Living Life

Harry moaned, bending down and licking along Gabe's spine, stroking along the smooth flesh of his back before kissing his neck, his cock still inside of the other, giving Gabe the chance to recover, panting softly. "fuck you feel so good." he moaned, nuzzling the others ear. "goddamn it feels good." he moaned at the rush of black and light magic, mingling around him and for once he let go of himself, and rode the waves of passion and pleasure as he fucked the other, thrusting into Gabe with firm, precise movements...making sure to strike the prostate every time.
Gabe whimpered as he calm, the plastic cracking under his hands as he gripped the chair, coming with a sigh. Closing his eyes as he trembled. It was to much. The magic, the fucking, to much pleasure to be held in a mortal's body. To much to hold on longer...and he let go. Completely letting harry control things as he came, his body weak with pleasure as he coplased down onto the chair
Harry moaned as he thrust faster into Gabe, feeling the others body with his hands, moaning as he felt the other cum, tight, so tight around him as he tossed his head back and moaned loudly, arching and shivering as he spilled deep inside of the other panting hard as he kissed Gabe's neck and shoulders, smiling a little. "hey Gabe...i think i might be in love with you." he admitted softly, gently nuzzling him.
Gabe growled a little, eyes fluttering as he glanced over his shoulder at him. Dammit that wasn't' supposed to happen. No one loved him, and worse yet he couldn't admit it even if he was falling in love with the other. Things tended to go badly for him when he admitted it. Itdd take alot for harry to get him to admit it."I uh...uh..."He stuttered a little, struggling to think of something more intelligent."I like you to."He muttered softly.
Harry smiled a little and kissed the others shoulders. "it's ok." he murmured softly, only sounding a little disappointed. a lot less than one might have expected. he nuzzled the others neck, slowly pulling free of him, snickering a little. "we missed most of the movie." he complained smirking a little. "you just HAD to seduce me, pervert." teasing him, making it all Gabe's fault, playfully of course. he helped Gabe get his clothes back on and straightened out before he got his own clothes back together, chuckling a little. Harry was used to rejection, it was why he could just go back to being playful without having his feelings hurt too badly.
Gabe bit his li as he dressed.He WANTED to admit it, to caring about the other more then anyone else, but he couldn't force his mouth to open and force his tongue to shape the words. Looking at the other with a look of longing and love he sighed, before smirking. Going back to being playful. For the moment at least, knowing he'd beat himself up later for not being able to say it."I seduced YOU?No, oh no. You're the one who made us miss the movie."
Harry smirked a little. "oh no. you can't blame this all on ME mister!" he teased laughing a little. as he broke the spells that where on them as the credits started rolling, grabbing the others wrist. "come on, i'm starved." he admitted bodily dragging Gabe out of the seat, licking his lips. "i want a muggle cheeseburger, one of the really thick at ones with more grease than is good for you." that was Harry's reaction to being rejected, always...he ate, ate until he made himself sick, and these days, it didn't take much.
Gabe nodded following him out, heading nextdoor to wendy's, heading inside to get the food. Wrapping his arms around harry's waist, nuzzling his neck as they waited. Ignoring the looks they were getting. Pressing a kiss to his neck he gave a shuddering sigh, a soft I'm sorry escaping. Trembling a little as he tried to force the words lodged in his throat out.He so wanted to say them!he just...couldn't.
Harry smiled a little as he ordered two double cheeseburgers with extra cheese and an order of large fries and a large coke alone with a Frost, also large. it was going to be the most that he'd eaten since Gabe had found him, and more than he'd eaten in months. "should we go home and eat, or eat here?" harry asked, completely oblivious to Gabe's inner turmoil, and uncaring of the looks they where getting.
"We'll go home."Gabe said smiling a little sadly as he ordered some food for himself, of fries and a frosty, trying desperately hard to ignore the looks. But being his mother's son, he found it hard.His mother had loved the attention, good or bad, and being her son had made him acutely aware of when people were watching him. Sighing as he led the other outside he wrapped his arms around him."Ready?"he asked softly before he apparated them home, stumbling a step before he got his bearings.he really hated apparating, but it was by far the easiest way to get anywhere.
Harry nodded leaning into the other as they apparated, staggering as they landed and yelping as he tripped over a rug, landing flat on his face. "dammit." he groaned getting back to his feet, pouting. "i smashed my burger." he complained heading over to the table and offering Gabe a small smirk. "you going to come eat or stare at my ass all night?" teasing him again, well at least Harry still wanted sex from Gabe, harry wasn't going to leave him, that was all that mattered. Harry loved Gabe, harry didn't need to be loved back. he crammed his mouth full of hamburger and grinned happily. "mmm fuck this is good."
