Living Life

Harry laughed a little and nodded. “and with all the publicity Phedre wouldn't dare attack you, not without attracting a shit load of attention on her. Attention that would be very bad for her.” he admitted, watching as Sersin ripped apart the curtains, simply setting the Doxie's ablaze with Fiery wings as he ripped apart their home. “alright, I'll order twenty for now.” he decided smirking a little as he filled out an order and sent it to the House Elf Firm through the Floo. As soon as they had his money and the papers twenty Cracks filled the air and twenty house elves bowed Low to Harry. “good evening.” Harry stated examining his house elves. “i have a very important job for all of you to do today. This house, needs serious cleaning and maintenance. All the Dark things you find are to go into this Sack, it's bottomless.” he stated tossing the sack he pulled out of his pocket to the nearest elf. “get to work then. You'll all be rewarded at the end of the day if I think you got far enough.” Harry stated simply several of the elves looking shocked at the word 'reward' before they all vanished to start cleaning, eager for a reward...whatever that was.

“heh. Come on Gabe, lets go shopping, we're going to need new furniture, some paint, new lights, carpets, the likes.” he smirked at the other. “i'm going to instruct the elves to throw all the old stuff out. Oh! Before I forget. Dobby!” he called, the house elf appearing. “yes harry potter sir!?” “Dobby I need you to keep an eye on all of these house elves and help them get everything done, and I want you to put everything from the order into a pile in the living room, throw out all the old furniture unless it's rare or valuable and in good condition and pile all of them in the attic for now. Can you do this?” “Yes sir Harry Potter Sir Dobby can do this!” “good lad Dobby. Me and Gabe are going out for supplies, make sure Sersin doesn't eat anyone would you?” Dobby nodded furiously and Harry smirked. “we'll be back tonight then Dobby.”
Gabe laughed quietly as he wrapped his arms around Harry, pressing a kiss to his head."You have the most interesting people around you.That elf is a menace."He said smirking slightly, having met dobby the one time he'd ever designed to visit malfoy manor....he was pretty sure his stuffed green dragon would never recover from the trauma...not that he was ever going to tell harry that yes, he still had his childhood stuffed animal. Smirking slightly wider as he apparated them to digaon alley he looked around excitedly, nearly wigglign like a happy puppy. He loved shopping, and they were moving into a new place. It was going to be so much fun."So. What do you want to buy first?Paintings?Furniture?Decidely dark things that absolutely have a place in the house of black?"He said looking well beaming really at harry. The usual dour man truly lighting up at the idea of not only shopping but phedre being put off by the public attention.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head. “i like Dobby, he's very unique.” he admitted with a chuckle. “and he's very loyal to me ever since I freed him from Lucius.” he admitted nodding a little. “we should start by choosing a color scheme and then we'll get the furniture, and then the carpets. We'll pick up anything interesting we find on the way, hows that sound?” he asked grinning a little as he shook his head. “Bellatrix is going to be super pissed when she realizes that I own the house.” he paused then. “hmm, you know, I think Kreecher might like you more than he dos me, I think I might transfer ownership over to you, at least then he might behave a little.”
"Kreacher?"Gabe asked bemused as they walked into the furniture store, loooking around. not really looking for colors and such yet, just seeing what there was. "Bellatrix can go take a piss in the wind...then fall off a mountain. Azkaban really wasn't kind to her."he said bemused as he looked at his lover, "Now. You know what we need though?A cat tower housing thing. Something for sersin to climb all over."
Harry laughed a little as he shook his head. “now now be nice.” he teased smirking a little. “Bellatrix should die slower than that.” he stated. “she did kill the last of my family after all.” he pointed out as he examined an expensive chair, pondering the color and shaking his head. “too light colored, we need darker colors, like rosewood or dark oak or something.” he decided glancing at Gabe with a smirk. “Kreacher is Mrs. Blacks old elf, he's crazier than she was and he hates me to death. He might like you a little more.” he admitted with a small chuckle “oooh Gabe look at this table!” he demanded stroking a large Celtic pattern burned elegantly into a table. “i want this one!”
Gabe laughed softly, "Then we shall have it."He said summoning one of the store keepers with a elegant wave of his hand, sneer firmly in place. It just wouldn't do for people to think he was nice sometimes."We shall take one of these tables. And the matching chairs, and small sitting table."He said looking around before pointing to the china cabinet."And two of those."He said knowing that one would be good for the dishes, but he'd so use one of them for potions things."You knwo what we need? A work bench. Something to handle the abuse of cleaning weapons, but not something big."
