Living Life

Harry looked surprised at the compliment and then smirked as he nodded to Lucius. “yes, well someone has to how him who's boss, and it certainly isn't him.” he admitted sipping at some water as he ate his dinner, Draco rolling his eyes. “so you can be nice to my father but you can't be nice to me?” “of course, your father can be a decent human being if he's blackmailed into it, your just a poncy git.” Harry stated simply smirking as Draco sputtered with indignation, Harry chuckling a little. It felt good to spar with Draco again.
Gabriel snickered, looking at his cousin."He is a pouncy git isn't he?Despite being married." Hermione sighed shaking her head as she ate."He's not that bad you to." "....he redecorated my house.Perfectly.Someone asked me if my wife did it."Gabriel said seriously, relaxing. Working around,trying to figure out how to ask lucius. Lucius sighed, shaking his head at the boys arguing, it was no use to tell them to stop."Harry, Gabriel, Dumbledore knows you're staying with Gabriel...or at least suspects strongly enough he has people looking out for gabriel by himself."
Harry snickered a little and winked at Hermione, shaking his head a little before he snarled viciously at the thought of Dumbledore hunting down Gabriel. “over my dead body is that fat old fart EVER getting his hands on my loved ones again!” Harry snarled, actual fury in his eyes Draco looking rather frightened of Harry, Narcissa pressing a hand to her mouth in fright as she studied Harry who blushed. “er....sorry...” Harry muttered calming down, eyes that had gone red closing to force himself to calm down, swallowing thickly. “Gabe your not to go anywhere without someone with you ok? Please promise me...” he muttered, worried about the other as he took the others hand. “even if it's Draco or Lucius... just don't go out alone.. I can't lose someone else...”
Gabe growled,disliking the order, but nodding slightly."If you wish.."He said looking at harry,gently setting a hand on his arm. Lucius looked shocked at the display, before chuckling."Who would have ever thought a potter would be that protective of a black. And thank you, for the rousing endearment to my company"he said mostly to himself before shaking his head."Even dumbledore would think twice about taking on Belladonna's son. Hopefully that along with the lawsuit against harry, will keep him busy until we can figure out how to get rid of him."
Harry smiled, relaxing as he laid his head on the others shoulder, looking relieved. “thank you.” he muttered before smirking at Lucius. “i'm possessive of the things that are mine.” he teased smirking at Gabe. “even if they think I belong to them.” he gave Gabe a small kiss and shook his head. “that idiot really thinks he can sue me?” he demanded lifting an eyebrow. “well, I'll have to get myself a good lawyer then, know anyone Lucius?” he asked smirking at the blond, as if he was hoping Lucius himself might be willing to speak for Harry, or at least get someone who was as high up on the social ladder as Lucius was.
Lucius looked thoughtful as he leaned back in his chair. Gabe snickered looking at his uncle."Oh come off it. You know you're going to defend him. Just say it and get it over with." Herione laughed softly it wasn't often one found someone willing to get in lucius malfoy's face about something. Lucius looked slightly amused as he looked at his nephew before nodding."He does.And I will be defending you....if only because gabriel will never let me hear the end of it. And, I do enjoy making dumbledore look like a fool."
Harry chuckled a little. “it won't be that hard, I already have all the information against him.” he admitted with a small smirk. “official documents and everything, including all of the 'transactions' out of bank vaults I didn't even know existed.” he admitted shaking his head. “not to mention my own memories of being held prisoner in an abusive house, he actually constructed a BARRIER that I couldn't get through!” he admitted shaking his head. “after this lawsuit, I'll be filing my own, against him for the money he stole and the emotional distress he's caused against me. I;ll bleed him of his power, of every last knut in his pocket and bank accounts, and then, I'll take his very place in wizarding society.” well wasn't harry a viscous little brute?
