Living Life

Harry paused, frowning, looking confused at his lover before his eyes widened. “oh my GOD! YOU'RE Bell St. Claire!?” he demanded his mouth open in shock and amazement before he started to laugh. “that's TWICE now you've saved my life!” he teased smirking a little as he yanked the blankets off the other and kissed him hard. “mmm I never thought it would be possible that I would ever find you more attractive but hot damn you did.” he purred chuckling a little as he kissed the others neck, running his hands down Gabe's, panting softly. “oh yeah, I'm gonna fuck you so hard my perfect little Crime Writer.” he purred snickering a little. “mmm maybe give you some inspiration for your new book.” he teased snickering a little.
Gabe moaned laughing softly as he ran his fingers through Harry's hair, the blush offsetting his pale skin. He loked so adorable blushing and panting."Hmmm you're so such River bottoms?"he teased smirking a wider. "Hmmm I can see it now, river saves sucidial hero. Hmmm I actually do kinda like it..."He said thrust out of lust as he considered what the story could be.
Harry laughed a little and smirked. “the boy could be a part of a pure blood society that wants to use him to take over the world.” he admitted smirking a little. “that would be interesting.” he admitted realizing he had lost his lover to Writers Itch he chuckled. “why don't you go write while I set up my own little study?” he offered smirking a little as he kissed the others cheek. “oooh this is so exciting! I'm dating the greatest Author in the WORLD!”
Gabriel blushed a little as he slipped out of the bed,dressing quickly." I'm not th greatest author in the world."He said amused before disappearing into his office.Settling in to write. Only walking back out in a few hours, holding a few chapters in his hand, looking nervous as he approached his lover. Blushing slightly as he held them out. Wanting his opinion on the newest book, angel's cage, and how river had finally found someone....well eventually anyways. Who'd ever guess that the pretty little girl he saves, was the savior that everyon needed? "Here..."
Harry blinked, he'd filled his new 'office with paint and canvas and model figures and all sorts of paper and pencils and he had just sat down in a chair, a light sketch on the canvas in front of him, not that you could tell what it was. “what is this?” Harry asked blinking as he accepted the papers, gasping as he realized it was the new book, or the first few chapters anyway, giggling wildly as he began to read. “oh god Gabe! This is going to be your greatest book yet!” he admitted beaming at him before pouting. “you made me a girl...” he complained teasing his lover, smiling at him. “it's wonderful love! And I get to read it before anyone else! I'm going to brag to Hermione! She loves your books too.” he admitted chuckling a little. “unless you'd rather me not tell, I can keep it a secrete if you'd rather.”
Gabe blushed harder at th praise."Oh well.You probably should tell her. Since she and draco are Tiffany and Kira."He said blushing a little at the idea of using his cousin and his wife as the models for river's best friend... because it was true, of anyone, draco was the only one who ever stood steady and beside him before harry."And of course I made you a girl.You're pretty enough."He teased.
he laughed a little and smirked a little. “that's so cool! Is Lucius in there too?” he asked grinning a little. “you know, I always did hate Kira.” he admitted snickering a little as he kissed his lover. “i am pretty aren't I?” he asked smirking a little as he leaned over and kissed the other. “want to watch me paint?” he asked smiling a little at him, his head tilted. “it's kind of boring honestly but I love it.”
He grinned laying on the floor next to harry's chair, laying on his stomach with his journal."I'll lay here and write while you paint. Ohhh maybe you can paint the jacket for my next book. A perfect collaberation for us."He teased leaning over for another kiss as he settled on the ground."Of course Lucius' is in the book.Who do you think Thomas Kyle's based on?"He snickered at the idea of river's hard as nails, bitchy boss.
Harry burst into laughter and nodded. “and the ever so adorable Lady Milly must be Narcissa then?” he asked smiling as he thought of Thomas Kyles ever adoring wife who brought cookies into the office whenever Thomas wasn't looking to give the men, and River especially, a boost. He chuckled a little as he grabbed a pad of paper, running a quick sketch and showing it to his lover, a picture of a crying woman, feathers falling from the sky, with her hands outstretched to the sky as if trying to reach for someone. “hows that look?” he asked smirking a little. He knew he was a good artist, he was just way to embarrassed to admit it.
