Living Life

Gabe swallowed hard, grief for his lover's pain and rage at the man who caused it choking him, turning his temper out for a moment, wincing when he heard the ping of rocks against the window. nearly whimpering to himself he moved to the window, looking at the front wall that had been reduced to so much gravel, no pieces bigger then a fingernail. "We better go."He swallowed again looking at harry, kissing him lightly."Thank you for telling me....but we should tell Lucius. Before it comes up in trial. He wont like it if he's blindsided. If he's prepared he can turn dumbledore's tricks on the man."He said hugging the other tightly, pressing a kiss to his head."Are you sure you want to do this?"He asked."There are other ways of dealing with dumbledore."
he smiled as he snuggled into the other and nodded. “yes, I want to do this.” he admitted softly. “i need to do this. This is a good way to prove, without a doubt, that Dumbledore is evil, even more to than Voldemort.” he admitted softly. “did you know that it's Dumbledore's fault that Voldemort is the way he is?” he asked his head tilted. “come on, lets go talk to Lucius.” he decided, hesitating then. “will you tell him? I don't... I don't think I can do it a second time so soon.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “i should bring all my written evidence with too for Lucius to look at.” he admitted summoning the papers to his hand, all the information, and all Dumbledore's guilt's, or most of them anyway, where soon going to be bared to the world.
Gabe smiled a little."I'll tell him.While you sit down with hermione, and tell her about your newly signed collection of belladonna's books."He said taking the papers from his lover before apparating them to the manor, wanting to talk to lucius before they left for court. "Gabe!"Hermione grinned hugging him before looking at harry, looking unsure if she could hug him."Harry. You know I didn't expect to see you again so soon. You're always avoiding visiting."She said gently scolding gabe for his non existance and avoidance.
Harry beamed at her and hesitated as she looked at him, looking guilty and rather sheepish before he leaned down and kissed her cheek. He couldn't handle a hug, but he could handle an innocent kiss. “i dragged him over so I could brag.” he teased smirking at her. “you are NEVER going to guess who I met!” he chirped smirking a little. “Belladonna Saint Clair!” he stated giggling wildly. “oh yes! THAT Bell! Oh god Hermione she's so PERFECT! If I wasn't in love with Gabe I'd TOTALLY think about going straight for her!” he admitted feeling very amused. “she sighed ALL of my books!” he admitted clapping his hands happily. “she's coming over for tea tonight and I want you to come with!” he admitted beaming at her. “please say you can!?”
Gbe smiled, before kissing harry's cheek, heading for lucius' office to talk to him. Amused as he heard hermione's squeal of anger."What?!?You MET her!?That's not fair!"She said before pausing before hugging him before springing away before it got uncomfortable."Oh harry!That's perfect. OF course I'm coming. draco can do without me for the night." She said grinning as her husband walked down the stairs, pouncing on him with a grin."Dray!Harry's introducing me to Belladonna!"
Harry snickered a little as he hugged her back, for once not minding the physical contact as he laughed at Draco's puzzled expression. “Belladonna? Oh, that book author you like so much?” he asked placing the name with a grin. “that's wonderful love!” he stated giving her a kiss. “do you want me to pack up all of her books for you?” he asked his head tilted glancing at Harry. “you have your first court day today don't you? How are you feeling?” there Harry paused, biting his lip a little. “i... I'm not...sure.” he admitted softly. “i want to see Dumbledore suffer but... there's a lot of stuff that I haven't come to terms with yet...” he admitted softly, Draco wincing a little. “but me and Gabe are going on a lunch date after court so I think I'll be alright.”
hermione nodded stepping back."Will you please?I'd like to have her sign everything."She smiled excitedly before looking at harry, looking worried."You know you don't have to go there don't you?"She asked worried about what having so many things drawn out in court would do for her friend. And hoping gabe was strong enough to handle the breakdown if harry broke.
Draco chuckled and ordered a house elf to pack up all of the books and Harry chuckled before nodding. “i know I don't have to, but I need to.” he admitted. “i need to know I can face Dumbledore face to face and know that I am not going to let him break me. I need him to see me, facing him down and crushing him into nothing more than a little bug.” he admitted shaking his head. “Gabe, and now Lucius knows everything that Dumbledore is going to do, to try and make me break, and we're ready for it.” he hoped anyway.
Just then the sound of something large and breakable hitting the down sounded through the hall, the same moment Gabe ducked out of it. Shutting Lucius's study door before looking at the shocked looking other three. Giving them all a bright smile."Uncle is breaking things."he said grinning."He's apparently shocked at the levels of dumbledore's deprivity that's almost level with the dark lord, and has decided breaking things instead of dumbledore would be good."He nodded amused.
Harry flinched violently at the sound of smashing objects and chuckled nervously swallowing hard. “er... he's not going to come out here and start swinging is he?” “no, despite rumors Father isn't normally a violent man.” Draco admitted. “he's never raised a hand to me or mother.” he admitted shaking his head. “people claim he's abusive because they want to believe that he's a bad person.” harry nodded and glanced at Gabe, examining him closely. “are you ok?” he asked his head tilted. “even you didn't react that badly, I didn't even see a lightning bolt...” the last thing Harry wanted was for Gabe to repress it and then explode when he saw Dumbledore.