Hermione laughed quietly, looking at them all."It's amazing you don't get along with Lucius sound like him when he's on a revenge kick." Gabe laughed nodding as he looked at his uncle, who was looking mildly disturbed at the idea that a wizard,even dumbledore, the loathsome creatue he was, could treat a child like that."Ah well, uncle never could stand anyone who was cuter then he was." "W-what?That's not what I didn't like about him!"Lucius sputtered a little, looking shocked, having a few minutes having been considering his lawsuit case instead of what they were talking about
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head. “i didn't like Lucius because he very nearly got Ginny killed. How was I supposed to know she was trying to rape Draco?” Harry asked simply. “and that Arthur was Blackmailing Lucius? I didn't, which is why Lucius didn't like me. I was an uppity little half blood who had no idea what he was doing, and had an Ego the size of Hogwarts itself even though he was nothing more than a pawn.” he smirked a little. “though I AM a lot more adorable than Lucius.” he admitted with a small snicker. “in any case Hermione..” he looked sad now. “he killed Hedwig, just to prove a point to me... now, I shall make my own.”
Hermione looked startled at the news, a dark look crossing her face. No wonder she got along with Draco, they were both vengenful when goaded into action even if it took alot to get them truly pissed beyond surface temper."that-that bastard!And ron!What in the world is he thinking!?Confronting you in diagon alley." "He''s a weasley. He's not born with a brain to think with."Gabriel sighed,finishing his food, smiling slightly."but harry, we should be going.uncle's not goign to be fit company now that you've given him something to think about, and I'm sure we interrupted a romantic evening for draco and hermione."He said looking at his cousin.
Harry smiled at her a little, shaking his head a little. “Ron never did have much of a brain, at least he had the intelligence to run away, he insulted almost all of Diagon Alley while he was trying to face off with me.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “thank you for assisting me in this Lucius, it's really going to twist Dumbledore into Knots seeing me with you at my side.” he admitted with a smirk. “i think I might enjoy this more than I really should.” he admitted with a snicker before smiling at Hermione. “i'm glad that your Happy Hermione.” he stated smiling a little. “i hope you and Draco can be happy for a good long time. I'd say until death do you part but we all know Draco's too vain, he'll off himself at the first wrinkle.” “get out of my house MEAN old bastard!” Draco ordered, though he couldn't keep the laughter out of his voice, Harry laughing as well as he kissed Gabe's cheek. “lets go home and screw love, I'm feeling positively horny after all of this. Oh! You had something to ask Lucius didn't you? Good do that, I need to talk to Draco about how best to decorate the manor.”
Hermione snickered,"You're going to end up in a houseful of slytherin colors."she said getting up, looping a arm through harry's pulling him with her as her and draco and harry left the dining room to look at the manor's decorations. Gabe sighed quietly watching them go, before looking at his uncle."I need my mother's things."He said quietly knowing there had to be something mroe he could do, before getting up and leaving without a answer, knowing narcissa woud see that they got sent to his manor. Smiling a little as he heard harry and draco discussing decorations."I want slytherin colors."He whined.
Harry snorted. “i'm actually hoping to combine the slytherin and Gryffindor colors, but they sort of clash on their own, which is why I need Draco's help.” Harry admitted chuckling a little. “i was going to go with black and red for colors, with silver trim but Gabe started picking up green things and I just couldn't have that.” he admitted chuckling as he crossed his arms, glancing over at the three Slytherin's still at the dinner table as Narcissa gasped in astonishment. “what on earth do you need them for? I thought you denied your dark past?” she asked her head tilted at him, looking worried and hopeful at the same time. “are you reclaiming your birthright?”
Gabriel looked thoughtful, inspecting his fingernails as if he wasn't acutely aware of her hopefullness. "I did, and I am."He smirked a little. "If I want Dumbledore to leave me alone, I figured I better do it as Belladonna's son, instead of phedre's."His smirk widened, because despite his fighting with phedre, he had long thought of her as his mother, had followed the rules she set for him, and tried so hard to be good. Now....well, he was ready to be the son he was supposed to be. Which meant starting with his mother's journals and grimores.
she stared at him, shocked and amazed, brightening a little. “are you going to Join Voldemort!?” she asked, even more hopeful now as she stood up and ordered a house elf to get the Balladonna things and to send them to Gabriel's estate, since she didn't know where he was staying and assumed he wouldn't tell her. “they'll be there by the time you get there.” she promised wrapping him in a tight hug. “welcome back Gabriel.” she murmured smiling happily. “Welcome back.”