Gabe grinned looking at it, stealing a kiss as he wrapped his arms around him."It's perfect."He said cuddling against him, nuzzling his neck. Snorting laughing,"Love, it is aunty, but I'm sure she'd be insulted at the idea she was such a adoring house wife who stooped to delivering cookiese herself."Not that it wasnt 'true, she did bring cookies to him, it just didn't happen alot.
he laughed a little and shook his head a little. “i won't tell Lucius or Narcissa, or even Draco.” he promised snickering a little as he kissed his lovers forehead, smiling as he took the pad of paper back and took his colored pencils and started to color it in, pausing then. “sorry hold on,” he muttered steeling his book. “can't remember her eye color..” he grumbled checking the writing before handing it back to him and continuing to color the picture, smiling as he used dark colors for the back ground, making the feathers glow like snow and making the new main character as beautiful as he could manage, smirking a little. “there, hows that?” he asked handing it back to Gabe once he'd finished. “i think she looks perfect.” he purred, pleased with himself.
Gabe smiled kissing him gently, "It is.Perfect.Lovely."He said running his fingers through harry's hair, leaning back and looking up at him."Lovely, you'll go with me tomorrow to my editor wont you?"He asked."Lucius sent a letter a little while ago saying he expected us to be in court tomorrow, for the hearing. Wants to see if he can get the case tossed out before it gets to far. But after that, we can go to the editors."
he smiled a little and shook his head a little. “i don't want the case tossed out.” he admitted. “i want to drag it on, and on, and on, and slowly over time reveal more, and more, and more about the evil, vile bastard.” he smirked darkly. “i ant to drag him through the mud so long that he drowns in it!” he paused. “but I'll talk to Lucius about it tonight.” he decided smiling a little. “and i'd be glad to go to the publishers with you tomorrow.” he agreed chuckling a little. “you haven't finished the book already have you!? Gimme gimme gimme I wanna read it!”
Gabriel smirked like always, he had sat down and wrote it all, all it required was some editing and smoothing out here and there. but it was done. Grinning as he handled the book over he stretched out next to him,"Ah well, lucius would love that even more. He was just going to toss it out, because he was worried about us, not making dumbledore look bad."Knowing that even if his uncle wouldn't say it, and his support of voldemort proved he respected no one except a chosen few, he was worried about them, and had wanted to protect them the only way he could. By ending the case quickly. Pouting as he watched his lover take the book, laying on his stomach."upstaged by my book...I see how it is."
Harry grinned a little as he shook his head. “the more public this is the more pleased I am.” he admitted with a chuckle as he wrote a quick letter to Lucius, basically stating what he'd told Gabe, and used Gabe's owl to send it to Lucius before he curled up and began to read, smirking a little. “nope, upstaged by Bell St. Claire.” he teased snickering as he turned a page and continued to read, refusing to be distracted until he finished, sniffling as he wiped a tear away smiling at Gabe. “oh Gabe that was a perfect ending!” he chirped wrapping his arms around the others shoulders and kissing him hard. He loved how the girl 'Angela' almost died trying to save everyone, and when she woke River was there with a bundle of flowers a box of chocolates and an invitation to be his partner, in more ways than one. It tickled Harry pink and he beamed at his lover. “your such an amazing author.”
River grinned at him, glowing under the praise. Looking amused as he studied his lover."Hmm. I should be.I spent enough time writing."He said blushing a little before smirking."Just think, you're the first person to read this. AND you'll get to be in every novel after this. Cause really, angela's not going anywhere. She's amusing and cute."
Harry snickered a little and kissed the other grinning happily. “if that was your way of asking me if I'll stay with you forever and ever, that's a yes.” he promised grinning as he gently bit the others lip. “i think Angela needs to be kidnapped in the next book.” he decided grinning a little as he winked at his lover. “or maybe put in a coma, or run over.” he teased laughing a little. “i love that I'm the first person to read this.” he admitted smirking a little. “i want you to autograph ALL of my books too! So I can TORMENT Hermione with the fact that I have AUTOGRAPHED books!”
Gabriel's blush darkened, shuddering a littl at the bite."Hmmm I guess I could sign yours."He muttered blushing." I have to put on th glamor?"He muttered, remembering at last that his book included a picture of 'belladonna', a beautful woman who's looks were somewhere between gabriel and his mother's. "I could go meet her, so she doesn't feel to bad.Draco'll beat me if we make her cry."He pointed out.