Gabe snorted, laughing quietly"I turned my cement walls outside into gravel.So gonna have to rebuild them."He shrugged, mostly calm but he wasn't sure if he'd stay calm for long. Hopefully he could. At least long enough to not kill dumbledore."Lucius wont hurt you, or dumbledore. He's just getting it out of his system now, tehn we can go."He said smiling a little. "But if you want thunder and lightening, I can make tht happen."He teased looking at his lover. Hermione looked worried at them both."Are you sure you two will be okay in court?"
Harry nodded with a small chuckle. “oh.” he admitted chuckling a little. “it's ok Hermione.” he promised smiling at her. “we'll be alright, we won't attack Dumbledore, in public anyway.” he promised chuckling a little as he smirked at Gabe. “and the only thunder and lightning want from you buddy is in bed.” he teased with a snicker as he stood up, hearing the smashing sounds stop in the study. “why do I get the feeling that Draco is going to be cleaning that mess up?”
Gabe snickered."Cause it's good for his character to clean up manually sometimes."He piped grinning at his cousin. Hermione wrinkled her nose shaking her head."I don't want to know about your sex life harry."She said amused. Lucius stepped out, raising a eyebrow at the sight of all of them there."Whatever do you think all of you are doing?" "Witing for you to stop a temper tantrum."gabriel grinned.
Draco scowled at the other shaking his head a little. “i do NOT clean up after my father.” he complained rolling his eyes a little as Harry snickered shaking his head, smirking at Lucius. “do you feel better?” he teased smirking a little. “can we get going now?” he teased smirking a little. “Gabe and I have a date to go on after court, and we're entertaining tonight too.” he admitted calmly, fighting back his growing nerves.
Lucius nodded."I'm fine.I'll see you at court."He said before apparating out. Gabe winced a little, wondering how this was going to be. Wrapping his arms around harry he apparated to the court, pressing a kiss to his lover's hair as they looked at the doors to court, smiling a little at lucius."Harry...are you sure you want this?I can get it tossed out of court But I will argue if you want to."Lucius said, wanting to make sure that the boy knew the things that he'd told gabe were most likely going to end up public knowledge.
Harry nodded. “yes, I want this.” he admitted sternly. “if he could do this to me... who's to say he didn't do it to, or is even doing it right now to other students?” he demanded. “if I show them, all of them, victim and abuser alike that I am strong enough to stand up and move forward, then perhaps other people can find their strength too.” he stated simply, smiling at Gabe and Lucius. “i know all of this, or at least most of it, is going to end up public, but that's ok.” he admitted simply. “it just means that more people who have been hurt by him might be willing to testify as well.” he admitted smiling. “and they, as well as I, deserve the closer that this will bring.” he admitted taking a deep breath, looking scared, but forcing himself to move forward into the room anyway, sitting as far away from Dumbledore as he could manage.
The two men with him glared at the headmaster sitting at his table, sitting down as gracefully and gave tht air of being totally better then anyone else. Sneering slightly gabe sighed, shifting closer to harry. The judge raised a eyebrow, looking at the man."Mr. Black, what are you doing here?It is supposed to be only the lawyers, and the defendant and planitiff." Gabe smiled as he stood bowing his head slightly."i am here as moral support, and Lucius asked me to be here." "Is this true mr. malfoy?" "yes." The judge sighed a little looking at dumbledore."You may stay, as long as the plainti-" "I do have a problem with him being here. He's a distraction that none of us need. The issues to be discussed today are just the order's kicking out of their base. And mr. potter's refusing to be reasoned with. As in the past, Gabriel Black is completely unreasonable, and I do not think he should be here." Gabriel sneered a little before sighing."I am staying. i am a witness to the lengths that Albus will go to get what he want.I am not leaving."
“your honor? May I speak?” Harry asked, his voice strained and his face pale. “please, Gabriel Black won't utter a word until he needs to testify.. he's a witness as well as my moral support... he's here to make sure I don't have a breakdown.” he admitted softly. “besides, he's my fiance, he has every right to be here as much as my own father and mother would where they still alive.” he admitted simply. “Dumbledore doesn't want him here, because Dumbledore knows he has no chance at winning this lawsuit, he doesn't want any more witnesses then he has to.” he looked over at Dumbledore for the first time since he entered the room, his emerald eyes filled with passion. “you brought this on yourself Headmaster. Every sin you have ever called onto me, will now become public knowledge. Everything you had those people do to me, every time you got Terry knot to hurt me, every time you stole money from my accounts and every time you drugged me is about to become public knowledge and the only person you have to blame is yourself.” he stated sternly, “and don't think your going to get away with any of it, because I have proof, and I have evidence.” so eat that Dumbledore!
