Living Life

Harry apparated into the middle of Diagon Alley, fury in his eyes as he started demanding Dumbledore to show himself, that he was tired of Dumbledore's games and that he wanted a duel, well aware that someone on Dumbledore's side would be there and would inform Dumbledore of what was happening.

Lucius just nodded at Hermione and reached for the Vodka again, pouring himself another shot, Draco wincing a little as he took Hermione's hand and apparated them to Diagon alley as well, listening to Harry call Dumbledore a cheat and a coward.
"my boy, whatever is this about?"Dumbledore said as he walked through the crowd, madness showing in his eyes ignoring the hisses of anger that his appearance caused. Gabe growled quietly as he moved to stand next to draco, as high strung and snarling protective as harry was being, determined to protect his cousin and wife. Knowing that harry could take care of himself, and sure the other man would freak if he tried to protect him, so he protected draco and hermione.
Harry snarled as he examined Dumbledore. “this is about you attacked Narcissa Malfoy!” he snarled his eyes narrowed. “you have destroyed lives Dumbledore, and I was going to let you live, thinking that maybe you had learned your lesson, but you crossed the line when you hurt my lover and my best friend and her husband.” he stated sternly. “you hurt my family, twisted the magical world to suit your own needs, attacked and slaughtered thousands of innocents just for their money, had people raped, and broken so that they could be your pawns and now.. now you've really crossed the line. Name your second you coward, and let our duel begin!” he ordered scowling darkly. “this will be to the death Dumbledore! So choose your second well!”
Dumbledore perked slurped a little because he knew how to hurt them and since it was a former duel she couldn't refuse"I name hermione malfoy." he said smiling at her shocked face grinning wider when gave interfered"no you're not seconding him. Stay with Harry. I got dumbledore." gave muttered moving across the way preparing to end the duel if Harry was in danger of losing."are you ready my boy?" dumbledore asked looking at the younger man.
Harry smirked suddenly. “very well.” Harry stated calmly, glancing at Hermione. “don't worry, I'll kill him before it gets that far, I know your bound by wizarding Law to finish the duel, but I promise to knock you out before you have a chance to hurt me or Gabe.” he promised kissing her cheek and then Gabe's before stepping up to Dumbledore, his hand in his pocket. “i declare Policy of number 448 of Wizarding Duel status! A Wizard may decide their own rules, free of the law and of public discrimination!” Harry stated loudly so that everyone could hear. “i declare, as the ruling opponent, that all spells, both Light and Dark, are now available for use, so long as they do not endanger the crowd!” Harry had just made it legal to use the dark, and even black arts! “save, for the unforgivables! No killing spells, no torture spells, and no controlling spells!” he ordered staring at Dumbledore. “do you, as my opponent, agree to these terms!?”
"I do."Dumbledore agreed, before paling lightly, remembering who was standing at his back. Gabriel black who had at a early age been trained by the darkest witch to ever grace the pages of history. Even voldemort, had at one time saught the woman's company. and her son had been harry's lover for months, surely the boy had learned something. Gabe paled a little as he looked around,but not protesting. Feeling slightly uneasy and not finding the source of it as he looked around. Knowing he wasn't really worried about dumbledore. Trusting harry to end this duel quietly."Harry, just end this quickly."Gabe said his temper souring as he sought to figure out what was bothering him.
Harry smirked a little as he bowed to Voldemort, several of the watching witches and wizards weaving a barrier spell to keep misfired spells from striking innocent bystanders as Harry lifted his wand, staring Dumbledore in the eye. “so who's idea was it to attack Narcissa? Certainly not yours your too much of a coward. You use dirty tricks to get what you want, so who then? One of the Weasley's?” he asked his Avada Kedavra green eyes staring at Dumbledore without blinking, not even a little. “your just an old, pathetic fool who can't do anything, you couldn't even break or kill an eleven year old boy. Hell you couldn't even spell Riddle to be insane properly. You have no chance against me.” Harry stated with a snarl. “if your smart and give up now, maybe you'll get a lighter sentence of simply rotting in Azakaban, instead of rotting in hell.”
Dumbledore paused, considering his options. To duel and to lose would be even worse then if he gave up. glancing over his shoulder at gabriel, he swallowed hard having a feeling he knew what the man was getting ready to cast at his back before nodding. "I do."He said dropping his wand as he looked at the boy who had ruined everything, not about to tell the family of narcissa who her real killer was. She was somewhere in this crowd, if he couldn't beat them, he just had to rely on the fact that she would. Gabe friwbed a little looking at harry, swallowing hard. "Harry...something's wrong here..."she said thinking, having a idea, a bad bad nasty idea.
