Living Life

harry snarled at the mention of Draco, a look of pure rage flashing across Harry's face, the ever present reminder that Voldemort was affecting the boy as harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "don't ever mention that fuckers name in front of me." he ordered, his voice a low hateful hiss as he grabbed a jacket, feeling cold all of a sudden. he took another half a minute to calm himself down before heading over to Kerrigan, glancing at him, not mentioning his strange temper tantrum as he nodded. "lets go."
Gabriel looked at him oddly before wrapping his arms around him, apparating to the manor house in austria. Frowning at the elegant home he sighed as he stepped through the door, wincing at the remains of fire ash on the walls, but the further they got into the house, the less the fire had touched."Welcome to Belladonna Manor."She smiled opening the library door, bowing to let him in.
Harry blinked at the house, hissing softly as he felt the remnant dark magic all over, his eyes fluttering closed as he moaned softly. "i like it here,: he murmured softly before he paled, realizing what he'd said, groaning as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "dammit..." he shook his head free of cobwebs and followed him to the library swallowing hard as he looked over the books. "here." he stated, slapping his wand into the others hands. "i'm not to have that back until we go back ho...your place..." dammit, harry needed to get a grip on himself.
Gabriel nodded vanishing the other's wand before turning to face him, pulling him hard against him, snarling possessively as he kissed him. Forcing his will over the others, forcing magic to hold off the touch of dark magic."Youre mine. No magic gets a claim on you before I do."
Harry gasped as he was kissed, moaning as he submitted tot eh others dominance, groaning softly as the kiss ended. "...i don't want to study anymore." he admitted looking a little dazed as he headed for the books, grabbing a random book and settling into a chair, reading silently, though he kept glancing over at Gabriel, as if he wanted to ask something, but harry had always been shy when it came to feelings and the like.
After about a hour of being looked at while he read he sighed, looking up at harry. Biting his lip as he studied the man stealing glances at him."What is it harry?"He asked, tilting his head. worried that something was wrong."Do you need to go?"He asked looking around, worried the dark magic was messing with the other.
Harry glanced away quickly when Gabriel looked up at him, swallowing thickly. "no, the Magic isn't touching me much." he admitted biting his lip hard. "i was...just wondering...what you meant." he admitted licking his lips nervously. "about...about claiming me before the magic did..." harry felt so awkward, and it showed in his nervous and twitchy actions. harry had clearly never had to ask how someone felt about him, the usual witty and rather Rude, confident boy had in an instant been replaced by a shy child who had never had affection or love.
Gabriel looked startled at the reason he was getting watched before smiling slightly as he tilted his head."I meant I wasn't going to let you get hurt...and that I want you in my life."He said studying the other. Trying to figure out if he really had been that deprieved that he didn't understand gabriel's words, of wanting him in his life.
Harry swallowed thickly as he watched the other before getting up and striding over to the other, crawling into his lap and pressing their lips together, kissing him hard. "i to be mine." Harry whispered softly. "i want...i want to be yours." he wanted to love Gabriel, and be loved back. he wanted them to be together, and be happy, and enjoy each other in every way possible...he wanted Gabriel, all of Gabriel, goodness and badness, and everything in-between. "i want...." Harry didn't know what he wanted, he just wanted Gabriel.
"Food?"Gabriel offered with a small smile, teasing him as he wrapped his arms around him."Don't try to voice it. We'll see where this goes.And you are mine. I don't share."He growled kissing him again, lifting him up, and directing him towards the door."Come on then.I found a few books to, we'll look these over at home."
Harry smiled a little and closed his eyes a little "i don't share either." harry admitted smiling a little as he sighed and headed for the door, looking around the library, biting his lip a little. "Gabe..." he muttered softly, swallowing thickly. "a place like many people know about this library?" Harry had to make sure that no one else would ever fall to the madness of Dark Magic. like him.
"Me. You. Narcissa-proably Lucius. Phedre. No one else knows that the house is still standing. They assumed I burned it all when..."He trailed off shrugging his shoulders. Having long ago come to terms with his crimes, but he tried very hard not to think of them where his parents memories were the strongest.
he sighed a little, relaxing. "good." he muttered softly, hesitant. "is Phedre going to be angry that you where in here?" he asked, not really willing to take on a pissed off witch with a strong desire to kill the one person that Harry cared about now. "i won't let her hurt you, even is she is pissed off." he decided sighing softly kissing the others neck. "your mine now." he decided, "and i don't share, not even with a homicidal witch who raised you."
