Living Life

"You have a homophoic friend?Can I go get the books and question him about it?"He asked, perking up a little at the idea of hurting someone in harry's life the way they'd hurt harry. Before smiling. "Dinner, a movie then a book reading then.As soon as I go get your books back.If you want."
Harry snorted a little. "i'd rather you didn't." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "someone might realize who you are, or that i'm with you, and i would rather not attract any attention right now." he admitted sighing softly. "i can deal with not having my Novels." he admitted shrugging a little. "i can always buy new ones."
Gabe smiled a little, stealing another kiss."Well on our date, we'll pick up some books. And then read them in bed...and if the scnes are interesting enough, we'll see what happens."He said smirking as he groped the other, kissing him slowly.
he smiled a little and nipped at Gabriel's lip when he stole another kiss, his eyes narrowing playfully as he tilted his head a little. "i'll make sure to pick out some really good ones then." he agreed chuckling a little. "and if i'm lucky Ron hasn't found my stash of books back at the Order." he yawned and stretched, groaning softly. "i'll go get dressed." he decided with a small grin as he turned and hopped away, humming softly as he dug through his clothes from the Dursley's, shrieking in rage after a moment as he realized he didn't own anything. "WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!" harry yelled down the stairs storming into Gabriel's room. "and i'm stealing some of your clothes too!"
Gabe looked startled as he stopped in the middle of changing into a pair of dragonhide pants, tilting his head."It's a good thing you're my size and ym clothes are amazin."He said laughing as he directed him into his walk in closet."Go wild. I have so many clothes I hardly get to wear them all."
Harry snorted a little. "my hips are a little smaller than yours, and my legs are a little longer." he admitted yanking out a pair of dragon hide pants, yanking them on and using a fire-lizard belt to keep the pants up as well as make a fashion statement as she pulled on a silk shirt. "i'm so sick of wearing muggle clothes." he admitted with a growl. "those muggle clothes in particular, couldn't even spare five fucking dollars to buy me a shirt that didn't make me look like a baby fricken whale." harry was in a sour mood again, that boy's moods changed faster than a mood ring, faster than a pregnant woman!
Habe tilted his head, riding the mood. He was waaayyy to laid back for his own good and he really took most everything in stride. "Well, we'll go get you some wizard clothes. I cant be seen with somoeone who looks like a small whale."He tesed walking over kissing him slowly.
Harry shot the other a glare and then relaxed and smiled. "sorry..." he muttered. "i just, get moody sometimes." he admitted trying to make his hair lie flat, sulking a little. "i need new hair too." he grumbled shaking his head, deciding to ignore it as he grabbed Gabe's hand and kissed his cheek. "so, Movie, Dinner, Book store, and then clothes shopping, hows that sound?"
Gabe nodded kissing him again."Good. Now what movie do you want to see?"he asked after he apparated them to the movie threater, looking up at the list of movies. Willing to let harry decide what they saw. Not really caring, only wanting to spend time with him.
he paused pondering then. "Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp is HOT." he purred smirking a little as he hopped out of the room, teasing Gabe. "it's a shame that man is straight...and a Muggle." he pouted a little before he smirked. "maybe we could play pirates tonight after our date?" he winked at Gabe, chuckling a little.
Gabe growled softly as he bought tickets, walking into the threater with him as he wrapped a arm around the other. Kissing his cheek"Dont comment on other men while on a date. Its not nice."He whined kissing him softly."And I think os. After all pirates chase booty."
Harry laughed a little and shook his head a little. "i like getting you all riled up, makes the sex more interesting." he teased laughing a little as he settled himself next to the other. "besides, Depp his hot, but your drool worthy." he admitted smirking a little as he snuggled into the other as he watched the movie, snickering a little. "wouldn't it be hot if Jack and Will went at it?"
Gabe smiled as he brushed his lips over the other's ear, holding him close as he watched the movie."It would,but its a muggle movie.You're never going to see two guys getting it on."He muttered kissing him again.
Harry smirked. "i could if i used magic." he teased back chuckling a little as he set his hand on the others knee, gently tracing patterns along the inner thigh, slowly traveling higher and higher before moving back down to the knee an inch from the others crotch.teasing him again, harry liked to tease it seamed.
Gabe exhaled through his nose hard, closing his eyes as he concentrated on not reacting besides his pants getting painfully tight."Hmmm magic huh?"He asked looing over at the other, struggling not to squirm.