Harry smirked darkly at Dumbledore. “give me your wand.” he ordered holding his hand out just as the Auror's arrived, ready to arrest Dumbledore for the abuse of minors, theft of bank vaults, murder, malicious intent against another person, starting a war that never needed to have began, and hundreds of other things that where all now public knowledge, having been in the papers just that morning. Harry took Dumbledore's wand and with a bright, almost chipper smile, he broke it into three pieces and handed it to the Auror in charge before he turned to Hermione, as wizarding law insisted. “your Dueling first has given up, you too may choose to forfeit the match. Nothing will be done against you if you choose to fight or choose to surrender, as you have broken no laws.” he had to give Hermione the chance to give up, or technically the duel would not end and Dumbledore's forfeit would not count, his emerald eyes scanning the crowd, wary of danger at Hermione's warning, the shield still protecting him for now, but as soon as Hermione said she gave up, the shield would fall, and Harry could be attacked from anywhere.
"I yie-" " No she doesnt!"Gabe shouted his shield slamming up the same moment harry's came down, wincing as the clash of spells mde his head ache as he turned to face his new threat, snarling as he realized what he'd thought of was true."So. You, the only woman Narcissa would have ever let close enough to slip a knife between the ribs." "Yes.But it is your own fault gabriel, for not giving me a easier way to end your life."Phedrea scolded him like she had when he was a child, walkign through the crowd to face them all.
Harry gasped as he spun around as he came face to face with Phedre his eyes widening before they darkened with fury, dark magic suddenly rising around him , swirling around him as if there was a tornado forming around him, Draco gasping in terror as he realized how pissed off Harry really was, constructing his own shields around him and Hermione to protect both of them as he realized Harry was too pissed to recognize friend from foe. “hey Phedre... you might want to run....” Draco stated simply glancing over at his 'aunt'. He had only seen Harry this pissed off once in his life, at the battle in the ministry, they where still reconstructing parts of the hall of Mysteries, and there was no fixing the Veil, it had been disintegrated.
"No.I only have business here with Gabriel."She said her own shields dstrong as she turned to face gabriel, tilting her head."I want to end this. I challenge you to a duel." Gabriel's eyes widened a little, of all the things he'd expected her to say, that wasn't it. she usually avoided dueling with him if she could help it."I-"he stopped looking at harry, wondering if there was a way he could step aside and let harry duel her. Because despite everything, he still cared for her enough to not be the one who killed her. And the slightly glazed, slightly insane look in her eyes guranteeded it wasn't ending any other way.
Draco hesitated and then, without warning flung a spell at Gabriel, knocking him unconscious. “Gabriel is in no condition to Duel.” Harry stated, sounding horribly calm even as dark magic swirled around him, and fury shone in his eyes as he stepped over Gabriel. “you will fight me instead. If I win, you will be killed, if you win, I will let you kill me, and Gabriel.” he stated simply his eyes narrowed. “do you agree to this?” he demanded, well aware that she, as the starter of the duel was the one to lay out the rules, within limits, but Harry knew no matter what the rules where, he would pull out victorious, he would slaughter anyone who hurt his family. “you have no right to try and harm Gabriel, you have been punishing him for his families sins since he was a child. He is not his mother, nor his family, he is good, and kind, and just like me. Or did you not realize that I too was born into the dark arts? In fact its thanks to the dark arts that I was even born. It is just as much inside of me as the light magic is. Just because something is dark, does not mean it is evil, before Dumbledore came along and twisted everything, people knew this, now, they must relearn everything and it's thanks to people like you, that there is so much pain in this world. I will kill you for hurting my family, lay your rules, and prepare to duel.”
phedrea nodded a little,"I agree to your rules. And the same one's you dueled dumbledore with, no unforgiveables."She said not waiting for him to agree as she raised her wand, throwing a diffendo, having every intention of breaking his body, and make him incapable of dueling. While he might be somewhat right about his own circumstances, she knew gabriel, he'd grown up on dark arts, was addicted. There was no saving her nephew, and she would do the world a favor and kill them both.
Harry snarled at her, Draco hissing in rage. “the Dark Arts is NOT addictive you fucking bitch! If they where Harry and I would be addicted too! And we're not! Our magic just prefers dark magic! There IS a difference between Dark and BLACK magic you stupid whore!” Draco bitched glaring at Phedre. “Gabriel black is NOT addicted to the dark arts! He just never uses them so when he does it feels better, it's like of we forced YOU to do dark arts all your life and you suddenly did a Light spell it would be the same exact thing!” Harry snorted as he deflected the Diffendio effortlessly with the counter spell, licking his lips a little. “Dumbledore banned the dark arts, because he knew that dark magic was stronger.” Harry stated lifting his hand, dark magic swirling around it before he hurled a Levinbolt at Phedre, a dark spell that was the combination of a lightning strike and an explosion. “Liht magic and Dark magic must co-exist for the wizarding world to be healthy and strong.” Draco declared. “you cannot have life without death, good without evil, or light without dark. Dumbledore banning the use of the dark arts threw magic out of whack, and now it is dying, just like Dumbledore wanted! But no one would listen, because Dumbledore was supposed to be good. Now the truth is out Phedre, will you fight to protect a false truth, created by a man who CREATED Voldemort!? Who had innocent children RAPED!? Or will you calm down, and face the truth?”