Gabriel smiled slightly, shaking his head."I'm not joining Voldmort, I'm just making sure they'll think twice about attacking harry with me there."He said pressing a kiss to her cheek as he stepped back,"It's good to be back aunty..But we should be going.Draco and harry aren't to be trusted together."he muttered,already feeling better at accepting himself fully.
Narcissa blinked a little and shook her head a little, looking a little disappointed but smiling at him. “well I hope you and Harry are happy together. And I think their both plotting against you right now.” she admitted giggling as she indicated Harry and Draco who had their heads bent close together, whispering furiously, never a good sign
Gabriel pouted as he walked over,tapping his lover on the shoulder as he looked down at him."Love, what are you two planning?"He whined. Hermione laughed lookign up at her cousin in law, looking amused."Just the downfall of the world as we know it."She said seriously, giggling.
Harry laughed a little and smirked at Gabe. “it's a surprise.” he teased kissing the other. “now come along love, we have unpacking to do.” he teased smirking a little. “we need to see how Dobby is handling the other elves. And make sure their not throwing out anything important. Thank you for having us for Dinner Draco, Lord and Lady Malfoy.” he stated smiling at them and offering them a polite bow.
Lucius nodded slightly."I'll send you a letter, when the court date will be."He said tilting his head, already not paying attention, already planning the case.

Gabe laughed hugging everyone goodbye before apparating back to the manor, laughing as he looked around the frnt hall that was well piled with their shopping things."We might have gone overboard."He said looking at harry as the other arrived.
Harry snickered as he shook his head. “nah.” he purred grinning as he looked around the house. “damn Gabe look at this! They got the whole house clean! They even started painting over the old crappy walls!” it was all white, to hide the ugly walls until they picked out colors, but Harry was seriously impressed. “is Master Harry Potter pleased?” Dobby asked Harry grinning. “please!? Dobby I'm downright impressed! Gather all the House Elves into the dining room please.” he ordered simply Dobby nodding as he vanished to gather the others as Harry smirked a little. “i did promise them a reward.” he stated chuckling as he walked into the dining hall and waved his hand to silence them, informing them that they had all done a very wonderful job, and gave them each three galleons to do with whatever they wanted. Three of them fainted right then and there, and another five did when Harry gave them the rest of the night off, most of them where sobbing in joy. “we'll worry about unpacking our shopping in the morning.” Harry decided grinning a little. “come on Gabe, I have other plans for you.”
"Other plans?Like what?What did you plan with draco?"He said looking supicious at his lover as he followed harry up to their bedroom, looking around as he started undressing."Harry, I think you gave some of them heart attacks. We might have to get new elves."He said sounding amused at the idea. It was very odd to find a wizard who was so genroues with the elves, and gabriel was enjoying the shock that it caused.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head. “calm down Love we where planning Pranks against Ron and Dumbledork.” he explained smiling as he shed his clothes. “and I was considering the possibility of forcing you into a dress.” he admitted smirking. “but Draco convinced me it wasn't worth it.” he admitted kissing the other and snuggling into him, running his hands down the others belly. “besides, if one is nice to the help, then their as loyal as Dobby is later on, and Dobby's saved my life more than once you know.”
"Hmmm I know.Draco howled about it for weeks,how it was unfair everyone loved you."He snickered a little, shuddering slightly at harry's touch, flopping down on the bed with a sigh, smiling at him."Hmmm I look good in a dress.Amazing in heels to."he snickered.
Harry laughed. “Draco!? You should have heard Lucius when I tricked him into freeing Dobby!” he admitted laughing a little. “the man tried to kill me right then and there.” he admitted with a small snicker. “dobby blasted him down the stairs. I'm amazed that he even talked to me today instead of just trying to kill me, especially after the Graveyard and the ministry affairs.” he admitted snickering a little. “i would pay to see you in a mini skirt and heals.” he admitted growling lustfully.
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