Dumbldore looked like he'd swallowed a frog before shaking his head."Your honor, as you can see I have done my best to deal with the delusions of the boy, he has the deillusion that everyone is out to get him." "It's not a deillusion if there really is someone out to get you."Lucius said standing before shaking his head, blond hair swirling around his shoulders."your honor, professor dumbledore has no right to the things that he has done, he is not harry potter's legal guardian, and no right to use his home or bank accounts." "he attends my school, and therefore under my guardianship." "So, any student in your care is to suffer the same treatment that you have trust onto your 'savior'?"He growled, trying to remember if draco had ever said anything. "I did not treat him any different then any other student. He's paranoid, seeing conscipries against him. As his temporary guardian, I used his home as I saw fit, for his own benefit."
“your honor, that house was in my godfathers possession until last year before it was willed to me.” he stated simply. “and yet, at the end of the school year instead of allowing me to live there, my rightful house he forced me to a muggle house, an ABUSIVE muggle house where they beat and starved me for six months. Did no one think it odd that I never finished last year, or came to school this year? I was Locked in a house full of Muggles who refused to feed me more than a sandwich a week.” he stated simply. “i couldn't even leave, or contact anyone. The barrier is still around my house, strong as ever, I had someone check, you can see it for yourself.” he admitted waving his hand. “i have a letter here, right here from Dumbledore saying that if he couldn't make me behave, he'd break me.” he stated lifting a letter from the pile. “and this one here, I got just last week with a...” he swallowed hard. “with my dead bird, and my best friend Hedwig attached. Would you care to see them? They'll pass a forgery test and everything.” he stated simply. “i have memory evidence of Terry knot raping me, in school grounds, with Dumbledore's words on his lips. And I even have information on other students lives he's ruined. Tom Riddle being one of them.” he admitted his eyes blazing with fury now. “i have never been crazy and I have never been insane! This man tried to break me! And I chose DEATH over his control!” he sighed, forcing himself to calm down. “i tried to kill myself your honor, and it was only Gabriel black finding me, that saved me.” he admitted turning to look at Dumbledore. “you tried to break me, but I cannot be broken. I will not let the likes of you break me!”
Dumbledore's eyes filled with something dark and angry as he looked at him, before looking at gabriel. Of course it would be the belladonna's son that caused this many problems. Surely there was someone out there that would be able to curb gabriel's influence."Your honor-" "No. I have heard enough. I do not wish to hear nything else from you."The judge said, thinking about it before nodding to herself."Mr. Potter, I am sorry you have suffered this,and while we can't undo the harm done, I will make sure dumbledore is removed from all positions of power, and that he repays you for the money he has stolen.Would you request anything else?" Lucius turned, looking at harry. Looking worried about what the headmaster would do now that harry had turned the judge on him.
Harry nodded. “yes your honor, I would like all of this information to be made public, and that any other person who can prove that they where abused by Dumbledore to be payed a set monetary amount from Dumbledore's accounts. I know money won't make it better, it never will, but at least the others who where hurt will be able to afford a therapist or something.” he admitted shaking his head. “he's been stealing the money from the diseased for years.” he admitted. “anyone Voldemort kills, he takes their money, so I know he has plenty.” he admitted moving around the table and handing her all the files and all the information, much of it from Dumbledore's own office. Proving everything Harry has said was true. “thank you for this your honor... the things he's done can never be forgiven, but at least now he can never do it to anyone else ever again.”
The judge nodded before lowering her voice so none of the others could hear her."I have known dumbledore a long time, harry. I knew him when Belladonna left here, vowing never to return. She left because of him, and her son is just if not more deadly then she was. Watch Gabriel mr. potter, I am sure dumbledore's not through playing games, even if we're gelding him with this made public."She said before dismissing him. Frowning at dumbledore, watching as the headmaster left, wondering just how much things were going to be screwed up when this hit the papers.
Harry nodded a little. “i've already made him promise not to go anywhere alone.” he promised smiling a little. “i know he's not done playing games, in fact I'm counting on it.” he admitted simply before he went back to his chair, watching Dumbledore leave with a dark little smile. “that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.” Harry admitted to Lucius looking amused. “hell we didn't even need you.” he teased patting the man's arm. “but thank you, for helping me. There will always be room in my home for you and your family.” he promised smiling a little as he laid his head on Gabe's shoulder. “can we go on our 'date' now, I want ice-cream and the new Belladonna ST. Claire book.” he ordered pouting up at Gabe, laughter in his eyes, enjoying pulling the wool over Lucius's eyes.
Lucius rolled his eyes looking at his nephew."Have fun on your date. Belladonna."He smirked looking at gabriel's shocked face before he apparated away. "Bloody hell."Gabriel gaped, not sure hwo to figure out his uncle had realized he was belladonna, but really, while it was shocking to hear, he wasn't surprised it was lucius who figured it out first. "A-are you ready for the date?"He teased wrapping his arms around harry before apparating to diagon alley, looking around.Trying to find the best place to go for ice cream.Wanting to eat before they went to his editor's
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