Phedrea tilted her head, thinking about it. Before stepping back,crouching down next to the man laying on the ground,gently stroking gabriel's hair."I accept that this is the truth, as you believe it."She said thinking about it as s he shifted looking down at gabriel, to far gone to ever acept that he wasn't his parent's son. Before swallowing hard, forcing her hand to open, dropping the wand. Realizing that her zealous hatred of the one man who she should have loved, "... I need help."She said looking up at the two, starting to shiver.
Harry snarled when she crouched down next to Gabe, a warning only to behave as he watched her closely. “it is the truth.” he stated simply watching as she dropped her wand, using his own magic to drag it away from her, holding his hand out to her. “yield and take my hand.” he ordered softly, his own magic and rage draining away. “and you will be forgiven and helped.” he promised softly. “even the strongest of us need help sometimes.” he admitted offering her a small smile. “Gabe and I will both do everything we can to help you.”
Phedre gave him a pained smile as she looked down at her slowly stirring godson, Biting her lip."Promise me you'll never let him see me.Unless he asks."She said the clear headedness already starting to fade as she slipped a hand into harry's, looking pained and upset. "He wont heal if he can't forget."She said looking at the other hopefully.
Harry smiled a little at her. “i won't let him see you, even if he does ask, until your better.” Harry promised, having his suspicions that Voldemort wasn't the only one forced into madness. “he will heal when you are better, he loves you, even as he hates you.” he admitted softly as he pulled her into his arms and apparated her into Mungo's, ordering several doctors over to run magical tests on her to see if Dumbledore had driven her mad the way Harry supposed Gabe's parents, Bellatrix, and even Fenrir also had been. When Dumbledore had not been able to control them, he had driven them mad instead. He waited while she was checked out and then returned to Gabe, who had been taken home by Draco and Hermione.
Hermione smiled a little as she stroked gabriel's hair,gently carding her fingers through the strands, looking over at harry when he came in."He woke up enough to say soemthing was wrong with phedrea...before he went back to sleep..."she said looking at the man worriedly, making sure that he wasn't hurt."Is she going to be fine?I assume you found similar spells to what tom suffered?"She asked, hoping for gabriel's sake that that was what was wrong, and it wasn't just a sudden hatred for gabriel that phedrea had developed.
Harry sighed as he slumped onto a chair, scrubbing his face. “they where worse than what Tom suffered.” he admitted softly. “we don't know exactly when Dumbledore cursed her, but apparently he didn't realize that Gabe was even alive until he was seventeen or eighteen. Gabe and his family have always been a threat to Dumbledore so Dumbledore took drastic steps to make sure Gabe never survived... unfortunately there are no simple ways to fix her or Tom.” he admitted gently stroking Gabriel's hair, “it's going to be a long, and probably painful recovery for the both of them.”
Hermine nodded a little pressing a kis to gabe's forehead before standing.sgemust have loved him well to risk so much to have hid him...a least he will know that....stay tonight. he needs the res and o do you."she said before leaving not givng him the chance to answer."so loud..."gabe muttered shifting snuggling closer to his lover with a pleased sigh
Harry nodded a little as he settled onto the bed next to Gabe nodding. “we'll stay.” Harry promised. “probably for a few days if you;ll have us.” he asked hopefully. “i may have drained out all of my magic when I got all pissed off.” he admitted sheepishly as he wrapped his arms tightly around his lover, kissing Gabe's temple. “i don't want Gabe to know though, don't tell him?” he asked hopefully smiling at Hermione. “i'm sure that Phedre and Tom are going to be fine, we just have to help them as much as we can.”
hermione laughed a little at the idea of harry hiding something from gabe wonering if he coul."of curse i wont say anythin."se said miling wier nodding."stay as long as you want. we coulf use the company."she said kissing his forehead."they'll be fine and so will go to sleep."she ordered sternly laughing a little as she looked down at him smiling fondly.
Harry smirked a little and nodded as he lay down and sighed, going to sleep, not waking until Gabe did, shifting slowly next to him, groaning loudly. Every muscle in his body hurt, strained from the force of spilling magic out around him, he realized very quickly that he wasn't going to be able to hide this from Gabe, even as Draco walked in and carefully set a pain potion to Harry's lips, ordering him to drink without a word. It would take the edge of the pain off but it wouldn't stop the pain or the stiffness as Draco smiled at Gabe. “good morning, how are you feeling? I might have overdone it on your sleeping spell, sorry about that buddy...”
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