Harry chuckled as he shook his head. “Gabe be nice!” he ordered smiling a little as he paid the woman, with a tip for not flinching in terror when Gabe sneered at her. 'we're going to need a full set of silver, crystal, and gold plate ware.” he ordered the woman nodding. “anything else sir?” “not yet, we're still planning the rest of the house, we need to look around some more.” “yes sir, shall I put all of this on a tab until your finished?” she asked, Harry nodding. “yes, that sounds good, thank you.” he chirped smiling a little as he headed into the bedding area, his head tilted a little. “what kind of bed do you like?”
"A fluffy one."The black heir supplied with a smile, following behind the man with a sigh.Sulking at being told to behave and be nice."I want one of those really big, really old fashioned beds.Something that I could spend a whole day sleeping in."He said smiling as he wrapped a arm around Gabe's waist, walking with him as he looked around
Harry laughed a little and nodded as he looked around at the old fashioned four poster beds, one in dark wood, stained even darker with thick heavy black hangings marked with intricate designs, thick enough that it blocked out all of the sun, a small candle holder above the headboard to provide light when they wanted to do something. The bed, and the blankets that came with it thick and luxurious and full Harry grinning as he sat down on it. “how about this one?” he teased chuckling a little. “it's super soft.” he purred snuggling into the bed. “oh I could lay in this for ever..”
Gabe grinned as he laid down,wrapping himself around the other, pressing a kiss to his neck,sighing as he rocked into him a little."Ohh we might have to test it out before we decide."He said with a perverted grin nuzzling the man with a smile. Almost certain he wouldn't go for it, but it was so nice to watch him blush.
Harry moaned softly and went bright red. “no we will NOT!” he protested several people turning to blink at them, startled by Harry's statement, Harry blushing even more as he smacked Gabe in the belly as he waved the saleswoman over. “add this bed to my tab too please.” “yes sir.” she agreed. “would you like the matching bedroom set? It comes complete with two armchairs, rug, dressers, bed trunk, and a love seat.” Harry pondered that and then nodded. “yes, and a matching carpet too if you have one.” “yes sir.” she chirped beaming at him. With Harry there she knew she was going to make a shit load of money, she was more than happy to tally up everything fairly, and even give them a little discount. Because she had a feeling he would be back more than enough times to keep her going for several dozen years.
Gabe rolled on his back, whining as he got smacked, laying his head back on the pillow as he smiled happily up at the sales girl. For once letting the icy mask drop, and showing the drama queen he really was."And!And I want a cat tower. We have a pet chimera, she needs something to climb on.Do you have something like that?"He said, smiling that devastating smile that usually had both genders panting after him.
she blushed hard at him and nodded a little. “we...we have several styles... over there...” “the biggest one.” Harry stated calmly glaring at Brax, smacking Gabe again. “behave!” he ordered smirking a little as the woman stuttered that the biggest one was big enough that it could fill an entire room, Harry nodding. “i am aware of that, don't worry I plan on turning the ballroom into Sersin's room, it will fit.” “yes sir.” she stuttered adding the cat castle to her list as Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “lets see... what else? AH! Living room! We need couches and stuff.” he decided nodding smirking at his lover. “and then what else? Kitchen I think...”
Gabe grinned brightly getting to his feet, following the other into the other half of the store, looking around,before pointing to the dark fabric and dark wooden couches that would be perfect."there. That'll be perfect. And the table that goes with it. We dont want a big table for the kitchen,but one thats big enoough for us."he said wisely before looking at the girl."can you think of anything we might be missing?"He asked more relaxed with her then he usually was with strangers. After all harry'd demanded he behave, and he could. He just...flirted when he was behaving well.
