Living Life

Gabe's jaw dropped as he thought over that spell. Lookign at draco he swallowed hard."I assume they spell tracked it?"She asked looking him over. hopefully they would have more then just allegations to use against dumbledore. If it was proved that dumbledore was the cause of tom's insanity, he was going to go so far down the world was going to crush him. before paling a little when a owl arrived, reaching to take it, paling as he read it, hiding the paper from draco and the others."We need to go to the"He said getting up heading for the door, needing to gather weapons if he was going.
Draco nodded. “they where able to trace the spell.” he admitted. “it took a hell of a lot of effort to get Father to convince Voldemort to testify though.” he admitted Harry scratching his head. “and here I thought his insanity was from addiction to the dark arts.” “... Harry... you can't be addicted to the dark arts.” Draco stated calmly. “you can be addicted to BLACK arts, not Dark arts, there IS a difference you know, not that you'd know, Dumbledore's fucked up notions of right and wrong has the world turned on it's head.” he admitted blinking when he saw Gabe's face, his head tilted a little. “Gabe? What's wrong?” “i think we're about to find out.” Harry admitted shaking his head as he took Gabe's hand. “lead the way love.” he ordered, Draco taking his lovers hand. “Herm stay here alright?” Draco asked hopefully. “i mean it this time!”
hermione frowned before nodding.Knowing they all would worry more about her then what was going on."I'll stay here.Send word as soon as you can."She said kissing his cheek before letting go. Wincing at the sound of them apparating. Gabriel sighed as he cursed walkign through the halls, looking for his uncle, and hoping that he hadn't heard from the papers yet."Lucius!" "What?" "Are you okay?"Gabriel asked anxious, needing to get draco to stay with lucius while he and harry went to investigate just what the paper had just reported.
Harry nodded and grabbed Gabe's hand tightly, Draco feeling panic rising up as he rushed to his father. “something wrong Father, Gabe got a letter and that always means something bad has happened.” he admitted, Harry nodding. “Dray you should stay here with your family.” he ordered Draco nodding. “where's mother? We'll all go sit in the kitchen.” he decided Harry smirking a little. “come on Gabe, what's wrong?” he asked softly, wondering what had Gabe so panicked.
Gabe swallowed hard as she watched the other two men walk into the kitchen, before looking at harry."We have to go to diagon alley."he said wincing a little, not about to say anything else before they left. Resting a hand on harry's arm before apparating, swallowing hard."We have to get to st. mungo's."

Lucius looked confused as he walked with draco, frownign a little as he got them something to drink."Your mother went into town to get something to eat."he said frowning a little."What did gabe's letter say?"he asked. Gabe had timed it just right, he'd gotten there before the mail had arrived, so lucius had no idea what was making gabriel climb the walls.
Harry frowned a little. “what the hell? Gabe what's going on!?” he demanded pausing a little. “why are we going to St. Mungo!?” he demanded feeling panic rising in his chest. “who's been hurt!?”

Draco shook his head. “i don't know he wouldn't let me see.” he admitted scowling a little as he tapped his fingers on the table. “i wonder if maybe there was a fight in town? With our luck Mother probably started it.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “i hope she got in some good punches.” but he felt....afraid, and he wasn't sure why.
"narcissa."He said shuddering a little, starting to panic himself as they walked down the street, feeling panic choke him as he thought about his aunt being hurt."The paper didn't know how hurt she was, but they said that she'd been checked in.hopefully everyone remembers I'm her nephew and wont make me bring draco in until I know what happened."

Lucius laughed quietly getting them food, setting the plate in front of him. Smilign a little."Your mother would start a fight. She always is fiesty about things."He said smilign, even though he was still feeling draco's panic. Knowing gabriel didn't panic for every reason, so to see him so unstrung, it was goign to be bad.
Harry nearly froze in terror and then he raced into the hospital, rushing to the check in and glaring at the woman demanding to know where Narcissa was and how she was doing, the poor nurse stuttering violently as she explained everything she knew.