Harry laughed and nodded. “yes! We'll invite her over here for tea and introduce her to 'you'.” he laughed happily. “and when she's finally done gushing and fainting you can inform her that your Gabe and watch her freak out all over again!” he purred snickering a little. “we should give her a copy of your new book too, so she doesn't kill us. Oh that will be funny.” he admitted with a laugh. “besides Draco is a pansy, he couldn't beat up either of us!” he snickered smirking a little as he laid his head on the others shoulder, sighing softly with a smirk. “tomorrow is going to be fun. You'll be there with me during court right?”
"Wild thresals couldn't pull me away."He said pressing a kiss to his head,"And I'll write a invite for hermione before we go, invite her to dinner tomorrow night."He decided yawning, closing his eyes."Now. Go to sleep love, we have a busy and amusing day tomorrow."He said wanting to sleep himself more then he wanted sex. He wanted to cuddle and be contnt and for once, didn't feel the desperate need to sex up his lover. He just guessed that he was just getting used to having someone with him all the time, and reassured that he didnt need to please harry so much that he wanted to stay. He was starting to believe that yes, harry just wanted to stay with him.
Harry smiled as he snuggled into the other, sighing softly as he kissed the others temple, smiling. “mmm god your just so... perfect.” he teased happily, chuckling a little as he snuggled down and went to sleep. And in the morning he was up before Gabe, a few hours before Gabe and he walked in when Gabe was just waking up, covered in paint. “morning love.” he purred smiling at Gabe. “i'm going to take a shower before court, want to join me?” he offered grinning a little. “or if you'd rather I have a hot breakfast waiting for you downstairs.” he admitted grinning. “and I've locked my Art room so you can't see what I've been up to so don't even bother trying.” he teased, well aware that Gabe would try, but he would fail, no one could break Harry's locking spells.
Gabe pouted sitting up."Nooo!Its not nice to paint me naked without my consent."he whined hopping out of bed wrapping his arms around the other, nuzzling his neck. Pressing a kiss to his skin,"Go shower.I want breakfast first!"He said biting down a little before cuddlign him. "Go!"He ordered puling away from him heading for the door.
Harry laughed a little and smirked. “how did you know what I was doing!?” he demanded chuckling a little as he headed away and into the shower, cleaning himself up carefully and dressing himself up carefully in a suit so that he looked as best as he could, making sure to let himself look rather weak and scared for a moment, for when the Dursley's where pulled on stage someday, probably not today, but he didn't doubt that Dumbledore would be there. Harry intended on making the man look as bad as possible, even if harry had to admit to things he didn't really want to admit to.
"Harry!I want to see the picture!"Gabe whined as he walked into the bathroom. His lover had taken to long so he'd come in. Looking spiffy and handsome himself. A strong protector to his weaker half....yes even without knowing what harry had planned, he'd dressed with care, because he knew that he would need to make sure dumbledore thought twice before attacking him."Love you ready to go?"He asked ruffling his hair
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “no, it's not done yet.” he stated calmly kissing his lover. “i'm ready.” he promised smiling a little looking a ,little afraid, no matter that he knew he was going to win, there was going to be a lot of information that Harry just didn't want revealed. “Gabe... I need to talk to you first.” he admitted softly. “there's... some stuff that you don't know, that Dumbledore might bring to light just to hurt me.” he admitted softly, swallowing hard. “i... I was, hooked on drugs for a while... Dumbledore was trying to control me and he had me addicted to crack...” he admitted softly, his eyes on his hands. “and he... he had people rape me.” he admitted softly. “a lot... from when I was fourteen to the day I left the school a few months ago.” he admitted his voice hoarse. “he made me k..kill someone...” he admitted his voice barley above a whisper now. “and he would lock me in a small room.. like my closet back at the muggles place... it was dark, and I couldn't stand up...” he closed his eyes. “he's going to bring these up when he starts losing, because he knows I don't want people to know...” he admitted closing his eyes. “i..i thought you should know before we went in, so you wouldn't be...shocked...” it hurt him to admit to the horrid abuse, but he knew if he didn't tell Gabe now, he would find out later and probably be upset.
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