Gabriel snickered, kissing his head. Preening under the claim, because his ego liked the idea of belonging to someone after so many years of no one willing to touch him because of who he was."If she is, she can take it up with lucius. After all he's the one who got the council to let me keep the library, and its mine by right and inheritance.She wont kick that beehive. She might be willing to piss off me, but she wont want to piss off everyone by bending the rules further then she already has."
he smirked a little and shook his head. "good." he muttered softly, sighing a little and closing his eyes a little. "all of my inheritance is controlled by Dumbledore." he admitted softly. "even my Parents things, they have a library too, full of genetic magic, and family heirlooms..." he sighed a little. "someday, i am going to stab that man in the gut, and maybe in that time Phedre will see you the way i see you." he smiled a little. "now take me back and feed me." he ordered. "i'm hungry and ready for a nap."
Gabriel snickered kissing his head as they apparated back, settling the other in a kitchen chair, setting the books on the table before he looked at his almost lover. He wasn't sure what to call the other, besides mine. "What do you want to eat?"He said with a smile, already thinking over how to get to dumbledore. That man ended hurt for ruining so many lives.
Harry smirked a little. "what can you make that isn't crap?" he asked, snapping back into his self assured, smart ass attitude as he grabbed the book ont he top of the stack and flipping it open, biting his lip. "what do you know about Horcrux Gabe?" he asked glancing up at the other, his head tilted. "do you have any books specifically about them?...i really should have asked that while we where in the library." he muttered shaking his head. "i can't think properly in that place." he admitted his lip curling a little. "all that black magic presses against me and smashes me down." he hated that, but then again, it felt good to be surrounded by that darkness, held so tenderly in black magic as the darkness in his soul reacted tot eh darkness in the air. he shuddered violently. "do you have any alcohol in here?" Harry needed a drink.
"I can make eggs, bacon, lasanga, what you want and I'll see what I can do."e sighed, "A few things. A soul split, murder to create it.."He frowned a little."It's been a long time since I've read them."he frowned harder."There might be some in those books, but if not Ill go bak and look."He sighed, "Alcohol wont help. It'll numb you, but it'll be a kick in the balls when you sober up."he said before bending down, searching his cupboards before handing a calming drought to the other."There. Drink that. It'll take the edge off without getting drunk"
Harry paused then. "i want a nice greasy hamburger." he decided, shuddering again as he shoved the Dark arts book away from him, he could feel the residual black magic on it, it made his skin crawl, made him feel defiled, yet at the same time he felt pleasure touching an addict. he grimaced at the calming drought but swallowed it down, immediately feeling his anxiety melting away, closing his eyes. "thank you." he muttered, looking much more at ease now, closing the book and setting it on the stack. "i still would have preferred a nice strong shot of whiskey." he admitted with a small grin. "just cause i like the burn." he stood up and headed into the fridge, pulling out a few sausage links left over from breakfast, nibbling on them. "if you don't mind, i need to go take a shower." he admitted. "i feel all gross and defiled." black magic tended to do that to a person.
Gabriel smiled a little, starting to eat a hamburger."Go. By the time you get out. I'll have lunch made."He said smirking a little stealing a kiss before shooing the other off. Cookng and looking forward to his own shower. He felt grimy to, but he was willing to just let the other go first while he cooked for his man. Having a fierce need to take care of him
Harry smiled at him and went into the bathroom, scrubbing himself until he was pink, not coming back down until he was completely clean and then some, making sure he had every trace of dark magic off of his skin, heading back downstairs in a pair of pants but no shirt, his hair wet still dripping down his tanned skin. "god that smells good." Harry growled, grinning as he nabbed himself a burger, biting into it before he grabbed a plate. "thank you."
Gabrie grinned."you're welcome. now while you eat, I'm going to go shower."He said ducking out returning in awhile, his skin pink and shiny from to much scrubbing his black hair sticking up every which way."Still good?need any other food?"He smiled sitting at the table, starting to eat his own hamburger.
Harry grinned. "i want a cake." he ordered smirking at the other. "but don't worry, i'm making it myself." he admitted with a small laugh, shaking his head a little. "anyway i don't think i can handle anymore studying today so i put the books in your office." he admitted pondering a little. " you, maybe...would you like to go out on a date with me?"
Gabe stared at him, tilting his head. Looking oddly confused, and cutely puzzled."...I...yes."He said blushing not wanting to admit to what he'd been about to say. He didn't know what to do on a date. He'd never been on one. Sure he'd had sex, but no one ever wanted to go out in public with the belladonna's son.
Harry smiled a little, pleased. "good!, uhm...movies? people go to movies on dates right?" he asked, looking just as puzzled as Gabriel did, harry had never gone on a date before either. "or maybe dinner?" he mused his head tilted a little. looking confused a bit biting his lip a little. "uhm...shit i need to read my Romance Novels again." he paused then. "shit, all my Novels are in Grimmauld Place." he grumbled shaking his head. "Ron's probably Burned them all by now, Homophobic son-of-a-bitch."
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