Harry smirked a little. "oh yes, i can do all sorts of things with magic." he admitted smirking a little. "like, i can make it so you can't cum." he admitted, setting his hand on the others cock, a tightness wrapping around Gabe's dick, signaling that said spell had been placed. "i can make us invisible to the rest of the crowd." a crawling feeling ran over Gabe, signaling that a disillusionment charm had been placed on him. "i could make you so that you couldn't utter a single sound." he teased, smirking as a silencing spell snapped onto Gabriel, making it so that he couldn't protest. "i could tie you up, pull down your pants, and fuck you in front of all of these people." but this time harry didn't move, letting Gabe decide if he wanted that or not. if not Harry would release all the spells and leave Gabe with a raging hard on and a desire for revenge...also very amusing.
Gabe growled at him, tilting his head as he studied the other. Lowering a hand as he pressed it against his cock, giving the other a look as he snapped up his own disillusionment spell, "Now. Whats this about you fucking me?It'd most assuredly be the other way around."
Harry smirked as he leaned over, biting the others lip, hard, panting softly. "oh no lover, i do beleive it will be me fucking you tonight." he hissed, his hand tracing the others ass, feeling the flesh, squeezing, feeling, moaning softly in his ear. "fuck yes." he murmured softly. "fuck you right in front of all these oblivious muggles, watch Johnny on the screen kissing Will, fucking him, raping him." the image on the screen changed, the muggles wouldn't notice, they where still watching the real movie, harry was using a rare type of legilemancy to make Gabe see something else, see Jack, grabbing Will, kissing the sword smith, the hot blond protesting, wiggling, moaning. "you know you want to feel my hot, thick dick buried in your ass."
Gabe moaned, melting in his seat as he struggled for control. Wrapping his arms around the other he held him close, kissing him roughly."I might. But you will not be in control tonight."He said determined to not be the one who lost control first. He just couldn't submit that willingly. So to prove that he was worthy of it, harry was going to have to fight to get him to submit.
Harry growled, smirking as he grabbed the others hair, forcing his head back as he kissed and bit at the others lips before his teeth nipped a line down the others neck. "oh no." he whispered, smirking a little. "your MINE." he hissed driving his hand down the others pants, squeezing tightly as Will yelped on the screen, arching as Jack pinned him down, grabbing the others cock tightly, stroking, rubbing. "i'm going to do that to you Gabe." Harry hissed, stroking and rubbing as well, biting the others neck before he bent Gabe over the chairs, his hand sliding down the back of the others pants, abandoning cock to play with the entrance. "i'm going to fuck you in front of all these people."
Gabe moaned softly as he gripped the padded seat backs, ignoring as the sharp edges dug into his rib cage. Turning his head to look at him, dark magic wrapping around his skin like a touch of flame. Poor poor gabe, he was losing his precious control. Not only on his libido and the need to not be dominated, but on everything. For the first time in years, he was at the mercy of his body, and someone else. at harry's mercy he panted shivering a little."Hmmm are you?"
Harry smirked a little as he licked along Gabe's neck, muttering a lubing spell, slicking the other up inside as a single finger slid inside, stroking the sensitive inner flesh as harry moaned, feeling the black magic curling around him. "yess." Harry hissed, smirking a little. "i'm going to fuck you, make you mine, even as i'm yours." he purred softly, as he slid another finger into the others ass, stroking and teasing as he bit the others neck. "what do you say to that, Gabriel?"
Gabe moaned shivering as he pressed against the other's hand, glaring a little as he sighed softly in pleasure."I think that I would be okay with that."He growled a little, squirming as magic lit up the world around them, losing control totally,whimpering and whining as magic made everything so much more sensitive. Light and dark magic curling around them.Despite everything, as much gabe was a dark wizard, light still answered his call.
Harry moaned again as he smirked, slipping his fingers in and out of the other, kissing and licking and sucking on the others neck, panting softly as he licked and nibbled on the others neck, his free hand stroking along the others cock panting hard as the light and dark started to swirl around Harry as well, the muggles completely oblivious to everything, ignorant idiots. "god your tight." harry whispered, muttering a stretching spell to carefully ease the others entrance open a little more so that Harry wouldn't hurt him while they fucked. he quickly dropped both their pants and lined up, slowly pushing in, moaning hard as his magic mingled with Kerrigan's, panting hard. "fuuuck yesss."
Gabe moaned as he shifted bck against him, shivering a little."Oh gods..."He moaned biting his lip to keep from being loud. While he was pretty sure the spells would hold, he didn't want to test them by screaming his pleasure into the threater. Swallowing hard as he glanced at the other he closed his eyes, panting as the intoxiating rush of dark magic took him. For learning it as early as he had, as early as he'd committed his first murder, it had left a dark stain tht was usually under control. Gabe was a predator, no matter what else he may be, Gabe was a hunter, and he thrived on it. On the chaos, and when his control showed. Everything coming crashing down as harry moved in him. As if his magic itself was trying to please the other.
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