Draco sighed a little as he bit his lip nibbling on his food smirking a little. “hey do you remember the time she punched Molly Weasley in the nose for calling me a brat? I was so shocked! And the look on her kids faces!” he snickered a little, struggling to brush off the terror.
Gabriel paled as he heard the diagonis. Shuddering a little as he realized what was wrong. Before making the decision, so draco and lucius wouldn't have to. He'd rather have them blame him for it, rather then themselves."Take her off life support. She wouldn't want to live like that, not when there's no chance she'll wake up."he said coolly, reading between the lines of what the nurses condolences was. His heart hurting as he thought about what she'd said to him the last time they talked. Slightly, ironically amused that it would be her own death that brought him back, created the son belladonna had always wanted, instead of the son she had.Narcissa, who was more a mother instead of a aunt, would push him into what he needed to be.

Luicus snickered, eating struggling to stay calm for draco's sake."Of course I remember that. I could just stare. i really thought they were going to start a all out brawl at that."
Harry swallowed thickly as he set his hand on Gabe's, looking over at his lover. “oh Gabe... I'm so sorry...” he whispered softly, gently kissing the others cheek, turning to the doctor and nodded. “if Draco asks... I gave the order.” he stated calmly. “he hates me already... there's no need to have him upset with you.” Harry explained softly to Gabe. “your going to need each other.” he admitted softly, wiping his eyes.

“yeah, I'm shocked that Molly never hit back.” he admitted snickering a little. “she never felt all that bad about smacking you after all, the fat bitch.” he complained, putting down the horrid red headed woman to calm himself down. “i really don't know how she and that man could ever bear to even touch each other let alone procreate.”
Gabe smiled a little at harry's trying to protect him, lowering his head to kiss the other gently before apparating them back to the house. Bracing himself to tell the boys what happened.

"Draco!i'm scarred enough by working for voldemort, I don't need to think about that."He whined before looking up as the other two walked in, paling drastically at the sight of the two."what happened?"

"Aunt Narcissa was...attacked while she was shopping...."gabe said, shock finally settling in."They had her...only life support....but you know she wouldn't...want to live liek we took her off....there was no chance she was waking up...."
Draco stared at them for a long moment before his silver eyes welled up with tears and he stood up, walking silently from the room, Harry grimacing as he gently touched Gabe's arm. “i'm going to go get Hermione.” he murmured softly. “Draco needs her... comfort Lucius?” he asked softly before he vanished with a crack to fetch Hermione, taking her hand. “Herm.. Draco is really upset.” he explained softly. “Narcissa is gone...” he explained softly. “she was attacked in town and... she wouldn't have woken up... we had to take her off life support.” he explained softly. “you know Draco the best, and he needs some comfort.”
Hermione nodded looking shocked."Go sit with gabe and luc, they'll need you to."she said before apparating out, finding draco, wrapping her arms around him silently, pressing a kiss to his head as she held him."Draco.."She muttered not sure what to say. The mother and son had had a interesting relationship, so she didn't know what to do.

Gabe smiled sadly as the two men sat in the kitchen, silently drinking together, because they had nothing to say that would destroy them. Looking up at harry with a small smile,"hey."gabe muttered though not moving to hug him, not wanting to make lucius feel worse.
Draco pressed his face into Hermione's chest, breaking down and letting himself cry, Hermione was the only person who had ever seen him cry save Narcissa. “he killed my mother.” Draco whispered, sobbing into her shoulder. “he killed her...”

Harry smiled softly and watched Lucius down probably a fifth or sixth shot of Russian Vodka sitting down at the table. “i'm sorry Lucius.” “shh, I'm getting drunk.” Lucius slurred Harry grimacing a little. “hey Lucius... I think maybe you already are...” “not drunk 'nough...”
Hermione winced a little, stroking his hair,gently pressing a kiss to his hair as he wrapped him in a hug."I knwo love, I know. And we'll make sure she is the last person he hurts.No more harm."she said tears filling her eyes.

"Come on uncle. YOu're going to bed now."Gabe said, swaying a little on his feet, shock and alcohol starting to knock his feet out from under him, looking at harry."Help me get him up to oen of the guest rooms...he cant stay in his rooms now..."He said helping lucius to hsi feet.
Draco simply cried himself to sleep into her shoulder, his eyes red rimmed and puffy as he rested from his grief and his tears.