Harry snorted a little as the woman nodded and wrote down those orders too, pondering a little. “guest room?” she suggested. “and dining hall? For parties if your into that sort of thing.” harry nodded. “we're going to need a big table, do you have a long one with the same Celtic image as the one we fist picked up?” she nodded. “we have one that can seat up to thirty...” “that's perfect add that one too.” Harry ordered smirking at Gabe shaking his head. “and do you have library furnishings Mister potter?” she asked her head tilted Harry pausing then shaking his head. “well, no I guess not.” he admitted. “tell you what, you've seen the basic color scheme? Why don't you find items you think we might like and send those as well.” he decided the woman hesitating. “money's no issue we both have plenty of it.” he promised the woman frowning before nodding. “very well, I can send you anything you might need.” she promised. “if you make a list of all the homes in your house, I can try to properly equip them.” she decided Harry nodding. “send what we've already ordered to this address. When I get home I'll make a list of anything else we might need, and all the rooms.” he decided, feeling bored with shopping to furniture and wanting to move on to the decorations.
Gabe snickered looking at the woman, smiling a little."Ignore him.He bores easily.I'd also like furnishing for Belladonna Manor, in the same color scheme.Send them to his house though.I'll see to them."He said sounding amused tossing a bag of gold to her."Thats your comission. We'll pay the rest off when you get everything picked out."He said heading for the door, already eager to see what their shopping, what their rumors would be when someone realized they were actually living together and not just talking.
Harry chuckled a little as he nodded. “i do get bored easily.” he admitted chuckling a little. “thank you for the help Ma'am.” he chirped nodding to her before he smirked at Gabe, wrapping his arms around the others waist. “i think we should have the elves fix up the Belladonna Manor, it's a shame to let the fire ruin such an elegant place.” he admitted smirking a little. “don't you think?” he asked his head tilted a little. “let's go pick out the decorations, oh and the yard too! We need a good Garden, one that would put even Lucius's to shame!”
Gabe snorted thinking about it, making a mental note to send a gloating letter to his friend. Harassing draco was so much fun.Espcially since both of them were sons of dark fathers, and wanted nothing to do with their legacies, they understood each other. "You want to put peacocks in the manor?I still swear lucius is overcompenstating for something, no mattre what draco says."he said grinning as they walked into the all around boutique, hopefully they'd have some good decorations.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “no, not peacocks, that's just ridiculous.” he teased shaking his head a little. “and Lucius is overcompensating.” he admitted nodding. “the man has no personality at all.” Harry admitted smirking a little. “i was thinking just better flowers, rarer, harder to grow. I'm good at gardening.” he admitted smirking as he looked around. “and when we have everything done I think we should throw a party, people from both sides of the war.” he decided. “try and get some loyal followers of our own.”
"Oh good.Draco'll be thrilled to hear you're hosting a party."He said wisely, snickering a little at the idea of putting htem in a room together. Some things were famus even in germany, and the famed potter/malfoy feud was one of them."Now. Whatever do you want to decorate with?"He said sarting to look through paintings. Wondering just what would look best."You need to paint something good for my office.Short skirt and boots would be nice."He said vaguely, smiling slightly
he chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. “i think some vases and flowers for halls.” he admitted. “paintings too, I think some abstract art and some lake paintings for the everywhere else.” he admitted nodding a little. “lets see... “ his eyebrow twitched. “i am NOT painting you something of me in sexy lingerie for your office!” he growled scowling at him, several people around them gaping. “.... now look what you made me do you lechers old pervert!”
"Whoever said it was going to be of you?It's a well known fact I'm friends with the ever so pretty, Draco Malfoy."He mused, not at all looking scolded for making harry say it. Looking more amused as he tugged out a few abstracts and lake paintings, before looking around for the vases.
Harry growled at him and punched him in the arm, sulking at him. “i'm not painting Draco either you old bastard!” he complained, though he sounded amused he was struggling to scowl at the other before he huffed and stalked off, chuckling a little to himself as he examined some flower pots, his head tilted. “i think we need some of these silver ones.”
Gabe whined rubbing his shoulder."Harry!That hurt!"He said sulking a little as he followed after the man, a smirk curling his lips as he picked up a matching green one."ooohhhh does that mean we're going for slytherin colors?"He said raising a eyebrow at him, smirking a little.
Harry laughed a little as he rolled his eyes. “well that's what you get.” he teased smirking a little as he scowled at the green vase. “no we are NOT going for slytherin colors! What are we children?” he demanded. “we're going for Silver, Bronze, and gold to add minute splashes of color to the red and black color scheme.” he stated with a sniff, looking as posh as he could manage, which had reduced a few of the other customers to soft giggles at how utterly ridiculous Harry was acting....and looking.
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