Living Life

"my head huts you bastard."gabe aid grouchily as he lookd at draco frowning a little as he rubbedhis eyes looking over at harry."what happened after i past out?and why does your head hurt?"he asked anciously sitting up s he gently ran his hands over the other looking for a injury.
Harry smiled a little and shook his head. “nothing really.” Harry admitted. “she gave up, we found out Dumbledore cursed her when you where around seventeen or eighteen, she's getting help at mungos. no you can't see her, Tom got loose in a fit of madness and crucio'd me for about ten minutes and now my entire body hurts.” that last part was a lie, and the way Harry's voice cracked Gabe probably knew it, Draco smirking a little as he shook his head but wisely said nothing as he handed Gabe a headache potion. “well it was either put you out or let you fight Phedre.” Draco pointed out. “which would you have preferred?”
"well considering she's tried to killme more then once, it woul have been a inteeresting duel."he said sulking a little as he sipped the potion glaring at harry or trying to lie to him."yu are such a bstard for trying to lie to me when I'm hurt."he whined glaring at harry through his bangs wating to lave know what happened and if he was going to be okay.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “ok... so I may have poured out all of my magic in my rage and now my muscles are seizing and sore because that's where the magic leaked out.” Harry stated with a small sigh. “i'm going to be bed bound for a few days... and Phedre never would have tried to kill you if Dumbledore hadn't cursed her.” he stated simply. She spent seventeen years hiding you from him Gabe... someone who had always intended on killing you wouldn't have done that... she loved you, and still does when she's Lucid.”
Gabe smiled brightly at the idea, grinning stupidly. Loving the idea of his adopted mother loving him still.Shifting he snuggled down into the other, muttering absently at the man's hurting himself. Sighing as he shifted, resting his head on the other's chest."Get some rest.You need it."
Harry smiled as he kissed the other gently, smiling a little. “oh, before I forget.” he muttered softly. “Scrimgeor has resigned.” he admitted. “turns out Dumbledore was paying him off.” “yes, your never going to believe who their asking to take his place.” Draco teased smirking a little, Harry snickering a little. “i bet he could guess.” Harry stated. “me of course, who else?” he teased kissing Gabe gently. “i'm going to be the next Minister of Magic.” he admitted smirking a little as he yawned. “as soon as I recover anyway...”
Gabriel grinned."ohhh i could be the man behind the power.This is going to be fun."He said yawning. This was perfect, just what they needed.

Two years later...

After installing harry as minister of magic the world had been turned on its ear as it struggled to recover from dumbledore's ruling of it. But with lharry, gabriel, draco, and hermione, not to mention lucius and the other of the older wizards and witches, they were recovering not just as individuals from the abuse of dumbledore, but as a society. Gabriel grinned as he walked through the ministry, the once ashamed man who couldn't stand to be in london because of his mother's dark magic and the lies dumbledore had spread, was once again one of the respectable lords of court, having just that morning accepted the post as leader of teh wizenamot. As high judge, he had everything he wanted. Including, his slowly healing step mother, who had finally asked to see him.

His nerves on edge he knocked on harry's door as he flirted with his secretary. After all, the girl was a amazing cook, and always brought him cookies if he was nice to her. So he flirted, and got cookies in return. made harry jealous, which made the sex so much better.Grinning as he poked his head into his husband's office."you ready to go?"he asked, the only sign he was nervous about seeing phedrea again was the pain in his eyes.
Harry had quickly risen in power and prestige, Draco was the head of Mungo's and was an amazing doctor, Hermione had gone on to be a lawyer, releasing many of the witches and wizards from Azkaban who had been put in there falsely by Dumbledore. Lucius was on the Wizengamot, Dumbledore was rotting in Azkaban, watching all his hard work be released prisoner after prisoner. Harry and Draco both had taken great effort in healing Tom, who was now allowed to go outside and mingle with the population, and he was just as popular as Harry was and was thinking about taking up his childhood dream of modeling.

Harry grinned when his lover walked in and nodded, standing up as he pondered how Phedre was really doing. They had done everything they'd been able to for her, but the spells had rooted so deeply she was always going to be a little mad, but Draco had deemed her safe,, meaning she at least wouldn't try to kill anyone or hate someone for no reason, she'd just be a little goofy occasionally... well, so they all hoped. “yeah, I'm ready.” Harry admitted grinning. “your never going to believe this but I caught Lucius shagging Tom's bones last night.” he admitted shaking his head. “i was almost scarred beyond words.” he admitted, trying to make his lover relax, or laugh as he apparated them to the hospital and the waiting Draco. “she's waiting inside.” Draco explained smiling at Gabe as he opened the door for them.
"harry!i don't want to know my uncle's come to our side, and is shagging his former boss!noooo...!"Gabriel whined, more to make draco feel a little sick himself, shuddering as he swallowed hard looking at the door."Are you two coming in?"he asked looking at the other two before walking in, smilign gently at the woman who pounced on him in a hug, holding her tightly as he pressed his face against her hair."Oh phe..." "Gabe!Draco brought me crayons so we could color."The elder woman giggled a little, more harmlessly insane then how bad she had been before. She so wanted her godson to want to be with her, which meant doing things together. And the child in her reached for what she'd done with other children when she was young, coloring."Y-yes we can color."Gabe said smiling sadly, hating that the once brilliant woman had been reduced to this.
Harry smiled as he followed Gabe into the room, smiling at Phedre as he took out some more crayons for her to color with, gently squeezing Gabe's shoulder. “sorry Gabe.” Draco muttered softly. “her recovery has been... slow.” he admitted softly as he pulled out some paper for her and Gabe to color. “but she is recovering.” he admitted. “she has her moments of lucidity, I believe that the shock of what she did and what happened to her.” he shook his head. “she's repressing it, leading her to become a child in mentality. I think it will be good for her to have some happy memories, even if it's just coloring and playing with kittens.”
Gabe smiled as he and phedre settled down to color together, smiling at his friend."Then we'll just have to make some good memories."he said smiling as he realized that life was just going to be good memories now.

The end?
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