Harry sighed a little as he helped Lucius get to his feet and into one of the guest rooms before he took Ashlin's arms tightly and pushed him towards bed as well, making him sleep as well, making a nice hot breakfast for all of them, chasing out all the house elves and making all the food himself to chase away his own grief, watching Lucius stagger down first, his head pounding as he slumped into a chair and blinked as waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, doughnuts, home made syrup, and sugar glazed fruit was set in front of him. “... I can't eat that much.” “no one can, just eat what you want.” Harry ordered softly squeezing Lucius's shoulder the man nodding a little as he started to eat.
Gabe groaned as his head ached, sighing quietly. "'re insane..."He groaned slouching his way to a seat, wincing as hermione's laugh echoed in the room. "Harry, never ever change. This is amazing."She said smiling a little as she helped the still sleepy draco into the room, settling both him and gabe into a chair before sitting down herself."Now eat you two. Luc is eating. now you two."She ordered gently smiling a little as she looked at the cousins.
Harry chuckled and shrugged a little. “nervous energy.” he informed them all, Lucius actually managing a week smile, Draco just staring at his food before sighing and nibbling on a doughnut, which was very odd. Normally Draco avoided empty calories and fatty foods like the plague, and he usually hated sweets to begin with, even if he always kept them in the house for his mother and Hermione he rarely touched them. Harry put food in front of Hermione and hesitated, wondering if he could cook something else before he sat down and started to eat himself, nibbling only on a piece of bacon, looking worried as he examined Gabe and everyone else. “i'm going to challenge Dumbledore to a duel.” he suddenly declared. “i'm going to kill him, and then he'll never hurt us again.” he was so upset, and so angry that Dumbledore could dare hurt someone he cared about yet again, someone that his lover loved, that his best friend loved, no, he would NOT allow this to continue, he would kill Dumbledore no matter what it took to do so.
Hermione jumped a little, startled as gabriel looked up. Realizing after a moment what she was looking at. this wasn't the light hearted writer that loved his cousin's family, but a nephew deprieved of his aunt, the only link he had to his mother, and looking for blood."I'm second.Lucius isn't up for doing it, and I don't want draco doing it." Gabriel said frowning at them all, daring them to argue. Hermione smiled slightly as she ate, glancing at her family, knowing they'd probably argue."Guys, you know he's right.He might be the only one thinking cleearly enough to duel...unless of course, you want to ask voldemort to check himself out of st. mungo's."
Harry smirked as he set his hand on Gabe's hand, holding his hand tightly as Lucius and Draco both opened their mouths to argue before they fell silent and nodded, eyes down. “no, Voldemort wouldn't appreciate that.” Draco muttered, Lucius shaking his head. “besides I had him admitted, I'm the only one who can sign him out prematurely, unless he gets better he's staying there.” Lucius stated calmly as he nibbled on his food again. “how do you plan on finding Dumbledore?” “simple, I'll challenge him publicly, he won't be able to refuse.”
Gabe smiled a little."If he just doesn't care how humiliated he feels."He pointed out, looking worried at the idea of harry fighting dumbledore. Tilting his head a little."Harry, I could duel him.You wouldn't have to..."He said. Hermione snickered a little, shaking her head a little."Give up gabe. He wont let you duel, more then he'd let you commit suicide. You're in no form to duel any more then the other two."
Harry smiled and kissed Gabe's forehead. “no, it has to be me.” he ordered calmly. “like Hermione said your in no shape to duel and in any case I'm the one he wants.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “i'll make sure that he never hurts any of my friends and family ever again, this is personal, always has been, and I'll make him suffer for that.”
Gabe nodded before getting up."We better be getting ready to go. Don't want to give him to much time to run away."He said wanting to end this now, befoer dumbledore could hurt anyone else."And no, you don't get a choice in whether I'm going with you or not."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head a little. “come on, I wouldn't make you stay behind love.” he promised kissing the other. “but your not going to like many of the spells that I'm going to use.” he admitted shaking his head as he stood up, gripped the others arm and apparated, Draco and Lucius looking worried. “should we go with him?” Draco asked softly, looking over at Hermione, “just to make sure their going to be ok?”
Hermione frowned looking at her husband, looking worried himself before she nodded."We should. With their luck, they'll get in trouble."She said standing, wrappign her arms around draco, kissing his forehead before looking at lucius."You'll stay here wont you?"She asked, needing to protect them both, but knowing draco wouldn't let her go alone.
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