Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)

"Huh? No, I didn't mean KOing the gym leaders Pokemon! I meant not KOing the other water types so that I could capture them instead of having them faint and not be...captured?" he asked before sighing. "never mind."
"Well you can always prepare pokémonfood with a sedative in it, a pokémon eating it would fall asleep." Alana suggested. "Or simply have your pokémon use only part of the strength when using an attack." She suggested.
"I don't remember if any of my Pokemon know how to control their strength," he informed her. He sighed softly before he said, "Pokemon food with a sedative might work, though. There's a good idea."
"Of course you'd have to lure the right one first we can't just leave for any random pokémon. I've been thinking of changing my team a bit I could bring over Venusaur and we can use her sleep powder." Alana suggested.
"That could work, I guess. I don't know how this is really going to work, though. You and I both have to catch a Pokemon and own one in order to have full Pokedex data on it.
"I'm not looking to catch anymore pokémon and I already have a floatzel, buizel's evolved form. The most common special ability is swift swim, which in combination with rain dance and a damp rock could give it the edge. Once evolved it's flotation device is an excellent defense on itself and its tail while spinning can stop moves such as razor leaf and bullet seed." Alana said and showed him a picture of a floatzel and one of buizel.
He smiled softly and then he told her, "Right. Well, when you're ready, I'm ready to go. And I'll take one of my other Pokemon with me just in case the sleep doesn't work and we need more attack power. That sound good?" he shrugged, hoping that she was up for it.
"As soon as my wash is done, I had breakfast and change my team." She said. The washing machine beeped and she pulled it out, and folded it up, then carried it to their room and put it in her bag. Cinccino by now was tired and curled up in its pocket. Then she called home and changed two pokéballs before heading to the messhall to ger her and her team breakfast. "Alright, now I'm ready." She said. I
Brandon nodded, making sure that he was carrying one of his other Pokemon with him. "Right then, let's go. I've got my ultra balls ready to go," he told her. He must be really good and somewhat prestigious to afford the ultra balls...then again, he was one of the other types of major Pokemon trainers.
Alana preferred luxury balls. Alana lead him to a stream a few miles from Oreburg city. "Well come on out everybody." She said. By now her team consisted on Lucario, Cinccino, Miltank, Venusaur, Milotic and Zoroark. "So, do you have the pokémon food with you?" She asked.
"Yeah. I have some that was for my Pichu, but it'll go well for the fish as well. The Pichu certainly has had its full. Speaking of which, where has it gone to?" he asked, not finding it in his pocket. He actually found it with his badges. It was trying to polish them.
Alana looked at pichu and smiled. "That's so sweet. By the way miltank's milk could help pichu grow very strong, I raised my pokémon on it." Alana said. Then took a piece of cloth and held it over veunsaur's flower. "Alright we need some sleep powder please." She said and a moment later the pice of cloth was filled with it. "Thank you." She told the venusaur which mumbled a reply and found a nice place to sunbathe. She walked back to Brandon. "Here you go."
He smiled and then he took a good amount of Pokemon food. He sprinkled the powder onto the food, careful not to breath it. "Pi-Pichu?" the Pichu asked, wondering if he was spicing it up. It was at first disappointed when he went away with it, but then had a realization that the powder wasn't a spice up. It was something else. Sleeping powder?
Alana pulled out a pokémon treat instead and handed it to pichu, then of course Cinccino wanted one too, so she gave Cinccino one as well. After putting it down near the stream all they could do was hide so most of her pokémon she recalled with the acception of Cinccino, then hid with him in the bushes.
"About the...Miltank, I guess that could work. Though I don't known if the Pichu will accept it. He certainly isn't acting much of an infant anymore. Though then I also have not seen much of a Pokemon with a Miltank so what the hell do I know?"
"I have yet to find a pokémon which doesn't like miltank milk." Alana responded. Then a buizel climbed out of te water and to the pokémon food. It was curious, but cautious, looking around a few times before it began to eat and later fell asleep.
As soon as it was asleep, he made sure that he had kept an eye on it. "Alright, time to catch it..." he said, clicking his ultra ball. "Go, ultra ball!" he said, throwing it out in an attempt to catch the buizel.
Well with it sleep and thus not capable of fighting the pokéball it was a guaranteed catch. "Congratulations, you got yourself a buizel." She said. "Is one water type enough?" She then asked him.
"Maybe. But I want to catch as many as I can..." he told her, shrugging. "I don't have enough information on my Pokedex about the stuff here."
"I think you got the best one, trust me I've been here before." Alana said. "Quality over quantity." She suggested.
He nodded and said, "So I'll use it. But at the same time, I still want to see the other types and know what they are, in case I should come up against them."
"Then we should head to the library." Alana said. No need to catch them all, plenty of information in the library. "They keep both books and video logs of contests there. Co-ordinators are very creative when it comes to showing the strength and possibilities of their pokémon, I've always found it both educational and entertaining." She told him
He turned to his pokeball and then he stood up before telling her, "Well I personally have always preferred going out to catch them. I'm an adventurous kind of person, not the kind of person who sits in a library watching tapes and reading books. I like to have hands on experience. I've done it for every single set of Pokemon throughout all of the regions that I've been there."
"Catch a wild one will only tell you so much. Wild pokémon can only show much, its trainers who help them bring out their full potential. But if it's first hand experience you want you should enter a contest. Pichu would be amazing in the first round and the second round is battling, well you shouldn't have trouble there, though if you don't want to KO your opponent on first go you're going to have to teach your pokémon to dose their power." Alana said.
He shrugged and he said, "I'm older than I appear." he smiled softly before he sighed and said, "I have entered contests before. I know all of this stuff that you are telling me about. No, I don't seem to but at the same time, that's just because I'm still out of it from the incident. You haven't...told anyone else, have you?" he hoped that she had not. He didn't want any other people around here knowing more.
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