dusclops, Pichu and Cinccino, it was Lucario's.
"Grr..." he muttered. Well this was hardly a fair match. What else could he do against a damned Lucario who could do damned near everything? Perhaps he could call out another one of his Pokemon and leave that one open to attack and possibly defeat by this Lucario. "Well, you went to the school and I never had the chance to, so I'm at the major disadvantage..." he muttered, growling a bit. it didn't help that this thing had an aura, something he didn't know it had to be able to deflect such attacks. That meant that it was given a specific training type that made it stronger than any fighting or steel type of its kind, for the most part...and, well, the only thing that Brandon had against it was his Registeel. " confuse ray!" he called out.
"Well you need to have a Lucario or Riolu or an egg that a Riolu will hatch from to enter in the first place." Alana replied. What did he expect she'd been traveling and training her pokémon for over sixteen years with little distraction. "Psychic, sent the beam back." Alana said, psychic wouldn't do a lot of damage on a ghost type, but that confuse ray could be useful. A different aura came around the beam which then changed direction and right back to Dusclops.
He took a deep breath and said, "Dusclops, open up. Absorb that ray into yourself!" that was one of its defense mechanisms, anyways. He knew that it could only use that move every so often...well, it wasn't really a "move", it was just something that Dusclops could do, but afterwards it would take a little while for it to be safe to use that black hole ability again. As the confuse ray shot back towards it, along with the psychic, the confuse ray was suddenly taken into a black hole and vanished. "Right, time to take something of a risk here...use curse!" The dusclops groaned as it summoned up its power for the move and then roared out as it used the move. Something fairly deadly for a Pokemon on both sides, if used wrong or used right.
"Alright combine extremespeed and bone rush, let's go." Alana said, with it powerering up and lowering its low speed even further there was no way it could dodge this, it had a naturally high defense, bone rush wasn't particularly powerful, but with the speed from extremespeed it oughtta be a guaranteed hit, even if it wasn't a KO.
With that, it would leave Lucario open. If he could just get in a solid blow now, there might be a chance. He wasn't about to let his training go to waste, even if it seemed that he was far outmatched with this Pokemon versus the Lucario. The curse was laid on the Lucario, however, and the ghost type was then hit for a good deal. not a KO, though. "Dusclops, now! Shadow Punch!" the Dusclops slung its arm at the Lucario who had just recently hit, the shadowy fist forming big and going straight for the Lucario.
Lucario knew shadow punch was almost impossible to dodge from a distance and impossibly up close. It crossed its paws to cushion the blow instead and landed on its feet with a distance between the two. "Use stone edge." Alana said. The stoned appeared in the air and gathered all around Dusclops to not leave a hole to escape. Even if it could swallow a few stones, it couldn't dodge them all and curse so far had done more damage to it then Lucario.
Was this a crazy idea of Brandon's? Certainly, but he had an idea. "Use Rock Tomb, but on yourself! Use it as a shield!" he called, hoping this would work. Another series of rocks this time came up around the Dusclops just in time, encasing it just as stone edge came forward to knock apart the rocks. The damage done was just minimal...saving Dusclops some trouble for now.
"Use psychic on that rock tomb." Alana said and an aura encased it and split the rock up in smaller pieces and now surrounded Dusclops from much closer than the stone edge had. "God fo rit."Alana said and Lucario used psychic to attack Dusclops with the Rocks
Mera1506 said:
"Use psychic on that rock tomb." Alana said and an aura encased it and split the rock up in smaller pieces and now surrounded Dusclops from much closer than the stone edge had. "God fo rit."Alana said and Lucario used psychic to attack Dusclops with the Rocks

But the Rock tomb strategy had done enough. Enough of the Lucario's HP was drained by the curse before the Dusclops was KOed to be satisfactory. "Alright...I can see that this isn't going to go well...if I don't use this." After pulling his Dusclops out, he threw his Registeel out for the battle.
Alana knew better then to keep Lucario on with the curse on it. Instead she released Zoroark. "Now I wonder how you deal fighing a Unova region Poémon. Alright start with flamethrower." She said
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