Gabe smirked,"But its such a nice ass."He said laughing a little as he sat down, starting to eat. "It is good."He said relaxing glad at the reassurance that the other was staying. Had been worried that after his incapability to say anything, that the once sucidial man would leave, leaving him without a way to keep a eye on him
Harry smirked as he shoved a couple of fries into his mouth, chewing them eagerly as he took a large slurp of his Frosty, polishing off the first hamburger with an eager gusto that Gabe had never seen before, starting in on the second burger once he'd finished half of the fries. once he had finished off all of his food and all of the Frost and most of the pop he sighed happily and leaned back, patting his way too full belly. "ugh, i ate too much." Harry complained, sounding more amused than anything else. it would be a moment before he made the mad dash to the bathroom.
Gabe smiled finishing off his food, before wincing as the other dashed for the bathroom.Following him, rubbing the man's back gently as he threw up, passing him a potion that would settle his stomach."You shouldn't have eaten so much.Now drink that."He scolded lightly, gently stroking his hair.
Harry choked and gagged as he threw up, tears stinging his eyes as he shuddered violently, purging himself from the overly full stomach as he panted accepting the potion, swallowing it down with a burg and another gag, shaking his head. "sorry... i keep forgetting that i can't do that anymore." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "i used to have a food addiction." not a lie for once. "i used to binge like this all the time, only without the puking part, i guess with all the stress that's been going on, dumbledore and shit, i binged and didn't realize it...ok maybe i did but i didn't think i'd get sick."
Gabe sighed softly, shifting s he leaned back against the wall, wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to harry's head.Holding him close, relaxing when he seemed to feel better."Dont do that again.I dont want you to hrt yourself."He muttered nuzzling his neck. Holding him close, worry showing on his face.
he nodded. "sorry." he muttered softly. "i didn't mean to, i just stop can tell me to stop next time." he decided smiling a little sa he closed his eyes, feeling safe and loved in Gabe's arms. the other might not love hi, but harry felt loved, and that was all that mattered to harry. "i'm alright now, honest." he promised rubbing his face and shaking his head. "i need a shower though, care to join me?"
"You naked?Of course."He snickered getting to his feet, gently helping the other undress. Pulling his clothes off, he kissed the other's forehead."I'd never pass up the chance to have you naked."He snickered turning on the water and getting in.
he snickered a little as he yanked his own clothes off, shaking his head a little. "mm i'll never pass up the chance to touch you." he admitted, standing naked in front of Gabe he grabbed the others crotch tightly giving it a firm pleasurable squeeze with a small snicker. "mmm look who's getting so hard for little ol me."
Gabe moaned into the touch, resting his head back against the wall as he blinked, smirking slowly as he thrust a little into the touch."Are you so sure its for you?"He said, his voice light and teasing, making sure harry KNEW he was just teasing.
Harry smirked a little as he gave it a firmer squeeze. "well, because i don't share." he admitted smirking darkly at the other, a wicked little smirk on his lips. "i don't share at all, not one bit. i'm very... possessive." he hissed smirking a little as he advanced on the other, backing him into the shower, silently, and wandlessly vanishing both of their clothes, gripping his cock now, stroking his hand up and down along the flesh snickering a little. "and i'll punish you to prove it, repeatedly." he smirked viciously. "and i'll make you LIKE it."
Gabe moaned smirking as he thrust into the other's hand, leaning forward to rest his head against harry's shoulder."I will?"he smirked finding this dominate highly amusing and so much better then the scared and sucidial one. He wanted to keep this one, wanted to keep him happy. If ony he could admit being in love...sighing softly he smiled."You're so sure I'll like it?"
Harry smirked as he bit at the others neck, pinching the flesh ever so carefully, panting lightly. "oh yes." he growled, smirking a little. "i'll even prove it to you." he hissed snickering a little as he suddenly banished the others clothes, leaving Gabe Naked as harry shoved him more firmly into the shower, under the water as he grabbed the others wrists and forced them tot he shower wall, sticking them there with a sticking spell so that Gabe couldn't get away. "yess, now, how many spankings should i give you for being such a naughty boy?"
Gabe whined softly, squirming as he looked at the other, his ass pushin out a little, wanting him."Hmmm are you so sure I've been bad?I might need more spankings then you can do."He said laughing,resting his cheek against the wall. Amused and laughing, because he was enjoying himself. This was, fun.
Harry smirked as he summoned up a leather paddle out of nowhere, rubbing it against the others ass. "god your such a kinky little fucker." he teased smirking as he slapped the paddle down across Gabe's left cheek, just enough to make it sting. "harder?" harry asked, curious to know how much pain Gabe liked as he rubbed the paddle against the right cheek to sensitize it.
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